Kuliah 1

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,608
  • Pages: 26
Pengantar – Komunikasi Data (1) TUJUAN •

Berevolusi dan selalu berkembang sejak pertama kali adanya Computing

Mempelajari konsep-konsep dasar dan terminologi yang berhubungan dengan komunikasi data dan jaringan komputer

Mempelajari beberapa teknik yang dipergunakan untuk melakukan transfer data antara dua computer e.g. dua komputer dalam satu ruangan atau dibedakan dengan jarak dan terhubung melalui jaringan telepon

Mempelajari bermacam-macam fungsi dan protokol jaringan berdasarkan referensi dari ISO Reference Model

Mempelajari dasar-dasar teori yang berhubungan dengan transmisi digital


Pengantar – Komunikasi Data (2) KOMUNIKASI DATA •

Pertukaran data antara dua perangkat (komputer)

Terhubung melalui beberapa macam media transmisi


Kombinasi dari hardware dan software

Memungkinkan terjadinya pertukaran komunikasi data



Pengantar – Komunikasi Data (3) Komponen - komponen sistem komunikasi data •

Pesan (Message): ¾ Informasi (data) yang akan dikirim ¾ Dapat berupa teks, gambar, suara dll

Pengirim/Penerima (Sender/Receiver): ¾ Perangkat untuk mengirim/menerima pesan data (data message) ¾ Dapat berupa komputer, kamera video dll ¾ Membuat istilah “end system atau host” yang mengacu pada keduanya

Medium: ¾ Lintasan fisik di mana data/pesan bergerak dari pengirim menuju penerima ¾ Dapat berupa kabel, gelombang radio dll 4

Pengantar – Komunikasi Data (4) Komponen - komponen sistem komunikasi data •

Protokol: ¾ Peraturan-peraturan yang mengatur komunikasi data ¾ Menggambarkan kesepakatan antara perangkat-perangkat komunikasi ¾ Tanpa protokol, dua perangkat mungkin mungkin untuk saling terhubung, tetapi tidak saling berkomunikasi Sebagai contoh adalah dua orang yang berbicara dengan bahasa yang berbeda, tidak dapat mengerti satu dengan yang lainnya

Hubungan antara perangkat - perangkat komunikasi •

Konfigurasi sambungan: ¾ Mendefinisikan bagaimana cara dua atau beberapa perangkat komunikasi tersambung pada link

Mode transmisi: ¾ Mendefinisikan arah alur sinyal antara dua perangkat yang terhubung 5

Materi Kuliah (1) 2. Pengantar – Jaringan komunikasi data: Beberapa tipe dari jaringan komunikasi data – Standar-standar: Evolusi, Beberapa badan international

3. Pengantar – OSI model arsitektur: Lapisan dan stuktur model, Fungsi setiap lapisan

4. Komunikasi Data Interface – Media transmisi: Beberapa macam tipe fisik media transmisi yang dipergunakan untuk data transmisi, Karakteristik dan limitasi dari setiap tipe – Tipe-tipe sinyal: Beberapa tipe sinyal yang digunakan dalam komunikasi data, Sumber sinyal – Sumber redaman dan distorsi: Beberapa tipe redaman dan distorsi, pengaruh redaman dan distorsi pada sinyal – Delay propagasi: Pengaruhnya pada sinyal – Standar interface lapisan fisik: Standar yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan peralatan komunikasi 6

Materi Kuliah (2) 5. Transmisi Data – Dasar transmisi data: Beberapa tipe mode transmisi – Transmisi sinkron dan asinkron: Perbedaan dua tipe kontrol transmisi – Teknik deteksi kesalahan – Kompresi data: Beberapa tipe algoritma kompresi data – Kendali transmisi: Perbedaan dua tipe kontrol transmisi – Kendali komunikasi: Beberapa tipe perangkat komunikasi kendali

6. Dasar-dasar Protokol – Kendali kesalahan: pengertian-pengertian dasar dalam kendali kesalahan – Idle RQ: prinsip kerja, arsitektur, spesifikasi, penggunaan – Continuous RQ: prinsip kerja, arsitektur, penggunaan – Manajemen Link


Materi Kuliah (3) 7. Protocol TCP/IP – Karakteristik – Fungsi tiap lapisan

8. Data Link Control – Protokol character-oriented – Protokol bit-oriented – Standar interface lapisan kendali link

9. Multiplexing – FDM - Frequency-Division Multiplexing – Synchronous TDM (Time-Division Multiplexing) – Statistical TDM

10. Multiple Access – FDMA – Frequency Division Multiple Access – TDMA – Time Division Multiple Access – CDMA – Code Division Multiple Access – Random Access 8

Jaringan Komunikasi Data (1) ¾ Point-to-point • wire link • other link: PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) & Modem





PSTN modem



Jaringan Komunikasi Data (2) ¾ LAN (Local Area (data) Network) • More than 2 computers involved in an application • A switched communication network facility used to enable all the computers to communicate with one another at different times • If all the computers are distributed around single office/building, it is possible to install one single LAN • Otherwise, a few LAN is connected through a link (site-wide (backbone) LAN)


Jaringan Komunikasi Data (3) ¾ LAN (Local Area (data) Network) • More than 2 computers involved in an application A


