Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 106

Self Access Learning Module

ICT Literacy for Secondary School Programme

Word Processing


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module



Curriculum Development Centre Ministry of Education Malaysia


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module


Name of Module :


Learning Outcomes: The students should be able to:



Introduction to Microsoft Word 2003


State the steps to launch word processing software


Launch a Word Processing application


State and identify the features in word processing application


List at least 3 main toolbars in MS Word


List buttons in Standard, Formatting and Drawing toolbars.


State the function buttons in Standard, Formatting and Drawing toolbars.


Create a new document by using word processing software


Key in the data into a new document using keyboard


Save the new document with a new file name


Print Document

Knowledge and Skills: a.

Open, Save and Close document


Create New Document


Close Document


Exit Application


Type text


Print Preview


Print document

Module Summary: article and a poem.

At the end of the module, student should be able to produce an


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

This module contains 10 activities: Activity 1:

Launching Microsoft Word

Activity 2:

Exiting Microsoft Word

Activity 3:

Creating a new document

Activity 4:

Setting Page Setup

Activity 5:

Entering Text

Activity 6:

Saving a document

Activity 7:

Closing a document

Activity 8:

Typing a new document

Activity 9:

Reviewing existing document

Activity 10:

Printing document


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 1: Launching Microsoft Word

Click Start button at the Task Bar 1. Click All Programs


Click Microsoft Office and select Microsoft Word application.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module


Document1 will appear on the screen as shown below


Screen elements common to Microsoft Word 2003

Insertion Point

Title bar

Menu bar


Minimize, maximize, and restore buttons

Close button


Work area contains

Vertical scroll Horizontal scroll bar

Status bar

Document view buttons



ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Scroll bars - displays different parts of a file on screen

Status bar - identifies active application features and location

Current Page/ Total Pages



Line number of the insertion point’s current position

Vertical Position of the insertion point

Column number of the insertion point’s current position


The Ruler is generally found below the main toolbars. The Ruler is used to change the format of your document faster. To display the Ruler; 1. Click View on the Menu bar. 2. The option Ruler should have a check mark next to it. If it has a check mark next to it, press Esc on the keyboard to close the menu. If it does not have a check mark next to it, continue to the next step. 3. Click Ruler. The ruler now appears below the toolbars. Title bar The Title bar is located at the top of the screen. On the Title bar, Microsoft Word displays the name of the document on which you are currently working. At the top of your screen, you would see "Document1 – Microsoft Word".

Menu Bar

The Menu bar is generally found directly below the Title bar. The Menu bar displays the menu beginning with the word File and continues with Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table, Window, and Help. You use the menus to give instructions to the software. Point to a menu option and click to see a pull-down menu. You can now use the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard to move left and right across the Menu bar options. You can use the up and down arrow keys to move up and down the pull-down menu.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module


To select an option, click on Edit in the Menu Bar. Use the arrow keys to move to Select All on the pull-down menu and press Enter, all the text in the document will be highlighted. To remove the highlighted text, click the cursor anywhere on the screen.

An ellipse or a right arrow after a menu item in the pull down menu means there are additional options. If you select that menu item, a dialog box appears. Items in grey are not available. Toolbars provide shortcuts to menu commands. Toolbars are generally located just below the Menu bar to provide single click access to tasks performed most frequently. Point the mouse pointer to any of the icon to see screen tips. 1.

Standard Toolbar


Formatting Toolbar


Drawing Toolbar


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 2: 1.

Exiting Microsoft Word

Click File on the menu bar and click Exit. If the Exit command does not appear, you can click the arrow in the menu to extend.

Click the arrow to extend the menu


The menu will appear like this.

Recently used file list It may vary depending on your computer


Click Exit to exit Microsoft Word application.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 3: Creating a New Document 1. 2.

Launch the Microsoft Word application. A new document (Document1) is created.

Activity 4: Page Setup 1.

Click File on the menu bar, and click Page Setup on the pull-down menu. If the Page Setup does not appear, click the arrow to extend the menu.


Page Setup dialog box will appear. If necessary click on the Margins tab.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module


Click the up or down arrows on the right of the Top, Bottom, Left and Right text boxes to increase or decrease the margin settings. Set all the four margins to 1”. Click OK and the new margin will be applied to your new document. Note: If the margins are in metric unit, please refer to your teacher.

Activity 5: Entering Text 1.

Type the text below in your new document. The word will be typed automatically at the insertion point (flashing vertical bar on the screen). You do not need to press the Enter key at the end of a line while typing. The word will move automatically down to the next line. Press the Space bar to insert a space between the words.

Tigers live in hot jungles as well as in cold forests. All wild tigers live in Asia. Some of them also live in the snowy forests of Siberia. Others live in the humid jungles of Sumatra. And some live in the dry grasslands of India. 10

ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

2. 3.

If you make a mistake while typing you can delete it by pressing Backspace or Delete key on the keyboard. Place the cursor in front of the word you wish to delete. At the end of the word India, press Enter. The cursor goes automatically to the next line. Press Enter whenever you want to start a new paragraph. Press Caps Lock key on the keyboard, and type the following text. Your new text will look like this:



To type exclamation mark, press Shift key and ‘!’ key on the keyboard simultaneously. At the end of the word SLEEP! Press Enter, to move the cursor to a new line. Press Caps Lock key, and continue typing until you complete the paragraph. Tigers always live in forests because they offer places to hide. Tigers do not like big open spaces. Tigers like to hide, because they hunt by sneaking up on their prey. If they didn't have grasses or trees to hide behind they will never get food!


