Lecture10 Mechanics

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 862
  • Pages: 20
Game Mechanics

Some definitions 

“methods invoked by agents, designed for interaction with the game state” (Sicart)

"any part of the rule system of a game that covers one, and only one, possible kind of interaction that takes place during the game, be it general or specific (…) mechanics are regarded as a way to summarize game rules” (Lundgren and Björk)

“"what the players are able to do in the game-world, how they do it, and how that leads to a compelling game experience” (Rouse)

“mechanics are the various actions, behaviours, and control mechanisms afforded to the player within a game context” (Hunicke, Zubek, LeBlanc)


Tetris Game Mechanics 

Rotation system: 

Randomizers: 

The order/sequence in which the tetromino types spawn.

Scoring Systems: 

Where the tetrominoes spawn, in what position they spawn, how they rotate, and their wall kick (their position when you try to rotate on the edge).

The points you get for line clears, including back-to-back lines, combos, T-spins, etc.

Mobility: 

The player’s ability to manipulate the tetrominoes, including rotating, dropping, etc.

Gameplay vs Mechanics Gameplay 

The player will be given grenades that they can pickup throughout the levels off of a dead corpse and use, but the player cannot hold more than 'x' amount of grenades at one time. These grenades act like a typical grenade, they bounce a little when thrown and you can "cook" the grenade before throwing shortening the explosion time.


Mechanics 

Grenades will have an ammo counter with a maximum value

Player can pick these up by walking over a corpse

Player can hold grenade in hand while countdown to explosion is active

Grenades bounce off of a surface before exploding.

Common Mechanics categories


Internal economy

Tactical manoeuvring


Social Interaction

Physics mechanics 

The science of motion and force in the game world

Computing a game element’s position

Computing the direction in game element is moving

Computing whether game element intersects or collides with other elements

Common to use modified version of Newtonian mechanics so that characters can do non-Newtonian things such as change direction while in mid-air.

Internal economy

transactions involving game elements that are collected, consumed, and traded items easily identified as resources: money, energy, ammunition can also include abstractions such as health, popularity, and magical power.

Skill points and other quantified abilities in many role-playing games also qualify

Progression mechanisms 

progress of the player controlled by mechanisms that block or unlock access to certain areas 



magical objects


Tactical manoeuvring 

placement of game units on a map for offensive or defensive advantages.

strategy games and some role-playing and simulation games.

what strategic advantages each type of unit may gain from being in each possible location.

Social interaction. 

mechanics that reward giving gifts

inviting new friends to join

participating in social interactions

role-playing games might have rules that govern the play-acting of a character

strategy game might have rules that govern the forming and breaking of alliances between players

Example Mechanics 

Avoiding Unkillable Objects - There are objects that the player cannot touch. These are different from normal enemies because they cannot be destroyed or moved.

Instant Death - Something causes the player to instantly die, such as spikes or bottomless pits.

Remember an Increasing Number of Things - Tests the short-term memory of a player. (Example: Simon)

Repeat Pattern - The player must repeat a series of given steps. (Example: Simon, Dance Dance Revolution)

Forced Constant Movement - The player cannot stand still at any point. (Example: Nibbles, Rail Shooters, Asteroids, Winter Bells)

Block Puzzles - The game involves standard sized objects that must be moved around in a specific way. (Example: Tetris, Sokoban, Connect Four, Dr. Mario, Kirby's Avalanche / Puyo Puyo)

Game Keeps Gets Harder Until You Die - Like "Game Repeats Until You Die" except the difficulty level also keeps increasing. (Example: Tetris)

Big Gains for You Can Be Big Gains for Enemy - There is an obvious and easy way to score points, but the more points you take the better position your enemy will be in also. (Example: Othello, Risk)

Block Path - You don't directly fight your enemies but instead tried to block their movements. (Example: Tron, Quoridor, Minotaurus, Abalone, Chess (capturing the king))


A movement mechanic

An attack mechanic

Internal economy mechanic


Flow A challenging activity that requires skill  Activity provides clear goals and feedback  The outcome is uncertain but can be influenced by your actions 

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly (1990). Flow – The psychology of optimal experience. London: Harper

Effects of Flow 

A merging of action and awareness: spontaneous, automatic action/reaction

Concentration on immediate task without mind wandering: focus on here-and-now

Loss of awareness of self, of ego – at one with the situation

Distorted sense of time (game time slows down, real time speeds up)

Experience of the activity becomes an end in itself

Snakes & Ladders



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