Library Management System

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Library Management System Software Requirements Specification

Version 1.0

Student Id: MC06040151 Student Name: Azhar Hussain Supervisor Name:

Revision History Date (dd/mm/yyyy) 23-Oct-2009 23-NOV-2009 30-DEC-209

Version 1.0 2 3

Description Library Management System Library Management System Library Management System

Author Mc060401541 MC060401541 MC060401541

PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................................4 INTENDED AUDIENCE .......................................................................................................................................4 PROJECT SCOPE................................................................................................................................................4 FUNCTIONAL/NONE FUNCTION REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................................6 FUNCTION REQUIREMENT...................................................................................................................................6 THE LIBRARIAN...............................................................................................................................................6 MEMBER................................................................................................................................................6 Asst. Librarian........................................................................................................................................7 Guest.......................................................................................................................................................7 NONE FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT...................................................................................................................7 Safety Requirements................................................................................................................................7 Security Requirements............................................................................................................................7 Software Quality Attributes....................................................................................................................7 Hardware Constraints............................................................................................................................7 Software Constraints..............................................................................................................................7 Hardware Interfaces...............................................................................................................................7 Software interfaces.................................................................................................................................8 ACTORS..................................................................................................................................................8 LIBRARIAN DATABASE........................................................................................................................8 MEMBER................................................................................................................................................8 GUEST....................................................................................................................................................8 USER CASE DIAGRAM MAIN VIEW....................................................................................................................9 USAGE SCENARIOS.........................................................................................................................................10 Login.....................................................................................................................................................10 Search Article......................................................................................................................................10 Request Article......................................................................................................................................11 Check Account.....................................................................................................................................11 Maintain inventory...............................................................................................................................12 Manage Member Permission...............................................................................................................12 Manage Article Permission.................................................................................................................13 Inquiry Issuance...................................................................................................................................13 Inquiry Article......................................................................................................................................14 Inquiry members..................................................................................................................................15 Check In Article...................................................................................................................................15 Check Out Article................................................................................................................................16 Inquiry waiting for approvals..............................................................................................................16 Issue Member Ship...............................................................................................................................17 Request registration..............................................................................................................................17

Purpose This document describes the software requirements and specification (SRS) for LMS software. The document is intended for the customer and the developer (designers, testers , maintainers). The reader is assumed to have basic knowledge of LMS. Knowledge and understanding of Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams is also re quired.

Intended Audience The intended audience consists of • Software Project Managers • Software Engineers • Software Developers • Library Organizers

Project Scope LMS is essentially meant of collections. It is a multi-user version and can take care of all the fundamental functions of a Library like Cataloguing, Circulation, Accessioning and Housekeeping. It can satisfactorily cater to all the basic functions of a small library.

Overall Description Modern Libraries are not made up of just Books but CD ROM’s, Articles, Project Reports, Bound volumes are substantial part of the holding, Managing the holdings manually is a not a simple job. There are few solutions but many a times, we find ourselves "making them works" by finding "ways to work around" system inadequacies. Moreover we have limited staff resources, these "work around" waste time, effort, and skills that should be spent on user services. Many solutions do not keep up with the technological changes and hence prove to be time wasters. Library Management system is a small footprint software suitable for personal / individual Libraries. You can store the information about the books and other material and control the movement of the same. Silent Features • Control the movement of books and other material and avoid loosing the same. • Search if you have a specific book in your collection based on the title, author etc. • Print the spine labels for the book. • Find what a specific person has borrowed from you. It offers the following modules Cataloguing, Circulation, Queries

Cataloguing - Salient Features You can create a catalogue of your books, CDs, maps, drawings and all similar collections using this module. It supports various classification schemes like DDC, DD, and CC etc. The cataloguing module is based on AACR2 (Anglo American Cataloguing Rule Circulation Circulation module deals with issue and return of material from the Library. It is a barcode and smart card enabled system and hence the issue and return of material is handled uniformly. You can issue member cards and also do the transactions.

