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prohibit Importation and competition I the Idaho statesman proposes He lng down in Oklahoma The red might posrtWy get action by speaking devils didnt uprise to begin With of any kind Published Every Day In the YearUnder the Dinghy tariff there was agalnat some measure he really desiresMr Roosevelt isnt gains to see do- ¬ to pass practically competition no the fer Naples He is out for a BY THE HERALD COMPANY and die mestic manufacturer of hosiery anti bully time It may be only a coincidence but Mr Ute American output Terms of Subscription increased 1 Harriman certainly has talked more IMO Ii2SWOeeo more in to Castro will be welcomed to Venezuelamonth than UI DAILY AND SUXDAVOne cents three month LS line year Jltea- 60000 in IMS An increase like that freely about Mr Roosevelt wince that If the government can lay hands on SUXDAYOn yw ELM salted steamer ¬ any does not indicate the need for one fur RI3MT kiln ta sown AS he lands advaace year jSOWEEKLYHn six months i fstttf It ther protection an the contrary eE sht cases of scarlet fever OB board AWe quiet along the Potomac tf paper shows plainly that the manufacturers the battleship Missouri iAtbsertees wtohins sThe ram the at shot stray a as and then weft MW rbeatatd ir t t she former as have been aWe to charge itnmeme- meat rust be picking its sailors before Payne MIL W1 tt address AH papers are continued until erotica profits and have expauded their capa- ¬ they are ripe An Ar- city to take advantage of the situation t o itiscontru wsifr H lira It has been a long time since Rear e nI11t se 11f in evv case If the Payne tax In adopted It will This time the Marathon race was Admiral Evans was in evidence at con- ¬ mean higher prices for the consumes won by a Frenchman Longboat no- ¬ ference time Tctal Copies of The Herald Printed Yta is already feeing robbed and the where in Maroh 1909 upon man or the burden will fall not 87WIiI Iithe Mediter- ¬ The consumer qty elect the conereal I Roosevelt has arrived woman who uees hjrhprced goods IS I Men but his inflfHnpe ends right there 1I but upon the one who baa been baying ranean and the cable wires are wark a92i IIIi k 1 hosiery costing 2 a cents or slightly lug 1UI041t Senor Castro doesnt know where hes HIlit1b mare c as1 4 f iiprlB gtfng but hes almost there Injun tight the of They make Eighty tier cent of the hoe ery made fuI1 In this country ill told throws one yi 5sIJIIII 21 L eaauntasMHt bouae the atrongest kind S1ia i1lrl- of evidence that the buetness has be- I IIIiJ Z8 RRl3 come a trust monopotMn the trade t111111f bt1- Which also may explaip why the He i u publican ways and means committee Lieut Apcllonio Jagiello Polands oarys fight for independence She Ijed to Vienna where she arrived in times4III was irfllng to give It an additional daily Joan of Arc A to take active part in the battle Of higher duty through a 1ilb prudt itchy Tttsl year isle which put an end to Fauburg Widen where she heft Imme- ¬ In the U4M Arer The glove buetneeg affords another the last struggle for liberty made by diately after to carry the Joyful news tntereating example of the way the Poland and Hungary and when patri ¬ of Austrian defeat to Kossuth T T T T renal those countries were fleeing to Journey Through Enemys Country + Largest Daily and Sunday oir + Payn bill revises the tariff In th- ots England and America there of specially favored mduatrie eame to theFrance States The long dangerous journey et sev- ¬ in December+ oulation in Salt Lake proved by + intercut noted Most of the doves in American are of that year Ladislaus Ujhasy the dis-¬ eral hundreds miles through the ene ¬ + + investigation made in rutted county yew York The tinguished rebel governor of Poland mys country whlctv would have stag- ¬ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + chief figure in the business is one Lit and family America had been follow ¬ gered many a teas brave heart was with intense Interest for the past made by her disguised as a peasant tauer former congressman and Ilepub ing years the spirited struggle going sometimes riding on the provision three lIam politician who attained unenvia- ¬ on in the oppressed countries and as wagons which the patriot sympathizersCONFERENCE QUESTIONSThe general conference of the Mor- ¬ ble notoriety in connection with sov- there was no cable and the Morse tele- ¬ were compelled to take to the hated¬ she travmon church beginning Sunday prom emment glove contracts Littauer was graph device had only been in opera ¬ Austrian troops sometimespart of the eled on foot and the last years rememberedwill be five tion it Uncle help Cannon Joe In to called one to most be cf the bee Interaettas Journey was made on horseback after slowly news those traveled in that congressmen gatherings in the history of the church line up the JlepnbTcan days so the presence of Governor UJ na- ¬ swimming two rivers with the enemyand one of the list attend The- for the agteakpr before the special ses- ry In New York was the signal for in pursuit She at last arrived safely prose at the Hungarian