Lecture 1 Environmental Sustainability

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 34
ENGG1006: Engineering for Sustainable Development

ENGG1006: Engineering for Sustainable Development Course Coordinator

Dr. Scott T. SMITH (Week 5, 6, 7, 9, 12)

Dr. Kaimin SHIH

Professor S.C. WONG

Dr. Sam C M Hui

(Week 1, 2, 3, 4)

(Week 8)

(Week 10, 11)



Week 1-4


(Head) Teaching Assistant

Teaching Assistant Dr. Kaimin Shih E-mail: [email protected]

Ms. Yuanyuan Tang E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. Fei Wang E-mail: [email protected]

ENGG1006 Course (Totally 100 Points) Final Exam (50 points)

In-Course Assessment (50 points) Week 1-4:

Written Final Exam (Materials of Week1-4 will take 40% in final exam)

Week 1-4:

20 Points

4 points for 2 in-course quizzes

10 Points 6 points for 2 homeworks


Instructor: Dr. Kaimin Shih



ENGG1006 Week 1-4 Course Activities

ENGG1006 Syllabus

Environmental Sustainability

Atmosphere & Air Pollution


Sustainable Water Environment


Resource and Waste Management

Quiz 1 HW 1

Quiz 2 HW 2

ENGG1006 - Engineering for Sustainable Development



Office: Rm. 5-26, Haking Wong Building • Phone: 2859-1973 • E-mail: [email protected]



(Water supply Hong Kong 1840)



What is “Sustainability Development” ? ” Sustainable” Sustainable is with: - the capacity to endure - the potential for longlong-term maintenance - the responsible use of resources ”Development Development” is: - Biota: increase in numbers - Person: increase the standard of living - Nation: Improves the economic, political, and social wellwell-being of its people Sustainable Development is: A pattern of resource use that aims to meet human needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Engineering? Applying mathematics and science to develop something of value from our natural resources



Engineering for Sustainable Development ? Â Engineering is for “Development” Â Development ' Sustainability L Sustainable goals cannot be achieved without development Ex. Circumventing environmental restrictions.

L Development goals cannot be maintained without sound sustainability management. Ex. Environmental catastrophes undermining economic life.

 Develop it sustainably ? Respond with that timeless creed “Yes, we can”.

Social Progress

Environmental Protection

Economic Growth

Sustainable Development



Equitable Sustainable Viable

Example: Decision of a Logging Company

Social Against the public (-) or providing jobs (+)? Company reputation

Fair to obtain work permission

Environmental Economic

Eco-disaster (-) or renewal energy (+)?

For furniture (+) or paper (-)? Efficient use of resource


The United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development

(The Brundtland Commission)


Crystallized and popularized sustainable development concept


”Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”


Two key concepts: the concept of “needs” and the idea of “limitations”

Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland (Chairman) Norwegian politician, diplomat, and physician


An Inconvenient Truth (2006) [2:30]

An American documentary film about global warming presented by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore. An Inconvenient Truth focuses on Al Gore and his travels in support of his efforts to educate the public about the severity of the climate crisis. The film closely follows the keynote presentation that he presented throughout the world. The documentary won Academy Awards for Best Documentary Feature and for Best Original Song. An Inconvenient Truth is the fourth-highest-grossing documentary film to date in the United States.

Al Gore (Former U.S. Vice President)

Environmental Sustainability & Functioning


Environmental is of ? Â Abiotic environment:

Land = lithosphere

Water = hydrosphere

 Biotic environment:

Air = atmosphere

Living organisms or “Inhabitants”

Interacting on …

“Environmental Sustainability” Sustainability” is the ability to maintain the qualities & resources in the environment. environment.


The functioning of environments is through the exchange of:



Energy Source and Flow


What is… ¾ Energy? The capacity for doing work, where work can be described by the product of force and the displacement of an object caused by that force. Units can be “Joules”. The oldest runner in the 2004 London Marathon, 93year-old Fauja Singh. (42 km in 6 hours 2 minutes)

¾ Power? The rate of doing work. It has the energy per unit of time. Units can be “Joules/sec = Watt”

James Prescott Joule (1811-1889), an English physicist, studied the nature of heat, and discovered its relationship to mechanical work. One joule (J) is the work done by a force of one newton traveling through a distance of one meter.

