Kuliah 2 Riset Kreatif

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  • Words: 1,345
  • Pages: 29










CREATIVE RESEARCH Consumers (Audience) RESEARCH Creative People Creative Concept Development

Mengapa perlu komunikasi?




• Mengurangi risiko kerugian finansial  Efisiensi program komunikasi. 3. Mengembangkan dan evaluasi berbagai alternatif strategi dan konsep komunikasi. 3. Meningkatkan efektifitas komunikasi  Communication Effectiveness


1. It is important to measure the effectiveness against the objective (if it fails to meet objectives, it is a failure). 2. It is important to take soundings before as well as after, to establish changes.

Proses Evaluasi dan Pemantauan 1.

Analisa Situasi Khalayak


Pengembangan Konsep Program Komunikasi


Mengukur Dampak/Effektivitas Program  

Selama program berjalan  Pemantauan Pada akhir program Evaluasi akhir

A. ANALISA SITUASI KHALAYAK • Bagaimana situasi diiklankan ?





• Siapa sasaran program iklan itu ? – Demografis • Bagaimana sasaran program Psikografis; Persepsi; Perilaku




• Bagaimana pola berpikir mereka terhadap isu yang akan diiklankan?

Situasi Geografi • Wilayah • Jenis dan Kepadatan • Iklim

: Propinsi-propinsi, kotamadya, kecamatan : Urban, Sub-Urban, Rural : Panas, dingin, sejuk, gunung, pantai.

Situasi Demografi • • • • • • • •

Usia Jenis kelamin Pendapatan/pengeluaran Pendidikan Pekerjaan Suku Agama Tahap daur hidup keluarga

Contoh Analisa Situasi Dalam pembuatan Pustaka Anak Bangsa



Deskripsi Perjalanan Kota Singkawang : • 175 km di Utara Pontianak • 3-4 jam melalui jaln darat melalui desa-desa dipesisir pantai • hampir setiap desa beda tempat ibadah ✦ masjid ✦ vihara (Tae Pek Kong)

Deskripsi Geografis Batas Wilayah Kota Singkawang • • • •

Sebelah Utara berbatasan dengan kota Sambas Sebelah Selatan berbatasan dengan kota Mempawah Sebelah Barat berbatasan dengan Selat Karimata Sebelah Timur berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Sangau

Letak Kota Singkawang • Dekat Laut • Ditumbuhi banyak pohon kelapa

Profile Ekonomi Mata Pencaharian • Pedagang ➙ Cina • Warung makan, transportasi ➙ Melayu • Pegawai pemerintah, buruh kasar ➙ jawa di pasar penarik becak • Gabungan ➙ Dayak

Profile Etnis • 4 Kelompok besar 1. Cina terdiri dari marga-marga 2. Dayak 3. Melayu 4. Jawa • Tempat tinggal berbaur kecuali orang Jawa Jawa : Kampung Jawa, sebelah Utara • Melayu : ada 2 jenis ❍ Melayu pribumi : Dayak/Cina yg memeluk agama Islam ❍ Melayu Sumatera : Berasal dari Minang


Kehidupan Keluarga • Pagi

: Sekolah

• Siang

: Anak perempuan membantu orang tua di rumah Anak laki-laki bermain ding-dong/video game

• Sore

: - Kumpul bersama bermain dg teman-teman - Di rumah : radio TV PR


: Kristen ➙ Sekolah Swasta Cina ➙ Sekolah Negeri Sore : Les Bahasa Indonesia

Permainan Anak Beberapa nama permainan • • • •

Ting Ting Jan Jan (Ola Oop) Fa Nin Can (Tokadal) / Cagar Kayu Sam Khong (Petak Umpat) Killin (Petak lari jongkok)

• Nen Kien - memutar di pinggang • Tin Kirang - memutar di leher

Contoh Barongsay Anak-anak - Kerukunan Bermain Awalnya : Hari Besar Kong Hu Tsu di Tae Pe Kong Sebelum bermain, menentukan tapi sekarang : pernikahan 1. Memakai aturan Melayu atau Cina ulang tahun Aturan Melayu : ketat selamatan Aturan Cina : toleransi sejumlah kecurangan Pelombaan : Kejuaraan Barongsay anak 2. Memakai bahasa penghantar Melayu atau Cina se-Kalimantan Barat masing-masing memakai bahasa sendiri saling mengerti

Alam Fikiran Anak Dongeng : ➙ Fabel binatang

• asal mula ikan tongkol • libun kui (kancil suka mencuri) Mantera Landak

Takhayul : • Orang meninggal bisa hidup kembali

Cita-cita : • Berkembang dengan apa yang dialami sehari-hari - penjual baju - penjual kursi

Contoh 

Analisa Situasi

Untuk program komunikasi citra USAID

Total Awareness of USAID by City


Total Awareness USAID (N = 226)

