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  • Words: 2,295
  • Pages: 4
Volume 1,Issue 1 July 2004

Our Greatest Adventure Dear Friends and Family, Many of you have anxiously awaited the latest news on the wild and crazy Haddoxs! We are embarking on our greatest adventure yet!!! This adventure includes working with orphans in one of the most impoverished countries in Central America. We have

Volcano Payaca as viewed from “The Oasis”

joined an organization called Kids Alive International and are preparing to move to the town of San Lucas, Guatemala. We will be working to grow two Children's Homes with Kids Alive. The Lily (which joined Kids Alive in 1999) and the Oasis (which opened for children in October 2003).

Why Missions?


-Heather’s Story-

Eric and Heather Haddox 3008 Mammoth Dr. Roseville, Ca 95747 916-408-1884 [email protected]

-Eric’s Story-

I have waited to become a missionary for 15 One thing you must know about me is that I years (1/2 of my life) which is why I rehave never entertained the idea of missions ceived my undergraduate degree in Spanish but I did have a desire to serve. From a and Education. I had hoped to pursue misyoung age I desired to make people feel sions immediately after graduation, but God loved and valuable to God. At 15 I felt a had different plans. When Eric and I got call to full time service and from that point married we were off to Seminary where on I had envisioned being a pastor. After Eric received his Masters in Theology in graduation from seminary in 2000 my viorder that he might go into the pastorate. In sion of becoming a pastor was about to be 2000 we felt led to church plant and we brought to fruition when the church plant were off to Roseville. I was excited to be fizzled away. Although I questioned moving in the direction of full time ministry whether full time ministry was for me, I still even if it wasn’t missions. Before really had a desire to serve and make people feel beginning the work of church planting, we loved and valuable. were halted by God through a series of cirFor my 30th birthday I bought myself a cumstances, and Eric quickly 1966 Shelby Cobra Replica, resigned himself to Engineerwhich ironically would be the ing. Now we weren’t doing “vehicle” God would use to turn “...ministry is not a ministry at all! I was stunned position you hold, my heart toward missions. One and saddened. God spent the afternoon, I read an article about next three years working on my but a position of poverty and I distinctly rememheart. He showed me that minthe heart.” ber looking out my window at istry is not a position you hold, my Cobra parked on the street but a position of the heart. and thinking “how many lives From that day, I began to pursue could be saved for the price of my “toy” out “ministry of the heart“. I was ministering there?” It was a moment from which I will primarily to my family and secondly at my never recover. At the same time God chalchurch where I was writing curriculum and lenged my thinking. Up to that point, I had designing programs for children’s ministry. been looking for that thing that I was perThe ache of helping the impoverished as a fectly suited for that only I could do. God missionary still pained me. I couldn’t be a asked me if I would do what anyone could missionary without both Eric and I feeling do but no one was doing? Yes. The Lord lead to missions and he didn’t feel led. I was calling me, of all places, to missions. committed to “pray until something happens“, and something did…

Why Guatemala? “True religion is this, to take care of widows and orphans…” (James 1:27) We knew we wanted to serve impoverished orphans but we didn’t know where. We asked God to direct our steps. We both were thinking Guatemala, but wanted to explore where the need was greatest. We searched the CIA factbook on countries in Central and South America and discovered that 75% of the people live below the poverty level (compared to 12% in the U.S.). We also discovered that Guatemala had ended a brutal 36-year guerilla war in 1996, which had killed over 140,000 people (mostly men) and left 42% of their population less than 14 years of age (compared to 20% in the U.S.). The need is immense. They’re waiting to be rescued.

Why Kids Alive? In March we traveled to Guatemala for 10 days and visited 4 different children’s homes. Each had its uniqueness but the Lord drew us back to the first one we had visited which was The Oasis and The Lily. Kids Alive International (www.kidsalive.org) is a non profit organization that seeks to reflect the love of Christ by rescuing suffering children-in-crisis, nurturing them with quality holistic care, and introducing them to the transforming power of Jesus Christ so they are enable to instill hope in others. It presently operated in 13 of the world’s poorest countries. Kids Alive Guatemala is child focused, striving to provide outstanding educational, social, spiritual, physical and emotional care for the children they serve. They help their children to dream big dreams for themselves and their country so they can, as adults, help to make the future brighter.

What Will We Be Doing? This is where the randomness of our skills begin to make a beautiful pattern. The four major components of our role involve, programming, construction, work teams, and fundraising. Eric will be working with the expansion project and helping to build four more homes at The Oasis, which will rescue 32 more children in crisis. He will also be developing a musical/ worship program with the youth and assist Kids Alive Guatemala with it’s fund raising. Heather will be working a more part time basis as we still

When Will We Be In Guatemala? We are targeting an October leave and Eric will be attending language school for two months (we’ve been practicing already) which happens to be in Antigua just 20 minutes outside of San Lucas, Guatemala. This gives us 3 months to secure our support needs. We plan to rent a house in Guatemala. There are many preparations to be made. We have committed to a three year service term. A wise person shared that if we are called to go, our kids will be too, and Eli asks everyday with anticipation when we’re moving to the “jungle”. All three kids ask to practice Spanish daily. Indeed they are called too! Antigua, Guatemala

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have little ones. She will be developing programs, which will meet educational, vocational, and biblical goals. She will be helping train the house parents with discipline strategies, devotional time, etc… She will be helping to translate and teach ESL to the children and adults. Girls from the Lily We both will do whatever is needed and whatever it takes to better the future for these kids.

