Neurons and Behavior: From Ion Channel to Action Potential Christian Kreipke, PhD
[email protected]
Outline Nerve Cells and Behavior Cytology and Neurons Synthesis and Trafficking of Neuronal Protein Ion Channels Membrane Potential Local Signaling: Passive Electrical Properties Action Potential
Nerve Cells and Behavior
Part I
Two Major types of Cells Glial Cells
Nerve Cells
Glial Cells (support)
Nerve Cell
There are
Several Classifications Of Neurons
Divergence and Convergence is key organizational feature
Inhibitory interneurons produce either feedforward or feedback inhibition
Common features to all Neurons
Membrane potential
Resting Potential
Sensory neurons transform physical stimuli into electrical activity
Reflex Action
Cytology of Neurons
Part II
Basic Organization
Example: Sensory Motor
Spinal Motor Neurons
Axons of spinal motor neurons have branches that make synaptic contact with several interneurons
Pyramidal Neurons
Axons: Insulated by a myelin sheath
Synthesis and Trafficking of Neuronal Protein
Part III
Free and membrane bound polysomes translate mRNAs that encode proteins with a variety of destinations
Secretory v. transmembrane proteins
Ion Channels
Part IV
The ionic permeability properties of a membrane are determined by the interactions of ions with water, the membrane lipid bilayer, and ion channels
Characteristics of Current in a single ion channel
Models for the opening and closing of ion channels
Several types of Stimuli control the opening and closing of ion channels
Closing a voltage-gated channel
Ligand binding and receptor kinetics
Membrane Potential
Part V
Membran Potential
Distribution of Major Ions Across a Neuronal Membrane ION
Organic ions
[extracellular fluid]
Equilibrium potential
K+ flux across the membrane is determined by [K+] and electrical potential
Resting Potential is determined by the relative proportion of open ion channels with the value of their equilibrium potential
Passive Electrical Properties of a Neuron
Part VI
Passive conduction of depolarization contributes to propagating action potentials
Action potentials are regenerated at Nodes of Ranvier
Propagated Signaling: The Action Potential
Part VII
Voltage-gated Na+ channels
Gating Currents
Gating is dependent on redistribution of charge in a very discreet region