Lista De Abrevieri - Ordine Alfabetica

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 679
  • Pages: 3

16. LISTA DE ABREVIERI ( Forma utilizata in text ) ABPP - Aplicatii bazate pe pachete de programe AC - Autoritate de certificare AGV - Mijloc de transport ghidat automat ( uzinal..) AM - Metoda de acces ( la dateā€¦) AP - Programe aplicative APIs - Applications Programming Interfaces ARIS - ARhitectura Sistemelor Informationale Integrate ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange B2B - Business-to-Business B2C - Business-to-Customer/Consumer B-CBR - Baza de Cunostinte acumulate prin Rationamente Bazate pe BD - Baza de date CAD - Computer-Aided-Design CAE - Computer-Aided-Engineering CALS - Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics Suport CAM - Computer-Aided-Manufacturing CASE - Computer-Aided System/Software Engineering Cazuri ( CBR ) CBA - Cost-Benefit-Analysis CIM - Computer Integrated Manufacturing CISA - Certified Information Systems Auditor CKO - Manager responsabil cu cunoasterea ( Chief Knowledge Officer ) CNC - Computer Numerical Control CobiT - Control by Objectives COM - Component Object Model CORBA - Common-Object Request Brocker Architecture CPU - Unitate centrala de prelucrare a datelor CRT - Terminal cu tub catodic ( Catode Ray Tube ) CVP - Ciclu de viata al produsului DB - Baza de date DBMS - Vezi SGBD DCOM - Distributed COM DFD - Data Flow Diagram DNC - Direct Numerical Control DSS - Sistem suport pentru decizii DXF - Drawing Interchange Format EAI - Integrarea aplicatiilor in intreprindere EBCDIC - Extended Binary-Coded-Decimal Interchange Code EDI - Electronic Data Interchange EIP - Enterprise Information Portal


EJB - Enterprise Java Beans EPC - Lant al evenimentelor directoare in procesul de fabricatie ( Event-driven Process Chain ) ERP - Aplicatie pentru planificarea resurselor intreprinderii ( Enterprise Resource Planning ) ESS - Sistem suport pentru manegementul de nivel executiv FCS - Factori critici de succes FEM - Finite Element Method FTP - File Transfer Protocol GSM - Global System for Mobil Communication HTML - HyperText Markup Language http - hypertext transport protocol IA - Inteligenta artificiala IAS - International Acounting Standard IGES - Initial Graphics Exchange Specification IP - Internet Protocol IPC - Inter-process Communication IRR - Internal Rate of Return ISACF - Information Systems Audit and Control Foundation ISDN - Integreted Services Data Network ISP - Internet Service Provider Java IDL - Java Interface Definition Language ( for CORBA ) JDBC - Java Data Base Connectivity JMS - Java Message Service JSP - Java Server Pages KWS - Sistem de lucru cu cunostintele acumulate in intreprindere LAN - Local Area Netwok LRM - Legacy Resource Managers MIS - Management Information System MMW - Modele MW MOM - Message-Oriented Middleware MQ - Message queueing MSP - Middleware Software Product MW - Middleware NOS - Network Operating System OAS - Sistem pentru automatizarea activitatilor de birou ( Office..) OCDE - Organizatia pentru Cooperare si Dezvoltare Economica ODBC - Open DB Connection ODBC - Open DB Connectivity OLAP - On-Line Analytical Processing OODBMS - Object-Oriented DBMS PB - Payback Period PIB - Produs intern brut ( la nivel national )


PKI - Public Key Infrastructure PMI - Privilege Management Infrastructure PSTN - Retele publice cu comutare de circuite pentru telefonie PVT - Private Key QM - Managementul calitatii RFP - Request for Proposal RMI - Remote Method Invocation ROI - Return on Investment RPC - Remote Procedure Calls RU - Resurse umane RUP - Rational Unified Process SA - Software aplicativ SDK - Kit de dezvoltare software SE - Sistem expert SGBD - Sistem de gestiune pentru bazele de date ( DBMS in engleza..) SI - Sistem informational SMA - Sistem multi-agent SO - Sistem de operare SQL - Structured Query Language STEP - Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data TCO - Total Cost of Ownership TCP - Transmission Control Protocol TIC - Tehnologii informationale si de comunicatii TM - Transactional Middleware TPS - Sistem tranzanctional de prelucrare a datelor TQM - Total Quality Management TTY - Terminal de tip teletype UML - Unified Modeling Language URL - Uniform Resourse Locator VoIP - Voice over IP VPN - Virtual Private Network WAN - Wide Area Network WWW - World Wide Web XML - Extensible Markup Language

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