B Technical and office automation



Site-wide (backbone) LAN Mainframe or minicomputer, advanced workstation or personal computer Bridge


Jaringan Komunikasi Data (4) ¾ LAN (Local Area (data) Network) Manufactoring cells

Factorywide (backbone) LAN

Intracell LAN Manufactoring automation


Jaringan Komunikasi Data (5) ¾ WAN (Wide Area (data) Network) • when computers are located in different establishments (sites), and then used public carrier facilities • Different types depend on the nature of applications e.g.: • Enterprisewide Private Network: when computers belong to the same enterprise and having a requirement to transfer some amounts of data between sites by leasing transmission lines (circuits) from the public carriers and install a private switching system at each site • PSDN – Public Switched Data Network: similar as above, where public carrier network is used • ISDN – Integrated Services Digital Networks: similar, with ability to transmit data without modems 13

Jaringan Komunikasi Data (6) •

Enterprisewide Private Network:


Jaringan Komunikasi Data (7) computer

PSDN: computer



computer computer

PSDN = Public Switched Data Network


TC = Terminal Controller = Interface standards = Communication subsystem (hardware and software)


Jaringan Komunikasi Data (8) •

ISDN: voice handset

voice handset NTE





voice handset




voice handset


NTE = Network termination equipment ISDN = Integrated Services Digital Network


Jaringan Komunikasi Data (9) ¾ Internetwork or Internet; where communication facility include multiple networks such as LAN-WAN-LAN ¾ Broadband Multiservice Networks • Connect workstations that support desktop video telephony, videoconferencing and more general multimedia services • ‘Broadband’ means of its high transmission bit rates ¾ ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) • An approach for transmission and switching within the networks • Used to distinguish data communication & speech and video communication


Jaringan Komunikasi Data (10) •

Worldwide interwork: Site-wide LAN

Site-wide LAN

National PSDN

Ground station Satellite

Site-wide LAN

National PSDN

Ground station

= Gateway Site-wide LAN


Jaringan Komunikasi Data (11) ¾ MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) • A new network with the interconnection of ATM LANs; and data-only LANs are distributed around a town or city


Data-only LAN ATM MAN


ATM MAN Data-only LAN

ATM LAN Data-only workstation / server Multimedia workstation / server


Standards (1) ¾ Evolution: • 1970s – Mainframe, PSTN • 1980s – Network computing, separate data and voice networks • 1990s – Personal computing, workstations, LAN, ISDN, Internet • 2000s – Global integrated multimedia infomedia network ¾ Provides a model for development ¾ Allows a product to work regardless of the individual manufacturer ¾ Developed by cooperation among standards organizations, e.g. ISO, ITU-T, IEEE, IETF


Standards (2) ¾ Documented agreements containing technical specifications • To be used consistently as rules, guidelines, or definitions of characteristics of a system • To ensure that adhered systems are fit for their purposes ¾ Standards contribute to • Making life simpler • Open systems • Ensure compatibility • Bring costs down by encouraging competition ¾ Most telecom related standards are international 21

Standards (3) ¾ Enhanced product quality and reliability ¾ Simplification for improved usability ¾ Increased distribution efficiency, and ease of maintenance ¾ Ensure compatibility and interoperability ¾ Encourage competition • Bring costs down • Ensure stable supply ¾ Developed by cooperation among standards organizations, e.g. ISO, ITU-T, IEEE, IETF


Standards (4) ¾ ISO: International Standards Organization • A worldwide federation of national standards bodies from some 100 countries, one from each country • A multinational organization dedicated to worldwide agreement on international standards in a variety of fields • Established in 1947 • Example of standards: ISO OSI Reference Model


Standards (5) ¾ ITU-T: International Telecommunications Union – Telecommunication Standards Sector • United Nations organization that develops standards for telecommunication • Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland • International organization whithin which governments & private sectors coordinate global telecom networks and services • Activities include: ‣ Coordination, development, regulation and standardization of telecommunication ‣ Organization of regional & world telecom events


Standards (6) ¾ ITU-T: International Telecommunications Union – Telecommunication Standards Sector (cont) • Example of standards: ‣ V-series: define data transmission over phone line ‣ X-series: define transmission over public digital networks ¾ IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers • A non-profit, technical professional association of more than 377,000 individual members in 150 countries. • Largest national profession group • Example of standards: IEEE 802 series 25

Standards (7) ¾ IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force • Standards body for the Internet itself • A large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet • Develops and reviews specification intended as Internet Standards • The actual technical work is done in its working groups, which are organized by topic into several areas (e.g. routing, network management, security, etc.) • Most of the work is handled via mailing list, however, IETF also holds meetings three times per year • Example of standards: RFC 2616 – HTTP protocol 26

Standards (8) ¾ ISOC: Internet Society • International organization for global cooperation and coordination for the Internet and its internetworking technologies and applications • Its members reflect the breadth of the entire Internet community and consist of individuals, corporations, non-profit organizations, and government agencies • Its principal purpose is to maintain and extend the development and availability of the Internet and its associated technologies and applications – both as an end in itself, and as a means of enabling organizations, professions, and individuals worldwide to more effective collaborate, cooperate, and innovate in their respective fields and interests 27

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