Functional/None Function Requirements

This section gives the list of Functional and non functional requirements that are applicable to the Library Management system

Function Requirement The Librarian 1. Add Article New entries must be entered in database 2. Update Article Any changes in articles should be updated in case of update 3. Delete Article Wrong entry must be removed from system 4. Inquiry Members Inquiry all current enrolled members to view their details 5. Inquiry Issuance Inquiry all database articles 6. Check out Article To issue any article must be checked out 7. Check In article After receiving any article system will reenter article by Checking 8. Inquiry waiting for approvals Librarian will generates all newly application which is in waiting list 9. Reserve Article This use case is used to reserve any book with the name of librarian, it can be pledged 10. Set user Permission From this user case Librarian can give permission categorically, also enabling/disabling of user permission can be set through this use case

MEMBER 1. Authentication User must authenticated before accessing system 2. Search Article User can search any article 3. Request Article After successful searching member mark this book as requested article 4. Check Account This use case is used to check account details

Asst. Librarian Prepare Library database All data base must be prepared

Guest 1. Register user User must full fill all application form for registration

NONE Functional Requirement Safety Requirements The database may get crashed at any certain time due to virus or operating system failure. Therefore, it is required to take the database backup

Security Requirements We are going to develop a secured database for the university .There are different categories of users namely teaching staff, administrator, library staff ,students etc., Depending upon the category of user the access rights are decided. It means if the user is an administrator then he can be able to modify the data, delete, append etc., all other users other than library staff only have the rights to retrieve the information about database.

Software Quality Attributes The Quality of the database is maintained in such a way so that it can be very user friendly to all the users of the database

Hardware Constraints The system requires a database in order to store persistent data. The database should have backup capabilities.

Software Constraints The development of the system will be constrained by the availability of required software such as database and development tools. The availability of these tools will be governed by

Hardware Interfaces

Server Operating System: Windows Processor: Pentium 4.0 GHz or higher RAM: 1GB Mb or more Hard Drive: 80 GB or more

Client Operating System: Windows. Processor: Pentium III or 2.0 GHz or higher. RAM: 512 Mb or more

Software interfaces Oracle database 8i or 10g Developer 2000

USECASE Actors • • • •

Librarian Member Guest Asst. Librarian

ACTORS The actors which are participating in the case are 4 namely

LIBRARIAN The one who manages the library and its database and rapidly keeps on updating the students or people records for issuing books and etc.

LIBRARIAN DATABASE You can say this as an assistant librarian.

MEMBER Library has registered members who is authorized to issue articles from library

GUEST A guest who doesn’t have the membership of the library comes to it and wants to have membership.

User Case Diagram Main View

Library Management System

14.request registration



12.Approve user Registration

5.Maintain Inventory


«uses» 6 Manange Member Permission 13. Issue MemberShip 7 Manage Articles Permission


8. Inquiry Issuances

Member 2.Search Article

9.Inquiry Articles

10. Inquiry Members


Librarian 11 Check In Article

12. Check out article

«extends» 3. Request Article

Usage Scenarios

1. Use Case Title


2.Abbreviated Title Login 3.Use Case Id 1 4.Actors Librarian , Members, Asst. Librarian 5.Description To interact with the system, LMS will validate its registration with this system. It also defines the actions a user can perform in LMS. 5.1.Pre Conditions: User must have proper client installed on user terminal 5.2.Task Sequence 1. System show Login Screen 2. User Fill in required information a. Enter user name and password 3. System acknowledge entry 5.3.Post Conditions: System transfer control to user main screen to proceed further actions 5.2.Exception 1. If in step 3 no user found then system display Invalid user name password error message and transfer control to Task Sequence no.1 6.Modification history: Date 30-dec-2009 7.Author: Azhar Hussain Project ID LMS

1.Use Case Title

Search Article

2.Abbreviated Title Search Article 3.Use Case Id 2 4.Actors Member 5.Description Search article makes it easy to search for article on LMS. With this search companion, user can specify several search criteria. For example, type, article name, author name, publisher etc. 5.1.Pre Conditions: User must be login 5.2.Task Sequence

