Looking For A Rainbow - Book #5 Of Freddie Brenner's Mystical Adventures

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Download & View Looking For A Rainbow - Book #5 Of Freddie Brenner's Mystical Adventures as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 9,264
  • Pages: 24


Looking for a Rainbow by

Kathy J. Forti

© copyright 1984, 2011


Looking for a Rainbow


t was love at first sight. Freddie Brenner pressed his face against the pet store window, as he had every day for the past few weeks. He watched longingly as the little black puppy romped around on its shredded bed of paper. His mind went back to the first time he had wandered into the pet shop. The very day

the puppy had arrived. The owner was trying to put him in his cage and his little body squirmed every which way to break free. “Can I hold him?” Freddie had spoken up, wanting to save the little dog. Freddie hated to see animals caged up. They always looked so sad. “Sure,” the owner said. “Better hold onto him. This one has a mind of his own.” From the moment Freddie took him into his arms it was like two old friends being reunited after a long separation. The little dog immediately wrapped its tiny paws around Freddie’s neck and started slobbering his face with grateful kisses. After that, the pet storeowner had one hell of a time separating the two of them. Freddie Brenner was determined to make that little dog his no matter what. “Just one more day, fella, and you’ll be all mine,” he whispered against the glass window. The watery, black eyes seemed to understand as the dog scratched against the window trying to reach him. “Got to go now or I’ll be late for school. But come tomorrow, I’ll get you out of this here prison and you’ll be a free dog at last. Hang in there little buddy.” Freddie glanced at his watch. It was hard tearing himself away from the sight of that wet little nose pressed up against the glass. How he wanted that dog. It had been all he could talk about for the last few weeks. Everyone knew how he’d been saving to buy the little animal. It got to be a joke with his friends that instead of saying, “I’ll meet you at the corner of Elm and Waverly,” they’d say instead “I’ll meet you by Freddie’s dog.” Freddie laughed when he thought about it. Yes, everyone sure knew how he wanted this dog. But buying a dog from a pet store these days wasn’t cheap. It would take all of Freddie’s paper route savings and, of course, the money his dad had promised to chip in if he made the grade on his report card. And today was that day. Report cards would be passed out this afternoon at the end of last period.


He knew he was just going to have to wait until then to find out whether he had come through with flying colors. History class had been a real killer for him. He was terrible at memorizing facts and dates. His other grades, like math and science, didn’t worry him a bit. He could ace those with his eyes closed. All in all he had to admit he was a pretty good student. Maybe he’d even be on the honor roll if he wasn’t so lousy in the history department. Freddie had really been trying his best all semester, but as far as he was concerned, who cared when a bunch of crazy Americans threw tea into the Boston Harbor. He was going to be an architect when he grew up—not some geek historian. His dad had promised to give him reward money to buy the puppy if he passed history. That had been enough to make Freddie study just a little bit harder. Lately, his brother Michael had been studying like a fiend. If his report card was also good, Michael would be able to get new tropical fish for his tank. Michael was into fish. Freddie was obviously into dogs. After all, you couldn’t teach fish new tricks and who ever heard of taking your fish for a walk? Besides, half of Michael’s fish usually landed up in the toilet doing the dead man’s float. It was pretty disgusting. Dogs seemed to be a better investment. Freddie knew he’d have his dog to keep him company for a long time to come. And so every night he’d watch his brother lock himself in his room, religiously doing his homework and making Freddie feel just a little bit guilty if he spent any less time hitting his own books. If only his parents had been out of town the night of Parent/Teacher Conference at school. But as luck would have it, they hadn’t been and now he had all this pressure on him to be a perfect student in everything. He figured his teacher must have laid it on real thick to his parents. She’d probably told them their son was being lazy or something. Or that he wasn’t “applying” himself. Teachers liked to use that term—“He’s not applying himself.” Well, it probably looked that way to her, especially since all his other grades proved he was no dummy. His dad had come home that night and laid down the law. Freddie had been grounded and couldn’t go out with his friends until he started showing improvement in history. He wasn’t about to have his social life take a big hit, so he hit the books really hard and “applied himself”. His next test showed a C+ instead of a D. It wasn’t an earth shattering grade by any means but his dad was at least convinced he was trying. After that he was no longer grounded.


But he knew he wasn’t out of hot water just yet. Last week he’d taken the history midterm and it had been the mother of all tests. He wasn’t sure how he had done, but his report card today would spell it out for him. During most of the test, he had found himself thinking about that little black dog. As a result, his mind kept going blank when it came to test answers. That was not a good sign. For all he knew, he might have written down the answer that the Whig Party was a convention of hairdressers. Freddie tried not to think about that right now. He was probably worrying over nothing. There was no way he could have failed. The dog would be his. He was sure of it. “Hey, Freddie,” Willy called out ducking into the classroom just as first bell went off. “When you going to get that dog of yours?” Freddie grinned confidently as he shrugged off his jacket and tossed it on a coat room hook. “I figure tomorrow,” he said taking his seat. “My dad will cough up the money he promised just as soon as he sees how brilliantly I did on my report card.” Willy was just about to ask him something else when Melissa got up in front of the class trying to get everyone’s attention. David Toohey, was standing guard by the classroom door to let them know when Miss Mark, their teacher, was coming. “SShhh! Quiet everyone!” Melissa said loudly. “We don’t have much time before she gets here. So far we’ve collected $34.00 for Miss Mark’s birthday present. As you know, the day after tomorrow is her birthday and we need to raise $6.00 more if we’re going to be able to buy that desk set for her. David’s father can get us a really nice one through his place of work, and cheaper, too! So dig down deep in your pockets and give up that extra candy bar for lunch. Come on now. We can do it! We’re going to make this the best surprise she’s ever had.” Everyone liked Miss Mark. She could be tough at times, but she was pretty fair. For the past week they’d been planning her surprise birthday party, cake and all.

