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Reg. No.:










PANIMALAR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Jaisakthi Educational Trust, Chennai – 600 123 Internal Assessment Test III March 2019



Course/Year/Semester/Branch: B.E./II/04/EEE


Course Code: EE8451

Maximum: 100 Marks

Course Title: Linear Integrated Circuits and Application

Time Allowed: 3Hrs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11.(a)

Answer ALL Questions Part A — (10 × 2 = 20 Marks) How are IC’s classified based on device density? What is the significance of using buried layer? List out the ideal characteristics of OPAMP? Draw a subtractor using op-amp? What is the need for an instrumentation amplifier? How many resistors are required in a 12-bit weighted resistor DAC? List the applications of NE 565. Define capture range. Using LM380 draw the circuit for audio power amplifier. What is SMPS? Part B — (5 × 13 = 65 Marks) Explain clearly the following terms related to the fabrication of monolithic integrated circuit (13) a. Diffusion b. Photolithography c. Metallization (OR)


(i) Explain the fabrication process involved in the following circuit diagram.(08)

(ii) Discuss the different ways to fabricate diodes.(05) 12.(a)

(i) Find V0 of the following circuit. (08)

12(b) 13(a)

(ii) Briefly explain summing amplifier. Draw an adder circuit for the given expression (5) V0= - (0.1V1+V2+5V3) (OR) Explain in detail about DC characteristics of op-amp?(13) (i)Explain the working principle of RC phase shift sine wave generator using op-amp and derive the expression for ‘f’?(8) (ii) Design a first order low pass filter for a high cut-off freq of 2khz and pass band gain of 2. (5) (OR)


(i)Discuss the operation of Ladder network DAC with relevant circuit diagram and waveforms.(8) (ii) With the neat diagram explain the operation of Schmitt trigger.(5)


Explain the operation of an astable multi-vibrator configured around 555 Timer IC and derive an expression for output frequency with neat illustration.(13) (OR)


(i)Draw the block diagram of 566 VCO and explain it briefly.(8) (ii)Explain any two applications of PLL.(5)


(i)Draw and explain the functional block diagram of a 723 voltage regulator and how this IC can be used as High voltage regulator?(8) (ii) With neat diagram explain the working of step down switching regulator.(5) (OR)


(i)With neat sketch discuss the operation of LM380 power amplifier.(7) (ii)Draw the functional diagram of ICL 8038 function generator IC and explain its operation.(6) Part C — (1 × 15 = 15 marks)


(i)Determine the output voltage V0 and the current I0 in the circuit as shown below


(ii) With the neat diagram explain the operation of Schmitt trigger. Explain about instrumentation amplifier IC & its application.

Reg. No.:










PANIMALAR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Jaisakthi Educational Trust, Chennai – 600 123 Internal Assessment Test III March 2019



Course/Year/Semester/Branch: B.E./II/04/EEE


Course Code: EE8451

Maximum: 100 Marks

Course Title: Linear Integrated Circuits and Application

Time Allowed: 3Hrs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11(a)

Answer ALL Questions Part A — (10 × 2 = 20 Marks) List the three different IC package configuration. What is ion implantation? Give its advantages. Define input offset voltage Define CMRR of an op-amp. Draw the circuit diagram of an op-amp based positive clipper What is an astable multivibrator? Why VCO is called voltage to frequency converter? Draw the pin diagram of IC555. What is the advantage of switching regulators? Give the classification of voltage regulators Part B — (5 × 13 = 65 Marks) (i)With respect to the BJT based circuit given below ,explain the various steps to implement the circuit into a monolithic IC.(09)

(ii) Explain the process of epitaxial growth in the fabrication of ICs.(4) (OR) 11(b)


(i) (ii)

Discuss briefly about the fabrication methods for transistors and diodes.(8) Discuss the various methods used for fabricating IC resistors and compare their performance(5)

Explain the AC characteristics of op-amp.(13) (OR)



Obtain the closed loop voltage gain V0/ Vi of the circuit shown below.(8)

(ii)Explain about Emitter coupled differential amplifier in detail with neat sketch.(5) 13(a)

Discuss second order high pass filter with its frequency response and design the circuit with cut off frequency 5KHZ(13) (OR)


Explain in detail the working of (i)weighted resistor type DAC(ii) Dual slope type ADC (iii)SAR ADC(13)


Draw and explain the block diagram of PLL IC 565 and derive its expression for lockin range and capture range(13) (OR)


Explain any two application of (i) PLL (ii) Monostable multivibrator using 555 timer(13)


Explain about the following terms (i) Switching regulator IC (8) (Ii) buck boost regulator (5)


(OR) (i)With neat sketch discuss the operation of LM380 power amplifier.(7)



(ii)Draw the functional diagram of ICL 8038 function generator IC and explain its operation.(6) Part C — (1 × 15 = 15 marks) Explain Differentiator in detail with neat sketch and relavant expression and also design a differentiator for the cutoff frequency of 100Hz (OR) Explain Integrator in detail with neat sketch and relavant expression and also design a differentiator for the cutoff frequency of 1KHz

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