September 19, 2009 Hon. Edolphus Towns, Chairman Committee on Oversight and Government Reform United States House of Representatives 2157 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Dear Chairman Towns: Thank you for your letter of September 18, 2009, regarding the Committee’s request for documents related to Bank of America’s acquisition of Merrill Lynch. I hope you know that Bank of America remains committed to cooperating with the Committee’s inquiry. We appreciate and take very seriously the Committee’s important oversight role, and have nothing but the strongest intent to work with the Committee to help it understand these events. Given your specific questions related to the document production, I have directed our counsel to provide a detailed response to your Chief of Staff and Chief Counsel for Investigations. That response will be sent very soon. I also understand that you are scheduled to meet with Anne Finucane on Tuesday, September 22. I appreciate your willingness to meet with Anne. She is a member of the management committee and one of our most trusted advisors. I think you will find her helpful towards resolving any concerns you may have. Please let us know if the bank can be of any further assistance to the Committee on this matter. Sincerely,
Kenneth D. Lewis Chief Executive Officer and President
Hon. Darrell E. Issa, Ranking Member