It was sure to

guarantee a no homework day. “Quick, she’s coming!” David called out. Melissa looked quickly towards the door. “Everyone who can—please remember to give your money to David before the end of today so his father can get us that desk set. Don’t forget.” With that, Melissa scrambled to her seat, as did David, just as Miss Mark walked through the door. 5

That particular school day seemed like it would never end for Freddie. The suspense of waiting for his report card was slowly driving him crazy. In his mind he was already designing and building a dog house for his pup. At last the moment he had been waiting for and dreading at the same time had finally arrived. All around the room there was a combined mixture of terror, confidence, excitement and dread as Miss Mark produced the report cards from her briefcase and began passing them out one by one. As she walked down the aisles, depositing the correct one on each person’s desk, her words were encouraging. “Many of you have done extremely well this term. I’ve seen lots of improvement and I’m proud of every one of you. Some of you still need to work a little harder before the year is out and I know you will. If you have any questions regarding your grades or think I haven’t been fair—or that I’ve made some terrible error in grading, I will be happy to discuss it with you after class.” She plopped Freddie’s card down on his desk and moved on. He just stared at it. “Thank God!” came a relieved sigh from Ernie behind him. “She actually took pity on me and gave me a B in English. My mom is going to do back flips when she sees this.” Freddie quickly opened his own, glancing down the column to see that he’d gotten his usual A in Math and B’s and B+s in his other subjects. Then his stomach did a complete lurch. There in letters that seemed to jump off the page was written---History D+. He immediately felt sick inside. He hadn’t completely failed the course, but he might just as well have. Anything that even resembled a “D” in the Brenner house was like the kiss of death. Maybe if she’d given him a C- it wouldn’t look so bad, but a D+? Damn, it had to be a mistake! He felt Ernie leaning over his shoulder to see what Freddie had gotten. “D-day, huh?” Ernie said under his breath seeing the history mark. “You think your dad will still give you the money to buy your dog?” The last bell of the day sounded and no one wasted time lingering. Ernie only stayed long enough to hear Freddie say, “Well, if he doesn’t I’ll find another way to get it. You can bet on that.”


He still felt like he’d been hit over the head with a baseball bat. He felt stunned, still sitting there as the class emptied out. He wasn’t sure what to think or what to do. He couldn’t bear the thought of how disappointed his parents would be with him. Maybe they would even be mad at him for not trying harder. He was sure to be “grounded” again. But worst of all, there was no way in heaven his dad would give him the extra money he needed to buy his dog. His dad always stood by his word. It was highly unlikely Freddie could strike some kind of deal. Even the chance of getting an advance on his next year’s allowance was out of the question. His dad’s answer would be “no way.” Freddie got up from his desk and headed over to Miss Mark who was gathering her things to leave. Maybe he could strike a last minute deal with her instead. She looked up as he approached and before he could even start to lay out his case, she headed him off. “Freddie, I’m sorry I had to give you such a low grade. You’re a good student but your mid-term history score was just not high enough to bring up your grade average. Your essay answers sounded like you’d just been beamed down from another planet and had never heard of the American Revolution. Your mind seems to be somewhere else when it comes to history.” Freddie latched on to that excuse. “You’re right. My mind wasn’t concentrating that day. But I knew the answers. I really did study hard. If I could take a make-up test I just know I’d do a lot better. Please give me another chance.” Miss Mark glanced toward the door where another teacher was waiting for her. “I’m sorry, Freddie. The grade stays the same,” she said firmly. “If you want, I’ll get you some extra help—a tutor perhaps. But you’re really going to have to work a lot harder.” She glanced towards the door again where the other teacher was signaling her to hurry. “I’ve got to go now, Freddie. We can talk about this again tomorrow.” Freddie cursed under his breath as she hurried from the room. How could she do this to him? He was half temped to demand the money back that he’d chipped in for her birthday present. Feeling defeated, he walked over to the coat room and reached for his jacket hanging on the hook where he’d left it. As he did, his foot stepped on something on the floor. Freddie bent down to pick it up and discovered it was a bulky white envelope with a rubber band wound tightly around it. His curiosity got the better of him. He unwrapped it and looked inside. It was filled with one dollar bills and some loose change. Counting it out, it came to exactly $41.67. 7

