Total E&P ANGOLA - Block 17 GEP Phase 2 Project ---
Pipeline ifting clamp checking
Installation angle
a := 70deg
Number of bolts
n := 10
M24 8.8 bolt tension force max
F0max := 150649N
Installation force in Tons
Ftons := 50tonne
Installation force
Fi := Ftons ⋅ g
Fi = 490.33 kN
Tension force
Fn := sin( a) ⋅ Fi
Fn = 460.76 kN
Shear force
Ft := cos( a) ⋅ Fi
Ft = 167.7 kN
F0max = 150.65 kN
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Overall clamp length
Ltot := 1000mm
Subsequent distances from bolt to clamp extremity
L1 := 170mm L2 := 335mm L3 := 500mm L4 := 665mm L5 := 830mm
Distance pipe axis/point of application force
L6 := 470mm
Distance middle of clamp/point of application force
L8 := 130mm
Maximum tension load applied on bolt
F1 :=
⎡ ⎡⎣( Ft ⋅ L6 ) − ( Fn ⋅ L8)⎤⎦ ⋅ L5 ⎤ ⎥ 2 2 2 2⎥ 2 ⎢ 2 ⎣ L1 + L2 + L3 + L4 + L5 ⎦ 1
F1 = 5.2 kN
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Number of bolts at the right of the force
n r := 6
Number of bolts at the left of the force
n l := 4
Length L7
L7 := 35mm
Length L8
L8 = 130 mm
Length L9
L9 := 330mm
Right length ratio
rr :=
Left length ratio
rl := 1 − rr
Tension force in a bolt at the right of the force
Nr :=
Tension force in a bolt at the right of the force
Nl :=
Max tension force in a bolt between ligth and right
Nm :=
L8 + L9 2 ⋅ L9
Fn ⋅ rr nr Fn ⋅ rl nl
Nr if Nr > Nl
rr = 0.7
rl = 0.3
Nr = 53.52 kN
Nl = 34.91 kN
Nm = 53.52 kN
Nl otherwise
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Length between bolts (out of plane)
L10 := 801mm
Out of plane factor
γ op := 5%
Number of pair of bolts
λ b := 5
Force out of plane
Fop := γ op ⋅ Fi
Tension force in bolt due to out of plane force
F01 :=
1 Fop ⋅ L6 λb
Fop = 24.52 kN
F01 = 2.88 kN
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Friction coefficient
f := 0.2
Bolts diamter
Bd := 24mm
Tension force total
Nall_1 := F01 + Nm + F1
Nall_1 = 61.56 kN
Anti-sliding force
Ft Nall_2 := 2⋅f
Nall_2 = 419.26 kN
Tightening force
F0 :=
Tightenig force in Tons
Tightening force ratio
1 n
⋅ Nall_1 + Nall_2
F0tons :=
IRatio tf :=
F0 = 48.08 kN
F0tons = 4.9 tonne
g F0
IRatio tf = 0.32
"OK" if IRatio tf ≤ 1
= "OK"
"FAIL" otherwise
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2. PLATE CHECKING Based on reference : Rubrique du practicien (Résistance à une charge concentrée d'une plaque rectangulaire ayant un bord libre).
