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© LGChan


2 © LGChan

Manufacturing Systems Characteristics o A structure for assembly of components using standardized procedures in mass production of products A system process architecture with an acquisition waterfall working on a well defined product architecture o Examples of Manufacturing Systems • Ford Car Assembly (assembly line mass production) • Toyota Production System (small incremental improvements over time through workers participation) • Robotic Car Assembly Line (automatic manufacturing)

3 © LGChan

Leveraging Architectures in Manufacturing Strategies Full Development and Serial Production o Prototypes are produced and tested for functionality Designs are then finalized and put into full production o Examples: automobile models

Incremental Development and Stage Release

o A series of prototypes which are fully operationally but contains less than the less desired level of functionality o Basic prototypes are released first while the more advanced prototypes continued with their development o Example: evolutionary design of software systems, SONY walkman

Proto-flight Development and Manufacturing o o o o

For one-of-a-kind products, development unit is also the final manufactured product Suitable for systems that would be damaged during testing or high cost of replacement Architecture of this systems emphasize on testing procedures Example: spacecraft, nuclear power station 4 © LGChan

Systems Architecting in Manufacturing Systems 1 Dynamic Manufacturing Systems Intersecting Waterfalls o Manufacturing Process System waterfall is independent of Product Development System waterfall Need to synchronize the two or more waterfalls

Spiral to Circle Model o Spiral model is an iterative development process which goes through four phases (specify/design, build/integrate, test, evaluation) and responds to new requirements at the beginning of the new cycle of the spiral model

Feedback Systems o Two kinds of feedback: external feedback (example: customers and suppliers feedback, market survey) and internal feedback from manufacturing system (example: lean production) o Factors influencing feedbacks are 1. time delay for making changes (loop delay): changes take time to implement and to be effective, a longer time delay means slower response 2. feedback resonance (positive and negative feedback): negative feedback results in improvements (better quality raw materials produce higher quality products) while positive feedback results in more problems (increase production rate may cause more machine breakdowns and higher defects) 5 © LGChan

System Engineering Waterfall Process Model o Sequential Model o Activities followed each other step by step o Feedback are adjustment of inputs from a preceding step to resolve unexpected problems before proceeding to the subsequent step o Similar to system life cycle structure

Waterfall Model Application orequirements are very well known, clear and fixed oproduct definition is stable o technology is understood o Project is short o resources and expertise are available freely

6 © LGChan

Classic Waterfall Requirements

Intersecting Waterfall Requirements







Verification Maintenance





Product Development

Manufacturing Process

7 © LGChan

System Engineering “Vee” Process Model Feedback

Process flows down with decomposition/ definition Process flows up with integration/verification Testing/Feedback at each level

V-shaped model Application o small to medium sized projects o requirements are clearly defined and fixed. o resources and expertise are available freely Traceability

8 © LGChan

System Engineering Spiral Process Model o o o o

Incremental Development Model Adaptation of waterfall model Risk Driven Approach Iterative feedback

Spiral Model Application o o o o o o

when costs and risk evaluation is important medium to high-risk projects users are unsure of their needs requirements are complex new product line significant changes are expected

9 © LGChan

Systems Architecting in Manufacturing Systems 2 Flexible Manufacturing o Flexible manufacturing is the capability of sequentially making more than one product on the same production line o Can be implemented with modular manufacturing by dividing a certain product into parts, then manufacture each part separately in different production lines, and final assembly at last stage o Requires real time interaction of a production waterfall with multiple product waterfalls o Example: laptops are customizable with different RAM chips, hard disk size, but still retaining the motherboard, microprocessor, and screen

3 Lean Production o Two architecture viewpoints in Lean Production 1. value streams: customer, product design and test, production, and knowledge 2. application domains: design, supply, manufacturing, and customer Examples: JIT, Toyota Production System, Kanban, Pull Systems, Lean Thinking 10 © LGChan


11 © LGChan


© LGChan

History of Toyota Production System and Lean Production

2 © LGChan

What is Toyota Production System? Overview The Toyota Production System is a framework for conserving resources by eliminating waste (1998) This framework has been expanded and refined many times by Toyota Corporation throughout its history The Toyota Production System (TPS) is an integrated socio-technical system that comprises its management philosophy and practices The TPS organizes manufacturing and logistics for the automobile manufacturer, including interaction with suppliers and customers

Background The first TPS principle, “Just-In-Time Production”, was developed by Sakichi Toyoda and his son, Kiichiro Toyoda TPS is borne out of necessity in the post-war period of Japan: o At that time Japan was poor, lack of resources, and lack of land, so cost minimization and efficiency were most important o Japanese could not afford the expensive mass production facilities of the type used in the USA so they instead focused on reducing waste and low cost automation o Post war demand was low and minimising the cost per unit through economies of scale was inappropriate. This led to the development of demand-led pull systems o TPS is low tech, not dependent on computers. Furthermore, all actions easily understandable

3 © LGChan

Toyota Production System - Background Background The first TPS principle, “Just-In-Time Production”, was developed by Sakichi Toyoda (豊田, トヨダ ) and his son, Kiichiro Toyoda Toyota Production System (トヨタ) is created out of necessity in the post-war period : o At that time Japan was poor, lack of resources, and lack of land, so cost minimization and efficiency were most important o Japanese could not afford the expensive mass production facilities of the type used in the USA so they instead focused on reducing waste and low cost automation o Post war demand was low and minimising the cost per unit through economies of scale was inappropriate. This led to the development of demand-led pull systems o TPS is low tech, not dependent on computers. Furthermore, all actions easily understandable

