
  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 384
  • Pages: 4
.model small .stack 100h .data inputug label byte maxlen db 6 namelen db 6 namefld db 6 dup (' '),'$' ug1 db 'duriin 5 temdegt oruulnuu','$' ug2 db ' orson temdegt aldaaatai baina','$' ug3 db ' home tovchiig darna uu!!!','$' row db 0h colum db 0h colors db 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 .code begin proc far mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov es,ax tt: mov row,25h mov colum,09h call disclear mov dx,0000 call setcur call disug3 mov ah,00h int 16h cmp al,00h jne exit1 cmp ah,47h jne exit1 call gorim mov dx,0000h call setcur call disug1 call inpt call disclear mov dh,colum mov dl,row call setcur call disname aa: call orolthuseh call chigleltodorhoiloh cmp al,00h jne aa cmp ah,47h jne aa jmp exit2 exit1: mov dx,0000 call setcur call disug2 call orolthuseh jmp tt exit2: call orolthuseh mov ax,4c00h

int 21h ret begin endp disug1 proc near mov ah,09h lea dx,ug1 int 21h ret disug1 endp disug2 proc near mov ah,09h lea dx,ug2 int 21h ret disug2 endp disname proc near lea si,namefld ee: mov ah, 09 mov al, [si] cmp al, 0dh je endprint inc si mov bl, colors mov cx, 01 int 10h inc dl call setcur inc colors jmp ee endprint: sub dl,05h call setcur ret disname endp disug3 proc near mov ah,09h lea dx,ug3 int 21h ret disug3 endp gorim proc near mov ah,00h mov al,03h int 10h ret gorim endp disclear proc near mov ax,0600h mov bh,07h mov cx,0000h mov dx,184fh int 10h ret disclear endp inpt proc near mov ah,0ah lea dx,inputug

int 21h ret inpt endp orolthuseh proc near mov ah,00h int 16h ret orolthuseh endp setcur proc near mov ah,02h mov bh,00h int 10h ret setcur endp chigleltodorhoiloh proc near cmp al,00h jne e1 cmp ah,48h jne e2 call disclear mov dl,row mov dh,colum cmp dh,00h jz o1 sub dh,01h o1: jmp e0 e2: cmp ah,4bh jne e3 call disclear mov dl,row cmp dl,00h jz o2 sub dl,01h o2: mov dh,colum jmp e0 e3: cmp ah,4dh jne e4 call disclear mov dl,row cmp dl,80-5 jz o3 add dl,01h o3: mov dh,colum jmp e0 e4: cmp ah,50h jne e1 call disclear mov dl,row mov dh,colum cmp dh,24 jz o4 add dh,01h

o4: e0: mov row,dl mov colum,dh call setcur call disname e1: ret chigleltodorhoiloh endp end begin

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