Kasus Gawat Darurat.docx

  • October 2019
  • PDF

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More details

  • Words: 83
  • Pages: 1
Kasus Gawat Darurat Dewasa 1. Interna a. Jantung i. Angina Pectoris ii. UAP iii. STEMI iv. NSTEMI v. VT, VT Tanpa Nadi vi. VF vii. AFib AFlut viii. Syok Cardio ix. CHF x. Tamponade Cordis xi. Hipertensi Emergency & Urgency b. Paru i. ii. iii. iv.

Edema Paru Efusi Pleura Tension Pneumothorax Hemoptue

c. Hiperglikemi i. KAD ii. HONK d. Hepas i. Asites e. Gaster i. Hematemesis Melena f.

Ginjal i. CKD

2. Saraf i. Stroke Infark & Hemoragic ii. Meningitis iii. Vertigo

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