At the end of the word food! press Enter. The insertion point will move down creating a new paragraph. Press and hold Shift key, then type the following words. Notice that when you hold the shift key, the letters will be in the upper case.



Release the Shift key and continue typing the text. The entire text will be typed in the lower case.

TIGERS DO EAT PEOPLE-but only in very unusual situations! Sometimes people roam where tigers live. A sick or injured tiger finds it easier to attack a person than to hunt for its usual prey.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module



When you have finished typing, the whole document will appear as below.

Follow the next activity to save your new document.

Activity 6:

Saving a Document

You can use the Save As command in File on the bar menu to save the document for the first time. There are a few options to save your document. You can choose any one. A : Save in My Document The following examples show how you can save a document in My Document. This document will be saved as tiger.doc. 1.

Click File on the bar menu.

i. File

ii. Save As


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module


Click Save As, and the Save As dialog box will appear.

(i) Click the Save in drop down arrow to select the directory to save your document.

(ii) Type file name ‘tiger’ here (iii) Click Save

The document will be saved as tiger.doc file in My Documents folder. .doc is the extension for all Microsoft Word files, and it will be given automatically when you save your file.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

B. Save in Floppy Disk The following example shows how you can save a new document in a Floppy disk. The document will be saved as tiger.doc. 1.

Click File on the menu bar.


Save As


Click Save As, the Save As dialog box will appear. Follow the next instruction to continue saving your document.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

(i) Click the Save in drop down menu to select the directory to save your document. (ii) Double click My Computer

(iii) Double click Floppy A:.

(iv) Folder name

(v) Type file name ‘tiger’ here

The document will be saved as tiger.doc file in Floppy A drive. Note: Make sure you have inserted a diskette in Floppy A drive before you save, otherwise your computer will not be able to detect the drive.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

C: Save in your own folder The following examples show how you can save your document in your own folder. This document will be saved as tiger.doc. 1.

Click File on the menu bar. File



Click Save As; the Save As dialog box will appear.


New Folder dialog box will appear. Click Create New Folder, and type your folder name as shown below. Click OK.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

(i) Click Create New Folder

(iii) Click OK (ii) Type your folder name. Example: Siti Noliza 1A1

The document will be save as try.doc file in Floppy A drive 4.

If you close the document before you save it, the following dialog box will be displayed.

Click Yes to close and save the document. Click No if you do not want to save your document. 4.

Type tiger in the file name. Then click Save.

(i) Type file name ‘tiger’ here

(ii) Click Save


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 7: 1.

Closing a Document

Click File on the Menu bar. If the Close command does not appear, you can click the arrow to extend the menu.

Click the arrow to extend the menu


The menu will appear like this.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module


Click Close to close the current document ‘tiger’. Notice that you are still in Microsoft Word application.

Activity 8: 1. 2.

Typing a New Document

Click File on the menu bar. Then Click New to create a new document or click the Standard Toolbar. New document will appear as Document2.



ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module



Type the title of the poem below in your new document. At the end of the title, press Enter. Then type the name of the poet. Lake Isle Of Innisfree by W.B.Yeats


Press Enter twice to move the cursor down two lines.


Start typing the poem. Press Enter at the end of every line. Lake Isle Of Innisfree by W.B.Yeats I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made. Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee; And live alone in the bee-loud glade


Remember to press the Shift key and the letter you want simultaneously, if you want to type it in the upper case as for example; ‘I’ in ’Innisfree’. When you have finished typing, your document will appear as below.


Save your document as poem.doc in your own folder.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 9:

Previewing Document

Before printing the document, you can view your document. Print Preview will display the document you have created before printing. 1. Click File on the menu bar. Then Click Print Preview or click Toolbar.

Print Preview

2. Your document will be displayed. Preview Toolbar


on the Standard

ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

You can change Print Preview using the following steps:

(i) Select the number of pages that need to be viewed Click this button to review more than one page

(ii) To reduce the screen preview(100% is the normal size ) Click zoom control Notes: 50% - half of the normal size 100% - normal size (iii) Print Document Click Print Button from Toolbar to print the document (iv) Close the Print Preview Click Close button from Toolbar to close the print preview


Click Close.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 10:

Printing Document


Click File on the Menu bar and Click Print or Click the Print button Standard toolbar.


The Print dialog box will appear.


Click printer name and select your printer.


on the

ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module


Select option in the Page range menu to print the document. Notes: To print more than one copy of the document or a selected page, use the following steps:

Click one of the option buttons to print the selected page.

• • •


All – print the whole document. Current Page – Print the current page only. Pages – Print selected pages only. Specify the pages that you want to print. For example: type 3-10 to print page 3 until page10.

Specify number of copies you want to print.

Specify the number of copies you want to print


Click OK from Print dialog box to start printing.


Close poem.doc and Exit application.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Exercise: 1.