Sakichi Toyoda (1867-1930)

Kiichiro Toyoda (1894-1952)

Taiichi Ohno (1912-1990)

4 © LGChan

History of the Development of the Toyota Production System

5 © LGChan

Toyota Production System or The Toyota Way TPS House

Just in Time

People and Teamwork

Toyota Way


Continuous Improvement


Challenge Kaizen Genchi Gembutsu

Continuous Improvement

Respect for People

Waste Reduction


Standardised Work Toyota Way Philosophy

TPS is a set of techniques, processes, or systems which aims to o seek competitive advantage through customer satisfaction o by increasing the level of Just-in-time and Jidoka o through engaging people into heijunka, standardized work and kaizen, and o resting on a basis of stability

Respect Teamwork

The Toyota Way is a set of principles and behaviors that underlie the Toyota Motor Corporation's managerial approach and production system Toyota first summed up its philosophy, values and manufacturing ideals in 2001

6 © LGChan

Books on Toyota Production System

Yasuhiro Monden. Toyota Production System. 2ed 1983

Womack, Jones. Lean Thinking. Simon and Schuster 1996

Taiichi Ohno. The Toyota Production System. Productivity Press. 1988

Spear, Bowen. The DNA of the TPS. HBR 1999

Hayes, Wheelwright and Clark. Dynamic Manufacturing. Free Press 1988

John Nicholas. Lean production for competitive advantage. CRC 2011. TS155 Nic

Shigeo Shingo. A Study of the Toyota Production System. Productivity Press 1989

Mark Eaton. The Lean Practitioner's Handbook. Kogan Page 2013

Womack, Jones, Roos. The Machine That Changed the World. Free Press 1990

7 © LGChan


8 © LGChan

The Toyota Way 2001 A set of Management Principles proposed by Toyota Motor Corporation o Temporary and Subject to Changes o Responsive to business environment o Reinforces the value of Continuous Improvements o 2 Major Components 1. Continuous Improvement 2. Respect for People

JK Liker (2004) interprets Toyota Way in 14 Management Principles which are classified into 4 groups

1. 2. 3. 4.

Long Term Philosophy Right Process will produce the right results Add value to organization by developing People Continuously solve root Problems drives organizational learning (continuous learning)

9 © LGChan

14 Principles of “The Toyota Way 2001” Philosophy as the Foundation

Right Processes Produce Right Results

1. Base your management decisions on a long-term philosophy, even at expense of short-term financial goals 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Create a continuous process flow to bring problems to surface Use PULL systems to avoid production Level out workload Build a culture of stopping to fix problems, to get quality right the first time Standardized tasks and processes are the foundation of continuous improvement and employee empowerment 7. Use visual controls so no problems are hidden 8. Use only reliable, thoroughly tested technology that services your people and processes

Add Value by developing your people and partners

9. Grow leaders who thoroughly understand the work, live the philosophy and teach it to others 10. Develop exceptional people and teams who follow the company philosophy 11. Respect extended network of partners and suppliers by challenging them and helping them to improve

Continuously Solving Root Problems Drives Learning

12. Personally understand the situation thoroughly 13. Make decision slowly by consensus, thoroughly considering all options implement decisions rapidly 14. Become a learning organization through relentless reflection and continuous improvement 10

Source: Liker, Jeffrey (2004) The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer. McGraw-Hill Education

© LGChan


11 © LGChan

Video : Toyota Production System


Video (4:14) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-bDlYWuptM

© LGChan

Toyota Production System DNA Kent Bowen and Steven Spear (1990s) proposes 4 main principles in Toyota Production Systems

o three rules of design, which show how Toyota sets up all its operations as experiments, and o one rule of improvement, which describes how Toyota teaches the scientific method to workers at every level of the organization, form the essence of Toyota’s system

Source Bowen, H. Kent, Spear, S (1999) Decoding the DNA of the Toyota Production System. Harvard Business Review Sept-Oct 1999

13 © LGChan

Design Rule 1


How People Work

Operators follow a well-defined sequence of steps for a particular job, it is instantly clear when they deviate from the specifications

Design Rule 2


How People Connect

Design Rule 3 How Production Line is Constructed

Every customer-supplier connection must be direct, and there must be an unambiguous yes-or-no way to send requests and receive responses

Application All production lines have to be set up so that every product and service flows along a simple, direct and specified path

Improvement Rule


How to Improve

Improvement to production activities, to connections between workers or machines, or to pathways must be made in accordance with scientific method, under guidance of a teacher, and at the lowest possible organizational level

Benefits Less uncertainty to the process, and less defects

Benefits Clear responsibility, timing expectations, or expectations

Benefits Smooth production flow, and no stoppages

Benefits Empowers workers, promotes organization learning 14 © LGChan

Summary : Toyota Production System o o o o

All workers are taught to follow a specific routine All customer-client relationships must be direct and have a specific path for resolution Production lines must follow a specified path Scientific method must be used for improvements

15 © LGChan

TPS House Goal : Highest Quality, Lowest Cost, Shortest Lead Time , Highest Morale Just-In-Time Continuous Flow Takt Time Rapid Changeover Pull System

