Lecture 37 - Neoplasia Iii

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,087
  • Pages: 39
Neoplasia By Prof. J.T. Anim Department of Pathology Faculty of Medicine

Lecture III

Topics 

Tumour invasion   

 

Lymphatic spread Haematogenous spread Transcoelomic spread

Metastasis Staging of malignant neoplasms

Tumour Invasion 

 

Most carcinomas begin as localised growths confined to the epithelium in which they arise If they do not penetrate the basement membrane – carcinoma in situ Malignant tumours grow within the tissue of origin and enlarge and infiltrate normal structures. May extend directly beyond the confines of the organ to involve adjacent tissues.

Tumour Invasion 

Acquisition of adequate blood supply – angiogenesis  

Derived from venules and capillaries Stimulated by: basic FGF, TGF-α, angiogenin (?TNF-α) Inhibited by: TGF-β1    

Endothelial cells degrade their own BM (proteolysis) Migrate into/through EV stroma (motility) Form capillary sprouts (proliferation) Undergo canalisation (proteolysis)

Tumour Invasion 

Decreased adhesion of tumour cells to each other (loss of homotypic cell adhesion) 

Cell contact units eg, desmosomes, are lost in malignant cells Increased negatively charged repellent molecules on malignant cell surface Cell adhesion molecules, especially Ecadherins:  

↑ e-cadherin = ↓ invasiveness (better differentiation) Antibodies to e-cadherin = ↑ invasiveness

Homotypic cell adhesion

Tumour Invasion 

Adhesion of malignant cells to BM and interstitial stromal matrices   

Must cross tissue barriers eg. BM In situ carcinoma = no breach of BM Invasive carcinoma   

Attachment of tumour cells to BM components Lysis of BM matrix Movement of cell through breach in BM

Attachment of tumour cell to BM and EC matrix components via integrins (receptors)

Tumour cells release protease enzymes to dissolve matrix → cell movement Metalloproteinases (collagenases, gelatinases, stromelysins), heparanases, serine dependent proteases, thiol dependent proteases, others (plasminogen activator from tumour cells)

Active movement of malignant cells Invasion and metastasis requires active movement of the tumour cell Both random (kinesis) and directed (taxis) Promoted by intact and fragmented EC matrix molecules

Motility is regulated by: 2. Tumour autocrine motility factor (AMF) 3. Scatter factor (secreted by fibroblasts) - paracrine

Tumour Invasion 

Invading cells follow path of least resistance 

Natural clefts within tissue planes eg. invasion of muscle coat of GIT.

Other changes associated with neoplasia in EC matrix  

Destruction of matrix of tumour cells Increased production of matrix by the host (desmoplasia) Synthesis of matrix by tumour cells

Neoplasia - Invasion The undifferentiated cells lose cohesiveness and acquire the ability to invade neighbouring tissues and blood vessels leading to dissemination

Adenocarcinoma of the Colon invading the musularis propria

Lymphatic Spread  

BM of lymphatics do not contain type IV collagen or laminin In experimental models:  

Cells line up alongside lymphatic channel Enter lymphatics by:  

  

Pushing cytoplasmic processes between endothelial cells Travelling through inter-endothelial gaps

Grow along lumen as continuous cords (extend widely) Spread to regional nodes eg. breast carcinoma Lymphatic blockage  

Diversion of flow +/- tumour cells to satellite nodules Lymphoedema of tissues caudal to block

Lymphatic Spread 

Tumour cells in lymph node  

Subcapsular sinus → central sinuses Tumour cells   

Destroyed Remain dormant for a long period Establish a growing focus → replace LN

Access to blood stream    

Invasion of small intranodal blood vessels Invasion of extranodal vessels via breached capsule Opening of small lymphatico-venous communications Via thoracic duct

Lymph Node: - Most tumours especially carcinomas

Metastatic deposits in paraaortic lymph nodes

Blood Spread 

Direct entry into bloodstream by:  

 

Invading small new vessels within the tumour Invading host blood vessels near growing edge of tumour

Sarcomas often contain large vascular channels partly lined by malignant cells which may be shed directly into blood stream Permeation in continuity along invaded venous channels (renal ca, hepatocellular ca, bronchial ca.) Tumour cells form solid mass along vein → IVC → right atrium

Metastasis 

Def: 

Malignant cells established at a point distant from the original primary lesion, with no continuity between them

Mechanisms   

Secondary to lymphatic invasion Secondary to blood vessel invasion “seeding out” across serosa-lined spaces

Metastasis 

It is basically an embolic process involving:    

  

Liberation of cells from primary tumour mass Invasion of blood vessels or lymphatics Transfer of tumour cells as emboli Adhesion of tumour cells to endothelium on vascular bed Migration from vessels after impaction Survival at the new site ( requires angiogenesis) Multiplication and growth to form secondary tumours.

Processes in tumour metastasis

Lung: - Breast, stomach, sarcomas

Metastasis 

Heterogeneity of malignant cells 

Only a small fraction of tumour cells survive to form secondaries Some primary tumours metastasise to preferred sites (homing)   

Breast cancer – lung, liver, bone, brain Lung cancer – brain, adrenals Prostate cancer - bone

Homing mechanism is unknown  

May be due to surface membrane of malignant cell Specific patterns of surface proteins for certain tumours

Liver: GI, pancreatic (portal venous drainage) Lung, breast, GU, malignant melanoma,

Metastatic deposits in the Liver

Brain Lung, malignant melanoma

Common Patterns of Metastasis 

Skeleton 

Lung breast, prostate, kidney, thyroid  

Production of new bone (osteoblastic) Destruction of bone (osteolytic)

Adrenal (most frequently involved endocrine organ) 

Lung, breast, kidney

Metastatic deposits in bone

Transcoelomic spread       

Follows invasion of serosal lining Local inflammatory response to infiltrating tumour cells Malignant cells incorporated into inflammatory exudate Small groups of cells detached and swept away by fluid portion of exudate into serosal cavity Settle on walls of serosal cavity Some proliferate into secondary deposits Elicit more exudation → fluid accumulation in cavity

Pleura: -

Transcoelomic Spread  

Peritoneal cavity Gastric, colonic, ovarian cancer    

Gravitational seedings Deposits in pouch of Douglas Involvement of ovaries Enlarged ovaries with smooth capsule + stromal desmoplastic reaction = Kruckenberg tumour

Peritoneum: - Most intra-abdominal tumours

Metastasis 

Genetic control of metastasis 

Suppressor gene for metastasis (NM23) on long arm of chromosome 17 Human breast cancer shows poor survival with loss of expression of NM23 Mutation/abnormal expression of oncogenes (ras, myc) associated with aggressive behaviour of tumours

Summary of mechanisms in tumour spread and metastasis

Spread & Metastasis 

Extent of spread = staging

Staging is important in determining prognosis eg. Dukes’ staging of colonic/rectal carcinoma

TNM Staging of Malignant Tumours

TNM Staging of Malignant Neoplasms

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