1. System will show searching screen 2. User enter required information a. It can be user name, book description ISBN etc 3. By pressing search button system will list down all searching results 5.3.Post Conditions: 1. User can view his desire results 2. User can also request article to reserve for this check use case 3. (request Article) 6.Modification history: Date 30-dec-2009 7.Author: Azhar Hussain Project ID LMS

1.Use Case Title

Request Article

2.Abbreviated Title Request Article 3.Use Case Id 3 4.Actors Member 5.Description Request Article is process from which user can request any available article. 5.1.Pre Conditions: Member must be logged on 5.2.Task Sequence 1. User select his desire article to request for reservation 2. System will reserved article for current user. 5.3.Post Conditions: 1. Article will be added to user requested list and LMS reserved list 5.4.Exception 1. If in step 3 at same time some other user reserved this article this user will get message of temporary reserved 6.Modification history: Date 30-dec-2009 7.Author: Azhar Hussain Project ID LMS

1.Use Case Title

Check Account

2.Abbreviated Title 3.Use Case Id 4.Actors 5.Description

Check Account 4 Member

System will show member current issued articles, transaction history and their deadlines 5.1.Pre Conditions: User must be login to the system 5.2.Task Sequence 1. System will display all user history 5.3.Post Conditions: 1. User will be on member status screen 5.4 Exception No exception case 6.Modification history: Date 30-dec-2009 7.Author: Azhar Hussain Project ID LMS

1.Use Case Title

Maintain inventory

2.Abbreviated Title Maintain inventory 3.Use Case Id 5 4.Actors Librarian 5.Description From this use case system will maintain inventory 5.1.Pre Conditions: User must be login with its librarian account 5.2.Task Sequence 1. System will open Inventory main form 2. On this screen librarian can add, update or delete new items to inventory 5.3.Post Conditions: System can have updated system inventory position 5.4 Exception There are many condition arises while maintaining inventory, It cannot be described here 6.Modification history: Date 30-dec-2009 7.Author: Azhar Hussain Project ID LMS

1.Use Case Title

Manage Member Permission

2.Abbreviated Title 3.Use Case Id

Manage Member Permission 6

4.Actors Librarian 5.Description From this user case Librarian can manage user permissions 5.1.Pre Conditions: Member must be logged on with librarian account 5.2.Task Sequence 1. System show all users registered with LMS 2. Librarian will select any user; system will list down all assigned and unassigned permission of current user. 3. Librarian can grant or revoke any securities from this screen 5.3.Post Conditions: Member will be restricted or granted permission 6.Modification history: Date 30-dec-2009 7.Author: Azhar Hussain Project ID LMS

1.Use Case Title

Manage Article Permission

2.Abbreviated Title Manage Article Permission 3.Use Case Id 7 4.Actors Librarian 5.Description This use case is used to set permissions on some Articles like reserved, for internal use only or blocked due to any reason. 5.1.Pre Conditions: Member must be logged 5.2.Task Sequence 1. System show all articles entered in LMS 2. User will select any article; system will list down all assigned and unassigned permissions of current article. 3. User can grant or revoke any securities from this screen 5.3.Post Conditions: Article will be restricted or granted 6.Modification history: Date 30-dec-2009 7.Author: Azhar Hussain Project ID LMS

1.Use Case Title

Inquiry Issuance

2.Abbreviated Title Inquiry Issuance 3.Use Case Id 8 4.Actors Librarian 5.Description This use case is used to inquiry all the issued article by LMS. 5.1.Pre Conditions: Member must be logged on with librarian account. 5.2.Task Sequence 1. System will display issuance Inquiry form 2. User required criteria can be input on this system a. This searching criterion is Article type, Article or its issuance or completion date etc. 3. On pressing inquiry button system will display all resulting data according to criterion given 5.3.Post Conditions: 1. Librarian can view issuance and made different decision 6.Modification history: Date 30-dec-2009 7.Author: Azhar Hussain Project ID LMS