People and Teamwork Continuous Improvement

Jikoda (Autonomation) Stop Notify Defects Self Inspection Solving Root Causes Empowerment

Waste Reduction Heijunka

Standardized Work




16 © LGChan

House of Toyota Production System TPS House Goal : Highest Quality, Lowest Cost, Shortest Lead Time , Highest Morale Jikoda (Autonomation)

Just-In-Time Continuous Flow Takt Time Rapid Changeover Pull System

People and Teamwork Continuous Improvement Waste Reduction


Standardized Work

Stop Notify Defects Self Inspection Solving Root Causes Empowerment


Stability 17 © LGChan


18 © LGChan

Principle 1 Kaizen


The term Kaizen is derived from two Japanese characters: kai, meaning “change” and zen meaning “continuous improvement” Literal translation Kaizen means “good change”

Kaizen is a problem solving process for continuous improvement

A “zero investment cost” improvement requires participation of all affected departments in the activities to find the most creative solutions for the best improvement for all

Basic principles of Kaizen approach o o o o o

Standardizing a process so that it’s repeatable and organized Focusing on measurability and evaluating progress using data Comparing results against your requirements (did you deliver on your promise?) Innovating new and better ways to achieve similar results Responding to changing circumstance and evolving your methods over time 19 © LGChan

Kaizen - Secret behind Japanese Productivity

Kaizen Toyota, Derbyshire, United Kingdom

Video (4:16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcBXtwGexNc

Video (4:33) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wot9DFzFRLU

20 © LGChan

Kaizen Process

Lean Tools used in Kaizen Process

21 © LGChan

PDCA (plan-do-check-act) – Continuous Improvement PDCA (plan-do-check-act) is an iterative four-step management method used for control and continual improvement of processes and products It is also known as the Deming circle/cycle/wheel, the Shewhart cycle, PDSA (plan–do–study–act) PDCA process is similar to Kaizen process


Create a plan for change, identifying specifically what you want to change Analyze the situation: Try to understand what the current situation is: Talk to people. Visit shop floor and observe (Genchi Genbutsu). Collect data. Define the steps you need to make the change, and predict the results of the change


Carry out the plan in a trial or test environment, on a small scale, under controlled conditions Create a standard, train the workers


Examine the results of your trial. Verify that you’ve improved the process If you have, consider implementing it on a broader scale If you haven’t improved the process, go back and try again



Implement the changes you’ve verified on a broader scale Update the standard operating procedures Congratulate and Celebrate with the team 22

Reference : https://www.allaboutlean.com/pdca/

© LGChan

PDCA (Plan, Check, Do, Act) Cycle and Kaizen

23 © LGChan

Kaizen creates New Standards which leads to Innovation

24 © LGChan



Kaizen involves taking many small steps to achieve gradual improvement

Kaikaku means radical change, breakthrough, or reform is a Japanese Lean Production term that aims to eliminate waste and to create greater value Muda means ‘Waste’ in Japanese 25 © LGChan

Other Management Techniques in Continuous Improvement Total Quality Management (TQM) 1980s TQM is a management system for a customer-focused organization that involves all employees in continual improvement It uses strategy, data, and effective communications to integrate the quality discipline into the culture and activities of the organization

Business Process Re-Engineering early 1990s BPR is a radical redesign of core business processes to achieve sudden improvements in productivity, cycle times and quality Many companies used reengineering as a pretext to downsizing

Six Sigma 1996 Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects (driving toward six standard deviations 99.9996% between the mean and the nearest specification limit) in any process – from manufacturing to transactional and from product to service

Concurrent Engineering 2008 Concurrent engineering is an approach used in product development in which functions of design engineering, manufacturing engineering, and other functions are integrated to reduce time required to bring a new product to market 26 © LGChan


27 © LGChan

Principle 2 Heijunka (平準化) – Production Smoothing Heijunk is a method used in Just in Time production to smooth the quantity of production over a fixed period of time Heijunka is also known in other terms as Production Smoothing, Production Levelling, Production Balancing and Level Loading LEVELLING Smoothing of Volume Production in order to reduce Variation

Heijunka goals o Stabilizes production volume and variety in an even manner during the period o Ensures high order fulfilment rate of orders o Reduces the non-value added portion of the process cycle time (production lead time) o Removes the waste of items in queue and inventory

Heijunka STANDARDIZING Reduce the Variation in the way the work is carried out

SEQUENCING Mixing types of work processes

28 © LGChan

Example : Heijunka (平準化) – Production Smoothing Example A factory has a monthly demand of 1400 units Product A and 200 units Product B. Establish a production schedule for the factory Establish the daily requirement for each product type Product A 1400/20 = 70 units (assuming 20 work days) Product B 200/20 = 10 units Total daily production = 80 units

Calculate the Build Ratio and production frequency for each type of product Based on the lowest unit demand of product to be manufactured (this is 10 units of Product B) Product A 70/10 = 7 Product B 10/10 = 1 Total production frequency = 8 Build production schedule cycle BAAAAAAABAAAAAAAB (1 unit of Product B to be produced and 7 units of product A) 29 © LGChan

Source : http://www.leanmath.com/blog-entry/level-loading-heijunka-cycle

30 © LGChan


31 © LGChan

Principle 3 Standardized Work Standard work is… o o o o

Foundation of Lean Safest, highest quality, and most efficient way known to perform a particular task and process The only acceptable way to do the task and process Continually improved