“That jerk David!” he hissed, realizing where the money had come from. “We entrust him with this much money and he goes and leaves it lying on the floor.” Freddie shook his head. It was the money the class had collected for Miss Mark’s birthday present. David Toohey had been responsible for it, but had dropped it in his hurry to catch the school bus. It was too late to go after him. The bus always left on time. Freddie stuffed the money back in the envelope wondering what to do about it. He didn’t want to be responsible for carrying all that money around and he couldn’t just leave it on the floor either. There was no telling what would happen to it. He smiled. He sure wouldn’t mind having that much money for himself right now. It would cover the extra cost to buy his dog. But he knew it didn’t belong to him. And it wasn’t like finding money on the street. This time he knew who it belonged to. Instead, he went back to his desk and shoved it behind his books where it would be safe until tomorrow when he’d be able to give it back to David. In the mood Freddie was in, he thought it would serve the kid right for his carelessness if he let him sweat out the night wondering where he’d lost it. Freddie headed toward the door, stopped and retraced his steps back to his desk. He grabbed his history book. He didn’t want to add fuel to the fire by not taking it home with him. Things would be bad enough that night once they saw his grade.


When he got home his brother Michael was waving around his report card in the air and reciting out loud all the strange-named fish he was planning to buy. “I saw this really neat Yellow-Tailed Damsel, but I can’t make up my mind if I want him or this really weird looking Lion Fish. What do you think, Freddie?” “Go shove it!’ Freddie muttered. “I don’t think. Ask my teacher.” Michael gave him a weird look. Freddie turned, hunching his shoulders like a monster, and gave him a leering look right back. “I’ve been beamed down from another planet and don’t know Earth history yet. My brain cells need a master transfusion…” Michael only stared at him. “Have you gone crazy or something?” He ran out of the room shouting. “Mom, Freddie’s…..” 8

Freddie darted up the stairs to his room and shut the door. His mother was just the person he wanted to avoid right now. He would try to put off the inevitable just a little while longer. His dad would be home soon. Better to take them both on at once and get it over with. “Freddie?” his mom called up from downstairs. He pretended not to hear her by switching on his stereo. Michael waltzed into the room. “Mom’s on her way up,” he announced over the music. “Terrific!” he mumbled. He turned to his brother with a sudden thought. “Hey, Michael. You got any extra money I can borrow?” “Nope!” Michael stated smugly. “All my money is going to buy new fish.” Freddie’s mom walked into the room just then. Her face was smiling and happy and there was a lightness in her step. She’d obviously had a good day. Too bad he’d soon ruin it for her. “Well, let’s see your report card,” she said all excited. “Michael’s was terrific! Dad’s going to be really proud of him---of both of you, I’m sure.” Freddie wasn’t sure of that at all. He silently handed over his report card. “Freddie, this is very good!” she said reading off each mark. Her face suddenly fell. She didn’t say a word. She looked up at him. It seemed an eternity. “Michael, go downstairs and set the table for dinner,” she quietly instructed. Michael’s eyes lit up guessing what was up. “Freddie got a bad grade, didn’t he? Oh, God, Freddie. I’d sure hate to be in your shoes when dad gets home!” His mother was becoming impatient. “Michael, do as I told you and go downstairs--now!’ Michael hesitated. “And miss all the yelling?” “Michael, there is not going to be any yelling, but there will be if you don’t do as I’ve told you. Now get going!” Freddie was certainly glad to hear there wasn’t going to be any yelling. He sure hoped she was speaking for his dad as well. “Okay, Freddie. What happened? I thought you were doing better than this in history.” “I tried Mom. I really did.” He tried some fast explaining, but his mom wasn’t buying it. When his dad got home that night he tried again. But as luck would have it, he’d had a really bad day at the office and 9

coming home to hear Freddie’s news made the situation worse. Oddly, his dad didn’t yell and he didn’t scream. He just stared at Freddie as if his son had just put a knife in his chest and it was killing him. It was worse than yelling. The silent guilt trip could be even more deadly. It made him feel like he’d let his dad down. Michael immediately stepped into the favorite son slot. He even got a second serving of fudge cake for dessert. He wanted to shout—but what about all my other good grades? But somehow that one D+ had made all the rest meaningless. His father sent him up to his room after dinner to study, what else? The truth was that he was glad to escape. Freddie just sat there for hours thinking about that little black puppy quietly waiting for him to rescue him. Sadly, he knew the dog would have to wait a little bit longer. Maybe if he called up his Aunt Margo, who loved animals, she’d understand and lend him the money for his dog. It was an encouraging thought, but then he remembered his Aunt Margo might be out of town on business. He’d have to call her. It was a sleepless night for Freddie. He tossed and turned continuously. In the morning he felt terrible. His head ached and his throat was sore. He wasn’t running a fever or anything, but his mom made him stay home from school anyway. The house was awfully quiet with his dad at work, his brother at school, and his mom out running errands or whatever. Freddie thought it was as good a time as any to call his Aunt Margo at work and tell her about the dog situation. “She’s in Los Angeles for the week and won’t be back until next Thursday,” her secretary informed him. “Would you like to leave a message?” “No. I guess not,” he said, clearly disappointed. For the rest of the day he moped around the house, watching TV, listening to CDs, watching Michael’s fish swaying their little tails all over the tank. He was bored to tears. His headache and sore throat had miraculously disappeared not long after his mom had decided he could stay home from school. With nothing exciting to do, he would almost prefer being in school right now. By the time school let out for the day, he began wondering why none of his friends had called wanting to find out why he hadn’t been at school. His friends were always calling him about something.


