June 2009 Water Analysis

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Page 1 of 5

Analytical Report Bill To: Pure Spirit Water Services Report To: Pure Spirit Water Services Spirit River, AB, Canada T0H 3G0 Attn: Vern Howrish Sampled By: Company:

Project: ID: Name: Location: LSD: P.O.: Acct code:

Reference Number Sample Date Sample Time Sample Location Sample Description Sample Matrix Analyte Physical and Aggregate Properties Colour Apparent, Potable Turbidity Routine Water pH Temperature of observed pH Electrical Conductivity Calcium Extractable Magnesium Extractable Sodium Extractable Potassium Extractable Iron Extractable Manganese Extractable Chloride Dissolved Fluoride Nitrate - N Nitrite - N Nitrate and Nitrite - N Sulfate (SO4) Hydroxide Carbonate Bicarbonate P-Alkalinity as CaCO3 T-Alkalinity as CaCO3 Total Dissolved Solids Hardness as CaCO3 Ionic Balance

Lot ID: 685365 Control Number: Date Received: Jun 2, 2009 Date Reported: Jun 5, 2009 Report Number: 1224418

685365-1 June 02, 2009 NA DI Water Water



Nominal Detection Limit

Guideline Limit

Guideline Comments

Colour units NTU

<5 <0.1

5 0.1

15 5

Acceptable Acceptable

6.29 22.7

6.5 - 8.5


Low n/a

µS/cm at 25 C mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L %

1 <0.2 <0.2 <0.4 <0.4 <0.01 <0.005 0.4 <0.05 <0.01 <0.005 <0.01 <0.9 <5 <6 <5 <5 <5 <1 <1 <1

1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.01 0.005 0.4 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.01 0.9 5 6 5 5 5 1

200 0.3 0.05 250 1.5 10 1 10 500


Approved by: Darren Crichton, BSc, PChem Operations Chemist Bodycote Testing Group www.bodycote.com www.bodycotetesting.com 7217 Roper Road NW · Edmonton · AB · T6B 3J4 · Canada · Tel: +1 (780) 438-5522 · Fax: +1 (780) 438-0396 Terms and Conditions: www.bodycotetesting.com/terms&conditions

n/a n/a n/a Acceptable n/a Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Pass Pass Pass Pass Acceptable n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Acceptable Soft n/a

Page 2 of 5

Methodology and Notes Bill To: Pure Spirit Water Services Report To: Pure Spirit Water Services Spirit River, AB, Canada T0H 3G0 Attn: Vern Howrish Sampled By: Company:

Project: ID: Name: Location: LSD: P.O.: Acct code:

Lot ID: 685365 Control Number: Date Received: Jun 2, 2009 Date Reported: Jun 5, 2009 Report Number: 1224418

Method of Analysis Method Name


Alkalinity, pH, and EC in water


Alkalinity, pH, and EC in water Alkalinity, pH, and EC in water


Date Analysis Started


* Conductivity, 2510


BTG Edmonton


* Electrometric Method, 4500-H+ B


BTG Edmonton


* Titration Method, 2320 B


BTG Edmonton

Anions (Routine) by Ion Chromatography


* Ion Chromatography with Chemical Suppression of Eluent Cond., 4110 B


BTG Edmonton



Checking Correctness of Analyses, 1030 E


BTG Edmonton

Chloride in Water


* Automated Ferricyanide Method, 4500- 04-Jun-09 Cl- E

BTG Edmonton

Colour (Apparent) in water


* Visual Comparison Method, 2120 B


BTG Edmonton

Metals Trace (Extractable) in water


Hardness by Calculation, 2340 B


BTG Edmonton

Metals Trace (Extractable) in water


* Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Method, 3120 B


BTG Edmonton

Turbidity in Water


* Nephelometric Method, 2130 B


BTG Edmonton

* Bodycote method(s) based on reference method

References APHA Guideline

Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality, 6th Edition, May 16, 2006

Comments: • Sample 685365-1; 3054880 The ion balance was outside the range 90 - 110% for sample 685365-1. The ion balance can be variable in samples with TDS less than 100 mg/L.

Please direct any inquiries regarding this report to our Client Services group. Results relate only to samples as submitted. The test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory. Bodycote Testing Group www.bodycote.com www.bodycotetesting.com 7217 Roper Road NW · Edmonton · AB · T6B 3J4 · Canada · Tel: +1 (780) 438-5522 · Fax: +1 (780) 438-0396 Terms and Conditions: www.bodycotetesting.com/terms&conditions

Page 3 of 5

Quality Control Bill To: Pure Spirit Water Services Report To: Pure Spirit Water Services Spirit River, AB, Canada T0H 3G0 Attn: Vern Howrish Sampled By: Company:

Project: ID: Name: Location: LSD: P.O.: Acct code:

Lot ID: 685365 Control Number: Date Received: Jun 2, 2009 Date Reported: Jun 5, 2009 Report Number: 1224418

Metals Extractable Blanks Sulfur Date Acquired: Replicates Sulfur Date Acquired: Control Sample Sulfur Date Acquired: Sulfur Date Acquired:

Units mg/L

Measured <0.3

Lower Limit -0.3

Upper Limit 0.3

Passed QC yes

Replicate 1 218

Replicate 2 219

% RSD Criteria 10

Measured 48.9

Lower Limit 44.1

Upper Limit 54.1

Passed QC yes





Measured <0.1

Lower Limit 0.1

Upper Limit 0.1

Passed QC yes

Replicate 1 7.2

Replicate 2 7.1

% RSD Criteria 10

Measured 2370

Lower Limit 2291.2

Upper Limit 2420.2

Passed QC yes

















Measured <0.2 <0.2

Lower Limit -0.1 -0.1

Upper Limit 0.1 0.1

Passed QC yes yes

June 05, 2009 Units mg/L

Absolute Criteria 0.1

Passed QC yes

June 05, 2009 Units mg/L June 05, 2009 mg/L June 05, 2009

Physical and Aggregate Properties Blanks Turbidity Date Acquired: Replicates Turbidity Date Acquired: Control Sample Turbidity Date Acquired: Turbidity Date Acquired: Turbidity Date Acquired: Turbidity Date Acquired: Turbidity Date Acquired:

Units NTU June 05, 2009 Units NTU

Absolute Criteria 0.2

Passed QC yes

June 05, 2009 Units NTU June 05, 2009 NTU June 05, 2009 NTU June 05, 2009 NTU June 05, 2009 NTU June 05, 2009

Routine Water Blanks Calcium Magnesium

Units mg/L mg/L

Bodycote Testing Group www.bodycote.com www.bodycotetesting.com 7217 Roper Road NW · Edmonton · AB · T6B 3J4 · Canada · Tel: +1 (780) 438-5522 · Fax: +1 (780) 438-0396 Terms and Conditions: www.bodycotetesting.com/terms&conditions

Page 4 of 5

Quality Control Bill To: Pure Spirit Water Services Report To: Pure Spirit Water Services Spirit River, AB, Canada T0H 3G0 Attn: Vern Howrish Sampled By: Company:

Project: ID: Name: Location: LSD: P.O.: Acct code:

Lot ID: 685365 Control Number: Date Received: Jun 2, 2009 Date Reported: Jun 5, 2009 Report Number: 1224418

Routine Water - Continued Blanks Sodium Potassium Iron Manganese Chloride

Units mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L

Measured <0.4 <0.4 <0.01 <0.005 <0.4

Lower Limit -0.3 -0.4 -0.02 -0.003 -0.4

Upper Limit 0.4 0.4 0.02 0.003 0.4

Passed QC yes yes yes yes yes

Fluoride Nitrate - N Nitrite - N

mg/L mg/L mg/L

<0.05 <0.01 <0.005

-0.05 -0.01 -0.005

0.05 0.01 0.005

yes yes yes

Replicate 1 9.29 7.9 1.2 787 2.8 0.32 <0.005 89.0 <0.5

Replicate 2 9.25 7.6 1.2 791 2.9 0.33 <0.005 89.6 <0.5

% RSD Criteria 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Measured 2080

Lower Limit 1900.0

Upper Limit 2230.0

Passed QC yes

9.19 2.69 249 96.1 248 238 9.69 2.37 81.3 10.2 9.95 10.1 20.0 497 1010

9.07 2.620 224.6 90.0 224.5 225.1 9.01 2.251 76.1 9.31 9.60 9.510 18.09 419 900

9.27 2.860 274.4 110.0 274.5 274.9 10.99 2.749 85.1 10.81 10.58 10.530 22.11 551 1100

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes





Date Acquired:

June 03, 2009

Replicates pH Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Iron Manganese Chloride Fluoride Date Acquired:

Units mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L

Units mg/L June 04, 2009

pH Electrical Conductivity Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Iron Manganese Chloride Fluoride Nitrate - N Nitrite - N Nitrate and Nitrite - N P-Alkalinity T-Alkalinity Date Acquired: pH

Passed QC yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

June 03, 2009

Control Sample Chloride Date Acquired:

Absolute Criteria 0.10 0.6 0.4 1.2 1.2 0.05 0.010 0.5 0.05

dS/m at 25 C mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L

June 04, 2009

Bodycote Testing Group www.bodycote.com www.bodycotetesting.com 7217 Roper Road NW · Edmonton · AB · T6B 3J4 · Canada · Tel: +1 (780) 438-5522 · Fax: +1 (780) 438-0396 Terms and Conditions: www.bodycotetesting.com/terms&conditions

Page 5 of 5

Quality Control Bill To: Pure Spirit Water Services Report To: Pure Spirit Water Services Spirit River, AB, Canada T0H 3G0 Attn: Vern Howrish Sampled By: Company:

Project: ID: Name: Location: LSD: P.O.: Acct code:

Lot ID: 685365 Control Number: Date Received: Jun 2, 2009 Date Reported: Jun 5, 2009 Report Number: 1224418

Routine Water - Continued Control Sample Electrical Conductivity Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Iron Manganese Chloride Fluoride Nitrate - N Nitrite - N Nitrate and Nitrite - N P-Alkalinity T-Alkalinity Date Acquired:

Units dS/m at 25 C mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L

Measured 0.075 5.0 2.0 5.4 5.2

Lower Limit 0.070 4.6 1.8 4.5 4.5

Upper Limit 0.082 5.6 2.2 5.5 5.5

Passed QC yes yes yes yes yes

0.22 0.052 15.0 0.48 0.51 0.494 1.01 52 128

0.19 0.045 13.6 0.45 0.46 0.452 0.79 22 112

0.23 0.055 16.6 0.57 0.55 0.548 1.19 82 138

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

June 04, 2009

Bodycote Testing Group www.bodycote.com www.bodycotetesting.com 7217 Roper Road NW · Edmonton · AB · T6B 3J4 · Canada · Tel: +1 (780) 438-5522 · Fax: +1 (780) 438-0396 Terms and Conditions: www.bodycotetesting.com/terms&conditions

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