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  • Words: 1,269
  • Pages: 10


Benjie Ross Rivera Torres


Matt Joseph T. Salazar

HIST 428


The first people known to have lived in the Philippines are believed to have descended

from Tabon Man, so called because of skulls found. in the Tabon caves on the island of Palawan.The time period in which man was beginning to develop is called the

Pleistocene age, (from 500,000 years ago to 8,000 BP) and Tabon Man, the first homo sapiens lived in caves during

this latter part of the Pleistocene Age, from 40,000 years

ago. Later, other groups of people settled In the north, in cagayan valley on the island

of luzon. Here, life was somewhat easier as the environment consisted of grassy plains near the mouths of rivers which are more conductive to hunting and farming. As people achieved more control over their environment and did not have to search constantly for

food, they were able to create better tools made from harder stones and with sharper edges. Gradually, they developed elementary agricultural techniques from careful observation of what grew in the wild.

HIST 428

APPLICATION OF THE TOPIC Some people believed that the early filipinos came form “waves of migration”. Negritos,Indonesians and malays who settled these islands thousands of years ago. A pure blood filipino has a wide nose, black eyes, black hair with brown skin. These

physical features of being a filipino comes from the early inhabitants of the Philippines.

The Malaysians, Indonesians and Filipinos are all have the same physical features and

therefore, the filipinos, malaysains and indonesians have the same ancestors. But in the modern times, filipinos are now mixed with different kind or races. We have Filipino chinese races, Fil-am, Fil-european and many more.

HIST 428

CONCLUSION Our ancient history is richly documented by a fossil record that is remarkably evident. I am very interested in human evolution simply because it is fascinating to think about the issues like why humans evolved that way we did. Why do we, alone, walk upright?

Why do we have language when no ther animals do? But these are questions that have no effect on my daily lives. If we knew nothing about them, it would not make us

poorer. We cannot really even learn any lessons from our evolution with regard to how we should live our lives today, wich means that human evolution is even less relevant than things like ancient history. I believe that the study of human evolution is interesting, but not important.

HIST 428


The Manila-Acapulco Galleon Trade was the main source of income for the colony during its early years. Service was inaugurated in 1565 and continued into the early 19th century. The Galleon trade brought silver from New Spain, which was used to purchase










the Moluccas, lacquerware from Japan and Philippine cotton textiles. These goods were then exported to New Spain and ultimately Europe by way of Manila. Thus, the Philippines earned its income through the trade of the Manila-Acapulco Galleon. The

trade was established and operated primarily for the benefit of Spain and Spaniards. While the trade did bring some results which were beneficial to the Philippines, most

effects were disadvantageous. However, the trade did result in cultural and commercial exchanges between Asia and the Americas that led to the introduction of new crops and animals to the Philippines such as tamarind, avocado, guava, papaya, pineapple, horses and carabao. These gave the colony its first real income. The trade lasted for over two hundred years, and ceased in 1815 just before the secession of American colonies from Spain


The Manila-acapulco trade was the main source of income for goods during the early spanish colonization. These goods were delivered from China, Japan, Moluccas and the araibian countries. Trade system was essential because this is were filipinos take products that arent available in our country since money wasn’t available at that time. Today, we don’t practice the barter trade anymore because of the invention of the money system but instead we buy imported products using money. Trade are still here up to this date through online trades like facebook. Example of these are the trade between different breeds of chicken, trade between gadgets and even trade between shoes. The invention of social media helps with the online trading business.

HIST 428


The manila trade began in 1565. The spanish had ruled the Philippines and Mexico for a

few decades by that time, but they had not found a way to sail east across the pacific from Philippines to Mexico. In 1565, they found a region in which winds blew to the

east, allowing their ships to go across the pacific in the directions. Once this happened,

a global trade wa created. This was the first time that there had been contact between

Asia and Americans. It was not possible for goods to from the Americas, Asias and

Europe, from Europe to Asia or the Americans, and from Asia to either the Americans or Europe. This meant that essentially all of the world was tied together to at least some degree by trade. This was a momentous event in history.


Although the Spain had conquered the Philippines,the liberty loving people never gave

up their dreamof independence. They were Christianized and ispanized, but they

retained their fighting spiritand their love for freedom. To prove their aspiration for

freedom and to resist Spanish abuses, they rose in more than 100 revolts. The causes of revolutions were: Our love for freedom and independence, Abuses of spanish

encomenderos, Tribute or residence tax, Forced labor, land gathering by the friars, Basi or wine monopoly and religion. There have been a lot of revolts during the early spanish colonization and some of these are the revolt of Dula and Sulayman or also known as

the “Tagalog Revolt 1574”, Revolt of magalt, Religious revolt of the igorots and Ilocano revolts. One of the most famous and the first resistance against spanish rule was the battle of mactan. The battle was about magellan and Datu lapu lapu, the king of mactan island. Magellan was killed by one of magellan’s soldier.


The early revolution against the spanish regime shows how Filipinos are against with the corrput and unjust style of government. It is evident that during the spanish regime there was abuses of power all over the nation and the revolution was born in order to

stop the abuses on it. Today, the spanish rule is gone but the harsh and abuses are still here and it remains. Filipinos adapted the spanish attitude which is until now, our

country is under corruption and our political leaders are taking advantage on their

powers. Abuse is still here, Corruption and unjust government system is still availabe in our country today.



Philippine Revolution also called the

Tagalog War by the Spanish, was a

revolution and subsequent conflict fought between the people and insurgents of the Philippines and the

Kingdom of Spain including its Spanish Empireand Spanish colonial

authorities in the Spanish East Indies. Filipinos are known for their hospitality and

peacefulness but like every person, these characters have limits. The hostile attitude of Filipinos started from the time when Lapu Lapu and his men resisted and succesfully

repulsed Magellan in the battle of Mactan. The attittude was the result of greed and cruelty of the Spaniards towards the Filipinos

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