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SAINT FRANCIS XAVIER PARISH Fr. Peter Proulx, Pastor Sr. Sheila Whelan GSIC Deacon Don Smith 331 Plaunt Street, South; P.O. Box 396 Renfrew, Ontario K7V 4A6 Tel: (613) 432-5825 Fax: (613) 432-6663 E mail: [email protected]

Web Site: www.sfxrenfrew.blogspot.com

“St. Francis Xavier, a welcoming faith community lovingly sharing the gifts of God.”


13 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 28TH 2009 PRAYERS FOR THE DECEASED: We pray for our loved ones who have died recently, especially Kenneth Hisko and Donald Riopelle, brother of Pat Maloney. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK AND SHUT-IN: “Let us raise up in prayer those who seek God’s healing love, those at the hospital, hospice and at home. May your struggle be consoled by Christ’s love“.

PA R I S H S U P P E R R E V I E W 2009



DONATIONS – down by $679.00

REVENUE Meal Revenue





$11,850.00 $ 2,872.83


$ 8,977.17

MEALS SERVED – up by 64

$3,330.00 ADULT REVENUE – up by $792.00 $11,748.00 (as per tickets sold) $ 3,312.04

(bills received to date)



$ 8,435.96

CHILD REVENUE – up by $10.00 (as per tickets sold) EXPENSES DOWN BY $439.21 Mainly due to the fact that food supplies ordered was decreased after review of last year’s attendance numbers.

PARISH SUPPER WRAP-UP MEETING This Monday, June 29th at 7:30 p.m. we will gather as co-ordinators and leaders to review and plan for the future. This is a great time for us to ensure that our concerns about where we go with creative ideas on building on the present success are discussed. Please bring your ideas and concerns. Everyone who has interest and ideas is invited to attend this Monday, at 7:30 p.m.

S T. F R AN C I S X AV I E R PAR I S H L O T T E RY S U M M ARY 2 0 0 9 With the help of 19 Parish volunteers the Lottery ran a total of 11 weeks. Gross Proceeds totaled $12,617.00, Prizes and Expenses cost $3,794.44 for a Net Profit to the Parish of $8,822.56. Parishioners sold 1290 books of tickets, Harvey McLaughlin and his team sold 698 books, Pat Claman from Pembroke sold 384 books, 11 books were picked up and not returned and 117 books were sold at the Parish supper. Another very successful year!! These funds are used by the Parish to offset the rising cost of upkeep and maintenance. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE who helped with the Lottery!! Your dedication to the Parish Community is valued and appreciated. Presented by the Lottery Committee Members

Wednesday, July 1st, we celebrate Canada’s birthday. birthday Canadians should seek to be witnesses to Christ in Canada and the world, and to continue working to influence those in government to act from Christian principles and attitudes. Please note that the Parish office will be closed July 1st. PICK UP:

Please take a moment this weekend and pick up your dishes, crock pots, bowls, plates etc. from the carts in the Hall kitchen. It would be most helpful to have these items cleared as soon as possible!!! Thank you.

LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS Please carefully note the times of the daily Liturgies MON TUE WED THU

June 29 7:00 p.m. June 30 9:30 a.m. July 1 July 2 10:30 a.m. 12:10 p.m. FRI July 3 8:00 a.m. 12:00 noon SAT July 4 5:00 p.m. SUN July 5

10:30 a.m.

Mr. & Mrs. Art Guthro – Muriel Freamo–Deslaurier Hall Ave. Apts. – Frances Windle – The Rathwell Family NO PARISH LITURGY Bonnechere Manor: Allan Murray – Mary Fitzpatrick Peter Rouble – Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rouble Shirley Cameron – Leo & Sharon Mulvihill HOLY HOUR C. J. McNulty – Barry & Eve Yantha Intentions of the Parishioners – Father Proulx Alex Visneskie – The Vincent Family Rita Mahusky – Son, Lawrence

LITURGICAL ROLES 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 4th/5th, 2009 SATURDAY EVENING MASS - 5:00 p.m.


MINISTERS OF THE WORD – P. Dowdall; C. Black MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY – A. & W. Wren; L. Lee; J. Mahusky MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST – K. Black; D. & L. Coyne; D. Mooney; H. Robinson SERVERS – H. & M. O’Neill; K. Dowdall SUNDAY MORNING MASS - 10:30 a.m. MINISTERS OF THE WORD – M. Maloney; A. Lafont MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY – Y. Kohl; J. Mahusky; J. Lynch; M. Richards EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS – A. & R. A. Dicker; Y. Sklepowicz; N. Smith; D. Varrin SERVERS – A. & D. Limlaw; S. Lafont



Children’s Liturgy finishes this weekend for the summer. We extend our thanks to co-ordinator Jane Freemark and the teams who facilitated the program. Your efforts, presence and commitment are appreciated. May God reward you well for assisting our children to know and love God. A safe and blessed summer to all the facilitators, the children and their families.

Tuesdays – June 30, July 7, July 14 & July 21. Time: 1:00 – 2:15 p.m. Come to one or come to all. New servers welcome!! CALLING ALL SINGERS!! You are invited to join St. Ann’s Parish Choir for the 71st annual pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. Ann, Cormac, – Sunday, July 26th. Practices will be held in St. Ann’s Parish Hall on Tuesday, July 7, 14, 21 at 7:00 p.m. Please RSVP to Ann McIntyre 613-754-5471 or T. J. O’Grady 613-628-3523 by July 1st. All are welcome to participate.

MASS SCHEDULE During the month of July please note carefully the Mass Schedule each week as I will be on holidays. Father John McElligott will be assisting for the month of July. I thank Father McElligott for his accommodation of our needs, and I thank you for your understanding. Fr. Proulx

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY: to all couples of the Parish who celebrate a Wedding Anniversary during the month of June. We remember your intentions at the 10:30 a.m. Mass this weekend. new Stone Fence Theatre May God Bless You All. Among those celebrating are:



production will be our fall celebration of Parish spirit and community building. We hope that many of you will take this opportunity to enjoy an evening together at our Dinner Theatre at St. Francis Xavier Hall and to assist our Parish with the capital expenditure of painting the cross this summer.

Roy & Flo Laprade (51) Stan & Shirley Deacon (48) Dwaine & Mary Steele (42) Mike & Sharon Gallagher (38) Dan & Margaret Sheahan (37) Ed & Judy Boldt (37) Steve & Andrea Dregas (37) Neil & Mavis Stroud (35)

Vic & Audrey Dumoulin Tom & Cathy Freemark Bernard & Shirley Ann Holley Gerald & Penny Tracey Geoffrey & Lisa Freamo Ken & Leona Barr Thomas & Sally Coules

(33) (32) (22) (06) (04) (02) (02)

SUNDAY OFFERING: $3,441.75 $3,280.75 [222 postings] + $161.00 [10 EFT postings].

St. Francis Xavier University of Halifax: is offering programs and courses by distance education for adults seeking faith formation for personal and professional development. For parishioners who might be interested in this service please call 1-877-867-5562, [email protected] or check website: www.stfx.ca/academic/continuing/ministry/html. YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY: (ages 18-35): July 17, Aug. 14, Sept. 18 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at St. Columbkille Cathedral, Pembroke.

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