#Hexels settings: These are values that Ted can change without Ken having to recompile Hexels! #if you're a user reading this, then hello, nice to meet you, I hope you're enjoying Hexels! #Feel free to play with these, but be aware that any changes you make will be lost when you install a new version of Hexels #default colors #foregroundColor = 0080e9 foregroundColor = 0090dfff backgroundcolor = ffc600 gridcolor = 5b5b5b canvasColor = 000000 #default values for single-channel editing ForegroundGrey = 1.0 BackgroundGrey = 0.0 #canvas size canvasWidth = 48 canvasHeight = 48 #glow parameters glowAmount = 0.035 glowRadius = 7.00 transparentcanvas = false gridoff = true #the awesome screen image awesome = splash.png #you can set the #pixels from the RenderOptionsX = #pixels from the RenderOptionsY =
startup position of the render options window right edge of the screen 26 top of the screen 100
#window positions LayersWindowX = 26 LayersWindowY = 450 LayersWindowWidth = 200 LayersWindowHeight = 400 AnimationWindowX = 26 AnimationWindowY = 450 AnimationWindowWidth = 700 AnimationWindowHeight = 236 PaletteWindowX = 26 PaletteWindowY = 950 PaletteWindowWidth = 290 PaletteWindowHeight = 230 outlineWidth = 0.05 #set this to true if things aren't updating right away #it will disable my optimized rendering ):
alwaysDoFullRedraw = false #should we do any drawing at all (updating overlay, etc) if there's no mouse motion or anything? alwaysDoPartialRedraw = false #pro info window settings proInfoImageDuration = 5.0 proInfoFadeTime = 1.5 #default settings for render modes #cubes #iso cube lights isoLight0Color = ffffff isoLight1Color = dddddd isoLight2Color = 555555 #default color preview mode previewForegroundColor = true #gems gemsBandValue = 0.54 gemsWidthValue = 0.00 gemsColor = ffffff #bevel bevelAmount = 0.34 bevelLightAngle = 120 bevelLightHeight = 40 bevelColor = ffffff #plus plusAmount = 0.5 plusShift = 0 #custom customSpacing = 1.0 customOffset = 0.5 #colors for customTile1 customTile2 customTile3 customTile4
the tiles on the GL preview of the custom drawer = 00a3df = dddddd = 888888 = ff145c
#this is the center one! customTile5 = 13f588 customTile6 customTile7 customTile8 customTile9
= = = =
bbbbbb 00a3df 555555 13f588
#trixel trixelWidth = 1.1547 trixelOffset = 1.0 deskewByDefault = false #trixelsplus and oxels, the width of a rectangular chunk trixelPlusWidth = 1.0
#available in preferences, but these are the defaults HQGlow = false usenativeColorPicker = true dynamicZoom = false checkForUpdates = true showTipsAtStartup = true HQLinePreview = true PreviewAA = true currentStartupTip = 0 NoFBO = false #default key commands. Use the formatting like it is here. #These will eventually be in preferences, but not yet #some examples: #apple-x: Ctrl+X #x: X #shift-x Shift+X #k? good. OutlineToolKey = O ToggleGridKey = Ctrl+G FillToolKey = G BrushToolKey = B LineToolKey = L MarqueeToolKey = M ZoomToolKey = Z ColorPickerKey = C ColorDropKey = I UIColorScheme = Standard #additional settings LiteMode = false ScrollToZoom = false AllowTurboMode = true LightupGrid = true #for texturetab TextureCols = 4 TextureRows = 3 #parameters for default glow. glowR1 = 3 glowV1 = .3
range values over 128 will be clipped
glowR2 = 20 glowV2 = .5 glowR3 = 50 glowV3 = .9 glowR4 = 120 glowV4 = 0 #for scrolling by a page at a time. animation! pageScrollX = 16 pageScrollY = 16
This is a beta feature and was superseded by
#the maximum canvas size (in tiles). The free version is limited to 512 x 512. #Hexels Pro users can adjust this, but it may make Hexels use significantly more memory MaxCanvasWidth = 512 MaxCanvasHeight = 512 #render pipeline settings #change these to experiment with why computer 1 doesn't look as good as computer B allowFloatTextures = true allowShaders = true allowFBO = true #more UI stuff #delay for the menu to come up when clicking on a tool icon (if it has a menu) (ms) ToolButtonPopupDelay = 400 #if fewer than this many pixels of a floating window is visible at startup, it will be moved back on-screen OffscreenWindowThreshold = 100