James Watt (1736-1819), a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer whose improvements to the steam engine were fundamental to the changes brought by the Industrial Revolution. The “Watt” is named after James Watt for his contributions.

* One calorie (cal.) = 4.184 J = Energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 g of water by 1oC (starting from chemical energy concept.).


How much can you get with your hands?


„ “Specific Heat” = The amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a substance by 1 degree C. ¾ The specific heat of water (at 15oC) is 1 kcal/kgoC (The energy needed to raise 1oC of 1 kg of water is 1 kcal)

Note the very unusual properties of water responsible for the major role in keeping moderate temperature variation of ocean.


„ Heat used for changing phases: ¾ Enthalpy of fusion (latent heat of fusion) 0oC ice → 0oC water needs to adsorb 333 kJ/kg ¾ Enthalpy of vaporization (latent heat of vaporization) 100oC water → 100oC vapor needs to adsorb 2257 kJ/kg „ ”Sensible heating” refers the substance changes temperature as heat is added (object raising its temperature).

(for1 g of H2O)

Earth's radiation budget • About half radiation reflected directly or indirectly in the atmosphere back into space.

Solar Constant (Insolation)

• Most absorbed energy by surface returns to space. The energy that we are trying to harvest is only a very little portion in the budget. • Heat from mantle (although small, less than 1% received from the sun) needs to be released.


Earth's radiation budget Radiation power reaching the upper limits of our atmosphere: 1340.5 watts/m2

Return back to space without absorbed by earth surface:

Absorbed by earth surface:

704 watts/m2 (53%)

636 watts/m2 (47%)

Latent heat and sensible heat back to atmosphere/space:

Used for work powering up our living environment:

395 watts/m2 (29%)

636 watts/m2 (18%)

Solar energy reaching the surface

Pantheon (Rome)

16th century engraving

Stirling heat engine & parabolic dish reflector

Solar photovoltaic power plant in Serpa (Portugal)


Hong Kong - An Intensively Built Environment




Environmentally Friendly Insulation Building Materials

Conduction, Convection & Radiation Heat Transfer through A Simple Wall

„ Conventionally to combine the effects of all processes into a simple characteristic equation: q = A (T1 - T2) / R q = heat transfer rate (W) A = wall area (m2) T1, T2= temperatures on the walls (oC ) R = overall thermal resistance (m2-oC/W )

Outdoor Air Move up and sink down due to temperature change

Indoor Air Forced to move due to circulation devices

In buying insulation materials, the higher R value the better (but may be thicker).


Conductivity of Materials „ Conduction is through one molecule vibrates the next in the lattice, and can be calculated through T1 and T2 (temperatures on wall surfaces) in the previous case. „ Usually it is higher with solids, especially metals (higher thermal conductivity). „ Poor thermal conductors can be thermal insulation materials. „ Improving the energy efficiency of buildings can save money and reduce emission of pollutants associated with energy consumption. „ Energy efficiency projects may even earn gas emission (SO2, CO2,…) credits through environmental policy systems.

Mass Flow and Balance


Mass Balance/Metabolism of System

Systems boundary



C s ± Δs D

Santorio Santorio (1561-1636), an Italian physician and professor



(Source: http://www.fao.org/statistics/chartroom/chart.asp?image=img/charts/73.gif)


0.4/5 = 0.08 5 - 0.4 = 4.6

3.7/18 = 0.21 18 - 3.7 =14.3

Food-related flows of N and P through agriculture, industrial processing/distribution, and consumption. Brunner and Rechberger, 2004, p. 218

Mass Flow of Food Chain System


Mass Flow of DDT (pesticide (pesticide)) in an Estuary Food Web System

Mass Flow of Hydrological (Water) System

Source: Science 25 August 2006: Vol. 313. no. 5790, pp. 1068 – 1072)


Troubled Waters (2006) [2:23]

Troubled Waters explores the critical issues of water shortage from the prospective of people in Bolivia, Malawi, the Middle East, and the United States who struggle daily to find access to clean, safe water.