When 4:00 p.m. rolled around, Michael walked through the back door carrying two huge bags of tropical fish. All Freddie heard that night was fish talk. His mother even served it for dinner. “Did you study your history today?” his father asked over dinner. “Yeah, some,” Freddie mumbled. He hadn’t done much more than open his book, glance over a page, then close it again just as quickly. He just felt so restless. Like something big and bad was about to happen and he had no idea what it was. It was an odd sort of feeling, but he hadn’t been able to shake it. It was a feeling Freddie would soon come to understand all too well. For that next morning, a strange thing happened when he got to school. When he called out to his friends Ernie and Willy, he was shocked to see them look at him, shake their heads, and walk away. Freddie was stunned. Now why would his friends ignore him like that? He was even more puzzled when others avoided him like he had some contagious disease or something. For a moment he almost laughed. He hoped Michael hadn’t spread that rumor around again that Freddie had contracted leprosy. He’d pulled that stunt last year. If he’d done something like it again, he’d strangle the little monster. Someone bumped into him, almost knocking him off balance. It annoyed him. He quickly turned to see it was one of is friends. “Hey, Kevin!” he said, his face breaking into a smile. Kevin only gave him the silent treatment. Freddie tried to laugh it off. “Hey. Look, I’m alright. The doctor gave me at least another 50 years to live. No matter what you’ve heard—I’m not sick.” Kevin’s response was cool and distant. “Oh, yeah? Well that’s a matter of opinion. You’re a sicko in my book, Freddie—a real low life.” And with that he turned and walked away. Freddie felt fear race through him. Something was terribly wrong. Something terrible had happened within the last 24 hours and he didn’t have a clue what had brought it about. He suddenly noticed that other kids were looking at him and whispering. He quickly ducked into the washroom, went over to the sink and splashed cold water on his face. His skin felt hot. Behind him he heard a toilet flush and saw Johnny Boykin come out of one of the stalls. Their eyes met in the reflection of the mirror. He saw Johnny look away uncomfortably. 11

Freddie spun around and confronted him. “Johnny, what’s going on? Why is everybody acting so weird towards me?” Johnny always stuttered when he got nervous and right now he looked like he wanted to run from the bathroom. “DDDon’t play dddumb, Freddie! Everyone knnnows why you ddid it!” “Did what?” Freddie impatiently shot back. “You knnnow…” But Freddie didn’t know and Johnny Boykin was out the bathroom door in a flash, leaving it swinging madly on its hinges, before he could find out. Freddie wondered if the whole school had either lost their minds or he’d just stepped into the Twilight Zone. There was only one person he knew who he could always count on to give him a straight answer no matter what—Melissa. He caught up to her as she was going into the classroom, grabbed her arm and quickly pulled her aside. She was somewhat startled, but unlike the others her eyes weren’t accusing and scornful. Melissa was one of those people who’d be your friend through thick and thin, no matter what happened. “Why is everyone treating me like I have the plague? You’ve got to know. Tell me.” She sighed as if it hurt her to even think about it. “Freddie, I didn’t want to believe it. It’s just not like you. But I was there with the others when they found the stolen money hidden in your desk. That money was the classes’ money. Taking it was like personally stealing from every one of us.” Freddie’s mouth dropped open. He’d completely forgotten about the money he’d found on the floor of the coat room. The bell signaled the beginning of first period. He barely noticed Melissa leave him and slip inside the classroom. God, what they must all think of him! Like a man walking to his execution, he turned and walked into class. His attention was temporarily distracted at the sight of pink and white streamers strung all over the room. On Miss Mark’s desk a big birthday cake with pink flowers and white icing spelled out Happy Birthday to the Best Teacher Ever! Everyone was standing up waiting for her. When she finally stepped into the room the whole class burst out singing “Happy Birthday.” From the expression on Miss Mark’s face she looked as if someone had just knocked the socks off her. She was truly surprised. Freddie stood by his own desk and joined in the singing. He was thankful for all the commotion, which served to downplay his own entrance. Everyone 12

clapped at the end of the song and they all took their seats as David Toohey brought forward a big, flat box and a matching smaller package which were both wrapped in bright pink and white paper. The class was quiet as he made a little speech that sounded as if he had been up all night memorizing it. “Come on! Get on with it,” someone shouted out from the back of the room. “Open the gift!” All eyes were on Miss Mark as she carefully unwrapped it. Inside was the most beautiful leather bound desk set with soft, green felt padding. Miss Mark’s eyes immediately lit up at seeing it. She oohed and aahed, and blushed and smiled. It was a real show. In the smaller box was a pen and pencil holder with her name engraved on a small brass plate. Her new accessories now made her desk look like she was some big corporate executive or something. “I can’t thank you all enough,” she gushed out. “It’s the most beautiful gift I’ve ever received and I’ll treasure it always because it came from all of you.” “Yeah, with no thanks to Freddie Brenner!” one boy mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear. For just a second there was an awkward silence in the classroom as everyone turned to stare directly at Freddie. There was this terrible, sick-like feeling in the pit of his stomach—like an animal caught in a trap. He felt his legs quivering and his heart pumping faster. At the front of the room, Miss Mark looked completely baffled. Words suddenly came rushing out of Freddie’s mouth from no where. “It’s a lie! I swear it. I didn’t steal the money!” Everyone in the class started talking at once. He heard angry accusations hurled at him from all directions.