Type the text below in a new document, then save it as quotations.doc. QUOTATIONS If you failed to plan, you plan to fail. Procrastination is the thief of time. Time and tide wait for no man. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. Perseverance is the key to success. Laugh at your mistakes but learn from them. Joke over your troubles but gather strength from them. Make fun of your difficulties but overcome them. Kind hearts are the garden Kind thoughts are the roots Kind words are the blossoms Kind deeds are the fruits.


Create a new document again, and type the following text. Save your document as computer.doc.

BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS ON THE INTERNET COMPUTERS are a part of our everyday lives, so learning the basic skills is very important. The study of computers is called Computer Science, and surfing through our category of the same name, found lots of helpful information on how to get comfortable with computers. First, it helps to know some basic vocabulary so you will understand what you are reading. Once you have mastered those terms, you can begin computer lessons for kids and small adults. Taken from ‘estidotmy’ magazine 3.

Print both documents.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module



Curriculum Development Centre Ministry of Education Malaysia


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module


Name of Module


Learning outcomes : The students should be able to :



: Editing (1) An Existing Document


List at least 3 main toolbars in MS Word


List buttons in the standard, formatting and drawing toolbars.

Knowledge and Skills: a.

Open an existing document


Select and move text


Cut and paste text


Copy and paste text


Delete text


Change font size, type and style


Apply Bold, Italic and Underline.

Module Summary : This module contains 8 activities: Activity 1: Opening an existing document Activity 2: Selecting text Activity 3: Moving text (Cut and paste text ) Activity 4: Copying and pasting text Activity 5: Deleting a text Activity 6: Selecting a font and font size Activity 7: Applying Bold, Italic and Underline Activity 8:



ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 1:

Opening An Existing Document

To edit an existing document, you need to open the document. This document will be used for all activities in this module. The following procedure shows different techniques of opening the existing documents or you can open this file from the location you saved in Module 1. (The existing document to be opened is poem.doc ) 1. To open poem.doc from My Document folder : 3. Launch the Microsoft Word application. 4. Click File on the bar menu, then click Open… on the pull down menu. Open an existing document

5. An Existing Document dialog box will appear.

i) Click the ‘Look in:’ drop down menu to select the location to open your document.

(ii) Double click your selected folder as shown

(iii) Click Open 2. To open poem.doc from folder . (Example : Folder Afiqah) a). Launch the Microsoft Word application. b). Click File on the bar menu, then click Open… on the pull down menu. c). An Existing Document dialog box will appear.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

(ii) Double click your selected document as shown

i) Click the ‘Look in:’ drop down menu to select the location to open your document.

(iii) Click Open

3. To open poem.doc from 3½ Floppy Disk. a). Launch the Microsoft Word application. b). Click File on the bar menu, then click Open… on the pull down menu. c). An Existing Document dialog box will appear.

i) Click the ‘Look in:’ drop down menu to select the location to open your document.

(ii) Double click your selected document as shown

(iii) Click Open


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 2: Selecting A Text. To move or change the format of a text, select the text you want to edit. The text will appear light against dark background on your screen. 1.

Open existing file ‘poem.doc’ found in Module 1. Lake Isle Of Innisfree By W.B.Yeats I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made. Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee; And live alone in the bee-loud glade


Click the mouse at the end of the word ‘glade’ and press Enter twice.


Then, type the text below. And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow; Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings; There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow And evening full of the linnet’s wings.


To select one word, double-click on the word ‘innisfree’ in the first line poem Lake Isle Of Innisfree By W.B.Yeats



To select a sentence, hold down the Ctrl key and click anywhere on the i. sentence in line 4.

Select a single line of text, click once in the left margin with the mouse arrow a. next to the line 6 to be selected.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module


To select a block of text (first stanza), click at word ‘I’ at first stanza and hold the left-mouse button, and drag down to last word ‘glade’ of the selected text.


To select the entire document, press Ctrl+A or click Edit, and then click Select All


Save the document.

Activity 3: Moving Text (Cut And Paste Text). The feature used to move text from one place to another is called cut and paste. The original text is deleted and placed at a new location. 1. Open the same document as above. 2. Move text using Cut button on standard toolbars button. a). Select the text in line 1 and 2 to be moved. b). Click on the Cut button on the standard toolbars button. The text will be removed from the document and stored in the windows clipboard. c). Place cursor between the stanza 1 and stanza 2. The blinking insertion point will appear at this location.

Place the cursor here


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

6. Click on the Paste button

. The text will appear at the new location.

The text appear at here


To move text using right-mouse button a). Select the first stanza b). Make sure the pointer is at the highlighted text. Click right-mouse button to display the menu. Click on the Cut button. The text will be removed from the document and stored on the Windows Clipboard


Place the cursor after the last line as shown below.. The blinking insertion point will appear at this location.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

i). Place the cursor after the last line

ii)Click Paste button

ii). Click right-mouse button


The text will appear at the new location.

Lake Isle Of Innisfree By W.B.Yeats The new text will appear here.


iii). peace Click Paste And I shall have some peace there, for comes dropping slow; button Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings; There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow And evening full of the linnet’s wings. I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made. Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee; And live alone in the bee-loud glade

To move a text using the Cut button from the menu bar a). b).

Press Enter once Select the text from the phrase ‘I will …’ to the last line ending with ‘…bee-loud glade’.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

iii). The Edit menu will appear . Click Cut button .

ii). Click Edit button from menu bar.

i). Selected text


Place the cursor the next line after the author’s name.

ii). Click Edit button from menu bar.

iii). Click Paste button

i). Place the cursor here.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module


The text will appear at the new location.

