Knife Edge

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  • Words: 34,456
  • Pages: 241
KNIFE EDGE Scene opens with a view of a dark night. The camera moves down through some trees to show a path heading towards the camera. Moving away from the camera a figure moves into shot, walking at a slow pace, wearing a brown coat. There is a rustling off screen and the figure spins around. We see her face for the first time. It is Jenny. A medium height girl, confident and organised, but good hearted and caring. She has shoulder length hair. She looks around and sees nothing. She gives a little look and carries on walking. Suddenly her cell phone beings to ring. She answers it. Jenny: Hello Voice: Hello Jenny: Who is this? Voice: Who do you think? Jenny: Umm…I don’t know Voice: Guess Jenny: I’m not in the mood for games Voice: That’s to bad Jenny: Not really. You have called me on my cell phone. I bought it yesterday and only a few people have my number. You must be one of those people. Voice: (the voice is silent for a second) I could be. But do you want to bet on that.

Jenny: Sure Voice: Would you be willing to bet your life on that? Jenny: (she sighs) Yeah, but only if you are willing to bet that you are a major asshole. She hangs up and walks down the path. Suddenly there is a rustle from the bushes and GHOSTFACE leaps from the bushes and jumps in front of Jenny, growling in a menacing way. Jenny doesn’t even flinch. Jenny sighs and shakes her head. Jenny: It just doesn’t scare anymore and besides, you didn’t actually do anything original. Oh, and Ghostface doesn’t growl. He stares. (she smiles) And you froze up halfway through. That’s not good. GHOSTFACE removes his mask to reveal Kevin – Jenny’s boyfriend Kevin is a well-built, 6ft 1, with short black hair. He is very confident in his attitude. He holds the mask in his hands. Kevin: You gotta be kidding me. This (holding the mask high) is what brought the horror genre back. Jenny: Yeah, but after 3 films it just isn’t scary anymore. We will have to find something else. The Halloween party is 3 days away and I want something that makes you scream and jump. Maybe we should just call it a night and try again tomorrow. Kevin: Ah, you forget that us killers always work in pairs Jenny smiles. Jenny: Killers working in pairs. We have gone from single stalking killers to killers working in pairs. What will be next? Kevin A threesome

Jenny gives him a little dig and they walk down the path. Jenny: Do you think it will be a success? Kevin: Sure that’s why they put you in charge. Who else would go into such detail about masks and scares? Jenny: Yeah. I’m just wondering if masks work anymore. When was the last time a mask scared you? Before Kevin can answer there is a rustle in the bushes and a figure leaps in front of Jenny and Kevin. He is wearing a hockey mask and waving a knife. Neither Jenny nor Kevin moves Jenny gives a little groan Jenny: No No No. It just isn’t working Jenny looks at Kevin and then they both look at JASON. Kevin: Yeah, sorry man. That didn’t even scare me JASON pulls off his mask to reveal Steve – Kevin’s friend. Steve is thin, 6ft 3 height with very short brown hair. He is quiet in large crowds but confident when with his friends. Steve: What did I do wrong? Kevin: Well, I don’t think Jason would wave his arms around. Steve: Didn’t the knife even help? Jenny: Not really. It was wiggling as you waved it Steve: Well, they won’t know its rubber. Jenny:

They will. *She sighs* Hockey masks just don’t scare anymore. Is there anything in the world that does scare people. Kevin: Sure. I can think of a few Jenny: What Kevin: Mrs Lines. She glares at him Jenny: You’re supposed to be helping, and besides, she’s my favourite teacher. Kevin: Sorry Jenny: Well, this isn’t working. Maybe we should head back Kevin: Ok, hey sorry this didn’t help Jenny: It’s not your fault She smiles at him and takes his hand They begin walking back up the path Jenny: I have a question. Why am I always the victim? It’s my idea, why can’t I be the killer Steve: Because you’re the virgin. Plus women scream better and make lousy killers. Jenny: Ha. You don’t have to be a virgin to survive a horror film. Look at Sidney. Look at Laurie. Laurie has a son and she survived all the Halloween films. Kevin: Oh Jamie Lee. Body of a fox. Breasts like… Jenny cuts him off

Jenny: Off topic Kev Kevin: Sorry Jen Steve: Hey what about Prom night. What did the killer have in that? Kevin: Prom night sucked man. It was a cheap knock off of Halloween. Steve: It’s a pity we can’t find the original Mick Myers mask. I agree with Jenny. There is nothing scary in the world anymore. As he speaks a figure jumps out and pulls him to the floor. The figure is wearing another GHOSTFACE mask. Steve shouts as he hits the floor. Jenny and Kevin both laugh Kevin: Ha. Told you we always work in pairs Ghostface pulls off the mask to reveal India – Jenny’s friend. India the taller than Jenny. She is black with short red hair. She is very friendly and has a gift of making friends with very little effort. She laughs. India: Who said girls can’t make good killers. I scared the shit out of you Steve: I was faking it India: I bet girls tell you that all the time Steve gives her an angry look India helps him off the floor and the four of them begin walking up the path. India turns to Jenny India Well?

Jenny: It was a little more effective, but I think we all saw it coming. I want something that shocks you. I wish we could have a costume that makes you look scary. Steve: There are loads around Jenny: Yeah, but they make you look stupid. I don’t want us to dress up as clowns or in a fencing costume. India: You know I’ll help anyway I can Jenny: Yeah. Kevin: Well, I don’t think we can do anymore tonight. Jenny: Me neither. Lets call it a night. They carry on walking and talking. The camera positions itself behind them. They camera follows them and they begin to leave the camera behind. The camera turns to the left to reveal a sign saying Welcome to Carrow. The camera fades to black. Title appears: KNIFE EDGE (end of scene) Scene opens with a shot of a school. A sign says Carrow High School. There are many young people walking around talking and laughing The camera pans right to show a bus arriving near the school. It stops and the doors open. Students leave the bus. Jenny and India also leave the bus. The start walking towards the school. Jenny is wearing a brown coat India: So, any ideas? Any flashes of inspiration Jenny: No. Nothing

India: This must be new territory for you Jen Jenny: What do you mean? India: Well, you see us normal mortals come up against problems everyday and have trouble solving them while you solve yours on the spot Jenny: (smiling) was that meant to be funny India: Yeah They both smile and walk toward the steps leading up to the school Suddenly a voice is heard behind them Voice of screen: Hey guys Jenny and India turn to see Maureen walking towards them. Maureen is shorter than Jenny, with blonde, shoulder length hair, tied back in a short ponytail. She is a close friend of both Jenny and India. The three have been friends since grade school They walk up the stairs Jenny: Hi Maureen: Hi. How did it go yesterday? Jenny: No go. I just need a flash of inspiration from somewhere Maureen: Sorry I couldn’t make it. Jenny: Don’t worry. It must be nice to have a family night out. Did you enjoy? Maureen: Yeah, it was really nice

Jenny: (she looks a little sad) I wouldn’t know Maureen: Oh (realising what Jenny means) I’m sorry Jen I should have thought… India: Change subject Mo Maureen: Ok. So you didn’t get your flash last night. Jenny: No India: But it wasn’t a total loss. I did scare the shit out of Steve Maureen: (she laughs) You’re cruel. You know I have a crush on him India Yeah, and I think he knows it. (smiling) And besides, he deserved it. He was saying woman make lousy killers They reach the doors of the College They hear a voice from behind them Voice off screen: They do The three girls spin around to see Kevin and Steve walking up the steps Kevin and Jenny smile at each other Jenny: Hi Kevin: Hi They walk toward each other and kiss softly on the lips Maureen looks at Steve Maureen: Hi Steve

Steve goes red Steve: Umm, hi India looks at Maureen India: Very subtle Mo Maureen: I believe in being direct Maureen looks at Steve again and blinks her eyes, staring at him. Steve is very red India rolls her eyes, glances at her watch and taps Jenny, who is still kissing Kevin India: Come on hot lips. Class will be starting soon Jenny and Kevin stop kissing Jenny: Right! Class. We have to go to class Kevin: Yeah. With the wonderful Mrs Lines Jenny: (surprised) Oh. (exited) Great! Come on lets go She pushes open the main door and she steps inside. Cut to show hall view Jenny walks in, followed by Kevin, Steve, Maureen and India Kevin: I don’t know why you like her so much Jenny: She’s fun Steve: No, she just likes you. You’re her (does a woman’s voice) Top student India: I’ve just realised. Last night you screamed like a girl and just now you sounded like one

Steve gives her an angry glance Maureen: Aww, India, leave my Steve alone She smiles at Steve again. A flirty smile. He doesn’t return it. Steve looks down the hall and leaves the group Kevin catches his arm Kevin: Hey. What’s up Steve: I’ve got something to do. I’ll see you in class Kevin lets him go and he walks down the hall Kevin gives India an angry glance India shrugs India: It’s just a bit of fun Kevin: Well you don’t have to have it at his expense Jenny is about to say something and then something catches her eye Jenny: Oh. (she looks at Kevin) I have to see someone. I’ll see you in class Kevin: Ok She kisses Kevin and then leaves him She walks up to a guy standing by a row of lockers Jenny: Hi Raul A young man with his head in a book looks up. It’s Raul. Raul is 5ft 9, with glasses and fuzzy brown hair. He is a hard worker but lacks drive and confidence in his work.

Raul: Hi Jen Jenny: Did you finish that assignment? Raul: Yeah. I poured my heart into it. I can guarantee a big fat F for it Jenny: You should give yourself more credit Raul: Ok. At the most I can guarantee a D. Jenny: (in an annoyed voice) Raul! Raul shrugs and frowns Raul: It’s just (he pauses) I just get the feeling that I will be stuck in this town my whole life Jenny: You will if you keep that attitude. You can be anything you want. All you have to do is focus He smiles Raul: I think I’ll set my sites high. Maybe head of this school. Or head of the library. What do you think? Jenny smiles Jenny: You’re impossible Raul: I am aren’t I? A bell sounds Jenny: I have to go

Raul: Cool. Enjoy They part ways. Raul walking one way, Jenny walking the other Cut to classroom. Jenny, India, Kevin and Steve are all seen sitting in the class. Kevin and Steve seem to be talking. A teacher’s voice can be heard. We see the teacher’s face. It is Mrs Lines. She is a very tall woman with long, straight black hair. She is a strong woman who is respected and liked by many students and also hated by others. She hasn’t spotted Kevin and Steve talking yet Mrs Lines: And I’m sure we would all like to wish Jenny luck in her plans for the Halloween party The class all agree Jenny smiles Mrs Lines: And now before we finish I would like Kevin and Steve to tell me what is so interesting that they have to talk over me for a whole lesson Kevin and Steve stop talking and look at Mrs Lines. She stares back at them. Mrs Lines Well Kevin: We… Mrs Lines: Save it A bell sounds Mrs Lines: Ok, get to your next class. I want the assignments in tomorrow The class all start to get up Mrs Lines: Kevin. Steve. I want a word with you to Steve and Kevin roll their eyes and walk to her desk

Mrs Lines is writing something and doesn’t look up The class is empty Kevin and Steve look at each other Kevin: Can we go? Mrs Lines: No Steve: Then why are we here? Mrs Lines: Don’t think I’m stupid. You always talk through my lessons. She looks up at them Mrs Lines: Now I know you don’t like me and to be honest I’m not very fond of you. But we are going to be together for the rest of the year and I suggest you at least try and learn Kevin and Steve say nothing Mrs Lines: (she sighs) Go to your next class Kevin and Steve turn to leave the room. The door is closed and there is a long black coat hanging on it Kevin: Nice coat Mrs Lines: It’s my husbands. I wore it in on a rainy day Steve: You should take it back Mrs Lines: I keep forgetting Mrs Lines: Now go to your next class

They leave the room and close the door Outside the door Kevin: I really can’t stand her Steve: Here here Kevin: Maybe someone will put a really good scare on her this Halloween. She still seems to have the bat up her ass from last year Steve: Yeah. Steve smiles Steve: Maybe even scare her to death Kevin: Oh evil talk. I like They walk out of shot Cut to show Jenny and India on the school bus India: So what did she say to them? Jenny: He didn’t say. He just kept mumbling something about a bat India smiles Jenny: I’ve arranged to meet him, Steve and Maureen at Sebastian’s restaurant in an hour India: You didn’t ask me Jenny: I was just about to India:

Oh Jenny: So will you India: Of course I will They sit silently for a minute India: Hey, I’ve noticed something Jenny: What? India: Is everything ok at home? You don’t seem to want to be there Jenny doesn’t say anything India: Is Eric there? Jenny makes a face Jenny: Yeah India: You don’t like him very much do you? Jenny: It’s just… India: He’s not your dad Jenny: Yeah India: He left you both Jen. Your mom is good to move on. Besides, he’s good for her Jenny: I know. It’s just…

She pauses Jenny: It’s just Eric India: Give the guy a chance. You may even get to like him She pauses and smiles India: Maybe even looooooove him Jenny: Very funny. I have to stand being in the same room as him before I do any of that The bus goes along a bump and Jenny moves forward Jenny: My stop. See you in an hour India: I may be a little late Jenny: Why? India: I have to feed Chrissy Jenny: How long before your parents get back India: The day after Halloween, the 1st of November Jenny: Ok, I’ll see you later India: Later Jenny gets up and the bus stops. She steps off the bus

(end of scene) Scene opens with a shot of a house. It is a two-floored detached house with a garage near by Jenny appears in the shot and walks towards the house. She arrives at the front door and walks inside Inside house Jenny is standing in a hall. To her right is a door leading to the front room. In front of her is a stairway leading to the upstairs bedrooms Jenny walks into the front room There is a man sitting in the room He looks up at her Man: Hi Jenny Jenny: Hi Eric Eric is in his late 30’s. He is 6ft 4 in height with very powerful looking arms. He has short hair that is slowly losing its colour. He has stubble on his face. Jenny takes off her brown coat and puts in over a chair Jenny and Eric share an awkward silence Jenny: Is my mom here? Eric: She’s upstairs Jenny: Ok Eric: Jenny I have… But Jenny leaves the room before her can finish Eric looks a little hurt and then sits back down Jenny arrives at the top of the stairs and walks into her bedroom, which is on the right of the stairway. Jenny has a large room with a computer, small TV, bed and a desk. The room is very tidy but in the corner is a shelf full of schoolbooks. She throws her bag onto the floor and lies on the bed She sighs and the looks up

A woman is standing in the doorway Mother: I thought I heard you Jenny’s mother is a short woman in her mid 30’s. She wears glasses and looks very tired. She has short brown hair, which is going a little grey Jenny: Yeah. I just got in Jenny’s mother walks into the room and sits on her bed Mother: Did you see Eric? Jenny: Only for a second Mother: He has news for you Jenny: Cool She doesn’t sound the least bit enthusiastic or interested Her mother sighs and stares at the floor Jenny sits up from her laying position and looks at her mother Jenny: You look so tired Mother: Do I. It’s the joy of being a single parent Jenny: You could have worse than me mom Mother: I know. And I know how lucky I am to have you They smile at each other Mother: But I also know how lucky I am to have Eric

Jenny gets up off the bed and heads for the door Jenny’s mother gets up and stands between her and the door Mother: You have to give him a chance Jen Jenny: Why won’t you give dad a chance? Mother: A chance? Jenny: All you have to do is find him Mother: Fine. You show me where he is and I’ll slap him in the face. Then I’ll consider letting him have the TV Jenny: Mom Mother: Jenny, he left us. Jenny: I know Mother: What am I supposed to do. Stay alone for the rest of my life Jenny: No… Mother: You won’t be here forever. You will go to College and then I will be alone. You have to see it my way Jenny: It’s just everyone in school gets to go away with their families. Their mother, father and whatever. I can’t have that. I want it Mother: That doesn’t mean you can’t have it with Eric Jenny:

It’s not the same Mother: It’s not just Eric is it? Its not just family outings is it? Jenny doesn’t answer Mother: Jenny? Jenny: I just… She sniffs Jenny: I just want to know why he left Mother: You and me both. Jenny sighs Jenny: Why can’t I be more like Lee? He seems to be able to cope Mother: He has distractions. The restaurant for a start, plus his investment and partnership in Spencers garage Jenny: Yeah Eric appears in the doorway Eric: Am I interrupting? Jenny’s mother turns around and looks at him She smiles Mother: No. Of course not Jenny makes a little noise and walks past her mother, past Eric and down the stairs and into the front room.

She calls up Jenny: I’m going to Sebastian’s to meet the guys Mother: What time will you be back? Jenny: I don’t know. Gotta run Mother: But Honey… Jenny grabs her brown coat and goes to the front door Jenny: Bye mom She leaves the house She closes the door. Back to her mother Her mother sighs Eric: Give it time. She’ll come round Mother: She’s impossible Eric: She’s a teenager Mother: How much time does she need? We’ve been together nearly 6 months Eric: She won’t scare me off if that’s what you’re worried about. I’m not going anywhere Jenny’s mother smiles Mother: I’m glad. I’ll need you here before she drives me… She stops and remembers something

Mother: Oh the… Eric: Don’t worry. I’ll take the car to Spencers and see what he can do with it. Mother: Are you sure? Eric: Yes. It only needs a little work. It will be nothing to those two Mother: You make sure they do a good job. I know they can be a little…absent minded at times Eric: Who Spencer or Terry Mother: Both He smiles Eric: I’ll tell them He moves forward and kisses her on the check Eric: Be back in a while Mother: Take care Eric walks out of the room and down the stairs. Cut to outside shot of house. The garage door opens and a car drives out. It passes the camera and we see Eric is driving it He drives past the camera (end of scene) Scene opens with a view of a garage. There is a sign on the garage saying Spencer’s Garage A car drives past the camera. The car is being driven by Eric The car stops outside the garage and Eric gets out

He walks into the garage Inside garage It is a very big room with tools all over the place, A lift and a small office to the right. There is a car in the garage with a mad sitting inside. Another young man, wearing overalls is talking to him. The man wearing overalls looks up Worker: Hi Eric Eric nods his head Eric: Terry Terry works in the garage as a part-time worker. He stands at 5ft 7 and is wearing very greasy overalls. He has black hair, very greasy and is wearing a red cap. Terry turns back to the man in the car Terry: You don’t have to worry Mark. I gave it a few test runs. It runs great Mark: Thanks. Terry: Give us a buzz if you have any problems Mark: Great. See ya Terry: Yeah Mark backs the car out of the garage and drives away Terry wipes his hands with a small cloth and walks over to Eric Eric smiles and shakes his head Terry: What? Eric: You didn’t give it a run did you? Terry: No. I never do. You know that, hell even Spencer knows that

Eric: And if Spencer knows Lee must know Terry: Yeah. But I’m a good mechanic. They know that too Eric: Hey I’m not arguing Terry smiles Terry: So! What brings you here? Eric points outside to the car he arrived in Terry looks outside and gives a little whistle Terry: Nice Eric: It’s for Jenny Eric: Jenny! Eric: Yeah Jenny: But she can’t drive yet Eric sighs Eric: It’s for when she can Terry: Oh He looks outside at the car Terry: What’s the problem? Eric:

It needs a bit of work. Plus I want to make sure its safe to drive. I don’t want her getting hurt Terry: I’ll get to work on it straight away Eric: Great. Thanks Terry Terry: No problem Eric looks around Eric: Where’s Spencer? Terry: He’s in the office. Do you want a word with him? Eric: Yeah Terry: Go right ahead Eric begins walking towards the office Terry: (he clicks his fingers) Eric Eric turns and throws the car keys to him Terry catches them and walks out to the car Eric walks into the office. In Office. The office is a small cube shaped room. A desk takes up most of the room. There are filing cabinets on both sides and papers all over the desk. On the right of the office there is a long black coat on a coat hanger Eric: Spencer? There is a rustling behind the desk and a young man stands up. He was under the desk. Man: Eric! Hi

He extends his hand and Eric shakes it This is Spencer. He owns the garage and has a partnership with Lee, Jenny’s brother. He stands at 5ft 9 inches. He has black short hair with a spiked fringe that curls upwards. He is very protective of his friends but shy around certain people and has a real hate for others Spencer sits behind the desk Spencer: What brings you here? Eric: A little business with a car for Jenny Spencer: Have you seen Terry about it? Eric: Yes, but that’s why I want to see you A puzzled look appears on Spencer’s face Spencer: Ok. So what’s the problem Eric: Look. I like you guys. I respect what you do Spencer: But… Eric: I have seen that you skip a little of the edges. Like not testing the cars before giving them back Spencer holds up his hand and nods Spencer: Eric. I see where this is going. You don’t have to worry Eric: I just want to make sure that car is safe for Jenny when she drives it Spencer: Hey don’t worry. I’ll test it myself. I’ll make sure its 100% safe for her

Eric: You promise Spencer: Of course. She’s my partner’s sister not to mention my friend. I care about her Eric: Thanks Spencer: No problem Eric: That’s all I needed to see you about Spencer: Ok. I’ll have Terry look over the car and then I’ll give it a going over Eric: Do you know when it will be ready? Spencer: Tomorrow. I guarantee Eric: Thanks. See you tomorrow Spencer: Ok Spencer moves under the desk, looking for something Camera on Eric. He looks around the office and then stops Eric’s view. He is looking at a picture on Spencer’s desk Close up of the picture shows a young woman with two children with her. One is next to her, the other, a younger child, in her arms Eric looks at the picture Spencer comes back up to eye level Eric looks at him Eric points to the baby in the picture Eric: You sure where a handsome kid. Where did the looks go? Spencer smiles and looks at the picture

Spencer: That’s not me. That’s my brother. Eric: I didn’t know you had a brother Spencer: I do. Only I don’t know where he is. What his name is. What he looks like. You know. It’s one of those long lost brother like things. Eric: Do you ever think you’ll find him? Spencer: I don’t know. I don’t even know if he’s alive. Eric: Do you want to find him? Spencer locks the desk Spencer: Well yeah. I guess. It would seem weird though. All my family is dead as far as mother and father go. I’ve been on my own for so long it would be nice to have someone I can call family. Eric: You’ve had it rough Spencer: I could have worse Eric: Getting kicked out of school and being alone for most of your life. I take that as bad. Especially with all those things about you mother flying around Spencer frowns Spencer: They can say what they want. It’s all bullshit Eric nods Eric: Are you closing up?