Tightening force in tons
P :=
P = 4.9 tonne
Dimension 1
ap := 75mm
Dimension 2
cp := 50mm
Dimension 3
bp := 100mm
Plate thickness
ep := 15mm
Plate yield stress
σe := 36
kg 2
Plastic moment by unit of length
mp :=
Allowable force on plate
Pmax :=
Interaction ratio
IRatio plate :=
bp bp ⎞ ap + ap + + 2 ⋅ ⎛⎜ ⎟ ap ap ⎠ ⎝ cp 2 ⎛ P ⎞ ⋅ 1.185 ⋅ ep ⋅ σe ⎜ ⎟ 6 ⎝ mp ⎠
Pmax = 18.13 tonne
IRatio plate = 0.27
"OK" if IRatio plate ≤ 1
mp = 0.43 tonne
= "OK"
"FAIL" otherwise ~5042171.xmcd
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Tightening force
F0 = 48.08 kN
Gusset yield stress
Fy := 355MPa
Distance between section and bolt axis
ds := 49mm
Inertia modulus
Iv := 2.403 ⋅ 10 mm
Bending moment max
Mfmax := F0 ⋅ ds
Maximum bending stress
fb :=
Bending ratio
Mfmax = 2.36 kN ⋅ m
fb = 98.04 MPa
IRatio gussetB :=
IRatio gussetB = 0.37
0.75 ⋅ Fy
"OK" if IRatio gussetB ≤ 1
= "OK"
"FAIL" otherwise
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Shear 2
Shear section
As := ( 15mm ⋅ 57mm) + ( 15mm ⋅ 15mm)
As = 1080 mm
Maximum shear stress
F0 fv := As
fv = 44.52 MPa
Shear ratio
IRatio gussetS :=
IRatio gussetS = 0.31
0.4 ⋅ Fy
"OK" if IRatio gussetS ≤ 1
= "OK"
"FAIL" otherwise
Weld gusset/plate
Weld shear section
Aw := 2 ⋅ ( 77mm ⋅ 8 mm ⋅ 0.7 ⋅ 0.707 )
Aw = 610 mm
Weld shear stress
F0 fw := Aw
fw = 78.86 MPa
Weld ratio
IRatio gussetW :=
IRatio gussetW = 0.56
0.4 ⋅ Fy
"OK" if IRatio gussetW ≤ 1
= "OK"
"FAIL" otherwise
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4. SHELL CHECKING The following calculations are based on "Design Guide for Circular Hollow Section (CHS) Joints Under Predominantly Static Loading", CIDECT, 1991 Note : The formulas have been adapted to the AISC and API regulations. Input data Shell yield stress
Fysh := 355MPa
Shell outside diameter
Dsh := 711.2mm
Shell thickness
tsh := 15.875mm
Padeye bracket width
b 1 := 200mm
Padeye bracket thickness
tfb := 15mm
Padeye main plate length
Hb := 590mm
Padeye hole height
a0 := 135mm
Coefficient (assumed to be 1.00 (no preload in shell)
fnsh := 1
Geometrical parameter 1
β sh :=
Geometrical parameter 2
η sh :=
β sh = 0.28
Dsh Hb + 2 ⋅ tfb
η sh = 0.87
Allowable loads Axial force
Nshw := ⎛ 4 + 20 ⋅ β sh ⎝
⋅ 1 + 0.25 ⋅ η sh ⋅ fnsh ⋅
Fysh 1.5
⋅ tsh
Nshw = 405.46 kN
In-plane bending moment
Mipshw := Hb + 2 ⋅ tfb ⋅ ⎛ 4 + 20 ⋅ β sh
⋅ 1 ⋅ fnsh ⋅
Fysh 1.5
⋅ tsh
Mipshw = 206.4 kN ⋅ m
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Out of plane bending moment
Mop shw :=
b1 2
⋅ ⎛ 4 + 20 ⋅ β sh
⋅ 1 + 0.25 ⋅ η sh ⋅ fnsh ⋅
Fysh 1.5
⋅ tsh
Mop shw = 40.55 kN ⋅ m Design loads Axial force
Nsh := Fn
Nsh = 460.76 kN
In-plane bending moment
Mipsh := Ft ⋅ a0
Mipsh = 22.64 kN ⋅ m
Out of plane bending moment
Mop sh := Fop ⋅ a0
Mop sh = 3.31 kN ⋅ m
Ratio Condition to be verified
Mop sh ⎛ Mipsh ⎞ IRatio sh := +⎜ ⎟ + Mop shw Nshw ⎝ Mipshw ⎠ Nsh
"OK" if IRatio sh ≤ 1
IRatio sh = 1.23
= "FAIL"
"FAIL" otherwise
5. PIPE COLLAPSE CHECKING Note : see "Ring Stress" file for calculation details Pipe radius
Rp := 304.8mm
Rp = 30.48 cm
Pipe thickness
tp := 29.6mm
tp = 2.96 cm
Pipe squeeze load
Wp := F0tons ⋅ n
Wp = 49 tonne
Force application angle
θp := 120deg
Linear force
wp :=
Maximum ratio
Wp ⋅ ( π − θp )
2 ⋅ Rp ⋅ ( 1 + cos( θp ) )
wp = 1685
kg cm
IRatio p := 0.23 "OK" if IRatio p ≤ 1
= "OK"
"FAIL" otherwise
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