Why standard work? o Focuses on the employee, not the equipment or materials o Reduces variation, increases consistency o Improvements will not be sustained without it

3 critical elements in Standard Work 1. Satisfy Customer demand 2. The most efficient work routine (steps) 3. Efficient Cycle times (task and wait time combined) 32 © LGChan

Standard Operating Procedure Exercise – Draw a Pig in 2 minutes Read out loud to the class Have group follow along using grid on second page. Hang all drawings on the wall to compare the work when completed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Draw a capital M, so the tip of the middle V of the M touches the intersection of the grid lines in the NW quadrant Draw a capital W, so the tip of the middle V of the W touches the intersection of the grid lines in the SW quadrant Draw a capital W, so the tip of the middle V of the W touches the intersection of the grid lines in the SE quadrant Go back to the M you drew in Step 1, and draw a slightly upwardly bowed line that runs from the most eastern point of the M, to the intersection of the grid lines in the NE quadrant Continue that line from the intersection of the grid lines in the NE quadrant to the most easterly point of the W that you constructed in the 3rd step Draw a downwardly bowed line from the most western point of the W in the SE quadrant, to the most easterly point of the W in the SW quadrant In the exact middle of the box between the NW quadrant and the SW quadrant, draw a circle the size of a dime Draw an inwardly bowed line from the most westerly point of the M created in Step 1, to the top of the circle you just drew in Step 7 Draw an inwardly bowed line from the most westerly point of the W created in Step 2, to the bottom of the circle you drew in Step 7 Draw a horizontal straight line about ½ inch in length starting from the middle of the line you created in Step 8 Draw a horizontal straight line about 1/3 inch in length starting from the middle of the line you drew in step 9 Draw a curly-cue about 1 inch in length starting at the upper third of the line you created in Step 5, extending in an easterly direction Put two dots in middle of the circle you drew in Step 7, arranged horizontally, and about ¼ of an inch apart

33 © LGChan

34 © LGChan

36 © LGChan

Standard Work Model

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Define start and end points of the process Determine as appropriate standard work requirements Gather required information Create standard work documents Train the supervisor Train employees 1. Do you understand why you must follow standard work? 2. Are you willing to follow standard work? Ask the 5 questions 3. Can you show me that you can perform the standard work? Run the process and observe results 4. What are the consequences of choosing not to follow standard work? Make adjustments where needed 5. What is the process for changing standard work?

37 © LGChan


38 © LGChan

SDM 5001 SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE LECTURE 8.3 Lean Fundamental 1 : 7 Deadly Wastes

Adapted from TUM

What are Causes of Waste 斑


Mura (inconsistency)

Mura Inconsistency, variation, unevenness

Muri (overburden)

Muri Overburden or stressing people, equipment or system


uneven, irregular, erratic, inconsistent

unreasonable, impossible, excessive

o o o o

Uneven customer demand Uneven distribution of work load Inconsistent quality of supplies and tools Irregular schedule of work


People working too fast or hard to keep up with demand People working long hours to make up for lost time Running machines too fast to meet production targets Overloading machines to increase output Skipping maintenance to reduce downtime

o o

o o

Muda (waste)


futile, useless, pointless

Waste of 7 forms

How to overcome Mura How to overcome Muri


Any activity that does not produce value in the system

Use Muri to work harder Work smarter not harder

2 Adapted from TUM

What are the 7 Wastes and How to Eliminate MUDA (7 Forms) Waiting Over Production Rework/Defects Motion Over Processing Inventory Transport

(W) (O) (R) (M) (O/P) (I) (T)

Operator waiting (from poor layout of process) Producing more than needed. Overproduction causes other wastes, like inventory Failure to meet specifications results in rework and scrap Operator motion that does not add value Any process that does not add value Inventory waiting anywhere takes up space, costs money, gets damaged Movement of product between processes. (poor layout of process)


Type 1 muda is non-value added BUT necessary Transport, Motion, Waiting, Over Processing

Type 2 is non-value added AND unnecessary Inventory, Defects, Over Production 3 Adapted from TUM

Lean Tools to Eliminate Mura, Muri, Muda Mura (inconsistency) uneven, irregular, erratic, inconsistent

Process / Value Stream Mapping

Visual Management / Kanban 5 S (Sort, Shine, Set in Order, Standardize, Sustain

Muri (overburden) unreasonable, impossible, excessive

Heijunka (Production Levelling) Takt Time Set Up Time Reduction (SMED) Just-in-Time

Muda (waste) futile, useless, pointless

Poka Yoke (Error Proofing) Jidoka / Andon (Stop Repair)

6 Adapted from TUM

Lean Tools Improve Process Capacity

7 Adapted from TUM

Improving Capacity increases Productivity and Performance

8 Adapted from TUM

SDM 5001 SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE LECTURE 8.4 Lean Fundamental 2 : 5 S

© LGChan

What are 5 S? Method for creating an orderly, high performance work environment



Kanji Action




Eliminate unwanted tools and faculty equipment from work area

Set / Simplify Shine / Sweep Standardize



Organize materials, tools, documents into centralized locations



Keep Working Area Clean Visually and Physically



Standardize by using easy to understand procedures



Respect Rules. Regular review, auditing and improvement to maintain 5S

Benefits of applying 5S o Removes Lean Wastes from workplace o Increases Quality o Makes Defects visible

2 © LGChan

Video : What is 5S?