Miss Mark’s voice, loud and clear, cut through the noise demanding

attention. “Is someone going to tell me what’s going on here?” she asked. “Freddie stole the money we collected for your present,” someone spoke up. “And then he went and hid it in his desk! We all found it. Just ask David. He’ll tell you.” Miss Mark looked stricken. Freddie felt like he wanted to die a thousand deaths when she looked at him. She turned to David. “Is this true?” she asked.


He nodded somewhat quietly. “I had the money in my pocket and the next minute I found it gone. It was stolen and Freddie was the one. Otherwise, why would we have found it in his desk?” Freddie quickly jumped to his feet. “I didn’t steal the money. I don’t how it got there!” He wasn’t sure why he didn’t just tell them the whole truth. They probably wouldn’t believe him anyway, which was what he was really afraid of. Would they think he was still lying if he told them that he’d found it and put it there for safekeeping? If only he hadn’t forgotten about it. If only he hadn’t been out sick yesterday. All the evidence pointed to him and they’d already hung him in their minds. Across the room he was startled to hear his friend Kevin say, “Come on, Freddie! Everyone knows how you needed money to buy that dog you wanted!” Melissa finally spoke up. “I don’t believe it. If Freddie intended to spend the money, why was it still in his desk where anyone could find it? And none of it was gone, either.” But the others drowned out her objection. The rest of the day passed like a nightmare. No one would talk to him. He heard whispering behind his back constantly—and laughing. Even Miss Mark avoided looking at him. She’d probably lost all respect for him like everyone else. During last period a note was slipped to him saying, “Who needs money for a dog, Freddie, when you’ve got yourself! Only a real dog like you steals from his own classmates.” It wasn’t signed. Freddie didn’t know how he made it through the day. He wanted to run out of the classroom and hide. He felt close to tears a number of times, but he clenched his teeth and held them back. He was not going to fall apart in front of them. No one would talk to him. No one wanted to be seen with him. By the end of the day he was sure the whole school had heard the terrible news and the story would probably grow with each telling. When school was dismissed for the day, he almost ran from the building taking a longer way home so he wouldn’t run into anyone he knew. He couldn’t bear to hear the bad things they were saying about him.


Without realizing it, he found his steps taking him past the pet store and the promise of seeing his puppy again. The thought made him feel better as he approached the window. But the puppy was not playing in the window and so Freddie went inside to look for him. “Oh, the black one? I sold him yesterday,” the owner informed him. His heart sank at the news. “But I was going to buy him. I told you I’d get the money.” The owner shrugged his shoulders. “Son, I’m in business to make a living. When I see money in my hand, then that person’s got a deal. Somebody just beat you to it. Sorry, but that’s the way it is.” Freddie couldn’t bear to hear another word. He turned and walked out of the shop—his steps heavier than ever before. It felt like he was suddenly carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders and it was killing him. No sooner did he reach home than his mother was waiting for him by the door. Her face had a really strange look about it--so strange that it almost frightened him. “Freddie,” she said. “I just got a call from your school counselor.” He knew what was coming. Today the whole school would have heard about the money--tomorrow the world. He didn’t even hear half of what his mom was saying. He felt numb, like he’d just been hit by a truck which was turning around to hit him again and finish him off. “What were you thinking, Freddie?” he heard his mom say. “I just can’t believe what they told me. Just wait until your dad hears about this.” “I didn’t steal it, Mom,” he said quietly, but she wasn’t listening. “Go to your room, Freddie! When your dad comes home we’ll talk it over.” As he left the kitchen, he heard a small sob escape her lips as if he had brought total shame and ruin upon the whole family and nothing would ever be the same again. He flopped down on his bed and stared up at the ceiling feeling as if his life was slowly coming apart. How could he face anyone ever again? He felt like a total failure. Nothing he did seemed to be right. It would probably only get worse. He knew he had to escape from all this. He wanted to run and keep on running from the whole terrible mess. Run to a new state, change his name and find a place where no one would know him and where he could start again. Maybe he could find a job or something in this new place. He knew he was a hard worker. He was sure someone would hire him and he’d be able to take care of himself. 15

