Labsheet 1 Dat 10503

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DAT 10503 INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Labsheet 2: Using Microsoft Excel 2007

Objective :

Instructor: Duration: Laboratory: Tools/Software: Requirements:

1. 2.

Understand the usage of Microsoft Excel. Applied features offered by Microsoft Excel for organizing, calculating, and displaying numerical data. Puan Rosfuzah Roslan 1 hour and 50 minutes MKM/MKP Computer, Microsoft Excel 2007 1. Students should work individually. 2. Show your work at the end of the session. 3. Mark allocated for this labsheet is 2%. 4. Submission should be done online through Edmodo. 5. Submit according to dateline displayed at Edmodo.

Introduction: Microsoft Excel is the electronic equivalent of one of those green (or buff color) columnar pads that bookkeepers and accountants use. Excel calls the area in which you work a worksheet – other programs call this a spreadsheet. An Excel worksheet has 256 columns and 65,536 rows, for a whopping total of 16,777,216 cells. A cell is the intersection of a column and a row. An Excel worksheet is actually a page in a workbook file. By default, a new workbook file has three worksheets, but you can add additional worksheets if you need them.

Task 1: Opening/launching Microsoft Excel/create new workbook.   

Click start button. Point to the program. Point to the MS Excel and click.

Task 2: Closing workbook and exit Microsoft Excel.  

Click close button in the Menu Bar. Click close button in the application title bar.

Task 3: To name a worksheet.  

Point to the sheet1 tab and right click. Choose Rename.

Task 4: To enter data, numbers, formulas and functions. Microsoft Excel recognizes several different types of data – text, dates, numbers, and formulas. To enter data in the worksheet, click at the cell where you want to put the text. The cell becomes the active cell. The address of the cell (the column and row of the cell) will be display at the name box.

Prepared by: Puan Rafizah Mohd Hanifa




Type the text in the cell. If you make a mistake while typing, simply press the Backspace key and retype the text before you press Enter. Sometimes the worksheets that you create have the same data entered several times. If the repetitive data that you entered is text, the Auto-Complete feature may complete the entry for you if the repetitive text appears in the same column. For eg. Enter January in the A1, and February in A2. Point to the handle in the lower right corner of the cell. The pointer appears as a plus sign when you point to the handle. Drag the handle downward or sideward. You will automatically get March, April, May and so on in the cell of that column. You can use the dragging technique to enter almost any type of series. To enter a number series (eg. 1, 2, 3, 4 or 50, 100, 150, etc.), after entering 2 number. Then use the dragging technique. Numbers can include only these characters : 1234567890+ - (), / $ % . E If you enter a number that doesn’t fit in a cell, Microsoft Excel either converts the number to scientific notation or displays pound signs (#) in the cell. Scientific notation is a number format used for very large numbers and very small decimal numbers. For example: 1,000,000,000 is 1E+09 means 1 times 10 to the ninth power. Formulas and functions are mathematical statements that perform calculations. Formulas are made up and entered by the user to perform the specific calculation needed. Functions are formulas that are included in MS Excel. They perform calculations that are commonly used such as calculating a sum or an average. Functions require specific information, called arguments, to perform the calculations. Formulas and functions must start with the equal sign (=), and they can contain cell addresses, numbers, and arithmetic operators. Some formulas and functions refer to a block of cells, called a range. The address of a range includes the first and last cells in the range separated by a colon. For example: the address of the range from cell A1 through cell A10 is A1:A10. 

Commonly used Functions  =SUM(argument) =SUM(A1:A3)  =AVERAGE(argument) =AVERAGE(A1:A3)  =MAX(argument) =MAX(A1:A3)  =MIN(argument) =MIN(A1:A3)  =COUNT(argument) =COUNT(A1:A3)

Arithmetic Operators  Addition =A1+A2  Subtraction =A1 – A2  Multiplication =A1 * A2

Prepared by: Puan Rafizah Mohd Hanifa




Division =A1/A2 Percent =A1% (example =SUM(E2 * .1) , =SUM(E2 * 10/100) , =(10/100) * e2

Task 5: Edit data in the cell.  

Click cell (any related cell) - that cell will become an active cell. Click in the formula bar – then edit data.

Task 6: To copy data.   

Click cell (any related cell) – the cell will become an active cell. Click copy button. Click paste button.