Video (4:19) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umUvWLeMZMY

3 © LGChan

4 © LGChan

When in doubt, move it out Red Tag Technique

A place for everything and everything in its place

Clean and Inspect or Inspect through Cleaning

Make up the Rules, and follow and enforce them

Part of Daily Work and it becomes a Habit


5 Source : http://www.leansimulations.org/2011/12/5s-red-tag-process-5s-numbers-game.html

© LGChan

Step 1


In 20 second, Strike out the numbers 1 to 49 in correct sequence



62 23

47 40


58 13

Time (sec)


6 © LGChan

Step 2



SORT In 20 second, Strike out the numbers 1 to 49 in correct sequence


47 40

10 13

Time (sec)

7 © LGChan

Step 3



SET IN ORDER In 20 second, Strike out the numbers 1 to 49 in correct sequence


47 40

10 13

Time (sec)

8 © LGChan

Step 4

Numbers from 1 to 49 10

STANDARDIZED In 20 second, Strike out the numbers 1 to 49 in correct sequence




30 40

47 9 © LGChan

FINAL Find 2 missing numbers

Step 5




62 23

47 40


58 13

Time (sec)


10 © LGChan

Ferrari F1 Pit Stop Perfection

Video (starts 0:10) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHSUp7msCIE

11 © LGChan

What are the 5 S Practices can you identify in this Photograph?

Video (0:50) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edXVQcBSD6o

12 © LGChan

2 Second Formula 1 Pit Stop Crew Member

Job Function

1 rear jack 11 front jack 10 backup front jack 15 lollipop man 9 and 13 5 and 17

Raise car off the ground by special car jack, so that wheelmen can switch tyres easily same responsibilities with the front jack chief mechanic, oversee the whole procedure wings readjustments cleaning the driver’s visor and for stabilizing the car at each side 3 wheelmen team removal of the wheel from the car and is armed with a pneumatic gun in order to loosen the nuts removes the wheel putting on new wheel and tyre to the car

For each wheel 14 gunner 13 first tyre carrier 16 second tyre carrier (seconds)

Wheel Nuts Source: https://statathlon.com/analysis-of-the-pit-stop-strategy-in-f1/ https://www.autosport.com/f1/news/108724/the-secrets-of-a-twosecond-f1-pitstop

Wheel Gun 13 © LGChan


© LGChan

Kanban A tool to operationalise the “pull system” in production

Videos (9:25) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6y3qrOla9Tc

2 © LGChan

KanBan Card

o Standardized Card o Direct connection between supplier & customer o Essential information captured

Compare Kanban Card with Dabbawalla Coding on Tiffin Cover

3 © LGChan

Kanban Systems

Kanban Bin (note upside down empty bin with reorder card)

Kanban Board for tasks and processes 4 © LGChan

Toyota Six Rules for Kanban Systems 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Each process issues requests (kanban) to its suppliers as it consumes its supplies Each process produces according to the quantity and sequence of incoming requests No items are made or transported without a request The request associated with an item is always attached to it Processes must not send out defective items, to ensure that finished products will be defect-free Limiting the number of pending requests makes the process more sensitive and reveals inefficiencies

5 © LGChan


© LGChan

What is Lean? Lean is a customer-centric methodology used to continuously improve any process through the elimination of waste in everything you do; it is based on the ideas of “Continuous Incremental Improvement” and “Respect for People.”

Toyota Production System main focuses on developing processes that are capable to delivering the required outputs as smoothly, flexibility, and free of stress as possible, utilizing the minimum amount of resistance, thereby achieving productivity, quality, staff morale, and customer service

Lean is about Design of System Processes 2 © LGChan

What is Lean?

Lean IS


A Process A Guiding Philosophy

A Set of Tools and Techniques A State or Condition in the Process

Toyota Way


Lean forms an important part of Toyota Way of guiding principles 3 © LGChan

Toyota Production System or Lean

Lean is a general term used to

Toyota Production Systems is a collection of tools, methods, and practices brought together into a single framework / system by the Toyota Corporation

explain the Toyota Production Philosophy to the Western world It was first introduced in John F. Krafcik article “Triumph of Lean Production Systems“ in Sloan Management Review; Cambridge Vol. 30, Iss. 1, (Fall 1988)

4 © LGChan

Key Concepts of Lean Manufacturing 1. Create Continuous Flow in production process 2. Increase Flexibility to meet Customer Demand 3. Eliminate waste through Quality and Quantity Control 4. Pull Production through the Process 5. Continuous Improvement in the System o Culture o Continuous Monitoring and Reporting o Involvement from Everyone

5 © LGChan

Comparison of Toyota Production System and Lean Method

Toyota Production System

Lean (1988)1

Lean (1996)2


Industrial Engineers

Mechanical Engineers

Social Scientists


Cost Reduction Productivity Improvement

Quality Productivity

Maximum Customer Value


Continuous Improvement Respect for People

Continuous Improvement

Specify Value Identify Value Stream Flow, Pull, Perfection

Normal Condition



Improvement Focus




Teaching Method

Genba Kaizen

Team Leader



Waste, Unevenness, Unreasonableness


Value Creating Activities

Desired Outcome

Customer Satisfaction Survival

Plant High Performance

Perfect Value

1. 2.

