1. Program to illustrate writes method overriding 2. Program to implement multiple interfaces. 3. Program to implement to single interface. 4. Program to show the usage of try and catch for exception handling 5. Program to create threads by extending a thread class 6. Progran to create a thread by implementing run able interface 7. Program to create thread, show a sleep method. 8. Using command line argument 9. Enter the program for type caste list 10. Write a program whether a number is prime number or not? 11. Write a program to design a class account and show all the function of the bank. 12. Design a program using abstract method and abstract class. 13. Progran to show the application of constructors. 14. Program to show the usage of static member 15. Program to show nesting of methods 16. Explain the concept of single level inheritance 17. Program to show importing of class from other packages (Built in packages) 18. Program to show importing of class from other packages (User defined packages)