How Will We Survive? Great question! Through lots of prayer and support. Kids Alive fund raising goes primarily to provide for food, clothing, and housing for children. As field workers, we are completely responsible for our own financing as well as sharing the burden of associated ministry costs of Kids Alive Guatemala and International. We must raise support through the contributions of churches, family, and friends. This is our main source of income and we must meet target monthly support levels before we can depart. Kids Alive has presented us with our monthly budget and what we will need in order to pursue ministry in GuateFruit stand in Antigua mala.

Our Budget Living Expenses: Monthly $2207 Monthly Living (food, rent, utilities, transportation, clothing, etc…) $365.64 Employee and Employer portions of SSI/ Medicare Taxes $385.90 Kids Alive 15% Administrative Fee

Ministry Expenses: Monthly $1050 (Orphanage site, National Staff, Office Expenses, Transportation, Newsletters etc…) $157.50 Kids Alive 15% Administrative Fee $1207.50 Total Monthly Ministry Expenses Benefit Expenses: Monthly $300 Medical Insurance 5% Required Retirement Allotment $119.50 $419.50 Total Benefit Expenses $4585.54

Transition Expenses: One Time $2000 Language School $12,800 Auto Purchase, Registration, Driver’s License (Car will be donated to Kids Alive) $3600 Air Fare (or donate air miles) $2300 Lap Top and Printer (money or item donated) $7,078.50 House Set up (includes $2000 in taxes for taxable income) $4166.78 Kids Alive 15% Administrative Fee $31,945.28 Total Outgoing Support *We plan on utilizing some of our own resources to provide for a portion of our needs. We believe in partnering financially with anyone who would partner with us.


Your Role “True religion is this, to care for widows and orphans.” (James 1:27) Everyone is called to this scripture. Some are called to go while others are called to give. Many people ask, “What can I do?” We would love to answer that question for you! This is an opportunity to defend the cause of the fatherless and to practice true religion. We are praying that God will stir the hearts of those He has called to be a part of this effort, as He has called us. We need a strong team of people because we know we can’t do it alone. Together we can carry out “true religion“. There are a multitude of ways you can be part of our team. Here’s the breakdown:


Prayer Partners Monthly Financial Supporters Other Financial Supporters Church Liaison Short Term Missions Trip Child Sponsorship Other creative ways (air miles, lap Go Team! top, etc…) *We have included a postcard that we would love for you to return by September 1st to assist in our planning. Pray about your involvement and see if this is where God would want you to partner.

Pray For Us ♦

That we would trust God for His provision

Faithfulness for those God calls to join the support team.

Perseverance in faith rather than our own strength

Wisdom and discernment in preparations

Transition – Little ones to new home, us into ministry role


A Personal Note! Do what is right, encourage the oppressed, defend the cause of the fatherless… Isaiah 1:17

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Digging Deeper The Prayer Team We need a strong team of consistent prayer partners to lift up Guatemala, the orphans, our field team, and us. God works amazing things through the prayers of the righteous. We are seeking to raise a team of 50-75 people who will pray for us on a regular basis. What is the role of a prayer partner? A prayer partner will pray weekly for us and the requests given to them via e-mail and our letters.

The Financial Team This team will consist of churches, family members, and friends who provide funding for our personal needs and ministry needs in order that there may be shared blessing in the eternal difference we are making in these children. What is your biggest need financially? We are looking for churches and individuals to make monthly commitments to support us regularly. We cannot leave until 85% of our support levels are raised. How long will your needs continue? We will have needs for as long as we are in Guatemala, which will be three years. Where do I send my contributions? Contributions are made directly to Kids Alive– P.O Box 2117 Valparaiso, IN 46384-2117, Write 012161 on check.

How often should regular supporters contribute? Contributions can be made monthly, quarterly, or annually. When should we start? Although we aren’t leaving until October, it would be great to start in September in order to build in a buffer in our account. If you are sending a monthly amount, sending in on the 1st would be preferable. What if I can’t give very much? We would be delighted to receive numerous $10 and $20 per month in order to have a broad base of teammates. Are my contributions tax deductible? Yes, they are tax deductible. You may also contribute securities, use automatic electronic transfers, or pay via credit card. How will you raise that much? We hope to have 4-5 churches giving $250-$1000 a month, and a team of about 7-10 $100 or more a month supporters, 10-15 $50 a month supporters, and 25-50 $10-$25 a month supporters.

Church Liaison This person would be someone who keeps Kids Alive Guatemala fresh in the minds of the local church either by submitting prayer requests and other needs to the church body or helping coordinate a short term missions team to come visit.

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