Spencer: Hey a guys got to eat Eric: Yeah Spencer walks around the desk and leaves the office. Eric follows Outside office. Spencer locks the door Terry has brought the car in and has the bonnet open. He is looking inside Eric: Thanks for doing the work Spencer: No problem Eric: See you tomorrow They shake hands again. Eric walks away from Spencer Eric: See you tomorrow Terry Terry looks up, bangs his head and groans Terry: Yeah, tomorrow Eric Eric leaves the garage and walks out of view Spencer: Close up Terry. We’re going to have some food Terry: Great. Where? Spencer: Sebastian’s Terry: Ok Terry closes the bonnet and Spencer walks down outside. Terry joins him Spencer grabs the door chain, pulls the door down and locks it

Spencer: Ok Terry: Yeah They begin walking away from the garage. The camera stays with them Spencer: You look over the car and then I’ll give it a try Terry: Ok Spencer: I just want to be careful. I don’t want anything to happen to Jenny when she drives it Terry: Understood captain They carry on walking and walk out of shoot (end of scene) Scene opens outside a restaurant. The sign on top says Sebastian’s food and Drink. Inside Restaurant. We have a sweep of the inside. There is a man sitting alone at a table dressed in police uniform. He is wearing a Sheriff Badge and is drinking something. There are more tables, a small door leading to the kitchen and in the corner there is a large booth. In this booth sits Maureen, Kevin and Steve. Maureen is wearing the same brown coat as Jenny. They are talking but can’t be heard. The booth is big enough to fit 6 people. Steve is sitting on one side, with Maureen next to him. Kevin is sitting opposite Steve. Kevin can see that Steve is not happy with Maureen sitting next to him. Steve is back up against the wall Kevin: (smiles) So Steve. (he leans forward) When are you too going to get together? Steve frowns at him Steve: Thanks man

Kevin: No problem Maureen smiles during this whole talk. They have both been teasing Steve Maureen: Is Jenny coming? Kevin: She’s on her way Steve: What is this about? Kevin: She wants to talk about the party. Where it will be (he coughs) and other little details Steve: Like? Kevin and Maureen look at him Kevin: Use your head man. You have guys and gals all at a party. What would you want to do? Steve’s eyes widen. He knows what they are talking about Maureen: Now I’m really glad I came She moves up close to Steve Suddenly a voice is heard off screen Voice: Here are your drink’s guys They all look up and someone puts their drinks on the table Maureen: Thanks Monkey Lee gives her a playful glance and she smiles

Kevin: Thanks man Steve: Thanks Lee smiles back at them. Lee stands at 6ft 4 inches. He has light hair that is short at the back and has a tuft at the front. Lee is Jenny’s brother. He owns part of the restaurant and also owns part of the garage. He and Spencer are very close friends. His nickname is monkey Kevin: How are things? Lee: Good. Business is good. The garage is going well. If it keeps going this well I will be able to sell my half of this place and buy my own restaurant. Maureen: Is that the dream? Lee: Yeah. And with any luck it will soon be a reality Steve: Why don’t you just go for it? Lee shakes his head Lee: I’m not secure yet. I need more money. Maureen: You mean the two businesses aren’t making enough Lee: Far from it. They’re making plenty, but once I sell this place I will lose some of my stability. I just want to make sure I’m safe and secure before moving on Kevin smiles Kevin: You’re a real businessman Lee Lee:

Thanks. Suddenly they hear the restaurant door opening They all turn to see Jenny walking in to the restaurant Lee: Hi Jenny: Hi Jenny walks up the booth and turns to Lee Jenny: Can we have a little talk (she pauses) in private? Lee: Sure. Come through to the kitchen He looks at Maureen, Steve and Kevin Lee: Later guys He leaves and walks into the kitchen Jenny smiles at Kevin and gives him a quick kiss Jenny: Be back in a sec Kevin: Problems? Jenny: Family She leaves them and walks to the kitchen She stops Jenny: Hi Sheriff The Sheriff looks up at her. He has a bald head with hair on the sides. A beard and moustache cover his face. Sheriff:

Hi Jenny. How goes the party plan? Jenny: Not so good Sheriff: Well, just remember keep it controlled. No matter where it is I don’t want it to get out of hand Jenny: That won’t happen Sheriff: Ok. Good to see you Jenny: You to She leaves the Sheriff and walks into the Kitchen Inside Kitchen. The room is small. It holds two cookers. Two microwaves. Shelves a Sink and a dish rack. Lee is standing by the sink washing the dishes. He looks up at her Lee: So He turns to Jenny Lee: What’s the problem? Jenny: Its Mom Lee walks up to her Lee: What about her Jenny: I don’t think she’s very well. She looks tired…kind of ill Lee: She’s fine Jen

Jenny: I really think she is ill Lee: There’s nothing wrong with her Jenny: But Lee… Lee: Jen, this isn’t about mom at all is it. It’s about Eric Jenny doesn’t say anything Lee: What do you have against him? Jenny: I don’t know. He… Lee: He’s too nice. He seems to perfect Jenny looks surprised Jenny: You mean you… Lee: Yes. I’ve had my doubts to. After what Dad did to Mom I’ll always have doubts Jenny: Well, why haven’t you said anything? Lee: Because I’m giving him a chance. You should to Jenny: But what if he hurts Mom. It has taken her long enough to recover before Lee: If it happens then we’ll do what we can. It’s her life Jen. We have to let her live it. We’ll just be there for her Jenny sighs

Jenny: You’re a good teacher Lee: I can also be a good brother Jenny smiles Jenny: Sometimes Lee smiles back and taps her under her chin Lee: Now go and plan this party thing Jenny: Ok She turns and walks to the door Lee walks back to the sink She stops and turns around Jenny: Lee Lee: Yeah Jenny: Thanks Lee turns around Lee: Hey don’t mention it. What are big brothers for? Jenny: Usually to tease and torment Lee: Oh I can do that to Jenny smiles, opens the door and leaves the kitchen She walks up to the booth Kevin slides over to give her room to sit

Kevin: Problems solved Jenny gives him a kiss Jenny: Yeah Kevin: He always seems to be able to put you in a better mood Jenny smiles Maureen: He must be the perfect big brother Maureen smiles Maureen: And he’s really cute as well Jenny stares at her Jenny: Don’t even think about it Maureen laughs Maureen: A cute little monkey Jenny: Enough She smiles as she says this Steve: So, are we going to get to work? Jenny: We’ll wait for India before talking about the details Steve: When will she be here?

Jenny: She’s on her way. She had to feed Chrissy Kevin: God. She loves that dog more than anything else in the world Jenny doesn’t say anything but smiles Outside restaurant India arrives outside the restaurant. She reaches forward to open the door. A hand comes from no where and also grabs the handle India pulls her hand back Voice: Sorry India turns Its Spencer India: (a little surprised) Hi Spencer: (in a shy voice) Hi Terry arrives behind them He sees India and makes a little noise India and Spencer are still looking at each other Terry: I’ll go in and get us some grub Spencer: Yeah. Sounds good Terry walks inside the restaurant Spencer still hasn’t taken his eyes off India India: So? Spencer: So…how’ve you been? India: Good. And you

Spencer: Yeah. Also good They stare at each other India: Well. It was nice talking to you India goes to open the door Spencer: India? She spins around India: Yes Spencer: (he opens his mouth and stops) Take care India: Right. Thanks She opens the door and walks in Spencer hits his head and mouths the word stupid. He looks into the restaurant Spencer’s view. The camera pans over everyone and then stops on Kevin and Steve Spencer frowns. He walks to the door and goes in The whole booth looks up as he arrives. Jenny, India and Maureen smile at him but Kevin and Steve immediately look away Terry is over by a small window speaking to Lee Spencer approaches the booth Spencer: Hi guys Jenny + Maureen: Hi India smiles at him Kevin and Steve say nothing

Spencer: What’s happening Jenny: We’re planning a Halloween party Spencer: Nice Kevin: Yeah it will be. Oh and for the record you’re not invited Jenny elbows him Spencer: Well, there’s my life ruined The girls smile Terry joins him Terry looks at Jenny Terry: Hi Jenny Jenny: Hi Kevin frowns and puts his hand on Jenny’s Terry: How’s things Steve: Better, until you came into the room Terry looks at Spencer Terry: Do you get the feeling we’re not wanted here? Spencer: A little Kevin: No wonder you were kicked out of school

Spencer: What’s that supposed to mean Steve: It means you’re thick as shit Spencer: Oh and I suppose you’re the next Albert Einstein Kevin: I may not be an Albert Einstein but I can tell you one thing I won’t be Spencer: What’s that? Kevin: A mechanic. That sort of job is for losers like you Spencer: Oh really. So what do you have planned? Kevin: College. I have a future. I’m going places Spencer: So we have no future Kevin: No Terry: Well I guess we should go and slit our throats right now Steve: That’s not a bad idea Spencer: Not bad. But we won’t Spencer turns to Terry Spencer: Let’s eat Terry:

Bye Jenny Spencer: Later He and Terry turn and walk to a table in the corner Jenny: Why do you always do this? Kevin: What? Jenny: Everytime you see him you get on his case Kevin: (in a sarcastic voice)Sorry There is a short silence Steve: So this party thing Jenny: Yes, the party. Any ideas? India: Well I was thinking a haunted house thing, buts that’s all been done before Jenny: Yeah Maureen: What about a beach party? They think for a minute Jenny: That’s not a bad idea India: Yeah Kevin: We could party on the beach and then

He puts his arm around Jenny Kevin: Slink off to other areas Steve: Yeah, like on the pier Maureen Or maybe even under it They stop again India: Would we be allowed? Maureen: I don’t see why not Jenny: I could check on the way home. See if it’s all right to be there India: Great Kevin: Just don’t invite them He points to Spencer and Terry Jenny: God Kev. What do you have against him? To Spencer and Terry They sit Terry: How do you always manage to keep your cool? Spencer: I almost didn’t Terry: Why does he have it in for you anyway?

Spencer: I guess because I’m closer to Jenny’s family that he is Terry smiles Terry: Jenny. She’s nice isn’t she? Spencer: Yeah Terry looks at him Terry: And India Spencer looks at him Terry: Come on. You like her Spencer: We’re just friends Terry: So were Monica and Chandler Spencer smiles Back to the booth Jenny: I’m just saying you should lay off him Kevin: Well look at it. Everyone knows his mom slept around. His dad found out left her and she topped herself. End of story India: Just because you the perfect family doesn’t mean you have to rub his nose in it. Kevin: And just because my mom isn’t a whore makes me proud of the fact that I have the perfect family. As he says this Spencer gets up and walks over to the booth. Terry runs after him

Terry: Spe, forget about it. Ignore the ass Kevin stands up ready for a fight Spencer reaches the booth and punches Kevin full in the face, sending Kevin into a table. The table topples and both Kevin and the table crash to the floor Spencer: She was not a fucking whore. Its bull shiters like you who start that crap. He hit her. The bastard hit her, took my brother and left her. Steve gets up and grabs Spencer. Spencer gives an elbow to the stomach and tries to punch Steve in the face but Steve ducks and knees Spencer in the face. Spencer falls backwards. Steve grabs a knife from the table and leans over Spencer. He moves the knife around his neck. Spencer looks up at him Terry: Hey He goes to Steve and grabs his arm Kevin grabs Terry from behind, spins him around and punches him Kevin: Stay away from my girl Terry lands near the toppled table Steve looks down at Spencer and smiles Steve: Say she was a whore Spencer spits up in Steve’s face India: Get off him Steve. Now. Lee comes out of the kitchen Lee: (in a loud voice) Ok that’s enough. Get the hell out now both of you. Kevin, you’re my sisters boyfriend, but if you mouth to Spencer like that again I’ll kick your ass.

Spencer gets to his feet and gives Lee and thank you glance Spencer: Thanks man He walks over to Terry and helps him to his feet Spencer and Terry move to the door Kevin: You’ll pay for that chump. Lee: Right. Get the fuck out of here. Kevin: What ever happened to the customer is always right. Lee: You stopped being the customer when you broke my table, Get out or I’ll throw you out. Kevin: Ok, ok. You coming Jen? He turns to the booth Kevin: Jen? Jenny has gone. India: Great work asshole Lee: She must have gone out the back Maureen: We’ll go after her India and Maureen run to the back of the restaurant and out a small door. Spencer: Later man Lee: Yeah

Spencer and Terry leave the restaurant Kevin: Listen man. I didn’t mean to get so intense. He just gets at me you know Lee: No I don’t. I do know that you are talking about my best friend, and if I ever (he gets right in Kevin’s face) see or hear you talking about him like that again you will be in for a whole world of hurt. Now get out Kevin and Steve move towards the door Kevin: Are we barred? Lee: Only when I’m here. If I’m not here then you’re not Kevin opens the door and he and Steve walk through the doorway. Steve looks back in through the open door at Lee Lee: Do you have a problem Steve? Steve: Only with you monkey. Only with you. He closes the door and a black coat that was nearby swings back and forth from the force of the shut. Lee looks at the coat and then begins to clean up the broken table. He picks up the pieces and takes them out through the kitchen door and out of shot. (end of scene) Scene opens with Jenny walking away from the restaurant and down a street. Her brown coat is zipped up Show Jenny’s face. She is very angry and upset A voice comes from behind her Voice: Jenny! Jenny doesn’t turn Voice:

Jen, wait! Jenny turns India and Maureen are running towards her They both look concerned India: Are you ok? Jenny doesn’t answer Maureen: Why did you leave like that? Jenny: Because of him India: Kevin? Jenny: Yeah. Why does he have to be like that? India: He’s just being Kevin. I’m more pissed at what Steve did Maureen: Steve India: Yeah. He was being such an asshole. Doing that to Spencer. That was so fucked up Jenny: Yeah, but Kevin started it and I wish I knew why he dislikes Spencer so much India: Ask him Jenny: I will. But not now India: Do you think you and him will be ok? Jenny doesn’t answer

India: He does love you Jen Jenny: I know. I love him to, but he gets me so annoyed when he acts like that Maureen: You just have to tell him Jenny: I will already Jenny starts walking again India and Maureen follow Maureen: So where are you going? Jenny turns to face them Jenny: To the pier. I’ll ask James about our plans and see if it’s ok with him India: Are you ok? Jenny: I will be India: I don’t think you are Jenny: I’ll be fine Maureen: Why don’t you put this off until tomorrow? Jenny: I can’t. It’s the 29th today. We have two days until Halloween. I have already left it a little late Maureen: Still you don’t have to go Jenny:

What do you mean? Maureen: I’ll go for you Jenny looks at her Maureen: To the pier Jenny: Why Maureen: You just said yourself you’re not ok. Go home and calm down Jenny: I’m fine really Maureen: My minds made up Jen. I’m going Jenny: Mo I’m… Maureen: Jenny. You know no one can win an argument with me Jenny sighs Jenny: I know Maureen smiles Maureen: Good India: Are you sure? I can come with you if you like Maureen: Don’t worry. Just take Jen home and make sure she calms down India salutes her

India: I sir Maureen smiles Maureen: I’ll call later and let you know what happened Jenny: Ok Maureen: Later India: Later Jenny: Bye The all part ways. Jenny and India walking back the way they had come and Maureen walking forward and out of shot Scene opens with a shot of a long wide pier The sun is beginning to set but it is still quite light The camera sweeps to show Maureen walking up to the pier. On the left side there are steps leading down to a board that runs alone the underneath of the pier On the right is a small office. This office belongs to the beach supervisor. He also acts as a watchman for the pier Maureen walks to the office There is no light on and no activity Maureen knocks the door Maureen: James? She knocks again Maureen: James are you here? No answer

Maureen: Damn She shivers and does her brown coat up Maureen’s view She looks up the pier. There is no one to be seen Maureen stands near the office and looks out onto the beach Maureen’s view The camera gives a sweep of the beach. No one can be seen She turns and looks at the steps leading to under the pier She walks towards them and looks down Maureen: James Still nothing Suddenly she turns sharply There is nothing there She looks back at the steps again She puts up her hood and walks down the steps slowly Under the pier The camera sweeps under the pier. Directly under the pier is a long wide board, the same length and width of the pier leading up to the end. It is linked to wooden pillars. The water is very calm underneath and there is a strange silence Maureen looks around and then walks up the board. The board is very strong and her footsteps are loud She reaches the end of the board. From her she can see the beach on both sides and watch it stretch around the area She stokes a wooden pillar and then leans against it She looks up Maureen’s view The camera gives a slow sweep of the beach Maureen gives a puzzled look Maureen’s view There is something on the beach. It is black and not moving. Maureen stares at it. She can’t make out if it is pinned to the floor or standing straight Maureen looks away and sighs Maureen kneels a little and leans against the wooden pillar and stares into the dark water. We see the reflection. The water is very calm. Show Maureen’s face. She stares into the water. Suddenly a puzzled look appears on her face. Show reflection. In the reflection we see Maureen and a black shape behind her. The shape is standing very still and very straight. Show Maureen. She begins to move her head away from the post when suddenly a long sharp knife comes from behind her. It goes through her neck and through the pillar pinning her to the pillar.