The text appears here


Save the document.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 4:

Copying and Pasting a Text.

Copy text will leave the text in its original location while a copy of it is placed on the Windows Clipboard. 1. Open the same document as above. 2. Copy and paste text using Copy button toolbars.

and Paste button

on standard

a). Select the whole text in stanza 2 to be copied.

ii). Click Copy button

i). Select the text


Place the cursor in front of the title. The blinking insertion point will appear at this location.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

ii). Click Paste button i). Place the cursor here


The text will appear at the new location.

The text will appear here

2. Copy text using right-mouse button a). Select the text in line 5 and 6 to be copied.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

iii). Click on the Copy button.

i). Select the text

ii). Click rightmouse

b) Place the cursor before the first letter of the first line. The blinking insertion point will appear at this location.

i). Place the mouse here ii). Click right-mouse button

iii). Click Paste button

c). The text will appear at the new location.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

The text appears here

3. Move text using Copy and Paste button from the menu bar a). Select the text in line 7 to be moved. ii). Click Edit button from menu bar.

iii). The Edit menu will appear . Click Copy button . i). Selected text .


Place the cursor after the last line as shown below.. The blinking insertion point will appear at this location.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

ii). Click Edit button from menu bar.

iii). Click Paste button

i). Click at last line


The text will appear at the new location.

The text placed in the last paragraph


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 5:

Deleting A Text.

You can delete unwanted text – a letter, a word, a paragraph at a time, or any combination of the above. There are two common keys to delete text. These are the Backspace and Delete key. Pressing the Backspace key will delete one letter at a time to the left of the intersection point; pressing the Delete key will delete one letter at a time to the left of the intersection point. You will learn about these two common keys to delete text in module 3. 1. Open the same document as above. 2. Delete text using Cut button on standard toolbars. a). Select text in line 3 to 8 to be deleted.

ii). Click Cut button

i). Select the text


The text will be deleted and the document will appear as shown below.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

2. Delete text using right-mouse button a). Select the text in line 5 and 6 to be copied.

i). Select the text

iii). Click Cut button. ii). Click rightmouse button


The text will be deleted and the document will appear as shown below.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

3. Delete text using Cut button from the menu bar a). Select the text in line 13 to be deleted. ii). Click Edit button from menu bar.

iii). Click Cut button .

i). Select text in line 13.


The text will be deleted and the document will be appear as below.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

4. Delete text using Delete button from the keyboard a). Select the last line to be deleted.

i)Select the last line ii) Click the Delete button on keyboard


The text will be deleted and the document will appear as shown below.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 6 : Selecting A Font And Font Size. The name of the currently selected font and font size for selected text is displayed on the Font and Font drop-down lists on the toolbar. 1. Open the same document as above.


Choosing a font Choose a font such as “Times New Roman” if you want the text to be modern and businesslike, or choose a font like Monotype Corsiva for a handwritten style! For changing the font of a text, take the following steps : a). b). c).

Select the text in first line to be formatted. Click on the down arrow to the right of the Font drop down list. A list of fonts will appear. Make your selection

Activity 7 : Applying Bold, Italic and Underline. 1. Select the title in the poem Lake Isle Of Innisfree

i. Select title

ii. Click Bold


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

2. Click ‘bold’ icon

. All the title text are Bold.

3. Select the author’s name in poem. Click italic

and underline


4. The text will appear as shown below. Bold text

Italic and Underline text

5. Save the document.

Activity 8 : 4.


Type the sentence below: Living in the urban area is better than living in the rural area


Change the whole sentence to Algerian font, size 20 or any other font that available on your computer.


Then change location between urban and rural using cut and paste instruction.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module


Editing II

Curriculum Development Centre Ministry of Education Malaysia


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module


Name of Module


Learning Outcomes : Students should be able to:



Type and format poem using word processing.


Save the poem.


Print the poem.

Knowledge And Skills : a.

Typing text


Spelling correction



: Editing II







Formatting text -

Change case




Borders and Shading


Line Spacing


Saving the document


Printing the document

Module Summary: At the end of the module, students should be able to print the poem as shown below: LAKE ISLE OF INNISFREE by W.B.Yeats I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made. Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee; And live alone in the bee-loud glade And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow; Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings; There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow And evening full of the linnet’s wings. I will arise and go now, for always night and day I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey, I hear it in the deep heart’s core


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activities: Activity 1: Using Change Case Activity 2: Changing Alignment Of Text Activity 3: Changing The Space Between The Lines Activity 4: Changing Borders and Shading Of Text Activity 5: Typing The Poem Activity 6: Correcting Spelling Activity 7: Saving The Documents Activity 8: Printing The Poem Activity 1: Using Change Case There are five sub-mains in formatting to change case such as sentence case, lower case, upper case, title case and toggle case. For example, lower case can be changed to upper case by using Change Case. Follow the steps below. 1. Create a new document 2. Type the sentences as seen in the box below: Water is a compound made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. Each water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. 3. Click on the first letter ‘W’ of the sentence, press and hold shift button on the keyboard and at the same time click the letter ‘m’ at the end of the word atom. 4. Both of the sentences will be highlighted.

