Learning 2.0: Blended Learning & More

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  • Words: 1,177
  • Pages: 68
Learning 2.0 - blended learning & more… It’s all about sharing, creation and communication

Klaus Hoven NHTV – Didactical Skills 14th May 2009

Learning 2.0 What are today’s learning goals?

 Give you more insight in trends in digital media and social software for teaching and learning  Stimulate the debate on how to create a personal learning environment for students  Stimulate the debate on what the impact will be for teachers and higher educational institutions in the future Please keep an open mind!

Learning in schools A vision of students today (M. Wesch / Kansas State University)

Learning 2.0 studenten zelfstandig


studenten onderling docenten studiematerialen


leerplatform (Natschool) studieinformatie, volgsysteem

ICT in onderwijs

administratieve systemen

vraag vanuit het onderwijs nieuwe mogelijkheden vanuit ICT-ontwikkelingen


bv. campusnetwerk, e-mail, servers


Ondewijs en ICT



Leren en ICT

primair proces

What is the perspective?

Digital trends & social software

Digital trends Changing media landscape

Source: Marco Derksen (www.upstream.nl)

Digital trends Where are we coming from?

“Homo Zappiens”

Wim Veen, 2006

Communication shift

Use of digital media Instant messaging (MSN, Windows Live Messenger)

Use of digital media Skype, Google Talk, VOIP

Use of digital media Hyves, Facebook, MySpace

Use of digital media Twitter (where are you & what are you doing?)

Use of digital media Google Maps, navigation systems

Use of digital media Youtube, Picasa, Flickr, Google Video

Information overload

Learner in control

Learner in control ”You” design the Information Age

What are the possibilities for learning?

What are the possibilities for learning?

Learning 1.0

Leren 1.0

Learning 1.0

Leren 1.0

Learning 1.0


It’s still Learning 1.0

Nog steeds Leren 1.0

It’s still Learning 1.0

Nog steeds Leren 1.0

It’s still Learning 1.0

Nog steeds Leren 1.0

Learning 1.5

Leren 1.5

Learning 1.5

Leren 1.5

Learning 1.5

Leren 1.5

Learning 1.5

Learning 2.0

Leren 2.0

Where will we put the student?

At the center of personal professional development! Source: Flickr by Scott Wilson

Blended learning 2.0 It’s all about personal professional development

Something has changed when we look at learning and technology. Students are connected and learn networks and communities. Blended learning is about applying different didactics and learning activities in which classroom methods are combined with ICT supported tools. Create the personal learning environment where students themselves can direct their professional development!

New tools for blended learning

What is possible in teaching and learning? Mogelijkheden en voorbeelden

      

Wiki Weblog Weblectures RSS - Really Simple Syndication Social Bookmarking Podcasting Sharing photo and slides

New tools for blended learning

Methodology Mogelijkheden en voorbeelden

    

What is it? Why do we want it? How to get it? Principles Guerilla tactics


What is it? Why do we want it? Brede inzetbaarheid wiki?

A wiki is a collection of Web pages designed to enable anyone with access to contribute or modify content, using a simplified markup language.[1][2] Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites and to power community websites. The collaborative encyclopedia Wikipedia is one of the best-known wikis.[2] Wikis are used in business to provide intranet and knowledge management systems.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki


What is it? Why do we want it? Brede inzetbaarheid wiki?

Much variation in possible content:  Building knowledge bank on subjects  Collect background material / sources on events  Online publishing  Online collaboration on project assignments (writing together and correct mistakes)  Brainstorming  Management Games  ….


Example Nederlands Theater (wiki.academyforleisure.nl) Voorbeeld: Wikiweb.nl


Example Management Game Emerald Forest (www.mangame.nl) Voorbeeld: Wikiweb.nl


Example Digital Media Communication ’08-’09 (www.surfgroepen.nl) Voorbeeld: Wikiweb.nl

Weblog What is it? Why do we want it?


Different kind of blogs Soorten weblogs

Categorised by content:  Newsblogs

marketingfacts.nl, nujij.nl

 Edu-bloggers

wilfredrubens.com, www.trendmatcher.nl

 Link-bloggers


 Life-bloggers

runningronald.nl, merelroze.com

 Shock-bloggers

geenstijl.nl, retecool.com



Digital Media Communication ’07-’08 (blog.academyforleisure.nl/dmc) Eenvoudige dynamische website


New: Leisure Network (www.academyforleisure.nl) Eenvoudige dynamische website


New: Leisure Network (www.academyforleisure.nl) Eenvoudige dynamische website


New: Leisure Network (www.academyforleisure.nl) Eenvoudige dynamische website


Usability in teaching & learning Mogelijkheden weblogs in onderwijs [1]

 Personal character stimulates active participation (student is owner)  Exchange of knowledge regardless of knowledge level, place and time  A weblog is more interactive than a VLE or website  Student is challenged in a creative way to learn independently You do have a blog, right?!

Weblectures Online lectures combining video & PowerPoints

 Recording of a presentation, (guest) lectures & feedback  Combining PowerPoint, audio and video  Increases flexibility, re-use and exchange of learning materials  Creates new learning objects  Any time, place and pace  Soon available within all NHTV locations!

Weblectures Example Lecture (nhtv.presentations2go.eu/p2gtv)

Weblectures In the future… students will add annotations

Weblectures Students will share video notes alike

RSS: Really Simple Syndication What is it? Why do we want it?

 Information of a ‘website’ is available…  on another website/weblog/…  in another application  based on personal choices  and automatically updated Weblogs, News sites, Wiki’s all have…

….one or more RSS-feeds !

RSS: Really Simple Syndication Example Google Reader

Social bookmarking Share your favorite websites

Social bookmarking Del.icio.us

LINKS: • del.icio.us • www.furl.net • www.spurl.net • www.connotea.org



Distribute your lecture or subject recordings

 Combination of iPOD and broadCASTing  Distribution of van audio-files (mp3) that can be downloaded from the Internet (or iTunes) and listen to them on another moment (i.e. on iPod in the train)  See it as an offline “radioprogramme”

Podcasting What is it? Why do we want it?

 Podcast = information source for interested listeners on a specific subject (i.e. Theme Park Management)  Self collected audio (voicerecorder) on a study trip  Produce a “radio broadcast”  Publish it on a weblog or wiki  Downloadable for the internet audience

Share your slides online Slidehare.net or Scribd.com

Share your slides online Integrate it in your personal website

Share your photos online Flickr.com

Learning 2.0: blended learning & more… What does it mean for our teaching and learning?

 Learning 1.0 and 1.5 are not “bad” by definition:  Choose the right approach for the right situations  Use blended learning-tools if it creates added value



Leren 2.0 Docent als ‘Community Manager’?

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Which of these tools will you start to use after today?

A) B) C) D) E) F) G)

Wiki Weblog Weblectures RSS Social Bookmarking Podcasting Sharing slides and / or photos

When starting the voting session your keyword and number will automatically be displayed here

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Which of these tools will you start to use after today?









Social Bookmarking




Sharing slides and / or photos


What will the future learning environment look like? Source: Flickr by Scott Wilson

Learning 2.0: blended learning & more... Thank you for your attention! Questions and support?

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