Jurnal Self Compacting Concrete.docx

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  • Pages: 12
1.1 Background The advanced of technology the construction sector is thriving, that automatically lead to more innovation that created. The construction project cannot be separate from the concrete. In concrete process, the solidification of concrete often uses the vibrator to help the concrete solidify hence to minimize the amount of void ratio in its microstructure. The usage of vibrator tool cannot guarantee that the concrete can solidify because of the existence of formwork, reinforcement bar whether for Coolum or beam in the construction itself. Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is an innovative solution that can make the concrete solidify it self with their weight without the help of certain tools. SCC can be produced with the help of super plasticizer substance as the adding material to increase the fluidity and strength of the concrete that create. The maximum of aggregate that can be used in SCC is 20 mm. European Federation of National Associations Representing For Concrete (EFNARC) is used as the reference to create and formulate the design of the concrete and also as testing parameter. This research is expected became base line in the making of SCC that refer to EFNARC with the additive substance and

the material


available in

Kalimantan region. That later on the SCC can be mass use in the future.

1.2 Problem Identification The Problem identification in this researches are: 1. How the characteristic in SCC with the usage of coarse aggregate of (1/2in), and 10mm (3/8in)? 2. What is the optimum percentage of coarse Aggregate in SCC? 3. What is the influence of additive substance variation of 0,5%,1% and 1,5% toward the characteristic SCC base on EFNARC comprehensive strength guideline ?

1.3 Research Purpose 1

The purposes of the research are: 1. To get the result of characteristic SCC with the coarse aggregate usage of 12,5mm (1/2in),and 10mm (3/8in) with the mix of additive substance 0,5%,1% and 1,5%. 2. To get the result of optimum percentage coarse aggregate on SCC and know the budget efficiency of SCC. 3. To calculate the comprehensive strength of SCC at the age of 3,14 and 28.

1.4 Problem Limitation The Problem identification in these researches are: 1. This Research on SCC use the quality of 𝑓𝑐 = 25 MPa. 2. EFNARC standard is use as reference. 3. Sand material are use in Barito region and gravel in katunun (same measurement standard). 4. Portland cement that used are type 1 (Semen Gersik). 5. Additive substance use Sika Viscocrete 8030s and Sika Plastocrete. 6. Compressive strength test on this research use 9 sample on every variation of aggregate percentage, which 40% and 50%, which conduct the test at 3 with 3 sample, 14 day with 3 sample, and 28 day with 3 sample.

1.5 Research Purpose The pupose of these researches are: 1. To acquire SCC with optimum percentage of coarse aggregate that can fulfill the EFNARC criteria and have decent strength, eco-friendly, and economist. 2. To acquire the percentage variation of additive substance that use in SCC making. 3. Produce SCC concrete using materials available in South Kalimantan. 4. Developing the research on SCC material.


2.1 Literacy Study Concrete is the main component in structural construction that create by the mixture of water, cement, sand, gravel and admixture if necessary. Cement and water create cement paste that work as binding material, coarse and fine aggregate have purpose as filler and amplifier. The materials are pick based on necessity. The materials that choose will have impact on quality and workability of the concrete it self (Pramono, 2008). SCC can be define as a concrete that have high flowability which automatically have high slump value. Therefore it can flow and solidify in the process of placement in formwork with the usage its own weight without the



vibration tool in its process. Based on SCC standard in EFNARC guideline, the workability of fresh concrete can be categorize as SCC if have this passing criteria below. 1. Filling ability, The ability of fresh concrete to flow into and fill all spaces within the formwork, under its own weight. 2. Passing ability, The ability of fresh concrete to flow through tight openings such as spaces between steel reinforcing bars without segregation or blocking. 3. Segregation resistance, The ability of concrete to remain homogeneous in composition while in its fresh state.

3.1 Research Method This research based on the material of coarse aggregate that originated from katunun of pelaihari region and fine aggregate from barito region, and the admixture are Sika Viscocrete8030s as the super plasticizer. The researches are conducted in structur material laboratory of Engineering Faculty University Lambung Mangkurat. The research conduct first with the gathering of material which sand, cement, gravel, water, and the sika viscocrete8030s. Then continue with the inspection of each material in the laboratory. The checking of base material are to determine the characteristics of the substance that been used.