5. On the menu bar, click Format. 6. Then select Change Case.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

7. A dialog box appears, select UPPERCASE and click OK. (Uppercase is used to change words into capital letters)



9. Highlight the sentences. Repeat step 3 and 5. 10. Select lowercase and click OK. 11. Lowercase will automatically change the sentences as shown below: water is a compound made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. each water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

12. Next, highlight the sentences again. Repeat step 4 and 5. 13. Select Title Case and click OK. Title Case will capitalize the first letter of each word. 14. Title Case will automatically change the sentences as shown below: Water Is A Compound Made Up Of Two Elements, Hydrogen And Oxygen. Each Water Molecule Consists Of Two Hydrogen Atoms And One Oxygen Atom.

15. 16. 17.

Highlight the sentences and repeat step 4 and 5. Select Sentence Case and click OK. The sentences will appear as below: Water is a compound made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. Each water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.


Save this document (in Step 17) as ‘Water.doc’.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 2 : Changing Alignment Of Text Alignment is used to enhance the appearance of the document. The alignment buttons are as follows:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Align Left



Align Right

Open the document – Water.doc found in Activity 1 Highlight the text. On the formatting toolbar, click the Align Right button. The text displays the new alignment. Water is a compound made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. Each water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

5. 6.

Next, highlight the text again, click the Center button. The text displays the new alignment. Water is a compound made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. Each water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.


Save the document as ‘Water1.doc’.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 3 : Changing The Space Between The Lines Line spacing is used to change the space between lines of text in a document. This makes a document easier to review and edit. There are two ways to change the line spacing; one by using menu bar, and another by clicking on the button found in the formatting toolbar. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Open existing ‘Water1.doc’ document in Activity 2. Highlight the text. On the menu bar, select Format and click Paragraph from the pull down A dialog box ‘Paragraph’ appears. Click at Indents and Spacing tab.

5. At ‘Line Spacing’, select ‘double’ in the pull down and click OK.

6. The text displays the new line spacing. Water is a compound made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. Each water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.


Save the document as ‘Water2.doc’.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 4 : Changing Borders And Shading Of Text Borders are used to draw a box around the text and Shading is used to add shade to the text, table or cell. 1.

Open the document ‘Water2.doc’.


Copy the first sentence of the text and paste in a new document. Water is a compound made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen.


Highlight the pasted sentence.


On the menu bar, select Format and click on Borders and Shading.


A ‘Borders and Shading’ dialog box appears.


On Borders tab, select Box.


Select any border style you want from the style options. Select 3 pt from the width options and click OK.


Below is the example of the text with borders. Water is a compound made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen.


Next, highlight the text with the borders.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module



From the Borders and Shading dialog box, select Shading tab and choose any colour you like from fill and click OK.

The text with the borders and colour will appear as below. Water is a compound made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen.


Save document as ‘Water3.doc’.

Activity 5: Correcting Spelling Use delete, insert and backspace key on the keyboard to correct any spelling mistakes. 1.

Open existing file ‘poem.doc’ found in Module 2. Lake Isle Of Innisfree by W.B.Yeats I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made. Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee; And live alone in the bee-loud glade. And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow; Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings; There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow And evening full of the linnet’s wings.


Click at the end of the poem after word ‘wings’ and press enter once.


Type the text below. I will arise and go now, for always night and dry I hear lake wateur lapping with low sounds by the shore While I stand on the roaday, or on the pavements grey, I hear its in the deep heart’s core.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module


The poem entitled ‘Lake Isle Of Innisfree’ by W.B.Yeats contains 3 stanza as shown below. Lake Isle Of Innisfree by W.B.Yeats I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree And a small cabin built there, of clay and wattles made. Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee; And live alone in the bee-loud glade. And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow; Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings; There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow And evening full of the linnet’s wings. I will arise and go now, for always night and dry I hear lake wateur lapping with low sounds by the shore While I stand on the roaday, or on the pavements grey, I hear its in the deep heart’s core.


In Step 3, there are three spelling mistakes in Stanza 3. ‘wateur’ should be spelt as ‘water’, ‘roaday’ should be spelt as ‘roadway’ and ‘its’ should be ‘it’. To correct the spelling mistakes, follow the steps below using the delete, backspace or insert key on the keyboard: a.

In line 2, the word ‘water’ is spelt wrongly. Move the cursor and place it between the letter ‘e’ and ‘u’ as shown : wate|ur. Then press delete key.


‘Roadway ‘ in line 3 is spelt wrongly, move cursor and place it between the letter ‘d’ and ‘a’ as shown road|ay. Then type the letter ‘w’. However, if letter ‘a’ is deleted after typing the letter ‘w’, press insert key and type the letter ‘a’ again.


The word ‘it’ has been wrongly spelt, move the cursor to the end of the word ‘its’ in line 4. Then press backspace key.


Save the document.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 6: Formatting Text – Poem 1.

Using the same document; poem entitled ‘Lake Isle Of Innisfree’, format the text as follows: a. b.

d. e. f. g. h. i.

Change the whole text using Font type - Comic Sans MS Then change the Font Size as below: Title : 16 pt Author : 14 pt Stanza 1 – 3 : 12 pt Change the title to Upper Case Align the whole poem to Center Set the line spacing to 1.5 lines. Change the colour of the title, author and stanza 2 to blue. Create a border for the poem. From the border tab, select box setting, choose any style and select 3 pt width. For Shading, select light yellow.