Task 7: To delete data.   Task 8:    

Select cell (any related cell). Press delete. To move data. Select cell (any related cell) through cell (any related cell). Click cut button. Click in cell (any related cell) – the cell where you want to move. Click paste.

Task 9: Add Comment. You can attach comments to cells in a worksheet to provide additional information. The comment will contain the user name that is specified on the General page of the Options dialog box accessed from the Tools menu. The text in a comment displays on the screen and it can be made to print as well.    

Click in cell (any related cell). Choose insert from menu bar (or right-hand click the mouse). Choose comment. Type “-----------------“ (any related comment).

If you want to see the comments on a worksheet, you can point to the cell that has a red mark and the comment box will pop up. You can turn on the Comment view and all the comments will be visible (right-click the mouse and choose Show Comment).

Task 10: Change cell alignment.      

Select cell (any related cell) – cell highlighted. Choose format. Choose cell. Click alignment tab. Choose merge cell, OK. Click center alignment button on Formatting Toolbar.

Task 11: Formatting numbers.   

Select cell. Choose format, cells, click number tab, select the format of number that you required. Click OK.

Number formats 

General - The default format. Numbers appear as entered except for fractions in the form of ½ which must be entered as 0 ½. Commas and decimal points can be entered with the numbers. If commas are not entered, they will not display automatically as in other formats. You can enter a minus or parentheses for negative numbers.

Prepared by: Puan Rafizah Mohd Hanifa




      

Number – Numbers have a fixed number of decimal places, comma separators can be displayed automatically and negative numbers can be displayed with a minus, in red. Currency - Numbers have thousands separators and can have a fixed number of decimal places, a currency symbol and negative numbers can de displayed with a minus, in red. Accounting - Numbers have thousands separators, a fixed number of decimal places and can display a currency symbol. Currency symbols and decimal points line up in a column. Date – Dates can display with numbers, eg. 11/3/03 or 11/03/03, or with numbers and text, eg. March 11, 2003 or March-03. Some date formats also display the time. Time – Times can display as AM or PM or use the 24-hour clock. Some time formats also display the date. Percentage – Numbers are multiplied by 100 and display a percent sign. Fraction - Numbers display as one, two or three digit fractions. Scientific – Numbers display as a number times a power of 10 (represented by E). Text - Numbers display exactly as entered but are treated as text; therefore, the number would not be used in a calculation. Special – These formats are used for zip codes, phone numbers etc. Custom - Numbers display in a format created by the user.

Task 12: Format dates.  

Select cell Choose format, cells, click on Number tab, select date

Task 13: Adding borders and fill. A border is a line that displays on any side of a cell or group of cells. You can use borders in a variety of ways; to draw rectangles around cells, to create dividers between columns, to create a total line under a column of numbers, etc. Fill, also called shading and patterns, is a colour or a shade of gray that you apply to the background of a cell.   

Select cell. Choose Format, Cells and click the Border tab (to add border). Choose Format, Cells and click the Patterns tab (to add fill).

Task 14: To insert a column, a row and a cell. 

To insert a column or row or cell: Click anywhere in a column. Choose Cells toolbar. Choose Insert and pick one of the choices given cells, columns, row or even new sheet.

Task 15: Deleting columns, rows and cells. When you delete a column or row, the entire column or the entire row is deleted, not just the data they contain. Before deleting, be sure that the column or row doesn’t contain data in a location that is off screen. 

Select the column or row to be deleted. Right click mouse and Choose Delete.

Task 16: Sort data.  Click menu Data.  Select range cell /highlight(select all the columns that should be included in the sort).  Click Ascending or Descending at the Sort & Filter toolbar.

Task 17: Entering Formulas with Relative References or Absolute References. A relative reference is an address that Excel automatically changes when the formula is copied to another location to make it true for its new location. Eg., if the formula = A1 + A2 is in cell A3 and you copy it to cell B3, Excel changes the formula in column B to refer to the corresponding cells in column B and the formula becomes = B1 + B2.

Prepared by: Puan Rafizah Mohd Hanifa




When formulas with relative references are copied, the cell addresses change appropriately; however, sometimes formulas refer to a cell or range that should never be changed when the formula is copied. To prevent the cell or range address from changing, you must make the address an absolute reference. An absolute reference is denoted with the dollar sign symbol, as in $A$1.

Task 18: Create chart.      