Lean 1988 Lean 1996

Source: https://bobemiliani.com/comparing-tps-and-lean/

Perfect Processes

Taiichi Ohno. The Toyota Production System. Productivity Press. 1988 Womack, Jones. Lean Thinking. Simon and Schuster. 1996

6 © LGChan

Classification of Major Practices in Lean Manufacturing Just in Time Practices Production leveling (heijunka) Pull system (kanban) Takted production Process synchronization

Defects Control Autonomation (jidoka) Failure prevention (poka yoke) Line stop (Andon)

Resource Reduction Small lot production Waste elimination Setup time reduction Lead time reduction Inventory reduction

Standardization Housekeeping (5S) Standardized work Visual control and management

Improvement Strategies Continuous improvement (kaizen) Root cause analysis (5 why)

Scientific Management Flexible Schedule Multi manning Layout adjustments Cellular manufacturing

Source : Jostein Pettersen 2008. Defining Lean Production: Some conceptual and practical issues. Accessed http://www.ep.liu.se/ecp/033/025/ecp0803325.pdf

7 © LGChan

Lean Manufacturing Techniques In this Section the Slides in this focus on techniques found in Two Pillars of Toyota Production Systems TPS House Goal : Highest Quality, Lowest Cost, Shortest Lead Time , Highest Morale Just-In-Time

Just-InTime Production

Continuous Flow Takt Time Rapid Changeover Pull System

Jikoda (Autonomation)

People and Teamwork

Stop Notify Defects Self Inspection Solving Root Causes Empowerment

Continuous Improvement


Waste Reduction Heijunka

Standardized Work



Just In Time Techniques

Jidoka Techniques

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 2.

Gemba Kanri Set-up Time Reduction Pull Scheduling Cellular Manufacturing I,U,S Shaped Material Flow

Autonomation Fool Proofing – Poka Yoke

8 © LGChan

Just in Time by Toyota

Video (4:08) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAUXHJBB5CM

9 © LGChan

TPS House Goal : Highest Quality, Lowest Cost, Shortest Lead Time , Highest Morale Jikoda (Autonomation)

People and Teamwork

Just-In-Time Continuous Flow Takt Time Rapid Changeover Pull System

Stop Notify Defects SelfNotify Inspection Stop Defects Solving Root Causes Self Inspection Empowerment Solving Root Causes Empowerment

Continuous Improvement Waste Reduction


Standardized Work

Kaizan (visual management



10 © LGChan

Genba Kanri (現場管理) – Workplace Management Genba: the real place, the place where the value is added Kanri: administration, control, management translation: scene management or workplace management A system for on the site management by which standards of inter-relationships for running the day-to-day business using various tools and techniques for effective management of people, products, processes in order to achieve Quality, Cost and Delivery requirements Includes a number of tools: o 5S and 7W o Kaizen o Kanban (Visual management or control) o Standard Operations o Skill control and people empowerment and development

11 © LGChan

Single-Minute Exchange of Die - SMED SMED is a system for reducing equipment changeover time in manufacturing SMED Essence is to convert as many changeover steps as possible to “External” (performed while the equipment is running), and to simplify and streamline the remaining steps

SMED benefits are: o Increase machine availability time o More efficient output from machines o Increase responsiveness to customer demands and requirements SMED Basic Principles: o Identify Internal vs External changeover tasks o Convert Internal setup to External setup - Internal Setup takes more time to disassemble and reassemble while machine is idle - External Setup can take place while production is still working o Analyze each task’s real purpose and function o Focus on no / low cost solutions o Standardize – in each step the size changeover tools are examined and replace with standard sizes o Adopt Parallel / Concurrent Operations (multi-tasking) o Eliminate adjustments

12 © LGChan

Set-Up Time Reduction

Waller, D.L., 2003,”Operations Management: a Supply Chain Perspective 2nd Edition”, Thompson, London

13 © LGChan

Pit Stop Error Costs Ricciardo 1st Place in Monaco Grand Prix 2016 3 Carrying New Tire

4a Removing Old Tire

Daniel Ricciardo (Ferrari) exiting Pit Stop

4b Waiting for New Tire

1 Tire Changed 2 New Tire Changing

Lewis Hamilton (Mercedes) overtaking Daniel Ricciardo

What are the Lean Mistakes in this Changeover Situation? Video (-0:50) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7xbq9w7nl8

14 © LGChan


15 © LGChan

Cellular Manufacturing Cutting




Functional Layout





Manufacturing Cells Cut








Cellular Layout

16 © LGChan

Process Layout 1 - I Shaped Material Flow Common for very short lines or for automated lines. It is also used for processes that cannot have bends in the line for technical reasons

Advantage Easy access from both sides for both material and operators Disadvantage Due to the length of the line, managing and supervising the line involves more waste for the supervisor and possibly also the operators due to walking

Source: https://www.allaboutlean.com/line-layout-i-s-u-l-lines/

17 © LGChan

Process Layout 2 - U Shaped Material Flow Best line layout for lean manufacturing Mostly used for manual manufacturing lines All the operators are within the “U,” while the material is supplied from outside of the “U”

