Learning Microsoft Word 2007 - Mail Merge

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  • Words: 1,422
  • Pages: 12
Learning Microsoft Word 2007 By Greg Bowden

Chapter 20

Mail Merging

Guided Computer Tutorials www.gct.com.au

PUBLISHED BY GUIDED COMPUTER TUTORIALS PO Box 311 Belmont, Victoria, 3216, Australia www.gct.com.au © Greg Bowden This product is available in Single or Multi User versions. Single-user versions are for single person use at any particular time, just as a single text book would be used. If you intend to use the notes with multiple students the single user version should be upgraded to the multi-user version. Multi-user versions allow the school or institution to print as many copies as required, or to place the PDF files on the school network, intranet and staff laptops. A certificate of authentication is provided with multi-user versions. Bookmarks provide links to all headings and sub-headings, and individual chapters are provided.

First published 2008 ISBN: 1 921217 46 4 (Module 1) 1 921217 47 2 (Module 2) PDF document on CD-ROM

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Mail Merging

An important use of a word processing package is the production of personalised letters. This is where a standard (or form) letter is individually addressed to a large number of people. To create the letters, data about each person is entered into the database facility of the program then combined with a normal word processing document. The process is called MAIL MERGING.

Creating the Database In order to create mail merged documents you need to have a database of names or items. Microsoft Word allows you to enter data into its database section or you can use data created in programs like Microsoft Access or Microsoft Excel. In this case you will enter data into Microsoft Word.

A Setting the Recipients The Recipients are the people that will receive the letter. Their details are stored in a database that is merged into the letter. You can import data from prepared files or you can enter your own data. In this case you will enter your own data. 1

Load Microsoft Word or close the current document and start a NEW BALNK DOCUMENT.

2 Open the MAILINGS tab of the RIBBON, click on the SELECT RECIPIENTS icon and select TYPE NEW LIST.

© Guided Computer Tutorials 2008


Learning Microsoft Word 2007

3 You will be provided with sample fields that you can enter data into. 4 These fields can be modified to suit your needs. Click on the CUSTOMIZE COLUMNS button.

NOTE: i FIELD is the term given to the sections that the data is split into.

ii The database you are about to create will have the following fields: Title, First Name, Last Name, Street, Suburb, State, Postcode, Contribution.

B Deleting Fields There are more fields in the provided list than is needed in this case so some will be deleted. 1 Click on COMPANY NAME in the FIELD NAMES frame then click on the DELETE button. 2 Select YES to the DELETE warning message.


© Guided Computer Tutorials 2008

Mail Merging


3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 to delete:

City Country or Region Home Phone Work Phone e-mail Address

C Renaming Fields Some of the remaining fields can be renamed to suit our needs. 1 Click on ADDRESS LINE 1 and click on RENAME.

2 Enter: Street and click on OK.

3 Rename ADDRESS LINE 2 to SUBURB and select OK.

© Guided Computer Tutorials 2008


Learning Microsoft Word 2007

4 Rename ZIP CODE to POSTCODE and select OK.

D Adding Extra Fields Extra fields can be added to the database. In this case a field will be needed to store the contributions made to a hospital charity.

1 Click on the ADD button and enter: Contribution in the ADD FIELD box and select OK.

2 The position of the new field can be changed. If it is not at the bottom of the list, click on the MOVE DOWN button to move it there.

3 Click on OK to complete the field adjustments.


© Guided Computer Tutorials 2008

Mail Merging


Entering the Data The data can now be entered into the fields. Each person’s or item’s details in a database is called a RECORD.

1 The cursor should be in the TITLE box, enter Mrs. for the TITLE of the first person then press the TAB key to move the cursor to the FIRST NAME box.

2 Enter the rest of the record pressing the TAB key after each entry:

Rhonda Carter 26 Banks Street CARINGBAH NSW 2229 $50.00

NOTE: i Pressing the TAB key at the end of the last field inserts a new record. You can also click on the NEW ENTRY button to insert a new record.

ii If you press the <enter> key after the CONTRIBUTION field entry you will be asked to save the data.


You can adjust the width of the columns to show the data more clearly.

© Guided Computer Tutorials 2008


Learning Microsoft Word 2007

4 Move the pointer to the intersection of the TITLE and FIRST NAME headings until the pointer changes to a cross-hair with horizontal arrows and drag the border to the left to reduce the width of the TITLE field.

5 Reduce the width of the FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, STATE and POST CODE columns, and increase the width of the STREET column.

6 Add the following data to the second RECORD, pressing the TAB key after each entry:


Mr. Peter Bell 9 Main Street CROWS NEST NSW 2065 $35.00

© Guided Computer Tutorials 2008

Mail Merging


7 In the third row enter the following data:

Ms. Silvia Tait 53 Bakers Road BONDI BEACH NSW 2026 $125.00

Saving the Data Microsoft Word saves the data in a database file.

1 Click on OK at the base of the NEW ADDRESS LIST dialogue box.

2 Enter the file name: Contributions Word is setup to save the files in your MY DOCUMENTS folder in a folder called MY DATA SOURCES, however, it is probably better to save the data in your WORD DOCUMENTS folder.

© Guided Computer Tutorials 2008


Learning Microsoft Word 2007

Looking at the Data Once you have closed from the NEW ADDRESS LIST section the data can be viewed or edited at any time. 1 Click on the EDIT RECIPIENT LIST icon in the MAILINGS tab of the RIBBON.

2 The data is displayed in the MAIL MERGE RECIPIENTS dialogue box, select OK to close it.

Loading the Form Letter A form letter has been entered for you and your task will to set the letter up so that it can be printed to each of the three people you have entered into the database. 1



Access the CHAPTER 20 folder of the WORD 2007 SUPPORT FILES and open the FORM LETTER document, selecting YES to the READ-ONLY message.


Save the letter in your WORD DOCUMENTS folder under the file name: Hospital Letter

and turn off the READ-ONLY RECOMMENDED option.


© Guided Computer Tutorials 2008

Mail Merging


Merging the Data into the Letter The letter needs to be set up to receive data and the fields then inserted into the letter in the appropriate positions.

A The Merge Type Microsoft Word needs to be told the type of merge that will be conducted. In this case it is a LETTER merge.

Click on the START MAIL MERGE icon in the MAILINGS tab of the RIBBON and select LETTERS.

B Selecting the Data Source The letter needs to know where the data source is stored.

1 Click on the SELECT RECIPIENTS icon in the MAILINGS tab and select USE EXISTING LIST.

© Guided Computer Tutorials 2008


Learning Microsoft Word 2007

2 Locate the CONTRIBUTIONS file in either your WORD DOCUMENTS folder or the MY DATA SOURCES FOLDER and select OPEN.


Icons in the MAILINGS tab of the RIBBON will now become active, whereas prior to setting the data source they would have been dimmed.

C Inserting the Address Fields The fields that make up the person’s name and address will be inserted above the date.

1 Position the cursor at the beginning of the blank line above ‘Dear’. This is 4 lines below the date.


© Guided Computer Tutorials 2008

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