She tries to scream but is unable to. She is struggling for breath. She opens her mouth wide. No sound comes out She tries to breath out and coughs up blood A hand with a black glove reaches out and grabs her head, still with the hood on and moves it back and fourth along the knife end leaving a trail of blood. The blood drips all over the floor and the knife leaving a long trail of red. The hand moves faster and faster, holding Maureen’s head and hood and pulling back with some force. The knife isn’t bending. Maureen’s body goes limp. The hand grab’s the knife and pulls it from her neck in one quick movement sending blood all over the floor. Maureen falls forward into the dark water, leaving a pool of blood on the underside of the pier. The camera watches her sink into the water, very dead, and then moves backwards to reveal a pair of black Boots. A small swish noise is heard The boots walk out of shot. Camera fades to black. (end of scene) Scene opens with a shot of Jenny’s house The sun has set and it is dark Scene shifts to Jenny’s room Jenny is lying on her bed India is standing and looking out of the window India: She’s late She looks at Jenny India: When did she say she would call? Jenny: When she got home Jenny sits up and looks at her watch Jenny: I’m worried Ind. This isn’t like her India: Call her

Jenny reaches over and picks up the phone that was near her bed. She dials a number and waits Jenny: (under her breath) Come on Mo India: (concerned voice) Anything Jenny shakes her head but still holds the phone to her ear Jenny: Nothing She puts the phone back down Jenny: Where could she be? India: Yeah, this isn’t like her at all Jenny: I’ll ring back in a few minutes Jenny lies back on the bed and stares at the ceiling India: Are you ok now? Jenny: Yeah India: Will you talk to Kev? Jenny: Tomorrow India sits on the bed India: Look I know he was an asshole back there but go easy on him Jenny sits up

Jenny: Ind, he’s Kevin. I have to take the good with the bad India: He loves you Jenny: I love him to, but he has to learn to control his temper India: It’s a problem he’s always had Jenny frowns Jenny: It almost stopped us getting together India smiles India: I remember. Maureen had the crush on Steve and that’s how you met Jenny: Yeah and she would try to sit with him and hold his hand and sit on his lap India: Yeah They both smile Jenny: What does she see in him? India looks puzzled India: I don’t know They both laugh India: And you had that crush on that guy Jenny: Andrew

India: Yeah. Then Kevin got into a fight with him over you Jenny frowns again Jenny: Yeah. But its what he did afterwards that kind of won me over India: What. When he got on one knee and said he loved you Jenny: No that was bad enough. I mean when he got up on stage and started singing I think I love you India laughs India: He was awful Jenny laughs Jenny: I had to get up on stage and kiss him to stop India: You enjoyed it Jenny smiles Jenny: I enjoyed the kiss Both: But not the singing They both laugh Instantly they both look at their watches Jenny: God where is she India: Yeah There is a knock on Jenny’s door

Jenny and India both stand up Jenny: Come in Jenny’s mother appears behind the door Mother: I’m off now girls Jenny: Ok mom. Drive safely Mother: I will. She walks into the room and kisses Jenny on the forehead Mother: Bye Honey Jenny: See you later Mother: Bye India India smiles India: Bye Jenny’s mother walks to the door Jenny: Mom She stops and turns Mother: Yes Jenny: Where’s Eric

Mother: He left a few hours ago. I think he said he would stop off at the restaurant to help Lee close up Jenny: Oh. They are really bonding Mother: Yes Jenny: Just like a father and son Mother: Jenny! Jenny: Ok, I’m sorry Mother: Ok, bye now Jenny’s Mother walks to the door, gives a little wave and leaves, closing the door behind her India turns to Jenny India: What was that about? Jenny looks at her Jenny: Don’t worry about it India: Jen, this is me you’re talking to. You can tell me anything Jenny sighs India: Come on Jenny: It’s just I feel he is taking away my Mother and…

India Now he is taking away your brother Jenny: Yeah India smiles India: Jen, I know you don’t see it but you and Lee are very close. I don’t know a brother and sister that are closer. Lee isn’t going anywhere Jenny: I guess India: I know Jenny smiles There is a short silence between them They look at their watches Jenny: So (she smiles) how are things with you and Spencer India blushes Jenny: Don’t think I didn’t see you chatting outside Sebastian’s India: He’s nice Jenny: He’s shy India: That to Jenny: But the question you need to answer India: What’s that? Jenny:

Do you like him? India: Well… Suddenly Jenny’s phone begins to ring India looks glad of the interruption India: About time Jenny picks up the phone Jenny: Hello She listens to the reply Jenny: Oh…hi She mouths the words Maureen’s Mom to India India nods but looks concerned Jenny continues her conversation Jenny: Maureen. Yeah she went to the pier to… She stops Jenny: (shocked) What? Maureen’s mother talks Jenny’s voice is very shaky Jenny: When India looks at Jenny but Jenny has her back to her Jenny: How Maureen’s mother talks

Jenny: But (she sniffs) But why Maureen’s mother speaks Jenny’s eyes fill up Jenny: Ok. (she closes her eyes) Thanks for calling. I’ll come and see you tomorrow Maureen’s mother speaks Jenny: Bye Jenny hangs up She stares at the phone India touches her on the shoulder India: What’s wrong Jenny is very red She sniffs Jenny: Its Maureen India looks concerned and confused India: What Jenny blinks again and tears flows down her face Jenny: She’s dead India stares at her India: What? Her voice is shaky Jenny: She’s dead

Jenny is trying not to cry India: How Jenny: They found her down by the beach. She’d been… She sniffs Jenny: She’d been stabbed through the neck India puts her hands to her mouth India: Oh fuck Jenny puts her head in her hands Jenny: Why She looks up Jenny: Why? What did she ever do? India sits on the bed India: Nothing. She never hurt anyone. She never annoyed anyone. She was a friend to everyone Jenny: Then who? Who the fuck would do this India: You’re asking me? Jen I haven’t a clue. I loved her like you Jenny: I know Jenny holds her head in her hands and lets out a groan

Jenny: I should have been me India looks shocked India: No, how can you say that Jenny: She went for me. I should have been there. I should be dead India: Enough. Jenny don’t talk like that Jenny: Why it makes me feel better India: Then how do you think it makes me feel? Jenny stares at India India: It wasn’t your fault Jenny falls back on the bed The camera looks down on her and begins pulling up Jenny: I’m sorry. I’m just (she pauses) sorry India takes her hand and they both squeeze each other’s hands Camera keeps moving up and fades to black (end of scene) Scene opens with a shot of the school. There are people walking around A bus pulls up outside the school. Students all walk off Jenny and India walk off last. The both look pale and very upset They begin to walk towards the school India looks across at Jenny India: How did you sleep last night? Jenny:

I didn’t. I just lay there looking up at the ceiling India: Same here They walk a little further India: What time did Eric and Lee get back? Jenny: Not till really late Neither girl is in the mood for a long conversation As they walk towards the steps leading up to the school Jenny stops India: What’s wrong? Jenny: She was here yesterday. Alive and breathing without a care in the world India nods her head Jenny looks up at the school Jenny: I’m not going in yet She walks over to the wall by the steps and sits on it India follows and sits next to her Jenny looks at India Jenny: I’m calling off the party India: You are? Jenny: Yeah. I’m not in the mood for planning or having anything right now India: Me neither They sit in silence Cut to Kevin and Steve who are walking to the school

Both look angry Steve has wide eyes and is breathing hard Steve: So what happened Kevin: No fucking clue. They pulled her out of the water under the pier Steve: Well…what happened to her? Who did it? Kevin: See previous answer add I’ll kill the bastard who did it to her Steve: I just can’t believe it Kevin: You and me both man He looks up Kevin: Hey, there’s Jen and Ind. Steve looks up Kevin: Come on He begins walking over to them Steve follows They both arrive Jenny and India look up at them Kevin: Hi He sits next to Jenny and takes her hand She holds his hand Steve looks at India Steve: Hi

India smiles at him Kevin: Jen, I’m sorry about yester… She puts her finger on his mouth Jenny: I know Kevin: But I want… Jenny: Not now Kev. Please Kevin nods and there is an awkward silence Steve sits next to India Steve puts his head in his hands Steve: God He looks up Steve: Why Jenny: I’ve asked that over and over and the more I say it the harder it is to believe Kevin: What was she doing at the pier anyway? India: She went instead of Jenny Steve: Why? India: She thought Jenny was tired and upset Kevin and Steve both say nothing India:

So she went to ask James about using the pier for the party Jenny sighs Jenny: She was being a kind and caring friend. As caring as she always was She sniffs Jenny: Was. That’s what it will be from now on. Was There is another awkward silence Kevin sighs Kevin: This is fucked up. This is wrong and bad and (he shouts) fucked up Jenny squeezes his hand Steve: What did she ever do to anyone There is another silence Steve: Nothing. She didn’t do fuck. (He stands up) No one deserved this. No one India: We know Steve Steve looks at her and then sits back down next to her Steve: Jesus. Only here India: What do you mean? Steve: This sort of thing could only happen here. I mean how many towns in this country can have the kind of fucked up history like ours does? Kevin: You mean with those deaths a few years ago

Steve: Yeah Jenny: The O ‘ Neil’s Steve nods Kevin: Sam and Susan O ‘ Neil India The O ‘ Neil’s? They look at her India: But the O ’ Neil’ incident happened like 15 years ago Kevin: 16 years ago actually. But still. It’s a story. A true story that every kid in Carrow has grown up with. All you need is one low life with a fucking psycho degree from watching to many movies to start a whole new story Steve: Story? Kevin: Tale, legend whatever you want to call it India: But it was an accident. All the reports called it an accident Kevin: And you believe that He stands up and walks so he is facing the three of them Kevin: Do you all believe that it was an accident? Steve: I…I don’t know India:

Its something I’ve always believed Kevin: Well, children I believe and have always believed that it was murder India and Steve look at him Kevin looks at Jenny Kevin: Jen. What do you think? Jenny looks at him Jenny: I…I guess I have never thought about it Kevin: Well do. An unsolved murder… India: That took place 16 years ago, you said it yourself Kevin looks at her India: This is something totally different. Why are you trying to link this towns crazy past to what’s happened to Maureen Kevin: Because… He pauses Jenny: Because it gives you someone to blame (she looks at him) something to blame Kevin stares at her Kevin: Yeah Jenny: I’ve been doing the same. Only I’ve been blaming myself Kevin: Well don’t

India: I’ve already told her not to blame herself Kevin: Good He sits next to Jenny again Jenny: I just need to get back into a routine. I need to keep myself distracted Steve: Well, you have the party coming up Jenny: I’m not planning any party Kevin: Really? Jenny: Oh yeah, I can just se me having a great time at a party that needs to take place tomorrow. I have nothing planned for it and I can’t even concentrate now Kevin: I see your point He looks at her Jenny: I’ll just have to rely on schoolwork Steve: Hey there’s that assignment Mrs. Lines gave us that needed to be handed in today. Do you have it? Jenny: Yeah. I have it Kevin: Ind, do you India: Yeah. I have it in my bag

India begins searching through her bag Jenny: (quietly) The O ‘ Neil’s Kevin looks at her Kevin: What? Jenny shakes her head Jenny: Nothing India keeps looking through her bag India: Shit! Jenny: What’s wrong India is still looking through her bag India: I must have left it on the bus She stands up India: Be right back India gets up and walks towards the bus Jenny, Kevin and Steve watch her go Steve: Are we going to make our way in? We don’t want to be late Kevin: Yeah, I guess He looks at Jenny, who is staring into space again Kevin: Jen, are you ok

Jenny: No, this isn’t right Jenny gets up and leaves the group She begins walking away Both Kevin and Steve looked surprised Kevin: Hey He runs after her Kevin: Jen wait He catches her arm She turns to face him Kevin: What is it? Jenny: It’s just… She sniffs Jenny: It’s just I don’t think I can be in today Kevin: Go home and rest Jenny: I think I will She reaches into her bag and pulls out a folder Jenny: Can you give this to Mrs Lines for me? Kevin: Of course He takes the folder from her

Kevin: Now go home Jenny smiles She moves forward and they kiss Jenny: Thanks They part ways Kevin walks back towards the school Jenny walks towards the bus She reaches the bus and walks past She walks down the street and heads in the opposite direction to her house Suddenly a hand appears and touches her on the shoulder She spins around Jenny: Jesus India: Sorry Jenny: Don’t do that again India: I said I’m sorry Jenny begins walking away from India India looks surprised and runs up to her India: Jen, school is that way (she points to the school) Jenny: I’m going home India runs in front of her to make her stop India: And home is that way (she points in the opposite direction to which Jenny is walking) Jenny looks at India Jenny:

I don’t feel well India looks at her India: Your not going home are you Jenny looks away and then looks into her eyes Jenny: No India: Where are you going then? Jenny: When we were talking about that family India: The O ’ Neil’s Jenny: Yeah. Something about that is eating me India: Well, just let it digest Jenny smiles Jenny: Ind, you said it yourself. I can’t let a problem go. I want to check out this family India: Why? What has this family got to do with what has happened to Maureen Jenny: The circumstances surrounding what happened India: What, you mean with an unknown motive and no killer discovered Jenny: Yes India: But Jen, this happened 16 years ago. Why now, here. Plus it was an accident

Jenny: I don’t know, and maybe what’s happening now has nothing to do with what happened then and maybe it was an accident with the house burning down. There are too many maybes here. I just want to make sure India sighs India: So where are you going? Jenny: The Library India: Ok Jenny looks at her India: Lets go India turns and walks away from Jenny Jenny looks surprised Jenny: Who said you were coming? India stops India: Me. lets go Jenny: What about your work India: There’s always tomorrow Jenny: Ind… India: Jen, you know me. Once I have made up my mind nothing will change it Jenny sighs

Jenny: Ok, let’s go They walk away from the school and out of shot (end of scene) Scene opens with a view of a Spencer’s garage. There are cars driving past Inside Garage The camera pans left and stops on the car Eric brought in the other day The bonnet is open and someone is inside The person’s face is hidden Suddenly he lets out a cry Terry: Ow. Fuck Terry brings his hand out, which has been cut He walks over to a table and picks up a piece of cloth, then wraps it around his hand He walks back to the car He stops and looks at it Terry: Ok. Time to see if you work He gets into the car and puts the key into the starter The car comes to life with a smooth purring sound Terry: Yeah Terry sits back and smiles Terry: Well, the mega mechanics do it again He looks at his watch Terry: Well, I guess I’d better take you out He goes to move the car into gear when he stops He can hear something He turns the engine off The phone in Spencer’s office is ringing

Terry: Shit He gets out of the car, slams the door and runs into Spencer’s office Inside office The office is still in the mess it was the other day There is a black coat on the coat hanger Terry walks over to the phone and picks it up Terry: Hello, Spencer’s garage repairs, Terry speaking Man on phone: Hi Terry, its Eric Terry on phone: Hi Eric Eric on the phone: I think you can guess why I’m calling Terry on phone: The car Eric on phone: Yeah Terry smiles Terry on phone: Don’t worry. I’ve just got it to work. It’s purring like a cat Eric on phone: Are you sure? Terry on phone: Yeah, Spencer did the work last night Eric on phone: Good. I’ll tell Jenny its ready and she’ll come and collect it later Terry smiles Terry on phone:

Great. I’ll be here Eric on phone: Excellent. Thanks Terry, and tell Spencer the same Terry on phone: Will do. See ya Eric Eric on phone: S’long Terry Terry hangs up and stares at the desk The camera looks over the desk. We see the picture of the mother with her baby’s Then we see some of the papers on Spencer’s desk Camera on Terry A puzzled look appears on Terry’s face He picks up on of the papers His eyes widen Terry’s view We see that it is a bank statement for a debt notice Terry: Jesus. Spencer’s in debt He puts the letter back and leans on the desk Terry: He can’t be in debt Terry shakes his head Terry: Oh shit, the car He walks out of the office Outside office Terry is standing outside the office Terry’s view The camera looks at the car Suddenly a shadow moves on the car Terry snaps out of his trance Terry: Hello He walks down the steps of the office

Terry: Who’s here? He looks at the car Nothing appears to have been touched He bends down and looks under the car Suddenly there is a clang behind him He shoots up and looks around Nothing He walks to the entrance of the garage and looks outside Terry’s view He looks up one side of the street and then the other He walks back into the garage He walks to the car and looks at it He goes to open the door and then stops He frowns Terry: Ah the hell with it He walks away from the car and into Spencer’s office Inside Spencer’s office Terry walks over to the desk The black coat that was on the coat hanger is gone Terry picks up the phone and dials in a number He dials a number and waits Cut to restaurant Spencer is standing in the kitchen talking to Lee Lee: So are you going to ask her out? Spencer: (he sighs) She’s younger than me Lee Lee: The age gap isn’t THAT big man. Just ask her Spencer: I tried. Everytime I try I mess up and look like an asshole Spencer looks away from Lee and then back at him Spencer:

Do you think she knows? Lee laughs Lee: Spe, you couldn’t be more obvious. You smile and stare at her whenever you see her Spencer blushes Lee: Hell you might as well put a sign around your neck saying I like… Suddenly Spencer’s cell phone begins to ring Spencer: Give me a sec Lee: No prob Spencer takes his cell phone and walks out of the kitchen Cut to outside restaurant Spencer walks outside and clicks on his cell phone Spencer: Yeah Cut to Terry: Hi, it’s me Cut to Spencer: Hi, how goes the repairs Cut to Terry: All done. The car runs and everything works Cut to Spencer: Good. I’ll be there in a while to give it a run Cut to Terry: I could do that Cut to Spencer: No don’t worry. I’ll do it. I promised Eric I would Cut to Terry:

Well, when do you expect to be back? Cut to Spencer: Later. I have some business to sort out with Lee and then I’ll take her out Cut to Terry: That won’t do. Jenny will be coming to pick it up later; she may take it before you get here Cut to Spencer: Don’t worry. She has school and then she has to go home and then she has to get to the garage. That leaves me plenty of time Cut to Terry: But… Cut to Spencer: Terry, don’t worry. I gave it a good looking over after we left the restaurant last night and you’ve been working on it this morning. It should be ok Cut to Terry: But you did promise Eric Cut to Spencer: And I’ll keep it. Don’t take her out ok. I’ll do it Cut to Terry: (he sighs) Ok. I’ll see you later Cut to Spencer: Ok. Go and get something to eat Cut to Terry: Sure. See you later Cut to Spencer: Same to you man He hangs up Spencer puts his phone back in his pocket and walks back into the restaurant Cut back to Terry in the garage He puts the phone down Terry: Damn

He walks to the door of the office Outside office Terry stands outside looking at the car He looks at his watch He groans Terry: Ah fuck it He walks out of the office, closes the door and locks it He walks down to the car He gets into the car and starts it up Terry: I’ll show him He moves the car into gear and drives it out of the garage He stops outside the garage and gets out of the car He walks to the garage entrance He pulls down on the doors The doors close Terry: Ok He walks over to the car, gets in and drives off The car drives over the camera It is running smoothly but a very noisy click is hear as it drives over the camera The camera looks down on the road There is a metal bolt laying on the road The camera moves to the left There is a spot of fuel on the floor Terry drives along through the streets The car passes shops and people Inside car Terry is checking everything as he drives Terry’s view He is leaving the town and entering a populated area with houses The car begins t climb up a hill Inside car Terry gives a puzzled glance but the car doesn’t appear to have anything wrong He reaches the top of the hill and the car makes a funny noise Terry stops the car Inside car Terry has a puzzled look on his face

Terry: What the hell He slowly pulls on the gear stick The car begins to move forward It begins to move down the hill Suddenly it jumps to the wrong side of the road Inside car Terry looks shocked Terry: Shit He tries to steer the car back on to the right side The car drags and it appears as though the brakes are locking Terry: (a little more frantically) Shit The car suddenly speeds up and Terry looses all control of the car The car flies down the hill The car hits a curb and flies off the road It turns over and plunges down the hill It hits the floor very hard Inside car Terry is thrown up against the wheel, crushing his sternum Blood flows out of his mouth Outside car The car is rolling down the hill Inside car Terry is being thrown back and fourth He can’t get his seat belt off and is being crushed against the wheel Everytime he hits the wheel blood flows from his mouth Suddenly the seat breaks and Terry lunges forward, breaking his noise Blood flows freely Outside car The car finally comes to a stop Inside car Terry’s very bloody face hits the floor. He is still breathing Outside car It is upside down and very crushed Inside car Terry looks up His face is very bloody and his eyes are glazed Terry’s view

Terry can see out of a broken window People are running towards the car Terry looks up and suddenly his eyes open wide Terry’s view Deep in the background, behind all the people looking at the car he can see a tall black shape. His vision is blurred and he can’t see very well He breathes heavily and then lays his head down Outside car People are running to the car Man: Is anyone in there? Man2: I think I saw someone in there Man: Jesus, lets try and get him out They begin walking to the car A woman who is with them stops Woman: What’s that smell Both men sniff Man: Shit. It’s fuel. The car is leaking fuel Man2: We’d better get him out of there before… As he speaks the car explodes in a ball of flame The men and woman run back so as to not catch the blast Man: Fuck Woman: (Frantically) Shit. Stay here, I’ll call the fire department Man2 is looking at the fire Man:

Can you see anything, anyone? The man is still looking He sighs Man: No. Poor guy Man2: Yeah A shot of the Men’s backs The camera moves back and shows the men looking at the fire Also in shoot is the woman on a phone talking to someone Just in shot is a black arm The camera moves a little further back to reveal a black arm and shoulder The camera stops There is a swish noise and the figure moves to the right and out of shot (end of scene) Scene opens with a shot of a short long building The camera moves to the right and a sign is shown The sign reads ‘Carrow Library’ The camera stays outside but voices are heard India: So Miss Sherlock. What are we looking for? Inside the Library We see a large room With shelves and book cases full of books There are people reading books and reading newspapers The camera moves to the right to show computer terminals Jenny and India appear in shot India is sitting at a computer Jenny is sitting next to her India: Jen, you hear me? Jenny shakes her head Jenny: Sorry

India: You’re in a world of your own Jenny: I’m thinking India: Well think out loud because I don’t know what you want Jenny looks at her Jenny: Information She looks at the screen Jenny: Information on the O ‘ Neil’s India looks at the screen India: Ok, I doubt they have a site dedicated to them so… She types on the keyboard Screen view On the screen the words ‘History of Carrow’ appear The screen loads and selections appear Both Jenny and India lean forward to read the choices They both read India: Nothing Jenny is still reading India: Jen, there’s nothing there. Its all about the new mayors and crap Jenny looks at her Jenny: Type something else India sighs

India: Like what Jenny: Murders in Carrow India sighs again India: Ok She types on the keyboard Screen view The words ‘Murders in Carrow’ appear on screen The screen loads and then flashes ‘No matches found’ Jenny: Damn India looks at her India: Any other ideas Jenny is again deep in thought India: Hey what about unsolved cases in Carrow Jenny snaps out of her trance Jenny: Yes, that’s it A voice is heard Voice: Shhhhhh Jenny looks around Jenny: Sorry India smiles

India: Remember that this is a library Jenny: Ok India smiles again and turns to the terminal India: Ok She types on the keyboard Screen view The words ‘Unsolved cases in Carrow’ appear on screen The screen loads and then flashes Jenny and India lean forward to read the choices Jenny: Try that one She points to the screen Screen view Jenny is pointing to Fire Accident claims lives India moves the pointer to the link and clicks The screen loads Jenny and India both look at the screen Jenny: This is it. This is the family They both read India: Sam and Susan O ‘ Neil Jenny: It’s shocking India: Jen we didn’t even know them Jenny: Yeah but we were alive when this happened

India points to the screen India: Look Jenny looks at the screen India reads of the screen India: Sam and Susan O ‘ Neil, burned to death in Carrow 16 years ago India looks back at Jenny India: We were only 2 when this happened. I don’t know why we’re even looking this up Jenny is staring at the screen Jenny: What was the date? India looks puzzled India: The date? Jenny: The date they died A voice is heard Voice: Shhhhhh Jenny glances around Jenny: Sorry India can’t help but smile India: Ok, the date that they died She scans the page

India: February 14th. A picture appears on the screen They look at the screen The picture is of a young woman standing outside a house. She holds a baby in her arms Jenny: They had a child? India: Yeah, I never knew that. The story was that Sam and Susan died in a fire. There was never a child mentioned Jenny: Do they have anymore pictures? India: I’ll check the picture gallery India clicks on the screen On the screen many pictures appear Some are of a house and some are of the young woman India: This is all there is Jenny: Damn India looks at her India: Well what did you want? Jenny opens her mouth but stops India: You don’t know do you Jenny: I just want something, anything on this family Jenny stares at India

Jenny: You think I’m losing it don’t you India: No. I just think your searching for an answer from an impossible source Jenny: Maybe. But I’m not giving up just yet India sighs India: Ok Jenny again looks at the screen Jenny: What do we know about them? India: They were very rich. You should be able to see that from the house Jenny looks at the screen One picture shows a house It is very large Jenny: I’ve never seen the actual house. It’s just a burnt out mess now India: Well that does happen when a house catches on fire Jenny stares at her and India pokes out her tongue India: Sorry Jenny: Well, if they were rich what happened to all their money? India clicks on the page The pictures disappear India clicks on the new page and reads what appears India: It says the will was never found and their money is still there. Sitting in their account

Jenny: What will happen to it? India clicks on the screen New information appears India: It says that Susan put a protected interest on it for 20 years. I guess she was being careful. Jenny: Just Susan? What about Sam? India looks at the screen India: It was her money so I guess she was protecting it India looks a little more India: It doesn’t say anything about Sam Jenny sighs again Jenny: Protecting it from who? India gives a little groan India: Jen, this is a small information site, not an encyclopaedia Jenny: Ok, sorry, its just the questions are coming to me before I can think India: Ok Jenny thinks Jenny: Well (she pauses) what happens if no one claims the money in 20 years India points to the screen

India: It goes to charity. Susan’s charity Jenny reads what India is pointing to India: Jen, what happened to them was an accident. You’ll have to accept that Jenny stops reading and looks at India Jenny: Does it say what happened to her baby India appears to be getting a little angry She clicks on the screen A new screen appears India reads it India: No Jenny: Nothing at all India moves her hand through her hair India: The baby isn’t mentioned in any of the reports Jenny: But she is holding a baby in her arms India I guess the baby died in the fire Jenny: You guess? India snaps India: (angrily) Jenny… Before India can say anything Jenny’s cell phone begins to ring. She answers India looks at the screen and tries to calm down Jenny talks on the phone, quietly

Jenny: Hi Lee Lee talks Jenny: How did you know? Lee talks Jenny: I’m sorry, it’s just with Maureen I didn’t think I could take school today Lee talks Jenny smiles Jenny: Thanks Lee talks Jenny: Oh, what’s the reason then? Lee talks Jenny’s eyes widen Jenny: What? Her voice is high India looks away from the screen and at Jenny India: What’s wrong Jenny waves her hand at India, motioning her to wait Jenny: How Lee speaks Jenny:

Oh god Jenny looks very red Lee talks some more Jenny: Ok, where are you? Lee speaks Jenny: The restaurant She looks at India Jenny: We’re on out way Lee speaks Jenny: India Lee speaks Jenny: Ok She hangs up Jenny stares at the screen India touches her arm India Jen, what’s wrong Jenny stares at the screen Jenny: Its Terry India: What? Jenny doesn’t answer India:

Jen, Terry what? Jenny sniffs and leans on the screen Jenny: Terry’s dead India stares at Jenny, her eyes wide India: What? Jenny nods India: How? Jenny looks away from the screen Her eyes are very wet Jenny: He was test driving a car and he crashed, there was a fuel leak and the car exploded India puts her hands over her mouth India: Oh god. Oh fuck Jenny: The car was for me India: What? Jenny: Eric bought me a car and Terry was testing it (she pauses) for me India looks shocked Jenny: Terry is dead (another pauses) because of me India looks angry India: No. You didn’t even know about the fucking car

Jenny: But if he didn’t go out and test it he’d be ok India: And if Eric hadn’t taken it in he wouldn’t have needed to take it out Jenny: But… India: And if you had driven the car today instead it would have been you who…(she stops) India is completely lost in thought Jenny sniffs Jenny: I wish I could feel better India still looks deep in thought Jenny stares at India India: Terry (she pauses) and Maureen Jenny looks at her India: Terry and Maureen dead Jenny looks at her Suddenly India’s eyes widen India: Spencer? Is he ok? A voice is heard Shhhhhh India turns to the direction the voice came from India: Shut up She turns to Jenny Jenny’s eyes are wet

Jenny: Yes, he’s with Lee at the restaurant India gives a sigh and then frowns India: I shouldn’t be thinking this. Terry is dead and all I care about is Spencer Jenny: I told them we would… India: Go meet them at the restaurant, I heard Jenny: I’m going. You? India: Of course Jenny stands up Jenny: Come on. Jenny turns and walks away from the computer India: Hey, wait up India stands up and leaves the computer As she gets up she leans on the mouse The mouse clicks on a page, which loads the next article The article appears There is a picture of a burnt house The article reads ‘Only one body found in fire wreckage’ The camera slowly zooms in on the screen A mini headline is visible ‘Serious burns deny identification’ (end of scene) Scene opens with a shot of the school There is no one walking around and it looks very quiet Scene switches to a classroom The camera moves right to show Mrs Lines sitting at her desk.

Her head is down and she is marking some work. There is a small noise from outside. It brings her out of her work and she looks around. Mrs Lines view. We pan the classroom seeing the desks and then the door. On the door is still the long black coat. She gives a little smile, remembering the coat and shakes her head, and begins marking her work again. Side view from her left. A shadow moves against the window and her head snaps to the right, just seeing it. She gets up and walks to the window and looks outside. She sees nothing. There is no one around. Mrs Lines: Hello? Nothing She closes the window, still looking outside She turns around. Miss Lines View. We pan the classroom again. Her classroom door is open. She walks forward and stops. Mrs Lines: Is anyone here? She looks at the door and then goes to her cupboard, which is close to the door. She opens it. There is nothing in there. She turns away from the cupboard, leaving it open and walks to the open door. Mrs Lines view. We pan from one side of the corridor to the other seeing nothing. The suddenly a shadow appears on the right side and disappears. Mrs Lines: Hey She leaves her classroom and walks up the corridor. She arrives where she saw the shadow There is no one there She looks back the way she came Suddenly a hand taps her on the shoulder She screams and spins around Figure Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you Mrs Lines (shocked tone) Kevin! You scared me Kevin:

Sorry Kevin is holding a folder in his hands Mrs Lines tries to catch her breath. She breathes heavily Kevin: Are you ok Mrs Lines Mrs Lines Yes, I’m fine She looks at him Mrs Lines What are you still doing her? Classes are over Kevin: Jenny asked me to give this to you. I forgot and she’s a little upset about what happened to Maureen Mrs Lines: That’s very understandable. You should be with her Kevin: I’m heading over there now. I just had to hand this to you He hands Mrs Lines the folder Mrs Lines Thank you Kevin. Tell Jenny I said hi Kevin: I will. See you tomorrow Mrs Lines: You will Kevin walks away from Mrs Lines and out of shot Mrs Lines turns and walks back towards her classroom She enters the classroom and closes the door behind her The coat is gone, but she doesn’t notice this. She walks to her desk and sits down, still holding the folder. She glances down at her desk and sees an envelope in front of her. A puzzled look appears on her face. She picks up the envelope and puts the folder down in its place.

She opens up the envelope and pulls out a small little note written in black, block capital letters. Show Mrs Line’s view. The letter reads ‘YOU SHOULD HAVE TAKEN IT BACK’ Show Mrs Line’s face. Her eyes widen and she hears a noise from behind her. She spins around. Show Mrs Line’s view. A gloved hand flies into shot, holding a long knife. The knife enters Mrs Line’s throat and the force of the swing forces her down to the desk. She is now pinned her to the desk. She can’t see anything. Her blood is dripping all over Jenny’s folder. We see a hand grab the knife and Mrs Lines head and yank Mrs Lines up. All we see of the attacker is the black gloves and part of a long black coat. Mrs Lines is still alive, but just barley. The hand holds her head right back and she stares up into the eyes of her attacker. We do not see what she is seeing. Her eyes widen and she tries to speak but can only make a slight gasping noise. As the hand holds her head back, the other moves the knife in and out of her throat making blood drip on the floor and the desk The knife is pulled from her throat. Her body is limp Her neck is bend backwards and the killer isn’t moving We can only see the coat We still don’t see anymore of the killer Suddenly the attacker stabs the knife into Mrs Line’s desk The killer grabs Jenny’s folder and pulls Mrs Lines by the hair across the room to her cupboard. The attacker takes her inside and closes the door The camera moves back to show the knife in the desk Camera fades to black (end of scene) Scene opens with a shot of Sebastian’s food and Drink Restaurant It is night time The restaurant has closed on the door There are lights on inside Scene moves to inside the restaurant Inside the restaurant we see Spencer, Lee, The Sheriff and Eric are all either seated or standing Out of all the people inside Spencer is looking the more upset Lee walks over to Spencer and puts a hand on his shoulder Lee: Are you ok? Spencer: I will be

Eric: I still can’t believe it. I spoke to him less than 10 minutes before…(he pauses)…it happened Sheriff: It just doesn’t make any sense Spencer: Maureen and Terry Sheriff: Yes, both dead in the last two days. I really don’t like this, plus its Halloween tomorrow. We have enough incidents then without this There is a pause Spencer: I don’t like it Lee nods Lee: This is getting serious Eric: And there is no chance that this could just be an accident Spencer snaps to attention Spencer: Fuck no. I checked over the car, as did Terry. He was a good mechanic, he wasn’t the type of guy to make mistakes Lee: Well…what did happen? Spencer: Sabotage Sheriff: What? Spencer reaches into his pocket and pulls out a metal bolt that fell off the car when it drove over the camera Sheriff:

What’s that? Spencer: Its part of the fuel tank on the car. Someone loosened it Lee: Why? Spencer: I don’t know. What I do know is that if Terry hadn’t taken the car out and either me or Jenny had tried driving it, it would have lost so much fuel by that time that you could have written off the whole garage Eric: Meaning? Spencer: Meaning the explosion would have been so huge it would have wiped out the building Lee: Fuck Suddenly the door opens and Kevin and Steve enter Both are red and have been running Lee looks at them Lee: I thought I told you two I didn’t want you here when I’m here Kevin: I know you did, but I think the situation is a little different now Lee nods his head Lee: Ok, truce for now Steve: What happened? Spencer isn’t looking at them Spencer: Terry took JENNY’S car out to give it a run. The car crashed and exploded. Terry’s dead. That’s all you need to know

Kevin looks at Spencer Kevin: I’m sorry Spencer gives a short laugh Spencer: Are you? Kevin: Ok, I admit I didn’t like the guy but I didn’t want him dead Spencer looks at Steve Spencer: And you? Steve: Me what? Spencer: I still haven’t forgotten what you wanted me to say yesterday Steve: Oh yeah, what about it Spencer: I just want to you to know you’ll pay for it Steve laughs Steve: Sorry man. I don’t see it Spencer: You don’t see a lot of things Steve: What is your fucking problem? This is not about you and me. This is about Terry Spencer: And you loved Terry didn’t you Steve: I never fucking wanted this to happen you grease ball asshole

Spencer: You fuck…(he stops) Spencer stands up and he and Steve fly at each other Eric grabs Steve and The Sheriff grabs Spencer Eric: Calm down Sheriff Enough Lee stands between them Lee: Cut the shit. Now is not the time Spencer and Steve both sit back Spencer: Just remember bro. You’ll pay Steve glares at him Lee: Spe, enough Spencer flashes Lee an angry glance and then sits back Lee looks in thought and then looks at Kevin Lee: Why are you here? Who called you? Kevin Jenny. I handed in her work to Mrs Lines and then waited for Steve to come back from his talk with Raul Lee nods Kevin: While I was waiting Jen called and told me what happened. She said she was on her way, so, where is she Eric: She’ll be here…

As he speaks the door opens and Jenny and India enter Both are red and seem very cold Eric: Right about now Lee walks forward and takes Jenny’s hand Lee: Hi Jenny smiles at him Lee: Are you ok? Jenny: Yes He gives her a quick hug Lee turns to India and smiles India: I’m good Lee nods Lee: Ok Eric: Shall I take your coats? Jenny: No thanks India: Thank you. No Jenny glances over at the coat hangers There is one coat on the hanger It is a long black coat India walks past Jenny and sits down by the Sheriff India looks up and smiles at Spencer Spencer is still a little tense but smiles back

Kevin walks forward and takes Jenny’s hand He tries to lead her to sit but she stays standing Kevin: Are you ok? Jenny: Who’s doing this? There is a pause Jenny: Who is killing all my friends, first Maureen and now Terry Kevin: Jenny don’t try to think about it Jenny: I mean Maureen was being a friend. She switched with me because she thought I was upset There is silence Everyone is thinking Jenny: And Terry was testing a car. Terry was being a friend Spencer: I told him not to do it. The car was for you Eric: I liked Terry. He was a good guy There is a silence Suddenly India cries out India: I have it Everyone jumps Jenny: You have what Ind? India: Jen don’t you get it

Jenny: Get what? India: Don’t you see the pattern? Jenny looks blank Jenny: All I see is that some lunatic is killing people close to me India stares at her India: Jen She gets up and walks towards her She holds her hand India: Jen, it should have been you Jenny’s eyes widen Jenny: What the hell do you mean? India: You were the target Jenny: How Spencer walks forward Spencer: Wait, wait, wait. She’s right Lee looks at Spencer Lee: What the hell are you talking about? Spencer: The night of Maureen’s death. She was wearing the same coat as Jenny

Kevin: And it was supposed to be Jenny who went to the pier Lee: Whoever killed her thought it was you India: Right Steve: And Terry was working on the car for Jenny India: And he never gives them a test run. The car was meant to be picked up by Jenny Jenny looks shocked Jenny: So this is all because of me They look at her Jenny: Maureen and Terry are dead because of me Kevin: No He walks forward and takes her hand India: Whoever is doing this wants you Eric: I see what she mean’s Sheriff: So do I. Whoever is killing these people is targeting you Eric: It’s just been blind luck on your part that you haven’t been in the place at the time Jenny is standing very still Jenny:

So…what are you saying? Someone wants me dead There is a long silence Steve: I hate to be the one to say it but Yes Lee: Well to get to you whoever this is will have to go through me Kevin: Me to Steve: Here here Jenny smiles but still looks worried Jenny: Guys your talking about putting your lives at risk for me. I don’t want that India: Key words in that. Our lives and we will put OUR lives in whatever danger is necessary to protect you Kevin: Yep Steve: Me to Lee: Right India stands between Jenny, Kevin and the rest of the group India: Ok, we make a pact here Jenny: A pact? India: A pact, a deal whatever you want to call it Kevin steps forward

Kevin: Tell us India: Jenny is never alone. If Jenny is a target then we never leave her alone Steve: Agreed Kevin: Agreed Lee: Agreed Jenny: Wait. Don’t I get a say in this? India: No Jenny: But if I’m the target and you all crowd me something may happen to you Kevin: I don’t give a crap about that Jenny: Well, I do India: Nothing will happen Jenny: But what if it does The Sheriff steps forward Sheriff: Then I be on hand to either arrest this guy He pauses Sheriff: Or kill him

Jenny: Thanks Sheriff Sheriff: No problem little lady The Sheriff looks at his watch Sheriff: I have to get back to the office to look up some things Lee: Ok Sheriff: If anything happens call me The Sheriff walks to the door Sheriff: Remember. You could all be in danger now He opens the door and leaves Eric: What did he mean by that? Spencer: No clue Steve looks at his watch Steve: Shit, I didn’t realise that was the time He gets up and walks to the door Steve: Later guys. See you on Halloween He turns to Kevin Steve: Then we can put a scare on Mrs Lines

Eric: Whose Mrs Lines Spencer: Jenny’s favourite teacher Jenny: Don’t you do anything? Kevin: It’s already been done Jenny smiles a little Steve: Till tomorrow He opens the door and leaves Lee looks around the room Jenny, India, Kevin, Spencer and Eric remain Lee: Jeez, they’ve bolted like flies India: Yep, and one more is about to bolt Spencer looks up and comes out of thought Spencer: What do you mean? India: I have to go. I have to get home to feed Chrissy Spencer: Chrissy? India smiles India: My dog Spencer: Oh

India smiles as she walks to the door India: Call me when you get home Jenny: Ok India smiles at Jenny India leaves the restaurant Lee looks at Spencer Lee: Very nice Spencer: What Lee: You almost showed signs of jealousy then Spencer: Didn’t Lee: And in the end you were jealous of a little dog Spencer smiles Spencer: Oh shut up Lee looks at Jenny Lee: You look tired Jenny: I feel tired Lee: You should go home to Eric steps forward Eric:

I’ll drive you Jenny: No I’ll walk Eric stares at Jenny Eric: Walk? Jenny: Yes Kevin: Your not gonna be alone. I’ll walk with you Jenny: No you won’t Kevin Talk to the hand Jen Jenny sighs Eric: Well since you have your evening planned I’ve got some business to take care of Eric walks towards Lee and they shakes hands Lee: Thanks for coming Eric: It was no trouble. It helped actually Spencer: I agree. Now we know what is happening Eric: Exactly Kevin: Wrong They turn to him

Kevin: Its what we think is happening. We don’t know for sure Lee: True, but it is something to go on Eric: Yes. Anyway I must dash He walks to the door and leaves Lee turns to Jenny Lee: You could have at least let him give a ride home Jenny: In a CAR Lee goes red Lee: Oh. I see what you mean Jenny walks forward and gives him a hug Jenny: Thanks for caring Lee smiles Jenny: Bye Spencer Spencer nods Spencer: Be careful Kevin takes Jenny’s hand Kevin: Relax, she’s with me Jenny smiles at Lee one more time and walks towards the door Kevin nods at Lee and walks with her

Outside restaurant Jenny opens the door and steps outside Kevin follows He takes her hand and they walk out of shot Camera stays outside the restaurant Lee looks at Spencer The door begins to close Lee: Ok, we need to talk Spencer: I know The door closes (end of scene) Scene opens with a shot of the sky The sky is very dark, but there are a few stars out The camera moves down to show a house. It is a two-floored detached house There are lights on, on the bottom floor, but not the top Scene moves to inside the house The camera moves through the front room There are pictures on the shelves The pictures are of a man, woman and young girl The young girl is India India appears in shot She is sitting down, there is a small dog on her lap Both India and the dog are asleep Suddenly a phone begins to ring India stirs from her sleep India: (in a sleepy voice) Oh She picks up the phone India: Hello? She waits There is no answer India: Hello

Still nothing The phone goes dead India: Must have been a faulty phone The dog on India’s lap wakes and looks up at her India: What’s wrong Chrissy She strokes the dog The phone begins to ring again India: God, we’re popular tonight aren’t we She picks up the phone India: Hello Nothing India is beginning to lose her patience India: All right, whoever the hell this is cut it out Still nothing India: God, if someone’s there then at least say something Nothing India: No, I don’t like scary movies She puts the phone down India gives Chrissy a hug India: God, its Halloween tomorrow and already the wacko’s are coming out Chrissy suddenly begins to wriggle

India: What’s wrong Chris? Chrissy gets off India’s lap and goes out into the kitchen India gives a little sigh India: You’ve just been out Chrissy barks from the kitchen India: Chrissy, give me a break Chrissy barks again India: Ok, ok India gets up and walks into the kitchen She turns on the light It’s a strobe light It flickers on, then off, then on, then off again and continues in that pattern India: Don’t do this to me She hits the switch and the light comes on India gives a sigh of relief Chrissy is sitting by the door India: More business outside Chrissy is still looking at the door India: Out you go India opens the door and Chrissy runs outside India stands in the doorway Chrissy has run into the dark garden and can’t be seen India shivers and hugs herself She shuts the door

India walks around and looks out of the kitchen window It is so dark she can’t see anything Suddenly the phone begins to ring India sighs and shakes her head The phone is still ringing India: Damn India walks into the front room She arrives at the phone India picks up the phone India: Hello There is a crackling sound on the other line India: (louder) Hello Voice: Hello India The voice is deep and husky. The crackling on the other side of the line is making the voice sound far away and distant India is surprised to a second, because she has an answer India: Yes Voice: Can you hear me? India: A little Voice: Good, because I want you to hear this India looks around the room She walks over to the fire place and picks up a small ornament The ornament is a little girl with a dog. The dog is the same breed as Chrissy She can still here the crackling India:

Hear what? Voice: What I have to tell you India gives a short sigh India: Well tell me then Voice: I was there today India: Where Voice: The restaurant India suddenly snaps to full attention Voice: Do I have your full attention now? India: Yes Voice: Good. I’d hate to think that ornament is more important than me India spins around She looks around the room India: Who are you? Voice: It’s up to you whether you find out India: This better be a Halloween prank Voice: This is not a prank. This is very real India:

Ok, so you were at the restaurant. What of it Voice: There’s more India: Ok Voice: I was at the pier to India: What? What are you talking about? Who are you? Voice: She didn’t even scream India looks shocked India: You killed Maureen The voice doesn’t answer India: Answer me The voice snaps back Voice: Don’t shout at me India is caught of guard with the voice shouting Voice: You were right. It wasn’t supposed to be Maureen. It was supposed to be Jenny India: You sick fuck (she pauses) and you killed Terry Voice: Again, it was supposed to be Jenny India: Why?

Voice: It’s not your concern India: I think it is The voice snaps again Voice: And I know it isn’t India: What do you want? Voice: Finally, we come to the reason I have called India: What Voice: Maureen and Terry were accidents India: Accidents? Voice: Yes terrible accidents. So to avoid any more unfortunate deaths I have a request India: What The voice suddenly sounds very deep and serious Voice: Stay away from Jenny India: Why. So you can walk up to her and kill her Voice: I don’t want to hurt you India India gives a little laugh India:

Spare me. Jenny is my friend. I’ll never leave her Voice: That’s a shame. It really is India: Why Voice: Well, lets just say you have to choices. Either Jenny will die, or you and Jenny will die India’s eyes widen and she feels a little scared India: Fuck you Voice: Are you scared? India: No There is a crackling and when is dies down she can hear the voice laughing Voice: You forget that I can see you India looks to the window India: Leave me alone Voice: Just stay away from Jenny. It’s your choice India: No Voice: You have one chance. Some one close to you has none India: Talk all you want, I’m not going to listen Voice: Your call

The phone goes dead India: God She sits down on the chair India: Jenny She starts dialling in a number Suddenly there is a noise from the kitchen India jumps, but doesn’t get up She tries to peer into the kitchen She can see something shinning in the kitchen India’s face. She looks puzzled and scared She gets up and walks to the kitchen door She tries the light It is a strobe light. It flickers on and off and on and off, and continues in that pattern India hits the switch The light continues to flicker India: Shit She slowly creeps into the kitchen The light is still flickering She can now see the back door She walks to the back door There is something sticking through the door. It is long and sharp Show India’s face. She looks puzzled India: (quietly) What She reaches the door What ever is sticking through the door is long and sharp She places her hand on the door handle and takes a deep breath She opens the door and looks Her eyes widen and she lets out a scream Impaled through the knife is Chrissy. The knife is through her neck. India screams She slams the door and backs up into the kitchen The light is still flickering

India: (in a faint voice) Oh god, Oh god The phone begins to ring again India jumps India still has the phone in her hand She clicks the phone and holds it to her ear Voice: Now will you listen to me? India: Fuck you Voice: Knock knock India India looks confused India: What? Voice: Knock knock The phone suddenly goes dead India stares at the phone Suddenly she hears a noise She can hear knocking India screams India: Leave me alone The knocking stops Suddenly the knocking starts again, much faster this time India falls to the floor and starts to cry The knocking stops India: Please leave me alone Suddenly the back door flies open India stands up and screams A tall figure in a long black coat enters the dark kitchen and closes the door behind him India flies to her feet

India: (she screams) Get out She charges the figure and begins hitting him India: (screams louder) Get out, get out The figure holds up his hands to protect his face Figure: India, calm down. It’s me Suddenly the light comes on and India can see the person India: (shocked) Spencer She throws her arms around him India: (breathlessly) Thank you She is still hugging him He puts his arms around her India: Thank god its you Spencer talks in a quiet tone Spencer: I’m here They hug for a few seconds and then release each other Spencer is staring at her Spencer: What happened? India: Someone called me Spencer: Someone?

India: He said he killed Terry and Maureen. And he told me he would kill me if I didn’t leave Jenny alone As she speaks her voice sounds more tearful and she starts to cry again Spencer: Ok, ok He hugs her again Spencer: I’m here now They stop hugging again Spencer pulls on his coat Spencer: Did this scare you? India nods Spencer: Sorry, but mine is missing so I borrowed Lee’s India: Why did you come in the back? Spencer: I was knocking on the front door, only you didn’t answer India looks at him Spencer: I heard you shouting and you wouldn’t open the door so I came around the back and I saw… India sniffs India: I know, please (she hold his hand) Stay with me tonight Spencer: Of course I will

He pulls out a cell phone Spencer: But first you will call Jenny and I will call the police India: I don’t want the police here Spencer: They won’t stay long. There may be something out there, something that may help them India: Ok Spencer leads her into the front room She sits down on a chair She is very pale Spencer looks at her Spencer: Now call Jenny. I’ll be out here India: Ok Spencer leaves India and walks into the kitchen The camera switches into the kitchen Spencer pulls out his phone and dials in a number He holds the phone to his ear Spencer: Hi, it’s me The person on the other line speaks Spencer looks to the kitchen door Spencer: Hey listen He smiles a nervous smile Spencer: You’ll never believe were I am The camera moves to the closed kitchen door

(end of scene) Scene switches to behind a closed door The room is different The scene has now switched to Jenny’s house The camera moves to the left Kevin is sitting on a long three-seated chair Jenny is laying on the chair, but leaning against him Kevin: How are you feeling? Jenny is still leaning on him Jenny: I don’t know She sighs Jenny: I think I should feel scared Kevin: I would be. I mean it’s not every day something like this happens Jenny moves away from him shoulder and turns to face him Jenny: Yeah. But why Kevin: I wish I knew Jenny: It could be anyone Kevin stares at her Kevin: What are you getting at? Jenny: I’m just saying it could be anyone. Someone close to me Kevin looks at her

Kevin: You don’t think its me do you? Jenny smiles at him and holds his hand Jenny: Kev, I’m not accusing you. I don’t think for one second that its you Kevin looks away and frowns He looks at Jenny Kevin smiles Kevin: Are you sure? It’s usually the boyfriend in the first one Jenny smiles back Jenny: The first one? Kevin: The first film Jenny: Really. And who’s the killer in the second film Kevin scratches his chin They are playing with each other Kevin: Hmmm, usually the boyfriend’s best friend Jenny: So I guess I should stay away from you and Steve Kevin: Ah, but in the second film it’s the NEW boyfriend’s best friend Kevin gives her a funny look Kevin: You’re not planning to dump me are you? Jenny smiles Jenny:

No Jenny laughs Jenny: You’ve got Scream on the brain Kevin laughs Kevin: You didn’t like that mask but you can’t fault the story Jenny: I guess Jenny gives a strange look Jenny: Kev Kevin: Yep Jenny: Why, out of all the things that are happening, are we talking about Scream? Kevin: I have NO idea The both laugh Kevin: It’s nice to see you smile again Jenny smiles back at him Then her face becomes serious Jenny: Kev, I hate to ruin the mood but I really need to talk to you about some one Kevin stares at her Kevin: (nervously) Ok He looks away from her

Kevin: Who Jenny: Spencer Kevin freezes up Kevin: What about him Jenny: I need to know why you don’t like him Kevin is still looking away Jenny: Kevin, please tell me Kevin: It’s just… He turns to her Kevin: I guess… He pauses Kevin: I’m jealous Jenny pulls up She is surprised of the answer Jenny: Of what Kevin: Of him Jenny: Why Kevin:

Its just, he’s really close with your family Jenny: So? Kevin: And I’m not Jenny: And that’s what this has all been about Kevin looks away from her Jenny groans and pulls his face towards her She moves forward and kisses him He kisses her back She pulls back and looks at him Jenny: Kev… Before she can talk her phone begins to ring They both swallow Jenny: I’ll be right back Jenny moves away from Kevin and across the room She picks up the phone She looks at Kevin He is staring at her Jenny: Hello Jenny looks surprised Jenny: India! Kevin looks away India speaks Jenny: (she sounds shocked) What? What happened? India speaks

Jenny: (concerned) Well are you ok India speaks Jenny: What did he say? India speaks Jenny: That’s it. You stay away from me. You understand. I don’t want you hurt India speaks rather loudly Jenny: Ind, no arguments you… India speaks Jenny: (Shocked) He did what India speaks Jenny: Ind, I’m sorry. I know how much you loved Chrissy India speaks Jenny: And now you want to get him India speaks Jenny: Ok. But I don’t care what you say now. I’m coming over India speaks Jenny: (surprised) Spencer! Kevin looks up for the first time

India speaks Jenny: I’m still coming India begins to speak Jenny: No. I’m coming. I’m already on my way She puts the phone down Kevin: What’s happened? Jenny picks up her coat Jenny: Some one called her. Told her that he was the one doing this and that he was going to kill her if she didn’t stay away from me Kevin: Shit, is she ok Jenny: Yeah, but… Kevin: But what? Jenny: Chrissy Kevin: Her dog? Jenny: Yeah Kevin: What about her Jenny: She’s dead Kevin:

(shocked) He killed her dog Jenny: Yeah Kevin stands up Kevin: (shouts) Sick fuck Jenny: I’m going over to see her Kevin stands up Kevin: Why did you mention Spencer? Jenny: He’s there Kevin: At India’s? Jenny nods Kevin: Why Jenny: Because he was concerned about her. Well, that’s what he told her Kevin: And you’re going over to see her Jenny: Yes Kevin picks up his coat Jenny: Where are you going? Kevin: I’m walking you over

He takes out a cell phone Kevin: First I’ll call Steve and let him know what’s happened Jenny: Ok Kevin walks to the door Kevin: Why don’t you phone Lee and let him know Jenny: Ok Kevin: And Eric Jenny stares at him Kevin: What’s wrong Jenny: That’s a good question Kevin: What is? Jenny: Where the hell is Eric Kevin thinks Kevin: Yeah, he’s really late Kevin shakes his head Kevin: Never mind about him for now. I’ll call Steve. You call Lee Jenny: Ok

Kevin opens the lounge door and stands in the doorway He looks at his phone Jenny picks up her phone Kevin: Damn Jenny looks at him Jenny: What’s wrong Kevin: I need a better signal He opens the front door Kevin: I’ll be right back Jenny: Ok Kevin walks out of shot Jenny turns and picks up the phone She dials a number The phone starts to make a strange noise Jenny looks puzzled The phone goes dead Jenny looks up Jenny’s view. She looks around the room. There is a click and the light goes out leaving the room in total darkness. Jenny slowly puts down the phone Jenny: (softly) Kevin Jenny slowly walks to the front room door She stops The door is slowly moving back and forth Jenny: Oh shit She stands frozen to the spot

Jenny: (louder) Kevin She walks forward and puts her hand on the door handle She slowly opens the door Jenny’s view. The hall is also in total darkness. The front door is closed. Jenny fully opens the door and steps slowly into the hall She looks around Nothing It is deathly quiet Jenny: (quietly) My cell phone She reaches into her coat pockets and her trouser pockets Jenny: Shit Suddenly there is a small noise heard upstairs She looks up the stairs She shakes her head and moves slowly to the front door The noise is heard again Jenny stops and looks in the direction of the stairs Jenny: (quietly) Please no She turns to the door Suddenly she hears another noise It is much closer Jenny: (desperately) Shit She walks very quickly to the front door and puts her hand on the handle She pulls on the handle The door doesn’t budge Jenny looks puzzled She pulls again Jenny: (quietly) It’s locked She pulls again

Jenny: (desperately) come on Suddenly she hears a very soft voice Voice: Jenny Jenny spins around Jenny: (softly) Kevin Jenny slowly walks to the lounge door Jenny’s view. The room is still in total darkness Jenny hears the voice again Voice: Jenny, help She can’t hear wear the voice is coming from It is almost a whisper She walks into the lounge As she does the camera stays seated in its position Up the stairs on the right the bathroom can be seen Silhouetted against a window is a tall black shape The shape is standing very still and very straight Back to Jenny Jenny slowly walks through the lounge She is heading for the kitchen and the back door She hears a noise again Jenny closes her eyes Jenny: (softly) Oh god She reaches the closed kitchen door She reaches forward and puts her hand on the door She hears the noise again This time its sounds very close It came from right behind her She spins around The black shape is standing right behind her A huge long knife flies at her She screams and ducks The knife just misses her and goes through the door

The figure pulls on the knife, trying to move it from the door Jenny scrambles from the floor and tries to run past the killer The killer pulls the knife out and grabs Jenny by the hair She screams again The killer pulls Jenny back towards him The killer swings the knife again Jenny manages to dodge but as the killer is holding her hair it causes her pain The killer spins Jenny to face him The killer grabs Jenny’s whole face with his left hand and throws her into the chair She hits the wooden support of the arm and hits the floor The killer walks over to her and pulls her roughly over so she is facing him She can’t see the figures face because of the darkness It seems that the figure is wearing something on its head The killer leans over her in a sitting position She immediately starts to struggle with the killer She wriggles and thrashes her arms around The killer sits tall He seems to be enjoying her fear As she thrashes her arms the killer catches her left arm The killer violently brings the hand across Jenny’s face Both Jenny’s and the Killer’s hand connect with Jenny’s face Jenny is caught by the blow and stops struggling The killer holds Jenny’s left arm with his left hand The killer raises his knife and brings it down on Jenny It stabs Jenny’s hair Jenny screams and kicks out The killer pulls the knife from the floor and stabs again The knife stabs Jenny, catching her in the right shoulder Her shoulder begins to bleed The killer raises the knife again Jenny is still wriggling and this forces the killer to sit up a little Jenny brings her knee up into the killer crotch The killer makes a groaning noise and sits totally up Jenny moves both her legs back and kicks the killer pull in the face The killer flies backwards, almost back into the hall Jenny scrambles to her feet and stumbles to the open kitchen door She reaches it and holding her shoulder turns to close it She stops The killer is gone Jenny’s view. Jenny can see the whole front room and part of the hall Jenny can see that the front door is open She turns to the back door and stops Jenny’s view. The back door appears to be slowly moving and there is a shadow against it Jenny turns and stumbles to the front door Jenny reaches the hall

The door is open Jenny walks to the front door and leaves the house She stands outside and stops Lee is standing on the lawn, his back to her In his right hand he is holding a long black coat In his left hand he is holding a red folder Jenny: Lee? Lee spins around Lee: (surprised) Jenny Jenny looks at him It is very dark and Lee cannot see her clearly Lee begins to walk towards her She backs away, but stops Is she backs up any further she will be back in the house Jenny points to the items Lee is holding Lee: These? Jenny nods Lee: I found these on the floor Lee looks at Jenny Jenny is very white Lee can see her very clearly now Lee: What’s happened? Jenny: The killer Lee drops the items he is holding and walks towards Jenny She begins to back off again He reaches her and holds her hand Lee:

What happened? Are you ok? Jenny is shaking Jenny: (shakily) The killer’s in the house Lee Lee: Fuck Lee looks her up and down frantically Lee: Did he hurt you, are you ok? Suddenly he catches the blood on her arm Lee: Shit, you’re bleeding Jenny looks at the cut Jenny: It’s not that bad Lee: You’re bleeding Jenny He reaches into his pockets and brings out a small clean cloth Lee: Take your coat off Jenny does The cut isn’t too deep Lee wraps the cloth around Jenny’s arm Lee: This may hurt He squeezes the cloth Jenny winces a little Lee:

Are you ok? Jenny: Yes Lee: What happened? Did you see him? Jenny: No. He was wearing a long coat and a strange hat. I couldn’t see his face Lee: Damn Lee spots a bruise on her head Lee: Shit, what did he do to you He stares at her bruise Lee: I’ll fucking kill him Lee punches the wall of the house Lee looks at her Lee: Why are you on your own? Jenny: Kevin was with me Lee: Where is he? Jenny: He came out here to call Steve and…(she stops) Someone grabs her shoulder from behind She screams and spins around Kevin is standing in the doorway Lee grabs Jenny and stands in front of her Jenny: Where were you?