38.7% 32.3% 19.0% 10.0%


Banda Aceh DKI Jakarta Semarang Yogyakarta N=74








Where did you learn about USAID? Base N = 226 Television Newspappers 18.1% Banner 16.4% Radio 9.7% Flyers/Leaflet 8.4% Friends 5.3% Words of Mouth 4.9% Tabloid 4.4% Magazine 4.0% Operational Vehicles of USAID 3.5% Internet 2.7% Workplace Educational institution 1.8% USAID Office 0.9% Library 0.4% Books 0.4% US Embassy 0.4% 2.8% Other

72.1% 43.4%

FINDING: • 72% people know or recognize USAID from television, 43.4% from newspaper, 18.1% from banner and 16.4% from radio.

B. RISET PENGEMBANGAN KONSEP 1. Before the concept/program is created : Concept development stage 3. When the concept/program is created : Concept test 5. Before launching : Pre-test stage 7. After launching : Post-test stage for further development 5. The end of program : Program impact and evaluation stage

Unsur-unsur konsep komunikasi yang di riset • Uji konsep • Uji copy • Uji media • Uji kreatif komunikasi      

Uji Uji Uji Uji Uji Uji

tema ide dasar story-line pesan, body-copy, copy headline slogan

    

Uji Uji Uji Uji Uji

jingle model/sosok, narator layout daya tarik visual daya tarik audio

• Uji Efektifitas komunikasi – pra dan paska

Isi/Content dari Komunikasi yang diriset 1. The theme/the topic 3. The storyline 5. The characters : models, narrators 7. The MESSAGE 9. The presentation : format, visual appeal, audio appeal, the approach 11. The source, the endorser, the facilitator approach (for face-to-face communication)

Contoh Riset Pengembangan Konsep

QUALITATIVE FINDINGS USAID logo generally is sensed as friendship, and cooperation offered by US, especially for humanitarian relief. The impression is from a picture of ’handshake’. Handshake is brotherhood (FGD NAD Group 2, Male 36-55 y.o, SES: CD) Jabat tangan itu persaudaraan yang tidak membedakan antara ras dan suku (FGD NAD Grup 2, Male 36-55 y.o, SES: CD)

”Handshake means helping each other peacefully” (Jakarta Group 3 ”Kalau jabat tangan sih istilahnya kita saling membantu dalam suasana perdamaian gituh” (Jakarta Grup 3 “From its’ picture/logo means friendship, peace. We cannot have prejudice, good people usually shake hands.(FGD Jakarta Group 4, Female 36-55 y.o, SES: CD) “Dari gambarnya/logonya artinya persahabatan, perdamaian. Kan kita gak boleh berburuk sangka, kalau orang yang baik-baik biasa berjabat tangan” (FGD Jakarta Grup 4, Female 36-55 y.o, SES: CD) Friendship from America. Handshake means assistance” (FGD Jogja Group 2, Female 18-35 y.o, SES: AB) Persahabatan dari Amerika. Jabat tangan artinya pertolongan” (FGD Jogja Grup 2, Female 18-35 y.o, SES: AB)

PSA Storyboard , Education Version The parts of storyboard that are not accepted by respondents In overall, all respondents feel that the PSA storyboard for education version is very interesting. Only Picture 3 that illustrating “Parents assisting students to study in a class” was considered as the parts being unacceptable by respondents in 4 cities. The reasons are, this illustration will insult teachers’ role and also this PSA will make students dependent because being helped by parents in the class.

PSA Storyboard , Education Version The part of storyboard which is controversial Picture 6 of this PSA storyboard stimulates debates during the FGDs, especially in NAD and Jakarta. Picture 6 showed “cooperation between schools and religions” theme. All respondents in NAD and Jakarta do not question illustration regarding “cooperation between schools”, but about “cooperation between religions” most respondents in NAD state that this illustration should be “being alert” or even remove that part. A respondent in NAD give a reason that the figures of Islam and Christian in this picture are carrying particular mission for education in Aceh. This opinion is also mentioned during FGD in Jakarta. Although, some respondents also criticize Picture 6, however, their reasons were focused on the two people representing the religious community in Indonesia. They think it is tolerable that cooperation between religions conducted at schools, but it would be better to show 5 figures representing all religious communities in Indonesia.

C. PENGUKURAN DAMPAK KOMUNIKASI • Perhatian – Pengenalan Apakah iklan diperhatikan atau dikenal? • Pemahaman Apakah iklan dimengerti maksudnya? • Sikap Positip atau Negatip – Minat Apakah ada sikap positip dan minat diiklankan?




• Keyakinan – Percaya Apakah ada keyakinan dan kepercayaan pada pesan iklan?  Perilaku - Tindakan Apakah iklan berhasil merupah sikap dan perilaku? Apakah ada tindakan ke arah yang diinginkan?

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