Lifeline Magazine Fashion Artix

  • July 2020
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Experts telluswlnt & cloths areinnow wlntwill beinthe future. .r

ashlo upd at our of the country's top fashion designens talk about tips and trends in Phifippine fashion today and the "New Millenium Fever" that is quickly capturing the fashion world. If Srou'restill wonderir€ what3 happening in the local fashion cruze fashion indusbry today and what the for you. Hold will be next year, then this is the on to your closets as Reod,erd Fashion 1909/2000. Rene Salud, A dynamic designer formal gownq Filipiniara-inspired beaded works, Rene Salud pulls out to start the dayb work. As early'as morning, he has already finished one a customer. Patis Tesoro. The flrative,ancestral house-like boutique is like second home to this sociable designer. She is better lmown for doing traditiorul Filipiniana clothes and handwoven fabrics. l[s a historicatly based designef, she proudly expliains, "I am capable of redefinirg traditiornl Filipino clothes with much attention given to detailsl'. One of her most recent wo;ks was for the mu,sicalplay, Rama at Sita. Ifutrina Goulbourn. A beauff in her own right, this young designer is cawing a name for herself in the fashion indusfy apart frpm her famous mom. Her boutique at the New World Hotel in lVlakati is a refined wearable for but cozy store. "I make simple yet Her silk line can admits to being sffength lies in designer never looks at Avel Bacudio. magazines for new designs. Instead, he says he creates his PAGE30


A SPECIALREPORT BY MARIA FATIMAA. VILLENA own style. He concentrates on the treatment of fabrics and focuses on his cr.ustomerbindividual preferenceg especially in choosing colors. Often, he uses local mat€rials in his designs. "I get inspiration from the people walkirg in the streetS he confesses.Nowadap, Avel'b busy doirg club

ple and ne on technique with less embellishments. Most fashion designers are no longer overdoirg the designs, unlike beforel Tbsoro: "Fashion is a round-about. The styles ard designs before are now coming back. The clothes comirg out possessversatility so that they can be worn everywhere and yet there is elegance in style. Goulbourn: "Fbshion today keeps developing into a more dynamic and flexible indu,stry.We are more accepting of changes and improvementsl Bacudio: "Here in the Philippines, people axe now Sving due respect and high regard to fashion AnA Wa lnbataan ay hi,nd,i nn rmtatakot sum,ubok ng mga bagory uri rry damrt. Kaga rn ruilnng ipa,hayag ang

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Salud. 14.nend may last for a year or for a decade. In designing clothes, the color, proportion and the silhouette Goulbourn: "For this season,I am working on technolook easily change.The look goes out, too. Only the pattern ouffits and a mixing of very casual and wearable clothes. I and collar cutting are the same. Most of the fashion am also into using heated fabrics on my creations, like statements here come from abroad and since we have stretched fabrics. My colors are turquoise, blue, metallic, accessto media, it is easier for people to feel the trendl silver, gun metal, and a little of copper and brorzel' Tesoro: "Trend is economics.The famous fashion designBaeudio: "I am creating my very own gray collection and ers of the world can create a demand for new styles ol,, designsof clothes dependingon their plans. Sincethp$ .. with a mixhrre of blue colors. I and have the power to get the world tuned in to them, tM ' jr$u menl' what they say and deliver to the audience is trend. It'ib: ,{t: the art of making monef' .,{,*,+.,1I Goulbourn: "Trend is a passing phase, a look of the' moment. It is popular at a time and it will keep developing to create another trendl' g:#,d Bacudio: "Trend is as simple as fun and funcgp4ti -ats':, i.l'j:' ;..*. "tt ,*wu .**@;t *



Salud: "My fashion Eitdli* 'New Milleniuhr,&ved,I


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shoes and tongs for the accessories.The colors were mostly silver, grey and putted' Tesoro: *The Asian/global look is'irf for the season.It is a combination of our own traditional clothes and the clothes coming from different nations. Now, Filipinos are no longer limited to wearing Fitipino ouffits. They can freely wea^rChinese or Indian brocades and Japanese cut dresses.For the color, I am for metallic, gold and natural dyesl'


doffStetting simple and minimal, therefore is ffishion theme for the new milleniuml' afffirur is both yes and no. Becauseclothes

the outsidebut the processof

makine ng them them is not. not. Clothes Clothes without withorrt ruffles nrffles are ere minimal. rnin

You can also define it in terms of cut. However, designs are hard to corrceptualize and the creation itself is a difficult task. For one, you have to consider the availability of materials needed and bead works are not easy to makel' Goulbourn: "hr fashiorq there are hvo diverse trends: detailing and minimalist. No matter how minimal a trend may seem, the romantics will stay and be forever passionPAGE 3I

ate over classical types of wear that give attention to details. Meanwhile, minimalism is geared towards the young market, the so-called Generation X. This type includes the trendy and basic ouffits which are comfortable to wead' Bacudio: "Ever since I started in the business, I just used very minimal accessories in my creations. I am not the ma-burloLoy type.I strongly believe that minimalism is the fashion theme of the new millenium because I am grving consideration to practicalitf'

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What do you consider when building your wardrobe? How do you achieve the perfect fashion-con scious look? Here are some helpful tips from the experts on how to be practically dressed up while looking fashiornble. Salud: "Develop your fashion sense. First, lmow yow lifestyle, body shape and skin tone so you c:ln easily find the clothes that suit you perfectlSr Read fashion magazines to develop your keen eye for fashion. Tastly be resourceful. Know where to canva^ssfor good quality clothes at very low prices and then choose the store that offers you the most reasonable bargain. " Tesoro: "Find a style that makes you happy comfortable and grves you a relaxed feelingl' Goulbourn: "Mixing and matching is a practical way of putting things together. Instead of buying suits or pairs, you can buy separate blouses to easily match them with your basic colored skirts or pantsl' Bacudio: "When shopping, be reminded to buy clothes flexible for all occasions and can be easily worn, moming to evening. Make the most out of your money. Impulsive buyrng never helps. Look carefully at the quality of materials used, such as the fabricl' PAGE 32


What's in? What's out?

Wantto lmow whatb hitting the young market by storm latelf Hereba glimpse of whatb in and q-hatb out this season.If you like, you can check out these items at your favorite boutique stores. But remember: the key is to express yowself freely and to create your own style. Whatb [r * hooded blouses* three-fourthssleeved blouses * checkered prints * baby doll dresses* cargo and "biti,rt' pants * tube and spaghetti strap blouses * pedal pusher and pastel-colored blouses * strappy sandals,flats, and plafform shoes * barrettes and headbands* "bayong" bags Whatb out * see-through blouses * bright-colors (orange,yelloq apple green)* tight pants * bootlegs * red-colored shoes and sandals* zebra-type bags * chokers READERS'


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