Save the document.


Print the poem.

Exercise: Find another poem of your choice from books or magazines. Create your own layout using the skills you have learnt. Save and print your work.


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Curriculum Development Centre Ministry of Education Malaysia


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module


Name of module

: Editing 3 - Article


Learning outcomes

: Students should be able to;




Identify a file and its location


open the existing file


edit documents


print a document.

Knowledge and skills



Identify and open existing document


Format column


Drop cap


Insert graphic, header and footer


Print article

Module summary: At the end of the module, students should be able to create an article as shown below


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 1: Typing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Open the file saved as ‘tiger’ in Module 1. Set the second paragraph to ‘Sentence case’. Place the cursor at the beginning of the second paragraph. Press ‘Enter’. Repeat ‘Step 3’ for each paragraph. At the end of the last word of the existing document, press ‘Enter’ twice and type the article below. People have found ways to protect themselves by wearing masks on the back of their heads. Tigers only attack from behind, so the mask fools them. It seems like the person is always facing them! Another method used to deter tigers is Scarecrows- which gives electric shock so any tiger that touches the dummy gets a mild shock. It helps teach tigers to stop attacking people. Tigers don't like becoming pets because they are wild. Even captive cubs that have been raised by humans are not domesticated. Trainers in a circus use whips or chairs to scare the tigers into submission. White tigers are not a separate subspecies of tiger, they are not from cold, snowy climates-they come from India. White tigers are a rare form of Bengal tiger. They're regular tigers with whiskers and tails-they just happen to be colored white. White tigers actually range from pure white to white with chocolate brown or black stripes. Many white tigers have blue eyes, but some have amber or even greenish eyes. White is a very, very unusual color for a wild tiger. Of the thousands of tigers in the wild, only a few are white. There are many white tigers in captivity, though-and almost all of them are descended from a wild white Bengal tiger named Mohan that was captured in India in the 1950s. Almost all of the captive white tigers in North America today are descended from Mohan and are highly inbred. Some white tigers have also been mated with other tiger subspecies, creating what are called hybrid tigers. Article source:

6. Justify the alignment of the article.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 2: Column setting 1. Highlight the new text you have typed till the end. Click ‘Format’ from the menu bar and select ‘Column’. The following window will appear.

2. Choose ‘Two’ column from ‘Presets’ menu. Click ‘OK’. 3. Now the article will be as shown below


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 3: Drop Cap 1. Highlight the first letter in the paragraph. 2. Click ‘Format’ from the menu bar and select ‘Drop Cap’. The following window will appear.

3. Select ‘Dropped’ from the ‘Position’ menu and click ‘OK’. 4. Now the first paragraph will be as shown below


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Activity 4: Indenting paragraph 1. Place the cursor at the beginning of the second paragraph. Click ‘Format’ menu and select ‘Paragraph’. The following window will appear.

1. Click and type ‘0.5’ h

2. Choose ‘First line’ from the drop down menu

2. Click ‘OK’. 3. Repeat the same step for every paragraph.


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4. Your article now will be as shown below


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Activity 5: Insert graphic 1. Place the cursor at the end of the last word of the article. Press Enter twice. 2. Click ‘Insert’ from the menu bar, select ‘Picture’ and choose ‘Clip Art’. The following menu box will appear.

1. Type ‘tiger’ here. 2. Click ‘Go’

The search result will appear here.

3. Click here and select ‘Insert’.

3. Click on the inserted picture. Place the cursor at the bottom right hand corner. A double headed arrow ( ) will appear. 4. Click and drag the cursor to enlarge the picture.


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5. Your article will look like this :


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 6: Header and Footer 1. Click ‘View’ from the menu bar and select ‘Header and Footer’. The ‘Header and Footer -Section’ and floating toolbar will appear. 2. Type the name of your bulletin in the ‘Header-Section’. Scroll down and insert the name of your school or club in the ‘Footer-Section’. Example: Header-Section

Footer-Section 3. Save and Print the article


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module



Curriculum Development Centre Ministry of Education Malaysia


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module


Name of Module


Learning Outcomes :


Knowledge and Skills:



Presenting Text in a Table At the end of the lesson, students should be able to create a table.


Create a table


Insert bullets and numbering

Module Summary:

As a secretary of your school Computer Club, you are required to prepare a duty roster for the ICT Prefects. A sample of the duty roster is shown below:


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 1: Creating Table 1. Open a New Document. 2. Type: ICT Prefects’ Duty Roster and press Enter. 3. Click Table, choose Insert and click Table. i. Click Table ii. Choose Insert

iii. Click Table

4. The Insert Table dialog box appears. Insert the number of columns and rows as shown below:

Click OK

5. Move the cursor to the second row in the last column and highlight the second to fourth row.

6. From the menu bar click Table, and choose Merge Cells.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for rows five to seven in the same column.

8. Highlight rows five to seven in the first column. 9. From the Menu bar, click Table, choose Insert and Rows below.

10. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for rows eight to ten in the last column.

