Keywords - Editing

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 230
  • Pages: 2
Editing Keywords (1) Video


Editing can powerfully affect and change the mood and meaning of a film


The Cut





Expansive Editing


(Fade-out, Fade-in, Dissolve, Wipe) (Varied effect by length of time between cut)

Relations between shot A and Shot B (Graphic match, graphic mismatch) Relations between shot A and B (Accent, beat, Tempo)

Relations between Shot A and B (Spatial Continuity or discontinuity) Relations between shot A and B (Continuous, reversed, flashback, flash-forward, elliptical – Empty Frame, cutaways Moments of time or events can be extended or repeated to accentuate an image or of time passed. To repeat an action more than once to accentuate a


Continuity Editing

The 180 Degree System


Dominant film editing style allows stories to be told clearly and coherently. In the continuity style the space of a scene is constructed along what is called the axis of action/center line/180 line. The cameras cannot move beyond this 180 degree semicircle. The 180 degree system ensures that relative positions in the frame remain consistent including consistent eye line matches Unrestricted knowledge of causal, temporal, or spatial information by alternating shots from one line of action in one place with shots of other events in other places.


Many cuts are used temporally to suggest time passing

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