3.2 Test Guidelines The test guidelines in these researches are : 1. The concrete mixture is using SNI 03-2834-2000. 2. Concrete quality planned at 25 MPa with the mix substance which sand from Barito, gravel from Katunun with percentage 40%, and 50%,semen PPC and PDAM water which add to the admixture Viscocrete 8030s and Sika Plastocrete. 3. Slump flow, L-Shape box and J- ring test are conduct as SCC parameter. 4. The samples are in form of cylinder in measurement 100 mm x 200 mm. 5. Concrete sample used the variation of coarse aggregate with percentage of 40% and 50%, those variation combine again with different size of aggregate, which 12,5mm (1/2in), and 10mm (3/8in) and with the addition of additive substance of 0,5%, 1% and 1,5%. 6. Sample consist 108 piece of concrete with two variation of coarse aggregate measurement and the percentage that being reacted with 3 variation of additive substance, like the picture below: Variation I SCC10-40-0,5

Agregrat uk. 10 dengan prosentase 40% dan 0,5% aditif

9 buah


Agregrat uk. 10 dengan prosentase 40% dan 1% aditif

9 buah


Agregrat uk. 10 dengan prosentase 40% dan 1,5% aditif

9 buah


Agregrat uk. 10 dengan prosentase 50% dan 0,5% aditif

9 buah


Agregrat uk. 10 dengan prosentase 50% dan 1% aditif

9 buah


Agregrat uk. 10 dengan prosentase 50% dan 1,5% aditif

9 buah

Tabel 1.1 Variation of coarse aggregate 10 mm.


Variation II SCC10-40-0,5

Agregrat uk. 10 dengan prosentase 40% dan 0,5% aditif

9 buah


Agregrat uk. 10 dengan prosentase 40% dan 1% aditif

9 buah


Agregrat uk. 10 dengan prosentase 40% dan 1,5% aditif

9 buah


Agregrat uk. 10 dengan prosentase 50% dan 0,5% aditif

9 buah


Agregrat uk. 10 dengan prosentase 50% dan 1% aditif

9 buah


Agregrat uk. 10 dengan prosentase 50% dan 1,5% aditif

9 buah

Tabel 1.2 Variation of coarse aggregate 12,5 mm.

3.3 Concrete Sample Making Making the test object is carried out in the following stages: a. Prepare tools and material. b. Clean and smear the cylinder form work for the concrete to be able easily retract. c. Scale the weight of each material. d. Initial stirring begin with the addition of water and additive substance then the coarse aggregate and fine aggregate pour in the mixer then 30% of water also being pour, wait the material to be mix together before pouring the cement and all of water with the additive substance slowly. e. After the mixing are conducted the EFNARC test begin with the test of T50, J-ring, and L-Box. f. After the test parameter of SCC conduct the fresh concrete to be poured in cylinder form work and silenced for 24 hours. g. After Β±24 hour, the form works are open to release the concrete. h. The sample then cured at the water for 28 days in the pound of water. i. After the curing conducted the sample then dry before the test.


4.1 The Result of Materials Testing The purpose of material inspection are to determine the characteristic of


substance that being use and to determine whether the material full fill the requirement to be used as concrete. The material quality in this research are referring to SNI 2847-2013 that is include the check toward cement, coarse aggregate, and fine aggregate. The researches are conducted in structure material laboratory of Engineering Faculty University Lambung Mangkurat Banjarbaru. With the result that attach Below: 1. Cement Test result No

Jenis Pemeriksaan


Berat Jenis


Konsistensi Normal


Berat Volume


Nilai Pemeriksaan 3,15 25

Kondisi lepas

1,11 gr/cm3

Kondisi pemadatan

1,18 gr/cm3

Kondisi goyangan

1,22 gr/cm3

Waktu Pengikatan Awal

112 menit


154 menit

Table 4.1 Cement Test Result

2. Fine Agreggate Test Result No.

Jenis Pemeriksaan

Nilai Pemeriksaan


Kadar Air



Kadar Lumpur

0,47 %


Kadar Organik

Warna no. 1


Analisa Saringan


Modulus Halus Butir

Zona III 3,08

Berat Volume 6.

a. Kondisi Lepas

1,54 gr/cm3

b. Kondisi Goyangan

1,64 gr/cm3

c. Kondisi Pemadatan

1,67 gr/cm3 6

Berat Jenis 7.

a. Apparent specific gravity


b. Bulk specific gravity on dry basic


c. Bulk specific gravity on SSD basic


d. Water absorbtion percentage


Table 4.2 Fine Agreggate Test Result

3. Coarse Aggregate test result No.

Jenis Pemeriksaan

Nilai Pemeriksaan


Kadar Air



Kadar Lumpur

0,625 %



14,40 %

4. 5.