Freddie got to his feet and went to the closet for his backpack. He’d have to leave behind a lot of his things. There wouldn’t be room for all his stuff where he was going--wherever that was. In no time his backpack was stuffed with clothes, flashlight, a pen knife, some matches, compass, a smashed protein bar, and whatever else he could cram inside to help him survive. He stopped, looked around his room for the last time, and wondered if he should leave a note. In his desk drawer he found a note pad and quickly scribbled: YOU’LL PROBABLY ALL BE HAPPIER WITHOUT ME.—FREDDIE It wasn’t much of a goodbye note, but it was all he could think of saying right now. He grabbed up his bulging backpack, went over to the window, opened it, and quietly lowered himself down the tree outside his window. It was a little difficult with all his gear, but it was the only way out. He would have liked to have taken his bike, but he knew his mom would probably spot him sneaking it out of the garage. From now on, he would have to go it alone on foot sticking to the back roads. He kept a close eye out so no one would notice his departure. He cut through some back lots and headed for the large wooded area beyond his neighborhood. He knew the big highway was on the other side a few miles off. From there, maybe he could hitch a ride South. He had never run away before in his life—had never even thought of it. It filled him with deep sadness as he worked his way through the brush, keeping to hidden paths so he wouldn’t chance running into some jogger along the way. After about an hour, he saw a small bridge up ahead which spanned the narrow end of the river. His steps slowed just a little. He noticed that the water was running high for this time of year, and fast, too. It felt cold by the river and Freddie was thankful for the warmth of his jacket. His backpack was starting to feel heavy. It made him suddenly think about what little he now had to take care of himself. There was the problem of money. He didn’t have any. What little he had was in his savings account at the bank and there was no way to get it now. In the pit of his stomach was an empty feeling reminding him he hadn’t eaten much that day. He had half a roll of cherry lifesavers in his pocket and then there was the smashed protein bar. The thought of having to scrounge for food wasn’t at all appealing. He started to realize he hadn’t planned this whole thing very well. 16

Winter would be upon him before long. Where would he sleep? On the street? In deserted doorways? As he walked across the bridge he wondered who he was trying to kid. He didn’t want to live that way—like some desperate animal. It all seemed so hopeless, but what could he do? His life would be miserable if he stayed here. He stopped at the middle of the bridge and stared down at the rushing water below. Strong and fast, cold and deep it ran. It could quickly sweep a person along to the dam downstream and the dangerous rocks below that. Would everyone feel sorry for him or miss him if something like that happened to him? He leaned against the railing watching the swirling waters and thinking. Then he heard a dog bark somewhere nearby. He looked up and saw a white puppy scampering along the bank chasing a low flying bird. It made him smile. The little animal, in its enthusiasm to catch the bird, was getting too close to the slippery bank. Freddie saw it happen before he could stop it. The puppy lost its footing in the mud and tumbled forward right into the cold water. It paddled franticly towards the shore, but the current was too strong for it to make it back. Freddie pushed away from railing and raced for the shore. He could see terror in the little dog’s eyes. All he could think about was saving the puppy’s life. He tried reaching out to grab the little dog, but the water was sweeping it away. He stripped off his jacket and plunged into the icy water. He fought his way through the rushing water to reach the animal. He grabbed it to his chest as it went under again, swallowing water. The puppy struggled for breath. Freddie had no idea the river was that strong, but somehow he prayed for strength for them to make it back to shore. He felt so weak he could barely pull them both back onto the bank, but he did. Sudden exhaustion swept over him as he laid the puppy down on the soft grass next to him. It was still breathing, but it just lay there not moving. “Come on little, fella,” Freddie encouraged him. “You can make it. Everything’s going to be alright now.” But the puppy’s eyes remained closed and he still did not move. “Please don’t die!” Freddie told him. “I’m here. I’ll take care of you.” He curled up next to the puppy, wrapping them both in his jacket and keeping him warm against his body. 17

“And what about you, Freddie?” he heard a familiar voice ask. “How can you take care of him if you’re gong to run away from your own life?” Freddie knew that voice. He looked up to see his angel guide, Daniel, standing there with deep concern in his eyes. He hadn’t talked to Daniel much lately, or even asked for his help. He wondered what Daniel thought about the stupid mess he’d made of his life. “You’re giving up too easily,” Daniel answered, reading his thoughts. “It’s not like you at all.” Freddie couldn’t help think of how hopeless it all seemed. Everyone hated him. “It would be better if I was dead,” he blurted out, feeling the hurt. “Then you and I could be together. You’re the only one who understands me anyway.” Daniel did not look at all pleased to hear such words. He shook his head. “I’m afraid it doesn’t quite work that way. I’m here to help you learn how to live and be the best you can be. I can’t make you want to live. No one can. You’ve got to want that for yourself.” Freddie looked down at the ground and hugged the puppy closer. Daniel sat down next to him. “Remember how I once told you that every person is put on earth to complete a special mission?” Freddie nodded. “Well, the really bad times are just a test. They test how strong you are and whether you’re up to the mission given you. I’m going to tell you a little secret. Those people that have the most difficult lives—you know, the ones that have to overcome poverty, sickness, or something like you’re going through now—those are the ones who have the really special missions. They’ve taken on a more difficult mission in order to grow the most. Trust me. I know what I’m talking about. You’ve got to be strong to get through this.” Freddie was thinking about how he sure didn’t feel very strong right now. He was tired of trying to be strong. He felt more like quitting. Maybe they could re-assign him an easier mission or something. Daniel still looked concerned. “Freddie, do you know what happens when a person turns their back on their special mission? When they give up or even take their own life?” Freddie wasn’t sure he wanted to know. He had a pretty good idea that no one threw you a party. “The simple fact is that they don’t escape the problem. They just have to face it again on the other side and it might be even more difficult.” 18

