Litany Of St Joseph As A Booklet To Print

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ora pro nobis. pray for us

San-cte Jó-seph, Holy Joseph,

heaven. Amen.


pray for us.


o-ra pro no-bis. Holy Mary



have mercy.



have mercy.




hear us.



have mercy on us.

miserere nobis. have mercy on us.

God the Holy Spirit,

Sancta Trinitas un-us De-us, Holy Trinity one God,



miserere nobis.

Spiritus San-cte De-us,


miserere nobis. have mercy on us.

Fili Redémptor mun-di De-us,

have mercy on us.

God the Son Redeemer of the world,

God the Father of heaven,

De- us, mi-se-ré-re no-bis.

R ©  Pa-ter de cae-lis

have mercy.


graciously hear us.

e-lé- i-son. ij. Chri-ste audi nos ij. Chri ste exaudi nos ij.



YRI- E e-lé- i-son. ij. Chri ste e-lé- i-son. ij. Ky-ri- e


Sancta Ma- rí- a,


Litany of St. Joseph

This prayer was written by Leo XIII and attached to his encyclical, Quamquam Pluries. It is to be included at the end of the Rosary, especially during the month of October. Pope John Paul II also recommended this prayer in his 1989 Apostolic Exhortation, Redemptoris Custos. To thee, O blessed Joseph, do we come in Ad te beate Ioseph, in tribulaour tribulation, and having implored the tione nostra confugimus, atque, help of thy most holy Spouse, we confi- implorato Sponsae tuae sanctissimae auxilio, patrocinium quoque dently invoke thy patronage also. tuum fidenter exposcimus. Through that charity which bound thee to Per eam, quaesumus quae te cum the immaculate Virgin Mother of God and immaculata Virgine Dei Genetrice through the paternal love with which thou coniunxit, caritatem, perque paternum, quo Puerum Iesum amembraced the Child Jesus, we humbly beg plexus es, amorem, supplices depthee to graciously regard the inheritance recamur, ut ad hereditatem, quam which Jesus Christ has purchased by his Iesus Christus acquisivit Sanguine Blood, and with thy power and strength to suo, benignus respicias, ac necessitatibus nostris tua virtute et ope aid us in our necessities. succurras. O most watchful Guardian of the Holy Tuere, o Custos providentissime Family, defend the chosen children of Je- divinae Familiae, Iesu Christi sus Christ; O most loving father, ward off sobolem electam; prohibe a nobis, amantissime Pater, omnem errofrom us every contagion of error and cor- rum ac corruptelarum luem; prorupting influence; O our most mighty pro- pitius nobis, sospitator noster fortector, be propitious to us and from heaven tissime, in hoc cum potestate teneassist us in our struggle with the power brarum certamine e caelo adesto; of darkness; and, as once thou rescued the et sicut olim Puerum Iesum e summo eripuisti vitae discrimine, Child Jesus from deadly peril, so now pro- ita nunc Ecclesiam sanctam Dei ab tect God’s Holy Church from the snares of hostilibus insidiis atque ab omni the enemy and from all adversity; shield, adversitate defende: nosque sintoo, each one of us by thy constant protec- gulos perpetuo tege patrocinio, ut ad tui exemplar et ope tua suffulti, tion, so that, supported by thy example and sancte vivere, pie emori, sempiterthy aid, we may be able to live piously, to namque in caelis beatitudinem asdie holy, and to obtain eternal happiness in sequi possimus. Amen.

Prayer to St. Joseph

pray for us.

Illustrious son of David,


* pray for us.

* ora pro nobis.

R exáudi nos

O Lord.



Lamb of God,



the sins

of the world,

Deus qui ineffábili providéntia beátum Joseph sanctíssimae Genitrícis tuae sponsum elígere dignitátus es; praesta quaésumus, ut quem protectórem venerámur in terris, intercessórem habére mereámur in coelis. Qui vivis et regnas in saécula saeculórum. Amen.

Strength of families,


Terror of demons,

Patron of the dying,

Hope of the sick,

who takest away


O God Who in Thine unfathomable providence wast pleased to choose blessed Joseph for the spouse of Thy most holy Mother, grant that we may deserve to have as our advocate in heaven him whom we revere as our protector on earth. Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.

Let us pray.



Solace of the afflicted,

Lamb of God,

no-bis. have mercy on us.


Agnus De- i, qui tol-lis

R ©  

peccá-ta mundi, mi-se-ré-re



who takest away the sins

De- i, qui

Lamb of God,


who takest away the sins of the world, spare


B Constítuit eum dóminum domus suae. He appointed him lord of his house. RC Et príncipem omnis posessiónis suae. And ruler of all his substance.


GNUS De- i, qui tol-lis peccá-ta mundi,

of the world, graciously hear us O Lord.







Guardian of virgins,

Glory of family life,

Model of labourers,

Lover of poverty,

Mirror of patience,

Joseph most faithful,

Joseph most obedient,

Joseph most strong,

Joseph most prudent,

Joseph most chaste,

Joseph most just,

Head of the Holy Family,

Watchful defender of Christ,

Foster-father of the Son of God,

Chaste guardian of the Virgin,

Spouse of the Mother of God

Protector of holy Church,

Light of Patriarchs, *

o-ra pro no-bis.


Proles Da-vid íncly- ta,

R( © 

Lumen Patriarchárum, * Dei Genitrícis sponse, Custos pudíce Vírginis, Fílii Dei nutrície, Christi defénsor sédule, Almae Famíliae praeses, Joseph justíssime, Joseph castíssime, Joseph prudentíssime, Joseph fortíssime, Joseph obedientíssime, Joseph fidelíssime, Spéculum patiéntiae, Amátor paupertátis, Exémplar opíficum, Domésticae vitae décus, Custos vírginum, Familiárum cólumen, Solátium miserórum, Spes aegrotántium, Patróne moriéntium, Ter-ror daémonum, Protéctor sanctae Ecclésiae,

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