Advantages Main benefit exists if multiple operators are within the “U” of the line Ability of workers to tend multiple processes within the line well suited for multi-machine handling Worker can tend to both the beginning and the end of a line, breakdowns and other problems may be fixed faster than in other lines Disadvantages A U-line is less ideal for fully or mostly automated lines Refilling material in an U-line is not as easy as with an I-line Source: https://www.allaboutlean.com/line-layout-i-s-u-l-lines/

18 © LGChan

Process Layout 2 - U Shaped Material Flow

Flexibility in working with U Shaped lines to meet various production demands

Source: https://www.allaboutlean.com/line-layout-i-s-u-l-lines/

19 © LGChan

Process Layout 3 - S Shaped Material Flow

S-line is often used for particularly long lines, eg car assembly lines which would require a long building These lines are created using multiple I-line segments arranged in an overall S-shape, with buffers at the turns of the material flow (right)

Source: https://www.allaboutlean.com/line-layout-i-s-u-l-lines/

20 © LGChan

What is a Good Manufacturing Layout? What is the overall material flow in your plant? Where is your inbound warehouse? Where is your outbound warehouse?

A good line design would follow the overall material flow and go from the left to the right A bad line design would go in the opposite direction, requiring you to transport all material through the plant twice

Source: https://www.allaboutlean.com/line-layout-i-s-u-l-lines/

21 © LGChan


22 © LGChan

Process Capacity Process Capacity

Bottleneck and Resource Utilization

23 © LGChan

Takt Time

Takt Time is the amount of time a) a product needs to be produced in order to satisfy customer demand b) between the start of production of one unit and the start of production of the next unit [if (a) is true] Takt-time (German “Taktzeit”) meaning rhythm or time marked by a metronome. It can also mean cycle, rhythm or repetition time

Takt-time sets the sales rhythm, and proves to be the best tool to achieve “tight/ synchronized” flow from customer demand to delivery To reduce waste (“muda”) and WIP, cells and processes need to “pulse” at this frequency Takt-time = Time Available Daily / Product Demand Daily Takt-time = Average Production Time per Day / Customer Demand per Day Takt Time = Production Cycle = time between our flow unit outputs in a steady system When the input and the process capacity is enough to meet the demand, then the Flow Rate = Rate of Demand: Production Cycle = TaktTime = 1/Flow Rate Note Flow Rate is constrained by minimum of: [a] demand rate, [b] available input of materials, [c] process of capacity bottleneck

24 © LGChan

Example of Takt Time Calculation Factory has an average demand of 2400 units per day, and have a working day of 8 hours = 480 minutes/day, TaktTime of 480/2400 = 0.2 minutes = 12 seconds that is every 12 seconds you should produce a part to meet the demand

In terms of Flow Rate, factory is limited by our demand of 2400 units/day, which requires that factory produces 2400/day / (480 minutes/day) = 5 units/minute, or one unit every 12 seconds

TA Time Available



Takt Time

Demand Rate

Available Time = Takt Time x Demand Rate

Video (13.49 min) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isu6MG3v0-s

25 © LGChan

Takt Time Example : Building a WWII Bomber in 60 minutes

The final assembly rate was established at "a bomber in 60 minutes" so the Takt time for Final Assembly is 60 minutes Four propellers per aircraft generate a Takt time at Propeller Dress of 15 minutes (4 x 15 min = 60 min) Each ship needs two rudders, so Takt time for Rudder Sub-Assembly is 30 minutes (2 x 30 min = 60 min) Each rudder requires six ribs. Takt time for Rib Forming is, therefore, 5 minutes (2 x 6 x 5 min = 2 x 30 min) The aircraft requires one Forward Fuselage sub-assembly and the Takt time for this production area is also 60 minutes Source : http://www.strategosinc.com/takt_time.htm

26 © LGChan

Takt Time vs Cycle Time

Cycle Time as the average time between two products coming of the line

Lead Time is all process times added up to each other, plus all the waiting times between the process steps When there are parallel processed in a value stream with different process times, the longest one is taken into account for the Lead time calculation


Source : http://www.panview.nl/de/node/580

© LGChan

Faster Cycle Time Enables Faster Delivery Times Iridium Manufacturing o Cycle time of 25 days vs. industry standard of 12-18 months o Dock-to-Dock rate of 4.3 Days

Iridium Deployment o 72 Satellites in 12 Months o 14 Satellites on 3 Launch Vehicles, from 3 Countries, in 13 Days o 22 Successful Consecutive Launches

28 Source: Ray Leopold, MIT Minta Martin Lecture, May 2004

© LGChan


29 © LGChan

Push vs Pull Systems

Push System

Pull System

Based on forecasted demand that is completed and sent to the next work station or in the case of the final work station is pushed to finished goods inventory

Based on requirements of subsequent work station: o Each succeeding workstation pulls (demands) output from previous workstation as needed o Next work station determines when and how much output is requested o Output from final workstation is pulled by customer demand or the master production schedule

Push Strategy production processes with long lead times, accurate demand forecasts, large number of products produced on common production processes, low demand uncertainty, and a diverse customer base

Pull Strategy highly repetitive production processes and well‐defined work flows of standardized items (need for tighter control of inventory and output at the work stations) high demand uncertainty

Push Tools and Techniques Material Planning and Procurement Material Resources Planning

Pull Tools and Techniques Shop Floor Scheduling Just-In-Time/ Kanban / Lean tools