1.Use Case Title

Inquiry Article

2.Abbreviated Title Inquiry Article 3.Use Case Id 9 4.Actors Librarian 5.Description Articles have different details; Inquiry Article inquiry is used to inquiry all articles in a system, It also give details of its transaction history, current status etc. 5.1.Pre Conditions: System must be logon to the system 5.2.Task Sequence 1. User enter required information 2. It can be author name, book description ISBN , Label, code etc By pressing search button system will list down all searching results 5.3.Post Conditions: 1. User will get all the information of article in LMS

6.Modification history: Date 30-dec-2009 7.Author: Azhar Hussain Project ID LMS

1.Use Case Title

Inquiry members

2.Abbreviated Title Inquiry members 3.Use Case Id 10 4.Actors Librarian 5.Description This use case is used to inquiry any users exist in LMS; Librarian can also view their transaction history, current status. 5.1.Pre Conditions: System must be logon to the system 5.2.Task Sequence 1. System will show Inquiry screen 2. User enter required information 3. It can be member name, or other member relevant information etc By pressing search button system will list down all searching results 5.3.Post Conditions: 1. Librarian will get all information from user 6.Modification history: Date 30-dec-2009 7.Author: Azhar Hussain Project ID LMS

1.Use Case Title

Check In Article

2.Abbreviated Title Check In Article 3.Use Case Id 11 4.Actors Librarian 5.Description When any member is returning back article then Check in article is the process from which librarian can enter its issue return of article. 5.1.Pre Conditions: Member must be logged On 5.2.Task Sequence

1. Librarian will enter article code and member code 2. System will mark this article as checked in article 5.3.Post Conditions: Article will be available for any other issuance 6.Modification history: Date 30-dec-2009 7.Author: Azhar Hussain Project ID LMS

1.Use Case Title

Check Out Article

2.Abbreviated Title Check Out Article 3.Use Case Id 12 4.Actors Librarian 5.Description This use case is used to issue article to member 5.1.Pre Conditions: System must be logon to the system 5.2.Task Sequence 1. System display articles available for check out 2. User enters article and member code 3. System will mark this article as checked out article 5.3.Post Conditions: Article will be booked till checked in 6.Modification history: Date 30-dec-2009 7.Author: Azhar Hussain Project ID LMS

1.Use Case Title

Inquiry waiting for approvals

2.Abbreviated Title Inquiry waiting for approvals 3.Use Case Id 13 4.Actors Librarian 5.Description Librarian can inquiry all new registration which are not entertained earlier 5.1.Pre Conditions: User must be logon

5.2.Task Sequence 1. System will display all the results which are in waiting list 2. User select any applicant and request to register 3. System will register application as register user and give register code include (Issue membership) 5.3.Post Conditions: Application will become register user and removed from waiting for approval list 6.Modification history: Date 30-dec-2009 7.Author: Azhar Hussain Project ID LMS

1.Use Case Title

Issue Member Ship

2.Abbreviated Title Issue membership 3.Use Case Id 14 4.Actors Librarian 5.Description To register applicants system will issue membership 5.1.Pre Conditions: User must be logged on 5.2.Task Sequence 1. User enters applicant code to register 2. System transfer this application to registered members 3. System issue new membership number to applicant 5.3.Post Conditions: Application will become register user and removed from waiting for approval list 6.Modification history: Date 7.Author: Project ID

1.Use Case Title

Request registration

2.Abbreviated Title Request registration 3.Use Case Id 15 4.Actors Librarian 5.Description All new persons who want to register use this USECASE

5.1.Pre Conditions: User must have valid client installed machines 5.2.Task Sequence 1. System displays user registration form 2. User enters his basic information 3. System will issue applicant number 5.3.Post Conditions: Applicant will be available in waiting for approval list 6.Modification history: Date 30-dec-2009 7.Author: Azhar Hussain Project ID LMS

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