11. Click in the first cell in the first column, and then type No. 12. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Press Press Press Press

13. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Type 1, Press Tab and type 1A. Press Tab and type Mohd Asraf. Press Tab and type Monday, press Enter type Tuesday. Press Tab to move the cursor to the first cell in the next row.

Tab Tab Tab Tab

and type Form. and type ICT Prefects. and type Days. to move the cursor to the first cell in the next row.

14. (i) Type 2, Press Tab and type 2B. (ii) Press Tab and type Husni Mohd Husin. (iv) Press Tab twice to move the cursor to the first cell in the next row.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

15. (i) Type 3, Press Tab and type 1B. (ii) Press Tab and type Lim Guat Bee. (iv) Press Tab twice to move the cursor to the first cell in the next row. 16. Insert the following information into the table: ICT Prefects’ Duty Roster No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Form 1A 2B 1B 2A 1C 1A 2B 2C 1B

ICT Prefects Mohd Asraf Husni Mohd Husin Lim Guat Bee Tan Seong Hor Wan Mohd Sidqi Abd Rahman Idris Faizah Nordin Saniah Roslan Hamsani Ahmad

Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

17. Highlight all the days (Monday to Saturday). From Menu bar, click Bullets button.

Table A 18. If you look at the table, the column size does not match the texts, you can align the columns using the following method: Highlight table A that you have made. i. Click Table ii. Click AutoFit

iii. Click AutoFit to Contents


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

The screen will appear as below:

19. Highlight the title. From Menu bar, click Center and B (Bold) buttons. 20. Highlight the first row (No., Form, ICT Prefects, Days). From Menu bar, click Center and B (Bold) buttons. The screen will appear as below: ( Notice that heading in each column is now centered )

21. Highlight the first two columns. From Menu bar, click Center button. The screen will appear as below: (Notice that text in each row is centered )


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

22. Highlight the whole table. From Menu bar, click Table and choose Table Properties. The Table Properties dialog box will appear:

i. Click Center.

ii. Click OK. 23. Save the document. 24. The end product will display as shown below:


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module



Curriculum Development Centre Ministry of Education Malaysia


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module


Name of Module


Learning Outcomes : At the end of the lesson, students should be able to use the drawing toolbar to produce an invitation flyer.


Knowledge and Skills:



Drawing Toolbar


Inserting WordArt


Inserting Clip Art


Adding in Colour


Using AutoShapes


Using Text box


Using 3-D Style

Module Summary:

As the secretary of your school Computer Club, you are required to prepare an invitation flyer to invite members of the club to an annual dinner. A sample of the invitation flyer is shown below:


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 1: Create An Invitation Flyer 1. Open a New Document. 2. From the Menu bar, select File and then click Page Setup. 3. The Page Setup dialog box will appear:

a) Setup the Margin properly: Top : 1” Left : 1”

Bottom Right

: :

1” 1”

b) Orientation: select Landscape. c) Click Paper tab, set Paper Size to A4 and click OK.

4. Type: Invitation.

5. From the View menu, click Toolbars and then click Drawing to callout the Drawing Toolbar.

WordAr t

‘Drawing tool bar’


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

6. From the Drawing Toolbar, click WordArt. The WordArt Gallery appears:

i. Click here ii. Click OK

a) ‘Edit WordArt Text’ dialog box will appear:

7. Delete “Your Text Here” and type: Computer Club Annual Dinner, and then click OK.

8. Align the WordArt ‘Computer Club Annual Dinner’ to be in the centre using the Center icon.

Invitation Center


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

From the Drawing Toolbar, click Insert Clip Art. The Clip Art task pane appears:

i. Type: Computer

ii. Click Go.

iii. Point your mouse pointer to the clip art image, and then click the image.


9. The computer image appears in the middle of the screen. 10. Resize the image by dragging the corner of the image.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

11. In order to move the image, Double click on the image. The Format Picture dialog box appears:

12. Click the Layout tab, select Tight, Centre and click OK. Now you will see the image in the middle of the screen. 13. Save the document with the filename: invitation. 14. Now, your screen will appear as below:

15. From the Drawing Toolbar, select AutoShape and select Flowchart, then choose ‘Flowchart : Alternate Process’.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

16. A drawing canvas appear:

17. Draw a rectangle under the computer image.

18. Double click the autoshape box. The Format AutoShape dialog box will appear:


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

a) Click the Size tab, and b) Type 1.25 in the Height box c) Type 5.5 in the Width box d) Click OK 19. Drag the box to the centre of the space below the computer image using the pointer.

20. From the Drawing Toolbar, click Text Box.

Click Text Box.

21. Draw a text box to fix in the existing box and type:

Venue : Time : Attire :

SMK Dato’ Jaafar Hassan Hall 8.30p.m. Batik

22. Highlight the text, change the font type to Comic Sans MS and the font size to 14.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

23. Select red colour from the icon Font Colour in the Drawing toolbar, fill in the text box with the colour of your choice using the icon Fill Colour.

24. Click and call out the Alternate Process box, and then choose 3-D Style from the Drawing Toolbar.

a) Click 3-D Style 3. b) The Alternate Process box will appear as below:

25. Resize the computer image to become bigger and overlap the word art. 26. In order to display the image behind the word art (Computer Club Annual Dinner), click Draw at the Drawing Toolbar, choose Text Wrapping and then select Behind Text.