Open related worksheet. Select range cell ? : ? and click chart wizard button. Click Next to accept chart type. Click Next to accept data range. Type chart title - click Next. Finish – close chart toolbar to see complete chart.

Chart can be placed as an object in the active worksheet or placed in a new worksheet. Chart data range, elements, location and type can be changed later on by right-clicking the mouse and choose the appropriate options or by clicking at Chart at the menu bar.

Exercise 1: 1.

The advantage of using a spreadsheet is: a) calculation can be done automatically b) changing data automatically updates calculations (as long as Excel is not set to calculate manually) c) more flexibility d) all of the above


The a) b) c) d)

intersection of a row and a column is called data a cell a field an equation


The a) b) c) d)

cell labeled F5 refers to Row F column 5 Column F row 5 Functions available in cells Function key F5


Which symbol must all formulas begin with? a) + b) ( c) @ d) =


Which of the following formulas is NOT entered correctly? a) =B7*B1 b) 10+50 c) =B7+14 d) =10+50

6. The formula =B2 + A3 is located in cell B3. B



4 3 =B2+A3 3

5 4 3 4

5 6 8 ???

A 1 2 3 4

2 3 5 4

If this was copied and pasted into cell D4, the resulting formula would be: a) =C2+C3

Prepared by: Puan Rafizah Mohd Hanifa




=D3+C3 =D3+C4 none of the above

The formula =$C$3*D3 is located in cell B1. If this was copied and pasted into cell C1, what would the resulting formula be?

1 2 3 4 a) b) c) d)

= = = =





3 5 4

=$C$3*D3 3 4 3

??? 4 3 4

6 8 9

$C$3 * E3 $C$3 * B3 C3 * E3 C3 * D3


Without using the mouse or the arrow keys, what is the fastest way of getting to cell A1 in a spreadsheet? a) Press ctrl+home b) Press shift+home c) Press home d) Press alt+home


You enter “ 300 orders” in cell A1 and “250 orders” in cell A2. You then select both cells and drag the fill handle down to cell A3. When you release the mouse button, which value will appear in cell A3? a) 200 b) 250 c) 250 orders d) 200 orders

10. Which button do you click to add up a series of numbers? a) The Formula button b) The AutoSum button c) The Total button d) The QuickTotal button 11. If you want to insert a comment, which menu do you choose? a) Review b) Edit c) Format d) Insert 12. Which is NOT true regarding relative references and absolute references? a) Relative references is based upon their position relative to the cell that contains the formula. b) Absolute references is used if you don’t want references to change when you copy in formula in a different cell. c) An example of absolute reference to cell C1 is =$C$1. d) An example of absolute reference to cell C1 is =C1. 13. Which of the following is NOT a way to complete a cell entry? a) Pressing any arrow key on the keyboard. b) Clicking the Enter button on the Formula bar. c) Pressing Spacebar. d) Pressing Enter.

Exercise 2 Tabling an order

Prepared by: Puan Rafizah Mohd Hanifa



DAT 10503 INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY What should you do? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Apply a font style of Book Antiqua, 12 point. Place your name in the upper left hand corner of the Price List/Order Form. Fill in the order form by ordering at least 4 items from the given list. Get the value of the selected items after 15% discount deduction and total price (write the formulas in comment). Format the columns with currency. Find min and max price after discounts for each, highlight those items and insert comments. Produce a bar chart (complete with title, legend and labels) which represents the data graphically. Submit a copy of the completed Price List/Order Form.

PRICE LIST Item Number C234 G876 N345 J112 E444 I222 D233 B127 A103 E386 F143 E777

Description Blackboard Erasers (dz) Gum Away (0.5 gallon) Black Felt tipped Markers (dz) Laser Printer Paper (carton) Acrylic Paints (asst.) Inkwells (complete with braids) Paintbrushes (gross) Newsprint (1000 sheets) Plastic Teacher's Apple Large Chalk Markers (gross) Dunce Caps (dz) Extra Eyes for Back of Head (pair)

Price 6.95 8.93 12.87 9.77 43.88 23.95 28.97 12.75 0.67 24.33 11.99 53.92

ORDER FORM: To: Insert Your Name Here Insert Your School Here School Address School Phone Number Item



Prepared by: Puan Rafizah Mohd Hanifa


Discounted Price

Total Price

Total: $

Total: $


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