camp near Eneeeey church is prosperous IU members have sion He Is to receive his reward for newspaper correspondents and coune ¬ on the eve of the great battle where over representatives all the from by in the an increase had theb run share of the general well party services condi- ¬ the Austrians were defeated with great try to who flocked the there set being which hu Messed this whose re-¬ tariff on gloves thich will give the tions and results of the recent revolu ¬ losses and the famous General Wist wa killedgion and there is every reaMeu for the glove makers combination of Fulton tion in detail It was in this battle that Jaglelle however was soon thanksgiving which attends a large county New York absolute control of The attention won her lieutenancy After the engage the market in America with power to shifted from Governor Ujhazy to a¬ meat gathering under anch conditions she was placed in command of the slender gracefulgirl just 31 who acAfter the Immediate attain of the Ax its own prices and profits Under companied them A girl with luminous military hospital at Kwnorn where she until she Joined the brigadechurch itself the most tatereatmc sub- ¬ the old tariff the duty on gtovea ranged dark eyes a profusion of black hall remainedgallant General Klapke with simple and engaging manners of the ject of discussion is expected be the from ilia par dozen to 47K per dozen whose everyone who had the good fortune- which he captured Raab Herfftagatn¬ wen grade Under iaagth and to according attention for proliibiUan or reform in Soon columns of space Lieutenant Jagiello distinguished her4118 to meet her J After the liquor business eta It kporh the the Payne WIT the duty Is to be were devoted to descriptions of the self by her characteristic bravery doadt according to length Polish refugee wh ee smile was Arch this her last battle in the Hungarian church adopted resolutions on this sub- to 9fii per at the earnest solicitation of her That te to spy tM duty IB Increased soft and winning an indescribable cause Ject last tan whicii were utttpiately in- ¬ Hungarian friends she returned to her 128 per cent and Ud per cent on the smile in which the woman comes put terpreted a I a declaration for state- ¬ delicate shapely hands deft ex- ¬ ttoet at the hospital at Komorn where cheapest grades to to 174 per cent on her pressive And as te equally Wide prohibition hands they were her exceed- ¬ we remained until the fortress capit- ¬ 33 to IK per cent on kid ingly Iamb suede expressing the ulated It was the year following she voice musical ¬ well known the effort to c cur prohigloves And like the duty on Hosiery whole gamut of emotions Now gentle made her visit to the United Statesbition was baiked It not defeated sole ¬ A correspondent to the National Era the principal burden falls on the con- and mirthful now earnest and passion- ¬ enthusiasm and the time ly by the alliance of the Republican sumer of the cheaper grade ate by turns that sometimes would at mUnsity of feeling reveal themselves you by a decided ring of steel party leaders and the liquor interests startle Of course the fact that Payne father called forth the must complimentary in almost everything she does An¬ It has been charged repeatedly that of the new tariff bill comes from New All comment the strange isiter was amusing incident was told me in Washthe church or its leaders understood York and that Ltttauer and his asso- none other for She was handed an album for than Polands noted woman ington the compact of politicians and liquor in ciate glove makers are also from New soldier Apollonlo Jagiello whose cool- ¬ her autograph She took the book withbut on opening it at the nine tarests during the campaign and tacit- ¬ York is only a coincidence But to the ness and daring under fire on the field¬ aot smile M Bodiaco the Russian ambassadoroffsuperior won her of attention the ly permitted its consummation at the man or woman who buys gloves it is a and a Heutenantcy from the great she pushed it impetuously away refus- ¬ polls The Herald does not believe that serious business this prospect of hav- > icers Alaygnr Chief Louis Kossuth The pa-¬ ing with flashing eyes to appear in theme book with the tool of a tyrant Ute church authorities as Ii body or any Ing one of the necessaries of life boost ¬ pers teemed with the wonderful storythe Era she is one to Yet war record of brilliant her Iare part of its chief official knew be ed in price beyond the extortionate fig- ¬ Diplomatic military and social cir- ¬ whom continues children no feeling the charm of wax deal the which of carried ures already made possible by an un cles at Washington were captivated by her womanhood without being awed reband greatnpis e aE in the legislature The history of necessarily high tariff herself her whither she mirried spending only- by her air UWh is nothingYork for Jagiello rfth no military church itself accouHta adequately With cheap hosiery and cheap gloves a brief time in New country to be feted to remind you of the camp though tor the predominant sentiment among rai ed to the sky limit through the had not