That didn’t sound like much fun either. “Freddie, it’s always better to work it out on Earth. Solutions to problems don’t always come overnight. It’s like riding out a bad storm. Sooner or later it stops and a rainbow comes out. You’re not giving the rainbow a chance. All you can think about is escaping the storm.” Freddie frowned. “No one cares. In a few days they’d forget all about me anyway.” “Are you so sure about that?” Daniel asked. “Maybe we should take a look.” “What do you mean?” Freddie asked. “Let’s go to the movies.” And with that Freddie found himself sitting next to Daniel in a circular movie house with only two seats front row center, which they now sat in. The darkened movie screen completely circled them. “Push the button on the armrest,” Daniel instructed. Freddie pushed a big white button and the screen instantly lit up all around him with hundreds, even thousands of different pictures of him. The puppy huddling against his chest yipped in startled response. It even startled him. There were pictures there from times he’d even forgotten about. When Freddie moved his head all around to see more, his seat moved in the same direction--like some kind of ride at Disney World. “Cool!” he said moving his head even faster so the seat swept them around the screen, making him dizzy. “Now press the green button,” Daniel said, “If you want to see what happens in the future if you don’t come back.” Freddie hung on to the puppy as he pressed the button. The pictures of him dissolved into a moving picture of his living room at home. He immediately saw his mother and father arguing and blaming themselves for his death. Daniel showed him how to push the button to go forwards or backwards. Freddie held it down for just a split second and it immediately sped forward in time. He saw his mother crying night and day sitting all alone in Freddie’s bedroom. He saw his father so unhappy that he could no longer be a good architect and continue designing great buildings because he could no longer bring himself to go to work. He could hear everything they were saying. There was fighting in the house. So much that Freddie could barely stand to listen to it. His seat swung around to see his brother Michael looking sad and lost. He could even hear Michael’s thoughts. He wanted to run away, too, because all his parents could talk about 19

was “if only Freddie were still here.” He saw right away how they seemed to forget about Michael, even ignore him until he was forever feeling lonely and angry. Freddie could see what was in front of him, behind, him and on either side of him. The movie screen showed it all in full detail. He pressed the green button in another direction and the movie sped backwards. He stopped when he saw his friends all together. They were crying, actually crying, when they heard the news of his death. He heard David Toohey’s voice behind him and swung his seat around to see him more clearly. David was confessing to everyone that he had been too scared to come forward and tell the truth. He admitted to having a hole in his jacket pocket and having known he had lost the birthday money. Melissa spoke up and said she knew Freddie had probably found it and had just put it in a safe place. “We all knnnew Freddie was no thief,” he heard Johnny Boykin say, trying not to stutter. “I liked Freddie. He was always really good to me.” Freddie saw and heard his friends talking about how much they would miss him. “He was the best friend I ever had,” Ernie said, his face sadder than ever. He heard them talk about things Freddie had done for each of them which had meant a lot. Some of the things Freddie barely remembered. He listened with amazement. He never suspected that he had meant that much to any of them. Then, suddenly, the scene changed and Freddie saw a man finding this dead little puppy by the river dam—dead from drowning. It was the puppy he now held in his arms. For some reason, that really got to him. He felt his eyes well up with tears. “I guess this means you’re mine now,” he said, looking into the dog’s little eyes. The puppy licked his face in eager response. Freddie turned to Daniel who had been silent a long time. “I guess I was wrong about a lot of things.” He thought it over. “I guess I really do want to live after all.” Daniel nodded in agreement. “Then you must be prepared to ride out the remainder of the storm. Remember the story of Noah’s Ark and how it rained 40 days and 40 nights before he saw sign of hope that the worst was over?” Freddie nodded. He showed a hint of a smile thinking about the worst being how stinky it must of have been in that old Ark with a boatload of animal crap.


Daniel smiled, too, before going on. “Just remember that there will always be a rainbow signaling a brighter tomorrow. Just look for the rainbow. It’s heaven’s promise that the worst is indeed over.” In the blink of an eye, he was back on the river bank still hugging his puppy. “We’re going to hang in there and make it together,” he said. He suddenly felt so tired. His last thought before falling into an exhausted sleep was that he only hoped it would not take 40 days and 40 nights for his rainbow to appear.

************************* “I found him! I found him!” a voice called out, shining a flashlight in Freddie’s eyes. For a minute, Freddie didn’t know where he was. It was pitch dark. He felt something licking his hand and it all came back to him. “You gave your parents quite a scare,” a uniformed officer told him. “Everyone’s been out looking for you for hours.” It was true. Friends and neighbors alike had taken up the search after Freddie’s parents found the note he’d left behind. Within moments of the police officer calling out he’d been found, Freddie’s dad came running through the woods followed by others with flashlights. His dad’s face was filled with relief and concern. “I’m sorry Dad,” he said, knowing he was probably in deep trouble for running away in the first place. But his dad just scooped him up into his arms and held him close. “Thank, God, you’re alright,” he kept saying over and over again. There was a tiny bark on the ground and Freddie looked down to see the puppy jumping around his dad’s legs trying to get to him. “That little thing fell into the river,” he tried to explain. “And I pulled him out. I don’t think he has a home. Can he come home with us? Please? Please?” His dad was so relieved that Freddie was actually safe and sound, that it was easy to get him to agree. “Alright. We’ll take him home.” On the way home, the puppy curled up in his lap. He heard all about how they had found his backpack on the bridge and how they had all thought the worst. It made Freddie realize that sometimes things weren’t always as they appeared. Maybe his parents would believe him now.