30 © LGChan

Push System

Process 1

Process 2

Process 3

Process 4


Process 1

Process 2

Process 3

Process 4



Pull System

Orders Demand

31 © LGChan

Push and Pull Distribution Systems

Supermarket Push

Supermarket Pull

Push Supply at Cake Store

Normal Taxi Push Demand

Pull Demand at McDonald

Grab Taxi Pull Demand 32 © LGChan

Push and Pull Production Systems




Push System Traditional Production Planning System

Pull System JIT Kanban Production System

33 © LGChan

Ideal Conditions for Pull System

Work centres only authorised to produce when it has been signalled that there is a need from a user / downstream department Example: o Visual / audio signal o One / Two card Kanban o Electronic ERP

Conditions Pull Scheduling works best : o Small lot-sizes (more flexibility) o Low inventory and low Work-In-Progress o Fast throughput o Guaranteed quality

34 © LGChan

Small Lot Batch Sizing Preference for large batches stems from the tendency to view material ordering, handling, and setup as fixed activities. Therefore, there is economy of manufacturing scale in large batches In Just in Time or Lean Manufacturing, there is considerable savings in lean activities which reduces time wasted in other areas (eg SMED, Muda, etc) This will justify making small lot batching possible and economical With small batch sizes it is easier to change job schedules, and to insert new jobs with less effect on the schedules of other jobs

Economic order quantity Minimizes the sum of setup cost and holding cost

Economic Manufacturing Quantity

S = setup costs per occurrence D = average demand for a specified time period Q = economic order quantity H = holding costs per unit for the specified time period p = production rate per period 35 © LGChan

TPS House Goal : Highest Quality, Lowest Cost, Shortest Lead Time , Highest Morale Just-In-Time Continuous Flow Takt Time Rapid Changeover Pull System

Jikoda (Autonomation)

People and Teamwork

Stop Notify Defects Self Inspection Solving Root Causes Empowerment

Continuous Improvement Waste Reduction


Standardized Work

Kaizan (visual management



36 © LGChan

Autonomation – Jidoka (自働化) Jidoka (Autonomation) means automation with a human intelligence Three Requirements in Jidoka : Autonomation, Stop the Process Authority, Poka Yoke In Jidoka, machines and operators have the ability to detect when an abnormal condition has occurred and immediately stop work Benefits of Jidoka o Highlights the early causes of problems o Leads to improvements in the processes and quality by eliminating the root causes of defects o Eliminate waste by avoiding re-work of defect parts How Jidoka Works Jidoka frees the operator from watching the machine. Fewer operators are needed to monitor many machines (reducing cost). The machines are able to perform simple repetitive tasks, then human can focus on problem-solving and improvement Automation (自動化) vs. Autonomation (自働化) Labor Reduction vs. Quality Improvement Increases technicality vs. Reduces technicality

37 © LGChan

Prevention Techniques in Jidoka Poka Yoke o Visual control of quality o Prevents defects from happening o Example: A USB can only be inserted into the device in one orientation

Andons o Commonly lights to signal production line status o Red: line stopped o Yellow: call for help o Green: all normal o Empowers worker to bring early and e immediate attention to problems (whistle-blower)

Stop – Correct - Improve All of the mechanisms of lean manufacturing are designed to operate with the bare minimum (just enough, just in time) in order to detect abnormal conditions or system changes that might otherwise go unnoticed

Visual controls must be follow up by trigger action. Stop all production immediately until the problem is resolved to avoid waste 38 © LGChan

Andon System

o o o o

Tasks have specific sets of rules for consistency Prevent defective goods to continue downstream Precise and defined scope of work Direct communication with line supervisor for any problems

39 © LGChan

Error Proofing – Poka Yoke (ポカヨケ) Poka (blunder, mistake, error) Yoke (protect, repel, avoid) is a system, mechanism, technique designed to prevent inadvertent human errors made by workers performing a process Its objective is to improve quality, eliminate product defects and waste by preventing, correcting, or drawing attention to human errors as they occur

3 Types of Poka Yoke Application Contact Method Identifies product defects by testing the product's shape, size, color, or other physical attributes Example: electrical power socket Fixed-Value (or Constant Number) Method Alerts the operator if a certain number of movements are made Example: hand stamp on admission tickets, number of trials in a test

Motion-Step (or Sequence) Method Determines whether the prescribed steps of the process have been followed Example: car ignition key and safety catches in dangerous equipment 40 © LGChan

5 Whys in Toyota Production System 5 Whys method is a question-asking method which involves looking at any problem and asking: “Why?” and “What caused this problem?” The goal of applying 5 Whys is to determine a root cause of a defect or problem It is used to explore the cause/effect relationships underlying a particular problem 5 Whys Process 1. Write down the specific problem 2. Ask WHY the Problem happened and write down the Answer 3. If the Answer is not the Root Cause, Ask WHY the Answer happened and write down the new ANSWER 4. Repeat Step 3 many times until the team agrees that the Root Cause has been identified If the root cause is that someone made a mistake, keep asking “WHY?” o Human Error is never a root cause (respect people!) o Human Error is usually the result of some bad design

"Having no problems is the biggest problem of all“ Taiichi Ohno

41 Reference : https://www.slideshare.net/timothywooi/pokayoke-a-lean-strategy-to-mistake-proofing

© LGChan


42 © LGChan

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