Kevin is rubbing his head Kevin: I don’t know Lee: You don’t know? Kevin: I called Steve and there was no answer. Then something hit me and I can’t remember anything else. I woke up around the back of the house Jenny: Are you ok? Kevin: I think He seems really shaky He spots her arm Kevin: What happened? Jenny: I’m ok Kevin: I don’t care if you’re ok. How did you get that? Before Jenny can answer car light appear A car pulls into the drive Eric steps out of the car All three look at him Eric walks towards them Eric: What’s happening? Lee: Jenny was attacked Eric looks concerned Eric:

Are you ok? Jenny nods Jenny: The lights went out and the phone went dead and then he attacked me She stops Jenny: He tried to kill me Lee puts an arm around her Lee: I’ll call the Sheriff Jenny: Why don’t we just go to India’s? Lee: Why Jenny: Because the police are already there Kevin: Ok Eric: I’ll check out the house Lee: I’ll go with you Both Eric and Lee enter the house Kevin looks at Jenny Kevin: Are you ok now? Jenny is shivering, but nods Kevin: Here

He gives her his coat Kevin: I’ll give Eric and Lee a hand Jenny: Ok Kevin: Don’t go anywhere Jenny: I won’t Kevin enters the house Jenny stands outside and hugs herself The lights come back on in the house Eric appears in the upstairs window Eric: Someone did something to the fuse panel. It’s ok now Jenny: Ok He disappears back into the house Jenny: Someone Jenny turns back to the items on the floor Jenny walks over to the items on the floor She looks down Jenny leans down and picks up the coat Under the coat is the folder She hesitates and then picks it up Jenny’s view. The folder is very red Jenny has a puzzled look on her face Jenny’s view. Written on the top right hand corner of the folder are the words ‘Jenny’s work’ Jenny’s eyes widen Jenny: This is my folder She opens up the folder

The folder is empty but for a single sheet of paper Jenny reaches into the folder and pulls out the paper Jenny brings the paper out Jenny’s view. The paper has a huge circled A on the front. There is a comment underneath the A. It reads ‘It brought a lump to her throat’ Jenny looks puzzled She turns the paper over Her eyes widen Jenny’s view. The paper reads ‘So I took it out’ Jenny looks out into the garden Jenny: Mrs Line! (end of scene) Scene opens with a shot of Carrow High school. On the sign that says Carrow High School there is another sign saying ‘Happy Halloween’ The camera pans right to show a bus arriving near the school. It stops and the doors open. Students leave the bus. Jenny and India also leave the bus. The start walking towards the school India: And tell me again why you didn’t tell them Jenny doesn’t answer India: Come on Jen. She’s your favourite teacher. It was your file. Something must be adding up in there. (she points to Jenny’s head) Jenny looks at her Jenny speaks in a very low hollow voice Jenny: It is India: So why didn’t you say anything? Jesus Jen, with everything that happened last night. Chrissy dying, and you nearly…(she stops) Jenny looks at her again India: I just want to know why you didn’t say anything

Jenny: I don’t want to say anything until I’m sure India: I just hope it is a prank and not what I’m thinking Jenny: Yeah, me to They walk to the steps of the school Jenny’s voice changes for the first time since the scene began Jenny: That’s strange India: What Jenny: No Kev or Steve India: Maybe they’re late Jenny looks around Jenny: Maybe India: Do you want to sit? India points to the wall Jenny: Sure They walk over to the wall and sit India: Are you sure you’re ok now? Jenny: I don’t know. After what happened last night…I know I could have died. I could have been stabbed, if I hadn’t ducked I would have

India: But you did duck and you did survive Jenny: Yeah, but Maureen didn’t India looks at Jenny India: You still blame yourself for what happened to Maureen Jenny: I do, and with good reason. If Maureen didn’t know me then she would still be alive and… India: And there is the possibility that someone else could be dead. It wasn’t your fault Jen. You have to accept that. You didn’t kill Maureen. The asshole that stabbed her killed her Jenny puts her head in her hands They are both silent for a minute India: Who do you think it is? Jenny looks up She is surprised by the question Jenny: What do you mean? India: When you arrived at my house yesterday Jenny: Yeah India: Kevin and me had a talk Jenny: We were only joking India: But we aren’t

She moves closer to Jenny India: (in a more serious voice) Who do you think it is? Jenny: I don’t know. I refuse to believe that someone close to me is trying to kill me India: Maybe the person isn’t close to you Jenny: That’s not possible India: How Jenny: My close friends are dead. He knew the places where I was supposed to be. He got into my house India: Ok, point taken Jenny: I’m almost scared to find out though She pauses Jenny: What if it is someone close to me? India: Don’t think like that Jen Jenny: (snaps) You asked me India is surprised by Jenny’s snap India: Ok Jenny looks at the floor

Jenny: Sorry. Its just…everything India: Ok They both fall silent again Jenny: What happened after we left? India looks at her India: Nothing Jenny: With Spencer India: Nothing. He slept downstairs on the sofa and left this morning Jenny: Oh India sighs India: Yeah…oh Jenny: He’s a little slow huh India: Slower than the turtle Neither Jenny of India smile India looks up India: They’re here Jenny looks up Kevin is walking very fast towards them Steve is walking behind him, but seems to be limping, even though he is trying to hid it

Kevin: (he looks at Jenny) Hi Jenny: Hi Kevin: Are you ok? Jenny: Yes, as well as can be expected India looks at Steve who seems to be struggling India: Are you ok? Steve looks at her Steve: Yeah India: What happened? Steve: It happened last night Jenny: What happened last night? India points to Steve’s leg Jenny can now see that Steve is leaning off it Jenny: Are you ok? Steve: That’s a question I should ask you Jenny: I’m ok Steve: Are you sure?

Jenny: Yes, but what happened to your leg Steve: I banged it yesterday Jenny: Banged it? Steve: Yeah India: Doing what Steve: I… Jenny: Kevin called you yesterday. Where were you? Steve: I… Kevin holds up his hand Kevin: Tell them Steve looks to the ground Jenny: Steve? Steve sighs Steve: I went to the O ‘ Neal house India: What? Jenny: Why, it’s a wreck Steve:

How do you think I injured myself? Jenny: Then why go there Steve: Because He looks up Steve: Because I believe you Jenny: You do Jenny can’t hide her suprise Steve: I do think this has something to do with The O ‘ Neal’s Both Jenny and India are silent Jenny: What happened? Steve: It’s not as bad as you may think. It’s standing well and quiet sturdy Jenny: So how did you do that? She points to his leg Steve: That’s the funny thing. I was in the room, I guess you can call it their bedroom and an old case fell on me India: A case? Steve: Something like a book case India: Why is that funny

Steve: Because where the book case was, there was a hole behind it India: You think someone pushed it Steve: Without a doubt India: God There is silence Kevin: I still can’t believe you went to the house on your own Steve: Yeah, well… Kevin: You’re an asshole Steve looks at him Steve: Thanks India: He’s right. Something may have happened to you and it nearly did Steve: But I’m ok aren’t I Jenny has been silent She grabs Steve’s arm He looks suprised Jenny: Steve, when was this Steve thinks Steve: A few hours after we left the restaurant

Jenny’s eyes widen Jenny: This was round about the same time I was attacked They all look at her Jenny: Don’t you see? If I was being attacked at the same time Steve was hurt by a toppling bookcase India: There is more than one person behind this Jenny: Yeah There is a long silence Jenny: Steve, did you find anything Steve nods Steve: I found this He pulls out a charred, dirty and very old picture India and Jenny look at it The picture is hard to make out There is a tall figure standing with a much smaller figure. The smaller figure is holding a baby All the faces are blurred and can’t be made out Jenny: Is this…? Steve nods Steve: The O ‘ Neal family. The whole family They all look at the picture India:

This must be the only picture of Sam and Susan O ‘ Neal Steve: I think it is Kevin: Well what does this prove? Jenny: I don’t know Steve: I does bring up a question though India: What’s that? Steve: Why is it so hard to fins any facts on this family India: They did all burn to death. That’s all that’s really known about them Steve: Wrong, they didn’t all burn to death Jenny looks at him Jenny: What do you mean? They all burned to death in the house fire Steve: Then how come they only found one body in the wreckage Jenny: Where did you find this out? Steve: I went surfing last night and I read up about it Jenny: So which body did they find in the house Steve: They don’t know. The body was burnt so severally they couldn’t identify it

India: Steve She looks at him India: You have been busy Steve: It still doesn’t help us though Kevin: Yeah. It doesn’t show us why Jenny is being targeted and why this is happening now Steve raises his hand Steve: I think I may have the answer to that India: To what? Steve: To why this is happening now Jenny looks at him Jenny: Why? Steve: I feel like the man of the moment here Kevin: Tell us Steve: This is why I thought this has something to do with the O ‘ Neal’s India: Well, are you going to tell us? Steve: Do you know when they got married? Jenny:

No Steve points to the sign behind them Steve: They were married on the 31st of October. Halloween India: They got married on Halloween Steve: Yep India: Why Steve: I don’t know, but doesn’t it seem like a little bit of a coincidence that all this is happening now. All this has been leading up to now, here, the anniversary of Sam and Susan O ‘ Neal Jenny: You’re right Steve speaks in a low voice Steve: Thank you Kevin looks at his watch Kevin: We’d better get inside India: Yeah Jenny: Ok They all stand up Kevin and India walk on ahead and out of shot Jenny looks at Steve Jenny:

Steve Steve turns to her Steve: Yes Jenny: Thank you Steve looks surprised Steve: For what Jenny: For believing me Steve smiles Steve: You’re welcome They both walk out of shot and into the school Scene changes to a class room The desks are filled with students Jenny, India, Kevin and Steve are all sitting down in the classroom The students are all talking Jenny turns to India India: Where is she. She’s never this late Jenny: I know India: Jen, remember the folder Jenny: Not yet Ind, please India: Ok They sit in silence again

Jenny sits facing the front Jenny’s view. The camera looks left and right. Jenny sees Kevin and Steve talking. She looks at India. India is sitting back with her eyes closed. She looks at the door. She looks puzzled. The coat that is always on the door is gone She looks across at India India is still sitting back with her eyes closed Jenny looks away and looks at the door again Jenny looks and then a puzzled Jenny’s view. Jenny is looking at the cupboard. The door is shut. The camera moves down. There is something on the floor, under the door. It is hard to make out. Jenny stares at the door She leaves her desk and walks to the door India snaps out of her trance India: Jen, what are you doing Jenny walks towards the door She doesn’t answer The whole class has noticed that Jenny is walking towards the door and is silent Jenny reaches the door She places her hand on the handle Jenny: (quietly) Please god She slowly turns the handle The room is deadly silent Jenny shakes her head an opens the door fast A shape falls out of the cupboard and onto Jenny Jenny falls back and looks into the eyes of the figure The bloody body of Mrs Lines is lying on Jenny, very dead Jenny stares into the lifeless eyes, in total shock Jenny screams and kicks and pushes the body off her Jenny puts her hands on her mouth Jenny: Oh god India, Kevin and Steve run forward to help her India: Are you ok? Jenny weeps

Jenny: Oh god India hugs her India: Don’t look Jen As India hugs her she looks away from the body Steve: I’ll call the police He leaves the room Kevin is looking at the body Kevin’s view. He looks at the body and then looks in the cupboard There is something on the wall, but the room is a little to dark Kevin stands up and walks toward the small room India looks at him She is still hugging Jenny India: (quietly) What are you doing? Kevin motions for her to stay silent He walks to the door He puts his hand into the cupboard and flicks a switch The cupboard lights up Kevin steps back and looks away The room is covered in blood All over the floor and the walls India: Shit Jenny looks into the cupboard India: What did you do that for? Kevin points into the cupboard Kevin: Look

On the back of the cupboard there is a large piece of paper The writing is big, bold and black The note reads ‘Halloween Party tonight. At the Pier. Come if you want your answers. I know you will.’ The note is underlined with three red marks. India looks at Jenny India: What (she takes a breath) What are you going to do Jenny: I’m going to finish it Kevin: How Jenny looks at him Jenny: I’m going to a party She pauses Jenny: Tonight India stares at her Kevin looks at her from where he is standing He shakes his head and then leaves the room, neither girl sees him leave (end of scene) Scene opens outside the school People are walking around, mostly away from the school There are police all walking around, talking to people Jenny and India appear in the doorway and begin walking away from the school Jenny has a determined look on her face India is trying to catch up with her India: You can’t go Jen Jenny: Yes I can

India: But… She runs in front of Jenny and places her hands on Jenny’s shoulder India: But, he wants you to go Jenny looks at her Jenny: I know India: And if you go, he’ll kill you Jenny doesn’t say anything Jenny: Not if I kill him first India releases Jenny and takes a step back India: Tell me you don’t mean that Jenny: You think he deserves to live India: Hell no. This guy is a psycho Jen. He has a hug knife. Do you think you would stand a chance? Jenny relaxes her face for the first time in the scene She sighs Jenny: I wouldn’t would I? India nods India: Tell someone Jenny looks at her

India: Tell someone about the note Jenny: If I do he won’t show India: So Jenny: Then more people will die India nods again India: Well, I’m going with you Jenny: Why? India: He’ll have two targets. It will be harder for him Jenny speaks in a very serious tone Jenny: Ind, this is one time where I really want you to listen. Please don’t come India: Even if you won’t let me I’ll follow you Jenny pleads Jenny: Please India. You must not come India: I’m coming Jenny looks away Jenny: God, why don’t you listen India: Because I’m me

She pulls Jenny to face her India: And because you’re my best friend. I’ve lost one; I’m not losing you Jenny smiles faintly Jenny: Thanks They hug Jenny looks over India’s shoulder She can see Raul talking with an officer He looks over at her and then says something to the officer He begins walking towards them Jenny and India stop hugging Raul reaches them Raul: Hi guys Jenny: Hi India: Hi Raul: Are you ok? Jenny nods India: We’re just a little shaken up Raul: Understandable Jenny: Is the Sheriff around here? Raul: Yeah, but I haven’t seen him yet Jenny:

What were you talking about? Raul looks at her, a little confused Jenny points to the officer he was talking to Raul: Oh, he was asking me what I knew Jenny: Oh Raul: They’re asking everyone India and Jenny look at him India: Why haven’t they asked us? Raul: They probably will India: Yeah, I guess Jenny looks around Jenny: We’d better get going Raul: Where? Jenny: Anywhere but here Raul: Ok He looks at them Raul: Will you be ok? Jenny: Yeah

Raul gives them a suspicious glance Jenny and India begin to turn Jenny: Bye Raul India: Bye Raul: See you soon Jenny and India walk away from Raul India: What do you think he meant by that? Jenny: I don’t know Raul watches them walk away The Sheriff walks up behind Raul He taps him on the shoulder Sheriff: Did you tell them? Raul: Of course not Sheriff: Good, if they knew it would blow the whole thing wide open Raul nods Raul: Do you want a hand? Sheriff: No, this is something I will do by myself Raul: Ok, If you’re sure Sheriff:

I am. This has to end and it will end tonight Raul nods again Raul and the Sheriff walk away from the camera Scene moves to Jenny and India who are walking away from the school India: Why are we leaving so fast? Jenny: Because I don’t want to be interviewed by any police India: Why Jenny: They may ask about the note India: So Jenny: I might let something slip and then they’ll send an army to the beach and Mr. Killer will no show India: Ok They walk a little further India looks across at Jenny India: But what if they ask Kevin about it? Jenny: Then he will have to lie India stops India: Jenny Jenny looks at her Jenny: What?

India: Where is Kevin? Jenny’s eyes widen Jenny: You’re right. Where is he? India: The last time I saw him was… Jenny: In class India: Yeah They look around again India: And where the hell is Steve Jenny looks at India Jenny: I don’t know India: When did you last see him? They both think Jenny: Steve went to call the police India: Yeah, and he never came back Jenny: Yeah India: Where the hell are they Jenny:

I hope they’re ok India: Yeah, me to Scene changes to a path 2 pairs of feet walk on the path and past the camera The shot changes to show the figures backs It is Kevin and Steve Steve: Tell me again what we are doing Kevin: The note said Jenny was to go there. I want to know why Steve: Just us Kevin: Yes Steve’s eyes widen Steve: No police, no gun, no weapons Kevin: Yes Steve grabs his arm and pulls him to face him Steve: Have you ever watched a horror movie? There is a psycho killer running around with a huge fucking knife and we are going to place he has arranged to meet Jenny with no knife and no protection Kevin: That’s about the size of it Steve: Jesus, what am I doing He looks around Steve:

Why did I let you talk me into this? Kevin: You’re welcome to leave Steve: Fuck no, knowing my luck he would jump out of the bushes and grate me like cheese Kevin: Then come on then He walks past Steve Steve walks after him Steve: What exactly did the note say? Kevin: That Jenny was to come here tonight so she could get her answers Steve: Umm, Kev Steve again stands in front of Kevin Steve: Its day Kevin: I know Steve: So why are we going? Kevin: Because it’s common Steve looks puzzled Steve: Common? Kevin: If he’s like every other killer he will already be there Steve looks angry

Steve: Hey Mr. Genius. This isn’t Scream and you are not Randy Kevin: I know I’m not. Randy couldn’t get the girl. I already have her He walks past Steve Kevin: And I’m not letting anyone take her away from me Steve looks back up the path Then he looks at Kevin, who is walking away at a fast pace Steve shakes his head Steve: Damn He runs after Kevin Steve: Kev, wait up He reaches Kevin Kevin has stopped walking Steve reaches him Kevin is staring straight ahead Steve: What’s wrong Steve looks in the direction Kevin is looking They are standing in front of the pier Steve stares Kevin speaks in a low voice Kevin: This is the place Steve nods Steve: So what do we do? Kevin:

We could knock on James and see if he has noticed anything Steve: He isn’t there. He left town after what happened with Maureen Kevin: Ok They walk towards the pier, very slowly Kevin: Maybe we should split up Steve stares at him Steve: And maybe you need a new fucking brain Kevin looks it him Steve: Hello (he pretends to tap Kevin on the head) Killer walking around. Two stupid boys split up. That equals two dead bodies and a big funeral Kevin: Ok, point taken Steve: And I thought you were Randy Kevin doesn’t answer They walk to the pier There is no one to be seen Steve stands on the bank by the office, looking out to the beach Kevin: I don’t see anything Steve: Me neither Kevin looks down Steve is looking away from Kevin Steve:

Where do you want to go now? Kevin doesn’t answer Steve: I said where do you want to go now He turns to look at Kevin Kevin is still staring down Steve follows his gaze He is looking at the ladder leading to under the pier Steve: Oh, you have got to be kidding me Kevin is still staring Steve: Kev, not down there Kevin: It’s the most obvious place Steve: Right. It’s also where Maureen died Kevin: So that’s where he should be Steve looks at the hole He sighs Steve: Ok Kevin looks at him Steve: You first Kevin: Ok Kevin puts his foot on the ladder Scene switches to under the pier Kevin arrives at the bottom He steps aside and Steve jumps down next to him

Kevin: This is the place Steve: Yeah He hugs himself Steve: Is it cold here or is it just me? Kevin looks around Kevin: It’s been cold for days He walks away from the ladder Steve walks with him Steve: He’s not here Kevin: We don’t know that yet Kevin walks up the board Steve begins to follow He stops A small noise was just made Steve walks back and moves towards the ladder Kevin is walking up the board He didn’t hear the noise Kevin walks further up the board He is moving slowly and looking left and right He reaches the end of the board and stops Kevin is standing where Maureen was murdered He walks to the pillar she leaned on The mark in the wood is still there He leans over and looks into the water Kevin: Jesus. This was the spot He looks down Kevin’s view

There is blood on the board Kevin: Her blood is still her He reaches down but hesitates Kevin is staring at the blood Suddenly a puzzled look appears on Kevin’s face He reaches down and touches the blood He is looking at the blood Kevin: Hey, this is new He looks up Kevin: This isn’t Maureen’s… Kevin’s view A black gloved hand flies into shot There is a punching sound and the sound of something hitting the wooden floor The picture remains black There is a swish heard (end of scene) Scene opens with a shot of Jenny’s house It is still day Inside the house We see a phone being placed back on the receiver Jenny has just placed the phone down India: Anything Jenny: Nothing She sits on a chair Jenny: This isn’t like him. He always calls India looks at Jenny Jenny:

You don’t think… India: Don’t even say it Jenny: But India: Don’t think it Jen. Kev will be ok Jenny: Both Kevin and Steve are missing Ind India: I know Jenny: No one has seen them. They disappear from school and no one has seen them India says nothing Jenny puts her head in her hands Jenny: So many people have died She looks up Jenny: I just don’t think… She sniffs Jenny: I just don’t think I could face losing Kevin India walks over to Jenny and kneels in front of her India: They will be ok. Don’t worry Jenny: I’ll try India: Have you decided what you are going to do when you get there?

