Lesson Plan 3

  • May 2020
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Lindsey Peterson EDUC 538U July 16, 2009 World History and Geography to 1500 A.D. (C.E.) Ancient Rome from 700 B.C. (B.C.E.) to 500 A.D. (C.E.) Grade 9 Introduction •

Reviewing the influence of geography in ancient Roman development by analyzing the physical and cultural landscapes of the world to interpret the past

Length of Lesson (estimated): 50 minutes

VA Standards of Learning o

The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Rome from about 700 B.C. (B.C.E) to 500 A.D. (C.E.) in terms of its impact on Western civilization by a) assessing the influence of geography on Roman economic, social and political development b) using maps, globes, artifacts and pictures to analyze the physical and cultural landscapes of the world and interpret the past (WHI.1b)

Learning Objectives

Students will… •

Demonstrate knowledge of ancient Rome through the use of alternative technological resources (Google Earth)

Build essential skills and knowledge by locating geographic locations and monuments

Analyze physical and cultural landscapes of the world to interpret the past

Learn the importance of the Italian Peninsula’s geographic location

Answer questions to demonstrate knowledge of subject

Use Google 3d warehouse to visualize the architecture and history of ancient Roman monuments

Gain experience in using an alternative source for finding information

Resources/ Materials •

Computer lab with internet access

Google Earth application

Lesson handout

Writing utensil

Teaching and Learning Sequence Introduction •

Students will arrive to computer lab (direction relayed in previous class, sign posted on class door)

Begin by reviewing information learned on ancient Rome in the previous classes

Prompt students by asking questions based on economic, social, and political development o How was geographic location important in the development of ancient Rome? o What was the social structure in the Roman Republic? o What features of ancient Roman democracy laid the foundations for modern democracy? o Why was Rome able to extend its influence across the Mediterranean Basin and much of Western Europe? o Western civilization was influenced by the cultural achievements of Rome. What are examples of monuments and technological accomplishments made by the Romans? (Colosseum, Pantheon, Forum, aqueducts, Roman arches)

Lesson Development •

Continue with discussion review on Ancient Rome (10-15 minutes including introduction)

Explain to class they will be using the Google Earth application to identify geographic locations and monuments discussed in the ancient Rome unit

Distribute handout with specific directions on how to operate Google Earth and perform activity

Activity to be completed independently, class work/ participation grade, estimated time 30-35 minutes

Directions Example: 1. Double click on Google Earth icon (blue and white sphere) 2. Begin by typing the first location ‘Greece’ into the ‘fly to’ browser in top left

corner then click enter 3. Watch as the world moves to locate the destination 4. Notice the blue squares that appear around the location 5. Click on a square to identify the name of the specific location and what it represents  Example: Athens: the capital and largest city of Greece, its history spans 3,000 years 6. Use the blue squares as a resource tool to help answer questions on the worksheet 7. After exploring the specific location and surrounding area, move to the next destination on the list 8. Delete ‘Greece’ from the ‘fly to’ browser and type the next entry

After completing the geography portion, the student will continue by evaluating ancient Rome’s monumental achievements

Directions continued: 9. Open the Google 3D warehouse link: http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/

10. Under 3D building collections, click on ‘ancient Rome’ 11. Locate the first item in the list ‘Colosseum’ 12. Click on the link 13. Explore the image, read the caption

14. Click the link titled ‘view in Google Earth’ and the image should appear on the

Google Earth map 15. Explore with different viewing options 16. Click on blue squares to see images and read facts 17. Use the resources to continue answering questions on worksheet

Explain to students that Google 3D warehouse allows them to visualize a replica of the monument, in its correct geographic location

Inform students that in the top right corner of Google Earth there are plus and minus buttons which allow the image to zoom in and out as well as change the angle from a side view to top view

Remind students not all monuments are found in the 3D warehouse and in this case should continue by typing the name in the ‘fly to’ browser in Google Earth

Teacher will walk around room, monitoring students’ progress, answering any questions

If a student finishes early, the individual may begin working on vocabulary flashcards for test; student should already have test review, extras in folder with lesson directions

Closure •

In last 3-5 minutes of class, have students finish question currently working on and collect all worksheets

Remind students to continue working on the Ancient Rome unit test review

Ask if anyone has any questions

Homework •

Continue working on test review

Ancient Rome test next Wednesday

Assessment •

Formative o Students will be prompted to participate by contributing to review discussion o

Students will participate in technology activity by following directions, staying on task and away from inappropriate sites, and completing worksheet as move through Google Earth lesson

o Teacher will circulate room, observing and helping students progress with activity o Monitor that students are using internet appropriately •

Summative o Grade based on participation and completion or attempt towards completion of assignment

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