come to this military much to tell you that yen are In the exploit nor to society her by Ito members ut favor of temperance manipulation of tariff favors nearly career of no ordinary woman While she received all the cour ¬ presence Such is the glimpse left us of this re- ¬ and the large body of Its membership every common citizen of the country tesies and attention extended her withhi temperate in pracUee as well as In may know what to expect in other a quiet dignity far beyond her years markable Polish patriot who visited our shores in darkest hour for a belief Undoubtedly the church au- ¬ lines The plan to revise the tariff she never omitted an opportunity of breath of the her freedom which she had the to increase furthering mission her thorities made possible the SUCCMB at show very clearly in IU proper light sympathy for Poland and Hungary and dreamed of and fought for but which the polls of the machine that made the an a plan to rob the consumer of the to set on foot a movement for national had been denied her native land and sympathy and interven dual with the liquor men there was ne little margin he has left new from his intervention in behalf of Kosmitli whose to enlist the great tion for the Kossuth concealment of the fat and the atU earnings and add enormously to the matchless oratory and activity had Her youth ardent patriotism match- ¬ brought about the recent revolution less courage and attractive womanlinesstilde of men like Nenni U Morris both cost of living In order that the New and who was at the time an exile In before tho election and after the legis- ¬ England hosiery manufacturerers and Turkey with Russia and Austria have made her one of the worlds women soldiers and won a lative 3aaco made the situation clear the New York glove makers may reap threateningly demanding that he be greatest unique place on the tablet of Americas of over which them to would turned Mr Morris and the other high officiate the reward of loyalty to the Republican rlng- memory course mean his execution Th The name of ApoUonia Jagiello will who aided hiii ii carrying the election party Bad as the Dngtey tariff was of steel in her voice and the resolute Polands temple of fame when fir the Smoot machine thought the it was no such coklbtoodod scheme to mouth which had a habit of compreae Illumine liberty she so bravely fought for safety of their church organization and bleed the producer of wealth as tills ing the lips were the only indications a¬ the close observer might get of the daunt- shall have been accomplished tbe protection of its higher officiate lay Payne pretense less spirit was the undercurrent which Excursion to Idaho u la the election of the Republican ticket r ADMIRAL EVANS 6 April via Oregon Short the from Shortly conclusion after successful Thy were deluded of course and they REAR a Salt Lake welcomed within its gates her arrival a resolution was offered and Salt Lake Very low rates to Ida- ¬ were misledby tbe very men who after- ¬ passed by congress in behalf of Gov- ¬ ho points for benefit of homoseek ward Routed their demand for liquor yesterday one of the most distin- ¬ ernor Tickets limited to April If Kossuth his family and friends ers guished officers In the history of who fled naval tegMation and ridiculed their effort to to Turkey to ba Descriptive literature on applicationhim with secure a respectful hearing on the ques- the country Rear Admiral lobby D- turned over to the United States and to room 361 Des ret News building September 1S51 the American frigate City Ticket Office il Main street tion Whatever may be thought of Rvans or Fighting Bob as be is in MlastFsippi steamed out on Its journeypopularly affectionately and known their judgment of their use of ecclesi- ¬ Mexico tad Return half way around the world to convey astical power for political eada trey liter years of active and arduous ser- ¬ the great Hungarian leader to America good for nine months Only 10265 tired that power openly and mad no vice the hero of many a sea fight is where he was accorded a reception by Haves you made the tour Its a winter such as had never occurred trip worth considering Itineraries and effort to conceal their purpose as the paaaitt the evening of life hi retre ¬ the nation through- since the last visit of Lafayette Kos- ¬ sleeping ear Ask Kenneth Kerr D respected honored ment and machine advised them to do suth was the nations guest His tour P A Gait Iak The people of one Now Mr Morris and Apostle Grant out the United States prolonged ovation The way had and the very large number of church Utah take pardonabto pride In the faCt been paved by blx faithful friends fore ¬ people who advocated prohibition de- ¬ that he received his appointment to the most of whom was Jagtollo with her irresistible pleading and academy at the hands of her del- ¬ eloquent clare tile campaign has only begun As naval At I ATIp N congress nearly fifty years ago whose patriotism had swept everything egate in PGl a moral question they say it Is a legiti- ¬ and was thus given a chance for the before it This remarkable girl was born in Cra mate