Jenny nods India: What Jenny: Run India: Smart plan Jenny nods and looks at India India: What is it? Jenny: I don’t want anyone knowing about the letter. Not Spencer and especially not Lee India: Ok They sit in silence for a minute India: What time are you going to go? Jenny: I don’t know Suddenly they hear the front door open and Lee and Spencer walk into the front room Lee looks surprised to see them Spencer smiles at India India smiles back Lee: What are you girls doing home? India: Something happened at school Spencer: What Jenny:

Mrs Lines was murdered Lee sounds shocked Lee: What? India: We found her in her cupboard Lee: Are you ok? He looks at both of them Jenny: Yes, just shaken up Lee nods Jenny: The police were swarming all over the place India: We left so they wouldn’t interview us Spencer: Why India: Because we didn’t want them to ask us about the note… She stops and flinches Jenny gives her an angry glance Lee looks suprised Lee: What note? India looks at Jenny India: Sorry Jenny is still frowning at India

Jenny: Its nothing Lee walks towards her India moves away and sits on a chair opposite Jenny, near Spencer Lee kneels by Jenny Lee: What note? Jenny sighs Jenny: Whoever… She takes a breath Jenny: Whoever killed her left a note. A note telling me to go to the beach tonight to find my answers Lee looks shocked Lee: Why didn’t you tell the police? Jenny: Because if I do they will arrive in the hundreds, he will no show and then more people will end up dead! Lee looks at her Lee: Ok, fair point. Now my next question Jenny looks at him Lee: When were you going to tell me this? Before or after you went to the pier and he killed you Jenny: I didn’t want you getting hurt Lee: Hey, he hurts you, then he hurts me. This fucker has got to die

Jenny: I don’t want you involved Lee: I am involved Jenny looks at him Lee: And if you go then I go Spencer sits on the arm of the chair India is sitting on Spencer suddenly looks up Spencer: Hey They all turn to look at him Spencer: Not that I care but where’s Kevin and Steve? The two girls fall silent Lee: Jenny? India: We don’t know Spencer: You don’t know Spencer looks shocked He stands up and walks across the room and sits on his own Spencer: What do you mean you don’t know Jenny: After we found the note they disappeared. Kevin hasn’t been home and neither has Steve There is a short silence Spencer:

You don’t think? India: Don’t even say it Suddenly they hear the door opening again Eric walks into the front room He looks at Jenny Eric: I’ve heard Jenny lowers her head Eric: Are you ok? Jenny slowly shakes her head Jenny: I don’t know what to do Eric sits next to Spencer He sighs Lee: How did you know? Eric: They just made an announcement on the radio He looks at Jenny Lee: He left a note for Jenny Eric: What note? Lee: A note telling Jenny to go to the beach tonight to get her answers Eric stares at Jenny Eric: What are you going to do?

Jenny: I’m going India: Me to Lee: Me to Eric stands up Eric: Oh yes He looks around the room Eric: And what are you going to do when you get there Jenny: Stop all this She stares at Eric Jenny: Besides I think I know what this is about Everyone in the room including India look suprised Eric sits down again Spencer: You do? Jenny: Yes Lee puts his hand on her shoulder Lee: Jenny, tell us what you know All eyes in the room are fixed on Jenny She takes a deep breath Jenny:

We think this has something to do with the O ‘ Neal’s Spencer: The O ‘ Neal’s Eric: How Lee: Don’t rush her Jenny gives him a little smile Jenny: We’ve all been doing research Lee: And what did you find India: Heaps. The O ‘ Neal family was a strange family. They had many details that we didn’t know and something’s we still don’t know Spencer: Yes, ok. But why would the O ‘ Neal’s be linked to what is happening now. They died some what… Eric interrupts Eric: 16 years ok India: Yes, they did but… Jenny interrupts Jenny: The O ‘ Neal’s were married on 31st of October India: Halloween Spencer: So

Jenny: What’s today Lee: Halloween Eric shakes his head Eric: Coincidence Jenny: Maybe India: Maybe not Spencer: What does that prove? India: We don’t know Jenny: But it does prove that this is something to do with the O ‘ Neal’s Spencer: How, they all burnt to death in a fire Both Jenny and India shake their heads Lee, Spencer and Eric look surprised Lee: They didn’t all die Jenny: No. Only one body was found Eric: Again, what does that prove? Jenny: That’s not all we have found Lee: Carry on

Jenny: It’s about the husband, Sam Spencer: What about him India: We can’t find any information on him. No pictures, no files nothing. Lee, Spencer and Eric look at her India Don’t you see? They look blank India: Everything about him has been taken. Someone has removed all the information Lee: Who Jenny and India look at each other India: That’s something we don’t know There is a short silence Lee: Do you know anything else? Jenny: Yes Lee, Spencer and Eric look at her Jenny: Sam and Susan also had a child. We can’t find any information on the child either Eric: How do you know this? Jenny: We went to the library

Spencer: So what. You think whoever is doing this is the O ‘ Neal’s child India: It could be Eric: How old would he be now? They all think India: We’ll seeing how the child looked in the picture, I’d say 17 or 18 Spencer: So we have a 17 or 18-year-old serial killer walking around who goes by the name of O ‘ Neal They look at him Spencer: This isn’t Scream or Urban Legend. That sort of thing doesn’t happen in real life. Only in the movies There is a short silence Lee turns to Jenny Lee: You said you thought you knew why this was happening Jenny looks at him All eyes are fixed on Jenny Jenny: I think it has something to do with money Lee: Money Jenny: Yes. Susan O ‘ Neal left a protected interest on the family fortune. Whoever this is, is trying to get their hands on it Lee:

But the killer is targeting you. So what has this got to do with you? Jenny: I don’t know She pauses Jenny: But I’ll find out tonight Spencer looks shocked Spencer: You mean you are you really going to go? Jenny: Yes Lee looks at him Lee: You mean you aren’t coming Spencer: Fuck no They look suprised Eric looks at Jenny Eric: Do you want me to be there Jenny: Do you want to be there? Eric: I want to protect you Jenny manages a little smile Jenny: Thank you Spencer makes a noise and stands up Spencer:

I can’t believe your going to go through with this Jenny: Spencer, I don’t want you to get hurt. If you don’t want to come then don’t Spencer looks at her Spencer: I’ve lost Terry. I don’t want to lose anyone else Lee: So what are you going to do Spencer looks at him Spencer: I… He shakes his head and walks out of the room and to the front door Lee looks surprised Lee: Hey India stands up and follows Spencer out of the room Spencer is standing facing the front door India closes the front room door India: Are you ok? Spencer has his back to her Spencer: I’m sorry India goes to put a hand on his shoulder but stops Spencer turns to face her Spencer: It’s just… He looks away Spencer: I’m scared India

He looks at India Spencer: I’m sorry He turns and opens the door Spencer leaves India walks back into the front room and sits down Jenny looks at her Jenny: I can’t blame him Lee: I will if anything happens to you India: I won’t Jenny: Me neither Eric: He’s your best friend Lee. You have to sympathise with him Lee looks away Jenny: I don’t want my mother to know about this Eric: Ok Lee: Ok Jenny: It will only worry her and she’ll call the police and we’ll lose our chance Eric: Ok Lee looks at the clock Lee:

What time do we leave? India: Tonight Eric: Good They look at him Eric: This has gone on long enough. Tonight it ends for good Lee: And it will Jenny and India look at each other and then back and Lee and Eric The phone begins to ring Jenny looks at it quickly Jenny: Its Kevin She picks up the phone Jenny: Hello Nothing Jenny: Hello Still nothing Lee, Eric and India are looking at her Jenny: I’m hanging up Voice: Don’t The voice is deep and husky. The crackling on the other side of the line is making the voice sound far away and distant Jenny sits up

Jenny: Kevin, is that you Voice: It’s me Jenny Jenny: Who is this? Voice: The games are going to end Jenny Jenny: Games? What games? Voice: The Halloween games Jenny looks straight ahead Jenny: When Voice: Tonight. At the pier. Anytime after dark Jenny: I’ll be there Voice: So will I The phone goes dead Lee: Who was that? Jenny: The man with the answers India: What did he say? Jenny: To go to the pier

Eric: When? Jenny looks away from him Jenny: Anytime after dark The camera follows Jenny’s look and moves across to the clock The time is 2.30pm Screen fades to black (end of scene) Scene opens with a shot of the clock The time is 9.00pm The camera moves back Jenny is sitting in the chair near the clock She looks at the clock Jenny: Its time India: Ok India stands up India: Let’s go Lee: You can still change your mind Jenny shakes her head Jenny: No. I want to do this Lee: Ok Eric gets up

Eric: Lets go Jenny lets out a sigh and gets up The front door suddenly opens and Jenny’s mother walks into the room Mother: Hi Jenny looks suprised Jenny: Mom, what are you doing here Mother: Umm, well I do live here honey Jenny: Shouldn’t you be at work? Mother: I have the night off Jenny: Oh Mother: I’ve told you this. I guess with all that’s happened you forgot Jenny: Yeah Mother: So what are you all doing? Eric: I was just about to take Jenny and India to a party. To try and get their minds of all this Mother: That’s sweet of you Eric: But now that you’re home I guess Lee can take them, and I’ll stay with you Eric motions to Jenny to play along Jenny:

Yeah, a party Mother: Well have a fun time Eric throws Lee the keys to his car Lee: Shall we go? India: Yes, lets Mother: Enjoy Lee and India walk to the front room door Jenny walks up to her mother Jenny: Bye Mom She gives her mother a hug Jenny: I love you Jenny’s mother hugs her back Mother: I love you to Jenny pulls back Mother: Bye Jenny turns and walks to the hall Jenny: Let’s go Jenny, India and Lee leave the house Outside the house Jenny, India and Lee walk over to the car Jenny puts her hand on the handle and stops India looks at her

India: Are you ok? Jenny nods India climbs into the car Lee: We’ll beat him Jen Jenny nods again and gets into the car Lee looks at the roof of the car Lee: (under his breath) I hope Lee climbs into the car and starts it up He reverses the car down the drive and out of shot Scene switches to a shot of the beach The camera pans left to show the pier It is very dark The sea can be heard and the waves break as they hit the wooden floor The camera moves further left Eric’s car pulls up a path and stops Lee: We’re here Jenny: Ok All three get out of the car India: What are we doing? Jenny: Looking for a killer India: Oh, something as simple as that. For a minute I thought this would be hard Jenny flashes her an angry glance Jenny: Let’s go

All three begin walking to the pier Lee: Where do you think he is? Jenny: I don’t know India: If this were a horror film he’d jump out behind us India spins around and looks behind her She is still looking behind her India: Or he’ll jump out from behind a pillar or appear from behind a door She turns back to face the way she is walking India: Or if this was one of those really crap horror films he would just come up from the floor Jenny puts a hand on India’s arm Jenny: This isn’t a horror film They arrive at the pier entrance Jenny stops Lee: What’s the matter? Jenny walks in front of them Jenny: I want you both to promise me something Lee and India look at her Lee: What Jenny:

If anything happens. Anything at all. Don’t try to be heroes. Just run. Run as fast as you can India and Lee look at her Jenny: Please promise me that Lee: Ok India: Ok Jenny: No, I want you to promise India: Ok, I promise I’ll run if anything happens Lee: I promise to Jenny: Ok Jenny turns and all three look up the pier The camera moves across They can see nothing Lee: Maybe he’s not here Jenny: He’s here She turns her head and looks at the ladder India and Lee follow her look Lee: Down there Jenny: Down there

Lee and India look at each other Scene switches to under the pier Lee climbs to the bottom and stands back waiting for Jenny and India Jenny climbs down next to him and India follows They are speaking much more nervously Lee: You think he’s down here India looks back and forth very fast India: There are plenty of pillars here Lee walks to the left Laying against the closest pillar on the right is a long, thin, metal pole Lee hands it to Jenny Lee: Just in case Jenny smiles nervously They begin walking up the pier boards Looking left and right They reach the end of the pier Lee: He’s not here Jenny: This isn’t right She turns to Lee Jenny: Where is he? Lee: And where are Kevin and Steve India looks across to the right India’s eyes widen India: Look

She points to the spot where Maureen was murdered and Kevin was attacked Jenny, Lee and India walk over to it India leans forward India: Its blood She touches it India: It’s fresh blood Jenny and Lee look shocked Suddenly they hear a board creak behind them They all spin around Jenny is holding the pole Jenny: Did you hear that? Lee: Yeah Jenny: Where is he? All three begin walking back up the blank They are still very close to the edge Suddenly they hear another noise, this time behind them They spin around, facing the way they have just walked Jenny: He’s playing with us Lee: He’s trying to scare us India: Well, whatever he’s doing its fucking working Suddenly a pair of hands comes from behind them and touches Jenny and India on the shoulder Both girls scream and Jenny turns, swinging the metal pole as she does Lee screams and ducks, the pole just missing his head The person who touched them also screams and ducks

He falls back onto the floor India: Get him Jen Jenny raises the pole above her head Person: Wait its me Jenny stops and looks down The Sheriff is lying on the floor, a gun in his hand All three looked shocked Jenny: Sheriff what are you doing here? Sheriff: I want to find out who is doing this Lee gets back to his feet Lee: How did you know we’d be here? The Sheriff stands up Jenny is still holding the pole Sheriff: I know about the note Jenny and India looked shocked India: The note Jenny: How Sheriff: Raul told me Jenny: Raul! Sheriff:

Don’t be mad with him. I’m glad he did Jenny: I can’t believe he told you Sheriff: Don’t worry. I haven’t brought anyone else. It’s just me Jenny: Ok Sheriff: Have you found anything India: Yes She walks back up the board Jenny, Lee and The Sheriff follow her India: Look India arrives at the pillar with the blood Jenny and Lee stand on the edge of the board The Sheriff stands near India She points to the mark in the pillar India: That’s the knife mark where Maureen was stabbed She points down to the blood India: And this is blood She puts a little on her finger India: And it’s fresh Sheriff: My god He stands up

Sheriff: He’s here He stands in front of Jenny and Lee Sheriff: But don’t worry. As long as I’m here I’ll protect you with… A knife is thrust through the Sheriff’s neck The Sheriff lets out a scream A hole has appeared in the wood just above his head and a long black arm can be seen holding the knife Jenny screams and throws the pole away in her fright Lee rushes forward to help the Sheriff Suddenly a gloved hand appears from above the Sheriff’s head and grabs his collar, lifting him up onto the pier India: Oh shit he’s up there Lee: Grab the Sheriff The Sheriff is kicking wildly as he is lifted up Lee reaches out and the Sheriffs foot catches him in the face Lee lets out a groan and stumbles backwards Jenny: Lee! Lee falls of the board and into the cold water He resurfaces Lee: I’m ok The board above Jenny and India creaks They both look up the trap door They both scream again Looking down on them is The Sheriff, a knife in through his neck. Very dead Lee: What is it? He coughs

Lee: What can you see? Suddenly a large shape flies off the top of the pier and lands on top of him It’s the Sheriff’s body It is lying on Lee and pinning him down Lee coughs and splutters Jenny: Lee! Lee: Run Jenny: No Lee is gasping for air Lee: You said yourself, no heroes. Run Jenny Jenny: (screams) No She dives into the water and starts swimming towards Lee Jenny: I’m not losing you She reaches Lee and grabs his arm Jenny: India, run India: But Jenny and Lee: (shout) Run! India turns and runs back up the board She reaches the ladder and climbs up Scene switches to the top of the pier India reaches the top and starts to run past the Beach house office Suddenly the door opens She screams

Two hands grab her and pull her inside, smothering the scream The door closes Inside office India struggles with the person holding her She hears a hushed voice Voice: Ind, it’s me She stops struggling Its Steve India: Steve She hugs him India: We thought you were dead She steps back India: Where’s Kevin Steve: I don’t know. I remember walking up the pier with him. I heard a noise and then I woke up in here India: Are you ok? Steve: I think. What about you India: I’m ok. Steve the killer’s outside. He’s just killed the Sheriff Steve: Fuck. Where’s Jenny India: She’s with Lee Steve: Ok

India: But he’s outside. What are we going to do? Steve thinks Steve: Ok, this is what we’ll do. India looks at him Steve: I’ll open this door and you run India looks shocked India: What about you Steve: I’ll distract him. You run India: I’m not leaving you Steve: You have to Steve holds her arm He puts his hand on the door handle Steve: On three India stares at the handle Steve: 1 Steve stares at the handle His hand tenses Steve: 2 India closes her eyes

Steve suddenly screams very loudly India opens her eyes and looks at Steve India screams There is a long knife sticking through the wall of the small office It has stabbed Steve in his side India: Steve, no! She pulls at Steve and the knife leaves him Steve holds his bloody wound India: Come on She opens the door A long knife flies into shot, just missing her head India screams Steve grabs the arm of the person holding the knife The knife is pulled from the door Steve grapples with the killer Steve: Run India: No Steve: (shouts) Run India turns and runs back towards the car She stops and turns around Steve is fighting the killer He aims a punch at the killer The killer blocks and punches Steve full in the faces The killer grabs Steve by the hair and belt and launches him over the pier railing and into the water India: (screams) No! The killer stands straight, looking at India For the first time we see what he looks like

The Killer wears large black boots. A long black coat with a high collar. The killer is wearing black gloves, a large knife in the right hand. The killer’s head is hidden from view. The killer is wearing a hat that covers the whole face, and appears to be attached to the coat, via two buttons. The killer looks very tall and very large India stares at the killer The killer holds up the knife and snaps it to his side; it makes a swish noise India turns and runs towards the car The killer slowly walks after her India reaches the car and climbs in She presses down the locks on the door She looks up The killer is walking very slowly towards the car The reaches round to feel for the key It’s not there India: Fuck The killer is closer India reaches under the wheel and removes a cover Wires all fall out India begins fiddling with the wires India: Come on, come on The killer is closer again, but is still not hurrying India begins touching the wires The car engine begins to start up India starts to smile India: Work damn you The killer reaches the car India: (screams) Work The car starts India: Yes!

She tries to get the car to move It stalls India: (screams) No! The killer is outside The killer raises his hand with the knife India: (screams louder) No! The killer’s hand goes through the window and moves back and fourth, removing all the glass India: (screams) Get away The killer swings the knife at her, just missing her She frantically reaches for the lock behind her The killer opens the lock on his side India: (frantically) No She reaches behind her and finds her lock She opens it The killer opens the door India opens her door The killer gets in the car India falls out of her side, landing on her leg She lets out a painful moan The killer moves across and swings the knife just missing India India begins to crawl away The killer gets out her side and begins walking after her India gets up and starts to limp away The killer is following Scene switches to under the pier Jenny is on the board and is helping Lee out of the water Jenny: Are you ok? Lee is coughing

Lee: I will be He grabs Jenny Lee: I told you to run Jenny: And let you die He hugs her She hugs him back Lee: Let’s get this fucker They both stand up and walk up the board Scene switches to India She is on the beach and is limping The killer is behind her The knife by his side India stumbles up the beach She is slipping on the sand The killer is walking tall, at a brisk pace India glances back India: Oh no She is reached the end of the beach India: (screams) Help me At the end of the beach is a very high, concrete wall Leading from the left of it is a long plank where people go to fish from India: (screams) Someone help me She looks back at the killer He is walking faster India:

(screams) No! She limps to the wall She turns The killer is much closer She turns and limps down the plank The killer closely behind She limps down the plank and reaches the edge She stops, ready to jump in The killer grabs India by the hair She screams The killer throws her up against the wall. Raises the knife and brings it down. She hits the wall hard but stays standing. She holds up her hand and catches the killers arm. The killer moves roughly left and right and then throws India back up against the wall with more force. She hits the wall with her head, but refuses to go down. The killer raises his knife and brings it down India’s eyes widen and it reaches her chest Out of know where and hand appears and stops the knifes decent. It was inches from India’s chest The hand spins the killer around Its Spencer India: Spencer? Spencer: India, run The killer’s face is still hidden thanks to the hat that is being worn. Spencer punches the killer in the face and the killer moves backwards Spencer: (louder) Run India stumbles back along the board and then looks back Spencer is punching for all he can The killer reaches the edge of the board. Spencer aims a final punch The killer ducks and Spencer misses The force of the punch nearly makes Spencer over balance into the water The killer stands straight. The killer elbows Spencer in the face and then slashes right and cuts his right shoulder. Spencer screams The killer then catches him with the butt end of the knife as he hits back in a left right combo.

