L6 Courage To Care

  • August 2019
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  • Words: 363
  • Pages: 2
First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the communists and I did not speak out because I was not a communist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out - because I

Lesson Objective: To illustrate how certain individuals under the Nazi regime were able to aid Jewish resistance and save lives. During the Holocaust, many millions of people were murdered because of who they were. In many cases nobody stood up and told the Nazis that what they were doing was immoral and wrong. Sadly, few Jews were rescued from their terrible fate. There were, however, a relatively small number of non-Jewish people who recognized what was happening to European Jews and were prepared to risk their lives in order to try and save others, or oppose the Nazi regime.

Raoul Wallenburg – A Swedish diplomat who saved thousands of Jews in

Hungary by issuing passes for them to leave the

country to

Varian Fry from France

avoid the Nazis. -

with his partisan team based in Marseilles.

Oskar Schindler Krakow to his

Sempo Sugihara Nazi visas country was

the iron fences


He took over 1000 Jewish prisoners from


death. when he was the

An American who rescued thousands of Jews









almost career


certain Japan

ambassador in Lithuania. As he witnessed the treatment of the Jews he issued thousands of allowing Jews to escape to the Far East. His not happy. “ I looked at all those people clinging to of the consulate begging for visas, and I thought I just had to do something for them. In pure joy they would

fall to their knees in thanks. I was so inspired by the sight that I worked non- stop for a month writing visas’.

Sophie Scholl

resistance gave out


Sophie and her brother, Hans, began a German movement in 1942 called the

White Rose. They

anti-Nazi leaflets but were caught and executed.

DVD – Watch the clip of Oskar Schindler leaving his factory at the end of the war.

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