subject for action vby the ehureh Ute great talents with cow m 18S5 where she was educatedia conference Just as it was tat Octo- ¬ exercise of L ALT LAKE 0 which nature endowed him Admiral and remained until the year preceding CITY ber If the subject is brought up at spent 1846 between Warsaw she which historyEvans occupies a place In the and Vienna At the call for troops b this gathering and if the dtacaaaion Is Lang may he live to her of native Cracow where women and aa frank as It ha been heretofore it pointthisthestate pathway of evceoM to the children were being slain her instincought to furniah most Interesting mat- ¬ tive patriotism was aroused by these youth of the land ter not only for the church people and horrors and the scarcity of men she Immediately responded to the call and the poUUetang but also for the liquor THE PIONEER during that year she was seen all dealers who supposed they had bought U daughter of Mias Kate Thomas garbed in the picturesque costume of Immunity from interference with their K Thomas of this city has written a the Polish soldier mounted on horse We solicit the accounts of business when they purchased the con- ¬ particularly poets beautiful The back in the midst of the skirmishes trolling element In Republican politics Hymn of the Pioneer in which she whore the bullets flew thickest urging merchants manufaoturers directing for she wasThe machine politicians have prom- ¬ depicts the inspiration the struggles- acommanding andfacing danger with an societies and individuals born leader ised their mends that the conference and finally the achievements of the de- ¬ indifference which gave rfoe to the ru- ¬ ¬ will do nothing rash and the voted state builders who made habita- mor among the credulous that site bore Our Large Capital Surplus muffler will be put on the radicals ble the valleys of DesereV The thought a charmed life and was impervious to squad of the leader was She for bullets and Conservative Direc ¬ who may want to speak their minds on throughout is elevated land the lines of soldiers who first planted the white ever liquor question Probably nothng has the lender the ctrcvro majestt torateafford ample secur ¬ eagle Polands emblem of freedom on stances we venture to gueas that the been written or iho pioneers at once so the palace and the walls of Cracowity to depositors politicians will be sorely disappointed jnnnathetic and exprewrtx of the In the famous battle of Pod JTIIe were outnumbered patriots the where and that there will be such OttUpofee- woes of the nrst settlers and couched by the enemy ten to one and the Aus notmaeiatton of the church1 attitude on in such inepTrinjr language Uans were so ignominiously defeated Capital 20000000 the subject as will leave no dotfbt aa to The closing stanza is typical of the Jagiello was one of the heroes was finally sup- ¬ Surplus 5000000 its tHteUion or all to the wtttmate fate deeply religions character of the en ¬ When the revolution pressed and many of the patriots were ot tile politicians who declared their tire poem It runs escaped detection obliged to flee she alai hLy to control its deliberations ir Fraise God my soul My children reap by resuming her womans garb and re ¬ Ute teed mained for several weeks under the this particular Sowed by my faith sad watered by sty very noses of the Austrian officers who tears would soon lULU put an end to her God to every creed i xl to the rations DUTY TO ROB EVERYBODY A Let then be just to what my soul reveres career had they suspected her of being nod Praise God the leader of the insurrectionistsRaw ova group if manufacturers hs Pram Omnlnotent above She left racow for Warsaw where arranged to Lave the tariff revised on innpress he remained until the following year is Lore world tae all Til te Its own Ixliaif is toU suiclmtly ij when Cracow made another effort for BarleyWHa circular to th trade from am of tins iieprescntative Howell lifted up his liberty Again she vent to its aid and reckless daringtersest do goods houses in America tuneful voice in the house yesterday fought with the same but the cause was hopeless OLESALE cotton hosiery now pays a duty of S- and the listeners sat enthralled There as before racoviins were doomed brave the and Opr cent which might be on leYeU a wfro eleven members in their seats to final defeat Knowing of the sim- ¬ Car Ln Husiers Flour even by a n heat the fun began Makes Good Bread fair degree of rrotectlo ultaneous struggle the Hungarians were a Specialty Kossuth under th direction of robe Xot content with this txtranr Senator IJeyburn continues to talk making and realizing toot any success they 1inary duty Ill mamifEt Vurei > hvtImight gain road strengthen Polands ¬ tuiuteJ Ube Faryu ionj iiiu to bring w Mil opportunity oA rt bat sad to re cause and being impelled by her un- ¬ InterMountain Milling Coseem to senators take other the late In a achedule of M per cent on their quenchable hatred or Austria and Ruseverything delight opposing fiendish tosia she determined to take up Huu designed course of is roods
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