When they got home, his mother and brother ran out to meet them. Like his father, his mother held him close and didn’t want to let go. Michael immediately grabbed for the puppy and kept shouting “What’s his name? What’s his name?” But Freddie knew that could wait. “Mom and Dad…I didn’t steal that money,” he said, and then the whole story just spilled out. “You’ve got to believe me.” “We do, Freddie,” his dad said. “I knew you’d never do such a thing. I never had any doubt in my mind.” That surprised Freddie. “I’m sorry about running away and all. I’m sorry about not making better grades, too,” he said. “But I couldn’t bear everyone being so disappointed in me.” His dad put his arm around his shoulder. “Your mom and I love you too much to be disappointed with you. I didn’t tell you this but when I was your age I wasn’t very good in history either and your mother can tell you that she was rotten in math.” Well—that really surprised him.

His mother was terrific at keeping the household

accounts in order. He looked to her and she nodded to confirm the truth of what his dad had said. “We can’t all be good at everything,” his dad said. “I wanted you to be smarter than I was. It was wrong and I realize that now.” His mother also put her arm around Freddie. “You’re who you are, Freddie. We could never be disappointed with that. We’re proud of both our boys. We don’t know what we’d do if something happened to either of you.” Freddie knew what would have happened thinking back to the movie. And he hadn’t liked what he’d seen.

He could have ruined a lot of people’s lives and caused a lot of

unhappiness because of the way he’d been thinking. He guessed people just never thought much about those things before they did it. He was glad Daniel had shown him what might have happened.


The next day it was hard going back to school and facing his classmates. He knew he had to sooner or later. It was time to ride out the storm, as Daniel had said.


As he walked up the school steps, he heard Daniel whisper in his ear. “Just remember the truth will set you free.” He sure hoped Daniel was right. He tried not to let the other kid’s looks get to him as he walked into his classroom. He went to hang up his jacket and ran smack into David Toohey. Freddie kept his voice low. “David,” he began. “I just want you to know that I never would have stolen our class money. I found the envelope on the floor after school and since you’d already left, I hid it in my desk for safekeeping. I didn’t want to embarrass you in front of the others, but if I hadn’t been out sick the next day you would have had it back in your hands again that morning---and that’s the truth.” David looked around nervously as Freddie went on. “I’ve been honest with you. I wish you’d be honest with me. It’s not your fault if you had a hole in your jacket pocket and it accidentally fell out. Those things happen.” David suddenly looked sheepish. “How did you know about the hole in my pocket?” A loud voice behind them got everyone’s attention. “Why, David Toohey! You mean you had a hole in your pocket that you knew about all this time and you let Freddie take the rap?!” Neither of them had seen Melissa approach and listen in on their conversation. David suddenly looked up horrified that he’d been found out. The news quickly spread throughout the room. Within a short time, David was up to his ears trying to explain why had had claimed the money had been stolen in the first place. Miss Mark called them both up to her desk and asked for a full accounting of the story. Freddie couldn’t help feel a little sorry for David now that their roles had been reversed. But he had to admit he was sure glad to have his own name cleared. The truth had set him free.

************************* Later that afternoon, Daniel joined him as they took the new puppy out for a walk. “It sure isn’t easy being a kid, is it?” Freddie said. “No. I guess not,” Daniel laughed.


Freddie was thinking just then about how hard the other kids were now being on David. “He’s going to have to face the storm just as you did,” Daniel said. “But remember. It will pass.” They came to that same bridge than spanned the river. Freddie noticed how the puppy hung back looking scared at the sound of the rushing water. “Come on, Rainbow,” he called to him. Daniel grinned. “Looks like you found your rainbow.” “Yeah,” Freddie grinned back. “Funny thing about him. No one seems to know where he came from.” He looked at Daniel suspiciously. “I don’t suppose you would know anything about that now, do you?” Daniel smiled from ear-to-ear. “Let’s just say he was one of those unexpected gifts from heaven.” Freddie thought about that a moment. “You know. Life is pretty wonderful and amazing at times. I guess you have to give it a chance to really find that out.” Rainbow barked in agreement as he bravely followed Freddie across the bridge.

THE END ***************************************************************************** About the Author Kathy J. Forti is a writer, inventor, TV Producer, and a clinical psychologist. The Freddie Brenner Mystical Adventures are based on many of her own experiences with the mystical. First published in 1984 by Stillpoint Publishing under the title The Door to the Secret City, new adventures have since been added and it is now being offered free to children everywhere. Dr. Forti had her own near-death experience where she brought back healing technology based on mathematical algorithms. The Trinfinity8 software is now being used world-wide for healing and rejuvenation. For more information: www.Trinfinity8.com www.StacksTV.com Contact: [email protected]


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