Engineering for “Quantity” Development… (Water Resource and Supply)


Engineering for “Quality” Development… (Water Quality and Treatment)


Historical Events of Air Pollution „ Coal burning was noticed or banned in major cities dated back to Middle Ages „ In 1952, a week of intense fog and smoke in London resulted over 4000 deaths directly attributed to this pollution. „ A 4-day period in Donora (PA) in 1948

Great Smog of 1952: A cold fog descended upon London, and Londoners began to burn more coals, resulting air pollutants trapped by the temperature inversion layer.

(population 14,000 at the time) caused 20 deaths and ~6000 illnesses. Industrial Smog (or Sulfurous Smog) Almost entirely by combustion of fossil fuels, especially coals, and releasing SO2 .

Donora Smog of 1948: An air inversion event with sulfur dioxide emissions from local steel and metal works plants.


Inversions and air pollution (Normal Temperature)

(Temperature Inversion)



Pollutants Pollutants



* At night time – “Radiation Inversion”

Ozone Depletion

100% UV

100% UV

Ozone (O3)

Ozone (O3)

O3 + UV → O2 + O

O3 + UV → O2 + O

The largest Antarctic ozone hole ever recorded (September 2006)

7-1% UV

(CF2Cl2) (CFCl3)


• Chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs, Freons) Depletion of ozone and our protection from UV radiation: CFCs → Releasing ”Cl” Cl + O3 → ClO + O2

Example of Energy & Mass Interaction: Global Warming


WHY CO2 May Cause Global Warming ?

A portion of the electronmagnetic spectrum. The wave lengths of greatest interest for this text are in the range of about 0.1 μm to 100 μm.


„ The radiation intensity depends on its temperature and wavelength described by Planck’s Law: E (λ,T) = C1 / [λ5 (eC2/λT – 1)] E = theoretical* radiation intensity (W/m2 - μm) per surface area and subject to a wavelength T = absolute temperature (K) λ = wavelength (μm) C1 = 3.74 × 108 W-μm4/m2 C2 = 1.44 × 104 μm-K


The spectral radiation intensity with various temperatures.

* Blackbody radiation

„ Solar radiation intensity just outside the atmosphere (extraterrestrial) shows the characteristics of a theoretical radiation at 5800K (effective surface temperature of sun, although its core is 15 million K):

* Solar Constant (all energy under the curve) is ~1372 W/m2


Loss of Surface Radiation Energy

Simplified Equation for Planck’s Law E (λ,T) = C1 / [λ5 (eC2/λT – 1)]

The CO2, although with a minor concentration, absorbs light strongly with wavelength between 12 - 16.3 μm.


„ Wien’s Displacement Rule (to find wavelength at which maximum power is radiated):

λmax (in μm) = 2898 / T

( T is in K)

Greenhouse Effect „ Wien’s Displacement Rule & Greenhouse effect: ¾ For sun radiation (5800K), λmax = 0.48μm ¾ For earth radiation (288K= 15oC), λmax = 10.1μm

Sun input shorter wavelength energy

CO2 and other greenhouse gases (tends to adsorb more of longer wavelengths)

T↑ Greenhouse Effect !!

Earth radiates longer wavelength energy


ENGG 1006: Engineering for Sustainable Development

Dr. Shih’s Regular Office Hours QUESTIONS, learning HELP, or more DISCUSSION ? (1) In person September 7, 14, 21, 28 (Mondays) 5-7pm at Haking Wong Building Room 5-26 (2) Via phone or e-mail Call 2859-1973 or e-mail for appointment

Kaimin Shih (PhD, Stanford University)

DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG Office: Rm. 5-26, Haking Wong Building • Phone: 2859-1973 • E-mail: [email protected]


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