Analisa Saringan (ukuran maksimun butir/Zona)

12,5 mm/ Zona II

Berat Volume a. Kondisi Lepas

1,35 gr/cm3

b. Kondisi Goyangan

1,43 gr/cm3

c. Kondisi Pemadatan

1,49 gr/cm3

Berat Jenis


a. Apparent specific gravity


b. Bulk specific gravity on dry basic


c. Bulk specific gravity on SSD basic


d. Water absorbtion percentage


Tabel 4.3 Coarse Aggregate test result


4.2 Additive Test Result The additive substance test are to determine the value of optimum usage of the substance toward the SCC therefore it can fulfill the EFNARC standard with the economist value, the additive



compose with 50% Sika

Viscocrete with 50% Sika PlastoCrete, and 25% composition Sika Viscocrete : 75% Sika Plastocrete the result of compotition 50:50 dan 25:75 Sika Viscocrete and Sika Plastocrete can be seen in the table: Table 4.2 additive test result SCC EFNARC Variasi

Slum Flow

L-Shape Box


50 : 50

T50 =2,7 sec

Ξ”h =8,90 mm

Ξ”h = 1,00 mm





25 : 75

T50 =2,0 sec

Ξ”h =10,0 mm

Ξ”h = 9,75 mm





οƒ˜ Penetrometer result of 50% Viscocrete : 50% Plastocrete Initial binding time = 822, 42 minute = 13,7 Hours with paste temperature = 28 ΒΊC

Picture 4.1 Grafik Penetrometer Test 50% Viscocrete : 50% Plastocrete οƒ˜ Penetrometer result Test 25% Viscocrete : 75% Plastocret Initial binding time = 846,6 minute = 14,1 Hours with paste temperature = 28 ΒΊC


Picture 4.2 Penetrometer result Test 25% Viscocrete : 75% Plastocret

4.3 SCC Characteristic Test Result The characteristic test result SCC based on EFNARC

guideline with

each of coarse aggregate variation are conduct with 3 test , Filling ability with the use of Slump Flow T50, Passing ability test with the use L- Shape Box and Segregation resistance with the use of J-ring. The characteristic can be seen in table below: 1. Slump Flow Test Result

Picture 4.3 Slump Flow Test Result


2. J-Ring Test Result


1.4 1.2 1 0.8


1.2 1.04 1.07 1.075 1.01 1.02




1.02 Series1



Max 1 Cm

0.4 0.2 0


Picture 4.4 J-Ring Test Result

3. L-Box Test Result

Picture 4.5 L-Box Test Result

Based on the result of the graphic above can be conclude that the optimum value of coarse aggregate in SCC base on EFNARC guideline is 10 mm with the percentage of the aggregate of 50% with the addition of additive substance as 1 %-1,5% .


4.4 Compressive Strength Test Result Compressive strength test conducted at the age of 3 ,14 and 28 day, the test at third day use as the control to determine the initial strength of the concrete with the addition of sika viscocrete as additive substance to increase the quality of concrete and the workability of SCC itself. The test that carried on 14 days are to determine the the trend of the increase of strength that happen in the middle stage. And at the 28 days as the optimum value of the concrete, the result of the comprehessive strength test can be seen in bar below. οƒ˜ Compressive strength test of coarse aggregate 10 mm

Va r i a s i 1 0 m m Kuat Tekan (MPa)

50.00 40.00

SCC 10-40-0,5


SCC 10-40-1


SCC 10-40-1,5


SCC 10-50-0,5 SCC 10-50-1

0.00 0







SCC 10-50-1,5

Umur Pengujian (Hari)

Picture 4.6 Compressive strength test of coarse aggregate 10 mm οƒ˜ Compressive strength test of coarse aggregate 12,5 mm

Variasi 12,5mm Kuat Tekan (MPa)

50.00 40.00

SCC 12,5-40-0,5


SCC 12,5-40-1


SCC 12,5-40-1,5


SCC 12,5-50-0,5


SCC 12,5-50-1 0





Umur Pengujian (Hari)



SCC 12,5-50-1,5

Picture 4.7 Compressive strength test of coarse aggregate 12,5 mm

Can be see the result of the test with the highest comprehensives strength at the age of 28 day is SCC with the variation of10-50-1,5% and compressive strength result as 43,74 MPa. The second highest compressive strength is SCC with variation 12,5-50-1,5% with compressive strength value as 40,34 MPa. The early conclusion of why the variation of SCC 10-50-1,5% and SCC with the variation 12,5-50-1,5% have higher comprehensives strength value compare with the others variation are first, the influence of percentage of coarse aggregate, the smaller the percentage will increase the flowability of the concrete because high concentration of cement paste but it will cause the strength of the concrete will decrease because the concrete will are less filling material to bind, therefore from all variation that test the coarse aggregate with 50% percentage have optimum value. Second the influence of additive substance have directly proportional with the comprehensives strength, but the usage of additive substance need to be control, because the excessive usage of additive substance will made the concrete have uncontrollable setting time, to even experience hardening when the mixing process still continue. As a whole the sample variation of SCC is fulfill the criteria of SNI 2847:2013 point 1.1.1 about the concrete for earth quake region with the 𝑓𝑐′17 MPπ‘Ž.

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