Latymer Media Equipment Release Form

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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More details

  • Words: 252
  • Pages: 2

Group Number: Light Number:

Edit suite number: Sound kit number:

Video camera kit checklist

Admin checklist

DV Camcorder Mains Power cable Charger/ mains unit Large battery Small battery Camera bag Tripod Tripod shoe Tripod case

Tape x Tape case x Group folder Clip board White board Marker pen Cloth

Lighting kit checklist

Sound kit checklist

Paglight Charger Bag

External mic Tie clip mic Boom pole Headphones

Studio lighting kit Lights x 3 Stands x 3 Case


Student Agreement: •

I understand my responsibility as a member of my group in regard to the above kit. I agree to take the best possible care of it, and to report any damage or other problems to my teacher immediately.

I promise to return all video, lighting and audio kit back to the Media department, by 8.30am each day. If this is not my responsibility, I promise to check that the relevant person in my group has done so.

I understand the need to check that the equipment is all there before returning it, the need for the batteries to be fully charged overnight, and for the equipment to be packed and transported safely and returned to the correct cupboard.

My parents/carers are aware of the shooting schedule for my group, and I have made sensible arrangements regarding travel etc.

I understand my specific responsibilities within the group, and have listed them here:

1. Collecting/returning kit 2. On the shoots:

Student signature:

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