Spencers head snaps to the left from the force The killer arranges the knife and aims for Spencers head Spencer moves but the knife catches right check and takes away a chunk of flesh. His face begins to bleed on the right The killer approaches again and Spencer holds his check The killer raises the knife India: (screams) No! She runs up the board and grabs Spencer. They both fall in to the water and disappear from the view of the killer. The water goes red The killer looks into the water and then back up the board. The killer snaps the knife to his side; it makes a swish noise The killer looks up, back at the beach and then walks back up the plank and out of shot (end of scene) Scene switches to the pier The ladder is moving Jenny appears at the top of the ladder She turns around and helps Lee get up the ladder The both stand and look around Jenny: Where is he? Lee is looking exhausted Lee: I don’t know Jenny looks around Jenny: India! She turns to Lee Jenny: Where is she? Lee is hurt from the kick and the body, plus the amount of water he has taken in He puts a hand on Jenny’s shoulder

Lee: She’ll be ok Jenny looks at him Lee looks like he is struggling Jenny: Are you ok? Lee: I will be He looks up the pier front Lee: He was up here, while we were looking, when we arrived. He was here Jenny looks down the pier It is very dark and they can’t see the pier end Jenny: He was waiting for us (she pauses) waiting for me Lee nods He starts to walk down the pier Jenny catches his arm Jenny: What are you doing? Lee: I want to take a look at the pier, a better look Jenny: But what if he’s down there Lee: He’s not Jenny looks down the pier The water is very choppy and can be heard thrashing against the wood It is sending up a sea spray, even in the darkness it can be seen Lee walks further up the pier Jenny looks behind her Jenny’s view. The camera sweeps past the office. She sees nothing She turns and walks with Lee

Jenny: Where do you think he is? Lee: I wish I knew They have reached the top of the pier Lee stops and kneels down Jenny: What is it? Lee is feeling the boards Lee: This is it He starts knocking on the floorboards Jenny looks puzzled Jenny: What is it? Lee looks at her Lee: It’s a trap door He knocks the wooden floor It makes a different sound Lee: See Jenny looks at him Lee: He heard everything. He knew exactly when to strike Jenny: Can you open it? Lee looks down at the door He pulls at it

It doesn’t move He pushes it It doesn’t move He stamps on it Lee is so tired from his swim he hardly has any strength Jenny puts a hand on his shoulder Jenny: Don’t try Lee nods and takes in a gasp of air A noise is heard It sounds like a board creaking Jenny spins around She sees nothing She looks at Lee Lee nods, he heard it to Jenny: Come on Lee gets up and they walk down the pier Jenny: Where is he Lee: I almost wish he would show himself and end this They reach the pier end They look around Jenny double takes and stares Jenny’s view. She can see the car. Its doors are open Jenny: Oh my god, the car She runs forward Lee looks surprised Lee: Hey He runs after her Jenny is running to the car

Jenny: (under her breath) Don’t be dead India She reaches the car Lee arrives behind her, breathing hard Jenny: Oh my god They both stare at the car Both doors are open The driver window has been smashed through Jenny: (cries) India! She runs around to the other side of the car Nothing is there Jenny: She’s not here She looks at Lee Jenny: She’s still alive Lee smiles and nods He looks down at the floor His eyes widen Lee: Look He points to the floor Leading away from the car are big, large footprints Jenny looks at them and then at Lee Jenny: You think they belong to… Lee is already nodding Lee follows them They lead of down the beach

Lee: Do you want to follow them Jenny: Let’s go Scene switched to sand The camera moves back to show the large footprint This scene is further down on the beach Jenny and Lee come into shot Jenny: Who do you think he was following? Lee looks at her Lee: Maybe India Jenny looks worried Jenny: Do you think she got away Lee: Of course she did They both look up They are near the wall They can’t see anyone Lee: Jesus, where the hell is he They carry on walking They reach the wall The footprints stop just short of the wall They both look around Jenny looks puzzled Jenny: Is this it? Lee looks just as puzzled

Lee: It looks like it Lee looks left and right Lee: Where the hell could he have gone? I mean, there’s water to the left and rocks to the right Jenny: He could have wiped out his footprints Lee: But why? Jenny: I don’t know She pauses Her eyes widen Jenny: So he can… Lee: Surprise us They both hear a noise They both look up Standing tall on the wall is the cloaked killer He looks huge in the moonlight He has the knife raised high He leaps off the wall, heading for Jenny Jenny screams and starts to back up Lee: (shouts) No! He throws himself in front of Jenny The force sends Jenny flying away from the killer and onto the sand She hits the sand hard The killer lands on Lee Lee and the Killer both let out groans After landing on Lee, the killer rolls off, wounded by the fall Lee, also wounded tried to get up The killer swings the knife in Lee’s direction, just missing him

Lee: (frantically) Shit! Lee falls backwards, back onto the floor Jenny struggles to get up Jenny: (frantically) Lee! She runs to him and grabs his arm Jenny: (frantically) Let’s get out of here Lee starts to get up The killer is on his feet and swings the knife, aiming for Jenny Lee’s eyes widen Lee: (shouts) Jenny! He throws her aside, the knife hits nothing but air The force of the swing forces the killer to overbalance and fall Lee sees a chance Lee scrambles to his feet He looks at Jenny Lee: (shouts) Run! Jenny gets to her feet Jenny: No The killer is getting up Lee grabs Jenny Lee: If you stay here you die. Run, I’m not going to let him get you He pushes Jenny away with such a force that she backs up, quite a distance from where Lee is Jenny looks at him Jenny:

Lee? Lee: (shouts) Go, now! The killer is standing Lee readies himself in a fighting position Jenny backs up, but does not run The killer has the knife ready His face still can’t be seen Lee is a big guy but looks small compared to the killer They both fake movements The killer swipes the knife Lee: (surprised) Fuck He dodges and catches the killers arm He punches the killer full in the face His punch isn’t strong enough, as he is too weak The killer’s head moves Lee aims another punch He is still holding the killer’s right arm The killer catches his arm with his left hand and pulls it under him Lee groans The killer releases his arm The killer punches Lee and his head snaps He punches again and again Lee’s head snaps back and fourth He spits blood to the floor The killer grabs Lee with both hands and lifts him off the ground, throwing him into the wall The killer picks him up by his neck and holds him Jenny runs forward Jenny: (screams) No! The killer aims the knife for Lee’s throat Jenny runs at the killer and hits his arm The knife slashes Lee across his upper right chest Blood begins to flow The killer releases him and Lee drops to the floor The killer swings the knife, blindly Jenny ducks The knife misses Jenny but the arm doesn’t

The killer backhands Jenny She stumbles back, but stays on her feet She turns and begins to run back up the beach The killer snaps the knife to his side The killer follows Walking at the same brisk pace he was when chasing India Jenny stumbles back up the beach, slipping on the sand She glances back The killer is walking at a fast pace, not slipping, with the knife at his side He is gaining on Jenny Jenny frantically reaches the sand bank leading up to the pier She starts to climb She slips The killer grabs her right foot He raises the knife Jenny: (screams) No! She kicks out with her left, connecting with the killer in the face He flies backwards She scramble’s up the bank The killer gets up, standing tall and follows She reaches the top and slowly gets to her feet, still moving She reaches the pier front The killer has reached the top of the sand bank and is walking towards her She looks at the ladder and stumbles past it She runs down the pier The killer reaches the pier front and stops Jenny reaches the pier end and also stops She turns The killer is standing still, the knife by his side Jenny: (frantically) Please leave me alone The killer looks at her He walks onto the pier, slowly Jenny: (screams) No! The killer’s footsteps are loud on the wooden floor They are getting louder Jenny looks left and right Then she looks down

She can see the trap door She rushes forward and pulls on it It doesn’t move She pushes it It doesn’t move The killer is close to her She looks up She can see two steel eyes staring at her under the hood, the face can’t be seen She starts stamping on the trap door Harder and harder Jenny: (frantically) Come on! She stamps again The wood breaks and the trap door is open The killer reaches her and aims the knife down at her She looks up at him and raises her hands Jenny: (screams) No! She throws herself into the trap door headfirst The knife hits nothing but air Switch to under the pier Jenny falls and hits the hard wooden floor She looks up She can hear the footsteps overhead, moving away from the trap door She looks down the board front The ladder is beginning to move Jenny: (quietly) No She looks around frantically She spots the pole she was holding before and picks it up She grabs the pillar Maureen was stabbed by and gets up She stumbles to the board end and stares at the water She is getting ready to jump in She hears a voice from behind her Voice: Jenny She stops She turns around, hiding the pole

The voice is very dark and husky, just like on the phone The cloaked killer is standing at the bottom of the ladder The killer has stopped and is standing very still. The knife is in the right gloved hand and rests by his side Jenny looks at him Jenny: Who are you? The killer doesn’t answer Jenny: (screams) Who are you? Killer: I’ll tell you Jenny looks surprised The killer starts to walk forward Jenny backs right up to the edge of the board The killer places the knife in a belt on the coat Jenny stares at him Jenny: (fearfully) Who are you? The killer unlocks the straps that connect his hat to his coat, but still doesn’t remove it. He is enjoying her fear Jenny: (shouts) Tell me! Killer: You thought I had nothing to do with you Jenny again looks suprised Jenny: What are you talking about? Killer: Well, I have more to do with you that you can possibly imagine The killer removes his hat Jenny stares in shock

Jenny: You Its Eric Eric: Yes Jenny. Me! He smiles at her Jenny still can’t believe what she is seeing Jenny: You. You did all this Eric smiles Jenny: Why? Eric’s face snaps to an angry look Eric: (he shouts) Why? Oh the eternal question. Why Jenny: You killed all my friends. Why. Why not come straight for me Eric sighs Eric: I intended to come for you. Maureen and Terry were accidents. It was supposed to be you. (he smiles) I liked Terry. He was (he pauses) what’s the word evil, in a good way Jenny: Evil? Eric: Yes Jenny: But what about Kevin, Steve and where’s my mother Eric: Kevin is quite safe. So is your mother. I haven’t harmed her. She thinks I’ve just popped out for a take away

He laughs Eric: Stupid woman, no wonder your father left Jenny still can’t believe Eric is the killer Jenny: What about Steve? Eric looks angry again Eric: (shouts) Shut up He walks forward again He is very close to Jenny Jenny’s eyes are watering Eric smiles again Eric: Are you scared Jenny. Don’t worry, Daddy will make it all better Jenny looks angry Jenny: You’re not my father. You’re a cold-blooded murder Eric looks angry Jenny edges away from the edge and stands against the pillar Maureen was killed by Eric: (shouts) I didn’t want to hurt your friends. Just you. (he looks at her) Just you, just you, just you. (the more he says it the louder and out of control he gets) Eric stops and catches his breath Eric: But they all decided to rally round you like little leaches. I had to get rid of them Jenny: By killing them Eric: It was the only way

Jenny: But what about Mrs Lines. Why did you kill her? Eric doesn’t answer He pulls out the knife It is long and sharp Blood can be seen on it He looks at the pillar He smiles Eric walks up to her and stabs the knife. It misses her head by inches and goes into a pillar She is still hiding the pole Eric: This is where Maureen died. He walks away, leaving the knife in the pillar and stands on the spot where Maureen was stabbed Eric: Right here He stares down at the spot He looks at her Eric: This was supposed to be you He looks at her Eric: And it will be He pulls out the knife He grabs her and holds her by the neck, on the edge of the board Jenny: (through tears) Just tell me why Eric: Why? He laughs He whispers in her ear

Eric: Money Jenny. I did it for money Jenny: Money? He yanks her hair back Eric: Yes. Money. My money. You won’t have it Jenny: Eric I don’t under… He pulls her head back again She screams He spins her around so she is facing him She hides the pole behind her Eric: I’m not Eric. I never was Eric. Jenny looks confused Jenny: So who are you Eric smiles Eric: I’m surprised you haven’t figured it out yet He looks at her Eric: I’m O ‘ Neil. He smiles more Eric Sam O ‘ Neil Jenny stares at him

Sam: Hello Jenny Jenny: But the fire, your wife Sam: All my own work. I wanted that money He looks angry again Sam: (shouts) It was my money. That bitch took it away from me He squeezes Jenny Sam: No one will take it away from me again He releases Jenny Jenny is sobbing Jenny: (through tears) But… She sniffs Jenny: But why fake your death Sam laughs and hits her full in the face She is very shocked Sam: Stupid bitch He holds her and looks into her eyes Sam: If the police find my wife dead I would have been the prime suspect. Faking my own death would get the police off my back, and allow me to wait for the protective interest to run out He releases Jenny and looks at her Jenny:

But you wouldn’t be able to claim the money now anyway. You…you would need proof of a link to the family Sam slaps her again Sam: Enough talk you fucking bookworm. Its time to die He spins her around Sam: We could have been a happy family Jenny. You had to ruin it Jenny closes her eyes Sam places the knife along her throat She pulls out the pole and thrusts in behind her It enters Sam’s leg He screams in pain She turns and tries to run He grabs her hair Sam: Bitch He swings the knife It missed her She kicks the pole sending it further into his leg He screams again and releases her and his knife, holding his leg She kicks him full in the face and he falls backwards A shocked look appears on his face She turns and starts to limp up the floorboard He looks around frantically and smiles He punches into the wooden floor and grabs the floor board Sam: Jenny! She turns to look at him Sam: Surprise! He throws the wooden floorboard down The section where the board ends shots up and connects with Jenny in the face She falls backwards and lays very still Sam smiles and laughs

He pulls the pole from his leg; blood is dripping all over the place He picks up his knife He stands up and limps over to Jenny’s very still body He looks down at her She opens her eyes He smiles at her He claps his hands Sam: Nice try He raises the pole above his head Jenny can’t even raise her hands She stares up at him, struggling for breath He tosses the pole in the direction of the ladder Sam: You’ll die where you should have in the first place He grabs her by the hair and pulls her to her feet She is being dragged on the floor Sam: Come on He drags her to the pillar She can’t stand so he kneels next to her Sam: It’s been fun Jenny He places the knife on the right side of her throat Sam: Its time for this horror film to end He pulls the knife back, ready to place it in Jenny’s throat He starts to scream Jenny has grabbed his wounded leg and is pinching the wound He is still screaming He yanks her to her feet Sam: (shouts) Bitch! He punches her full in the face

She lands on the edge of the board face down Sam: (shouts) I’ll kill you here; it makes no difference to me Voice: (shouts) Bastard! Sam turns to see Lee Lee is running at him with the pole Sam: (shocked)Shit The pole enters Sam’s chest, pinning him to the pillar that Maureen was murdered on Sam lets out a scream He looks down at the pole, still holding the knife He coughs and blood flows from his mouth He looks up at Lee Lee is bleeding on the chest but the cut isn’t deep Lee: That’s for fucking with my family Sam smiles at him. Blood runs out of his mouth Sam: (he coughs) Family Lee? If only you knew Lee looks at him Sam is still smiling Sam: (in the husky phone voice) It’s not over Lee Camera on Lee. He looks surprised by this remark Sam smiles again He coughs up some more blood, then his head goes limp He pulls the pole from Sam’s chest and throws it aside. There is blood all over the floor He releases the knife It falls to the floor and sticks in the ground Sam is still standing Lee looks confused He walks forward and looks at Sam Sam’s eyes snap open and he smiles

Sam: Told you He butts Lee full in the face Lee flies backwards Sam reaches down to pick up the knife A long sharp object flies from the left side of the screen and connects with his face He is hit in the face by the pole and sails off the boards and into the dark, murky water. The water goes red Lee looks to the left Jenny is standing, leaning on the pole, looking very hurt and very sore Lee: (breathlessly) Oh god He gets to his feet and runs to Jenny She falls into him He puts his arms around her She hugs him to Jenny: (quietly) I love you He holds her head into him Lee: I love you to They stop hugging Jenny: Is it over Lee nods Lee: It’s over They look at the side where Sam O ‘ Neal disappeared Both Jenny and Lee walk to the edge of the board. Jenny is holding the pole Jenny: Is he dead? Lee: Very

Jenny and Lee look into the water They see nothing Suddenly a hand grabs the wooden board Both Jenny and Lee scream They jump back Jenny raises the pole Voice: (faintly) Someone help Jenny and Lee look at each other Jenny lowers the pole Another hand appears Voice: Anyone Jenny and Lee walk forward and look down They look shocked Jenny: Steve! Steve is holding onto the board He is covered in blood His coat is filled with air and is what is keeping him afloat Lee: Give me your hand Steve reaches up and Lee pulls him up Steve is lying on the board He is very wet and very bloody He is coughing Lee: Hold on Steve Jenny looks at him worriedly Jenny: Will he be ok? Lee is pulling off his coat

Lee: I don’t know. We need to get him to a doctor Suddenly a voice is heard from the ladder Voice: Nobody move Jenny and Lee both look up Standing by the ladder are 3 deputies, their guns aimed and ready Lee looks angry Lee: Shit, don’t ever do that again One of the Deputies steps forward Officer: Gun’s away They put their guns away He leans down by Jenny, Lee and Steve Officer: Are you all right? Lee looks at him Lee: Yes but Steve here needs medical attention ASAP and so does my sister Jenny: You do to Officer: I’d say you all do Lee: Maybe, but deal with Steve first and then my sister The officer nods He signals to the others The officers pick up Steve and carry him towards the ladder Jenny leans against Lee She hears a voice

Voice: Jenny! Jenny looks in the direction of the ladder India is standing at the bottom She has a bandage around her head Jenny: (thankfully) India! They run to each other and hug It’s a long hug After they finish India and Lee hug Jenny: Are you ok? India: Apart from a bump I’m ok, are you Jenny: I’ll be sore tomorrow but I’m ok She looks at Lee She points to his cut India: Are you ok? Lee: Yes, I’m fine She looks at him again India: Spencer is being checked on Lee is suprised Lee: Spencer? He was here? India: Yes, he saved my life. The doctors think it will be a permanent scar on his face Lee:

But he’s ok India: Yes Lee looks relieved India turns to Jenny India: The police found someone else up there Jenny: Who? India points Coming down the ladder is a very battered Kevin Jenny’s eyes fill with tears and she runs to him Jenny: Kev They run to each other and hug Jenny: (through tears) I thought you were dead Kevin: You won’t get rid of me that easily They stop hugging Lee: What happened? Kevin: Steve and me were attacked. I woke up in the boot of the car up on the beach. That explains the bruises India: He really went to town on you She turns to Jenny India: Who was it?

Jenny: It was Eric India and Kevin looked shocked India: Shit Jenny: Only it wasn’t Eric India and Kevin look confused Kevin: Who was it? Jenny: Sam O ‘ Neal India and Kevin looked shocked India: But why did he want to kill you Jenny: I didn’t find out, and I doubt I ever will Jenny hugs herself Kevin: Don’t worry Jen. This sort of thing will never happen to us again Jenny: I know India hugs herself India: Let’s go They begin walking up the board Lee: How did all the police get here? India:

Your mother called them Jenny and Lee look suprised Jenny + Lee: (surprised) Our mother? Mother: (thankfully) Jenny, Lee She hugs Jenny and Lee They hug her back The stop hugging Jenny: Why did you call the police? Mother: When Eric didn’t come back I was worried so I called the police. I guessed Eric would have followed you here to the beach Jenny looks at her mother Jenny: But mom, Eric… Jenny’s mother holds up her hands, motioning Jenny to stop Mother: You can fill me in on all the details later. Come on. Let’s get you both to a hospital Jenny: (faintly) Ok The climb the ladder First Jenny, then India, Jenny and Lee’s mother, Kevin and finally Lee After Lee has climbed out of shot the camera comes to rest on the knife in the hard wooden floor. A hand appears from the left and pulls the knife from the board and out of shot The camera fades to black. (end of film)

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