Linking Clancey and Rogoff My interpretation of what meaning-making entails
Perception-conception is a couple Memory is a process like remembering We use tool to mediate understanding of the environment Perception-conception is integral to remembering and comprehending symbol grounding
Knowledge is active Meaning is always in construction Trajectory can be highly unpredictable and emerging
Perception-conceptual (structural level), social/functional and behavioural levels are a couple and inter-related. This process occurs along all points in the trajectory of meaning making.
Every cycle of perception-conceptual (coupled also with social/functional and behavioral levels) lead to change in participation, roles, identity etc. This occurs even when knowledge or conception is still at pre-linguistic stage.
End of Part 1 For Part 2, let’s think together in terms of how meaningmaking links to the ideas by Geertz (culture and the development of the ‘mind’), Bourdieu (habitus and infleunce of cultural capital, Hayakawa (symbols, language and discourse – conception at linguistic level) Baktin (Multivoicedness) Holland (Identity construction) I hope we can have some time to talk about Part 2 to summarize the earlier sessions with regards to how humans make meaning. I look forward to everyone’s inputs (and drawings too :D).