Logarithmic Function

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 566
  • Pages: 17

The Logarithmic Is the universe function to exponentiation. That means the logarithm of a given number x is the exponent to which another fixed number, the base B, must be raised, to produce the number x. 2

A special case of logarithmic functions is the natural logarithm, . It is defined as , and its derivative is , for . The base of the natural log is Euler's number e, such that .

“ Identifying Domain and Range of



The domain of logarithmic function is real number greater than zero, and the range is real numbers”. “Remember that since the logarithmic functions is the inverse of the exponential function , the domain of logarithmic function is the range of exponential , and vise versa. In general, the function y=log b x where b, x >0 and b ≠ 1 is a continous and one to one function.” 5

y=a*logb(x-h)+k -In general log function the letter a tells us if the function has stretched, compressed, or reflected. -Also the letter b tells us the base of the log.


f(x)= a logb (cx-h) +k

REMEMBER: The log is the inverse of an exponential. Domain of a log--------------Range of exp. Range of a log--------------Domain of exp. Recall: Range of a log function is always (-∞,∞)

For more complicated log functions, we need the argument of the log > 0. F(x) = a logb (cx-h) +k Range f = (-∞,∞) Domain f = {x│cx-h>0}


EXAMPLE: g(x)= -log4 (x+2) +6 range g= (-∞,∞) domain g= {x│x > -2} = (-2,∞) SOLUTION: x+2>0 -2 -2 x >-2 EXAMPLE: h(x)= 4 log10 (3x-1) range h=(-∞,∞) domain h= {x│x > 1/3} = (1/3,∞)

SOLUTION: 3x-1>0 +1 +1 3x > 1 3 3 x>1 3


X -Intercept & Y -Intercept 9

For all positive real numbers x and a , a ≠ 1 , there exists a real number y that such y= log x if and only if x=a

Thus,the logarithmic function with a base a , where a > 0 and a ≠ 1 , denoted by log , is defined by f(x)=y=log x if and only if a = x. Note that each other exponential function f(x)=a has an inverse function that is logarithmic function.


1.y=2(x-1)(x+2)(x-3) f(x) y=2 (-1)(2)(-3)=12

(0,12) is on the graph


Solve:log2 (2x+1)=3 Solution: log2 (2x+1) = 3 2x+1=2^3 2x+1=8 2x=7 x=7/2 12

Solve: 2 log4 , x = log4 , 9 Solution: Since both logarithms are to the base 4, 2 log4 x = log4 9 log4 x^2=log4 9 x^2=9 x=3 13

Express log5 3+2 log5 5 as a single logarithm.

Solution: log5 3+2 log5 5 = log5 3+ log5 5^2 = log5 3+ log5 25 = log5 75


Solve: log2 (x+3) + log2 (x-3) = 4 Solution: log2 (x+3) + log2 (x-3) = 4 log2[(x+3)(x-3)] = 4 (x+3)(x-3) = 2^4 x^2 – 9 = 16 x^2 =25 x = √25 x= ± 5 15

Questions about logarithmic functions: Q: In the general log function y=a*logb(x-h)+k, what letter tells us the base of the log? a. a b. b c. h d. K Q: In the general log function y=a*logb(x-h)+k, what letter tells us if the function has stretched, compressed, or reflected? a. a

b. b c. h d. k


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