20' oct 2008 My REQU€ST of17h oct 2oo8notaddressed DearMr. Rudd and the Aftearcceivinga messagelcontactedHelene,DepartmentofBroadband,Communications wlll hang up" At one stage Helene statcd "l requested on 1800 883488. Economy as Digltal Yet couldfind nogroundsfor sucha statementl otherslisteningtothe discussion I specific€llystated in correspondenceto your office "l do not want to brcat tha law neithei do I ark the Govelnmenttol HelenewasadamehtthetI waseliSiblefor ABGuntil I descritedmy exact locationand Helenemovedthe pin stating it h€scomeup asADSLI Ihad statedthis allalongl Heleneth€n$ys notto mentionlcan get ADSLin ordershe be sbleto helpmel Telstraus€da Release& Indemnitytodeny liability,makingit clearthat wlthout it noneof my losses that hadbeencausadthroughtheir actionswould be reimbursedlNow the laborGovernmentdoes a simllar thing providing I f?lsely attest, th-rshassimilarity to, if not is Entrapnent? l'm bett€r than Telstraand would liketo thinkthe LaborGovernmentis? Thisisn't Helene'sfault; effectivelyyou deated the hopelessposltion,not readingmy lettersor siteand sweepingthe h? prcblemunderthe carpetslmilerlytoTelstraso as not to addressit,ls Mi. RnddaddreaslnS In order to remove Telslra from holding my account and in e form of acknowledtrient how about Telstreglve me perpetualfreeline rentalthroughmychosenproviderbeingExatelatthis point? lf all else fails I willgo to the Media!
5ubu6/Loc.llty: Menindee,Nsw
Servicesthat may be availableat your pr€mi8es Ees€d on the inhntatiofl
yd, hav€ grovid€d, yo|l. promis€s haE b€€n id.|ltified as:
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Feryke at
lf you €an ptut tits page, !r€ €ncou-eg€ you to & so .nd contact th€ ist d ISPg to twettjgate servte avaiadity at yotr plttttlg3s. Yor ltrooH not co.r9l€ta ll|€ &!5tralatr Aroadbard €uaraat€. r€g|'E do.fum-
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