27. Highlight the word: Invitation. Change the font style and the font size, to make it more attractive.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

28. Your end product will appear as below:

29. Save your document and print.


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Curriculum Development Centre Ministry of Education Malaysia


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module


Name of Module


Learning Outcomes : The students should be able to:




Mail Merge


Create mail merge document


Print edited mail merge document

Knowledge and Skills: a.

Create “ Enrolment Form " document


Open mail merge wizard


Insert data


Change field names


Save data


Merge data in the form

Module Summary: At the end of the module, students should be able to create mail-merge document


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 1: Create “ Enrolment Form " document a. Type document as shown below Scouts Movement, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Datuk Haji Ahmad Said, 13800 Butterworth, Pulau Pinang. _____________________________________________________________________

Scouts Movement Membership Form Section A: Personal Details 1.







I/C No.






Date of birth






Parent’s name


8. Telephone No. : ________________________________________________________________ Section B : Co-curricular Activities Other society / club joined: •





_____________________________________________________________ I hereby declare that particulars given above are true and I will abide by the Scouts rules if I am accepted to be a member.

Signature: ……………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………………………………………………………………


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 2: Open Mail merge wizard 1.

Click Tools at menu bar

i. Click Letters and Mailing

ii. Click Mail Merge

2. The Mail Merge Task Pane will appear on the right side of the screen 3. Click Directory 4. Click Next Starting document

i. Directory

ii. Next : Starting document


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

5. Click Next: Select recipients

iii. Next:Select recipients 6. Click Type a new list 7. Click Create

i. Type a new list

ii. Create


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 3 :

Insert Data


Insert data in certain sections : i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x.

In section Title, type-in Azman Bin Mohamad In section First Name, type-in 1 Amanah In section Last Name, type-in 900903-10-6019 In section Company Name, type-in 13 In section Address Line 1, type-in 03 September 1990 In section Address Line 2, type-in 21 Jalan Besar, Klang, Selangor In section City, type-in Mohamad Bin Basri In section State, type-in 03-33722159 In section ZIP Code, type-in Bahasa Melayu In section Country, type-in Hand Ball

2. Click New Entry

i. New Entry


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

3.The next dialog box will appear . 4. Click Close

ii. Close button

Activity 4: 1. 2.

Save data Type-in Data in the File name section : Click Save

i. Type Data

ii. Save.


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 5:

Change Field Names

1. The next dialog box will appear : 2. Click Edit

iii. Edit

3. Click Customize

i. Customize. 4.Click Rename 5.Type-in Name at the Rename Field Toolbox 6.Click OK


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

ii. Rename.

iii. Type-in Name at this section.

iv. OK.

7. Click First Name 8. Click Rename

i. First Name ii. Rename

9. Click OK

iii. OK


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

10. Repeat above steps to change the next section . Last Name to IC No Company Name to Age Address Line 1 to Date of birth Address Line 2 to Address City to Parents Name State to Telephone No Zip code to Society Country to Club 11.

The next outcome will appear. Click OK


Click New Entry

iv. OK.

i. New Entry


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

13.Click Close

ii. Close

14. Click OK at Mail Merge Recipients Toolbox



ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 6:

Merge data in the form

1. Click Next Arrange your directory

Next : Arrange your directory

2.Ensure the cursor is placed at the Name section in the form

Place the cursor here


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

3. Click More Items

i. More items.

4. The next dialog box will appear. Click Name from the list.Click Insert

ii. Insert button


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

5. Cick Close

ii. Close

This particular part will appear


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Place cursor at the form section

form section

7. Click More items in Mail Merge Task Pane

More items


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

8. Click Form

i - Form

9. Click insert 10. Click Close

i - Insert

ii- Close 99

ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

11. Ensure the cursor is placed at the IC No section in the form 12. Repeat step 3 until 5 to insert other fields IC No Age Date of Birth Address Parent’s Name Telephone Number Society Club 13.The next outcome will appear


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

14. Click Next : Preview your directory

Next : Preview your directory 15. The next outcome will appear :


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

16. Click Next to complete the merge

i. Next : Complete the merge 17. The next dialog box will appear

ii. Click To New Document

18.Click OK



ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

19. The Enrolment Form will appear as below

Scouts Movement, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Datuk Haji Ahmad Said, 13800 Butterworth, Pulau Pinang. _____________________________________________________________________

Scouts Movement Membership Form Section A: Personal Details 1.


: Azman Bin Mohamad



: 1 Amanah


I/C No.

: 900903-10-6019



: 13 years old


Date of birth

: 03 September 1990



: 21 Jalan Besar,Klang,Selangor


Parent’s name

: Mohamad Bin Basri


Telephone No.

: 03-33722159

________________________________________________________________ Section B : Co-curriculum Activity Other society / club joined: •

Bahasa Melayu


_____________________________________________________________ I hereby declare particulars given above are true and I will abide by the Scouts rules if I am accepted to be a member.

Signature: ……………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………………………………………………………………


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

Activity 7:

Print Mail Merge

1. Click icon open data source

i. Click open data source

2. Click Data file. Then click open.

i. Data file

ii. Open


ICTL for Secondary School - Word Processing Module

2.Click Merge To Printer

Merge To Printer

3. Click OK at Merge To Printer dialog box.

OK 3. Click OK to complete printing



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