Robotics Lab 01 Intro Brought to you by your Spring 2019 Robotics Practicum Class: Rishabh Choudhary, Jacob Cook, Cameron Higgins, Laura Stegner, Nick Trevethan
Your Robot: Zumo 32U4 from Pololu
What can it do? -
Proximity Sensor Line Sensor Buttons Buzzer LEDs LCD Accelerometer/compass/gyro Encoders
How do I make it work? -
Runs on an 8-bit microcontroller (MCU) Programmed in C++ using Arduino IDE and Arduino support libraries Arduino requires two functions: -
setup() Runs one time when the Zumo turns on loop() Runs after setup is complete, Loops until board is turned off
But if it’s C, where did main() go? -
Behind the scenes, to ease the programming process for newcomers
What do I put in setup() and loop() ? -
setup() -
Runs one time when the Zumo turns on
loop() -
Runs after setup is complete Loops until board is turned off
Where do I put my custom functions? -
Arduino vs typical C/C++ application - setup() and loop() called from main() - User functions can be placed ANYWHERE - Before setup - Between setup and loop - After loop
Great, I have code.. Now what? -
Connect your Arduino to your computer via USB cable that is provided with your robot The drivers should automatically install on your computer Go to (Tools->Port) and select the COM port the Zumo is connected to (This solves most issues with uploading)
Compile your sketch using the compile button
Upload your program to the board using the upload button
What else should I know before I start?
Reset: - Code runs from top On/Off: - On to power everything - Off+No USB: no power - Off+USB: power everything except motors
Okay, so what are we actually doing? -
Fight club!
No, not really
Well, no, not yet…
But next time?
Sure, sure...
But wait, yes really?
Okay, so what are we actually doing? -
Getting started: -
Setup the Arduino IDE to program the Zumo 32U4 Build basic functions to demonstrate maneuverability Explore and implement sensor-actuator use and integration
How can I get started? -
Download Arduino IDE Install Zumo 32U4 support - Library - Board See pre-lab for detailed installation instructions
What do I need to do? -
Phase 1: Get to know the arduino environment and the Zumo robot - Test uploading code - Intro to hardware debugging - Run curated example code Phase 2: Become comfortable working with Arduino Classes and functions - Use provided code snippets to solve a given task - Build a function toolbox based on the code you create - Used in the next phase - Used in the next lab Phase 3: Use your tool box to complete 2 open-ended challenges - Implement a complete solution to a simple robotics problem - Use previously developed functions and debugging skills to solve
Robot Shuffleboard Demo
Detect proximity of surface
Conditionally move robot closer and closer to a surface
Stop robot just before reaching the surface
Robot Orienteering Demo ● ● ●
Move robot forward Detect waypoints Change heading based on lab instructions 3
2 1
What if something goes wrong? -
Time to debug! Start by testing smaller chunks of code - This will ensure individual components are working Confirm that your hardware is functioning as you expect - Use Serial Plotter - Use Serial Monitor - Use Device Manager Be cautious about copy/paste code directly into Arduino IDE. It doesn’t understand things like opening vs closing parenthesis***
I can’t seem to upload code anymore.. -
Try these fixes: - Kill all Arduino tasks AND any Java tasks in the Task Manager - Restart Arduino IDE + Disconnect/reconnect Zumo bot - Open Device Manager in the Control Panel and “Scan for Hardware Changes”
How do I use the serial monitor/plotter? ●
Arduino uses the Serial class to talk to a PC ○ ○
Opening the Serial Monitor ○ ○ ○
Magnifying glass in the top right corner of the IDE Tools->Serial Monitor Ctrl+Shift+M
Opening the Serial Plotter ○ ○
Text is read via the Serial Monitor Comma/Space separated variables are plotted via the Serial Plotter
Tools->Serial Plotter Ctrl+Shift+L
Resolving Issues ○ ○
Make sure the correct COM port is selected Can find your robot’s port under Windows Device Manager -> Ports COM&LPT