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Jordan's third exporter of phosphate In the world, after Morocco and the U.S. Nations, and the fifth largest producer, where (Estimated reserves of about (1538 Million tons, per ton now (870 08), the -2 - dollars) (the Arabs today, 11 Alhdip where most of the reserve At about (1186) million tons. Phosphate deposits of minerals, chemical Upon reaching the degree of chemical solutions Saturation, which consists of phosphate rocks Of three types of metal Apatite, Are: Filorabbatet and Alklorabbatet And hydroxybenzoic Abbatet. Deposited Phosphate usually in geographic areas Defined on the surface of the globe, North and south of 40 º between the two classes of line Equator, in areas of warm climate. Of The deep sea, where water currents up Cool rich in phosphates, to replace the water Moving towards the sea surface result The trade wind belt, Fitrsp Phosphate due to the high water temperature Emerging, and low pressure result Loss of carbon dioxide, and the growing Alkalinity. Jordan believes that the phosphate Has been deposited in coastal marine environment (Sea Alteths) shallow, Byukimoip Established, at the end of Cretaceous period. ( Industrial minerals and rocks in Jordan: D. Hani Khoury, University Publications Jordan, Amman, 1989). Phosphate is Jordan richest in the world, the presence of oxide 180 g / ton ore - uranium, at a rate of 70 180 g / phosphate powder. - And 90 A: The oil shale rock: Been identified on the oil shale rock Evidence in the country that are To Greek and Roman times And Albzentip and during excavation Archaeological findings and mattress wall The mosaic floors that were found In churches and many houses, which Belonging to these periods, in different cities Jordan, particularly in the cities of Madaba And Jerash and its surroundings. The parents and the Soon burn oil shale rock in the

Created for the purpose of drilling the production of calcium is still Many of these furnaces in the areas of creating a Gathers and Comparative Lugo mother shot (Meeva). Oil shale rock the most important source of energy In Jordan, oil shale rock and the term Known, rich sedimentary rocks Hydrocarbon, regardless of Incubator on the nature of the rocks, and in Jordan, the rock paintings are the most Of limestone or limestone Phosphate. Called the oil extracted Of these rocks rock oil Or Oil Shale, a high-oil Density and contains a high proportion of Nitrogen and heavy hydrocarbon (Kerogen). The oil shale rock is In Jordan containing a high proportion Up to (10%) of sulfur, and the process of Magdi separated as is economically Phosphate fertilizer industry, as they are Sulfur import from abroad now. The proportion of oil distillation About (10%), one of the high proportions, It also contains oil shale rock ratios High level of rare elements (cobalt Chromium, nickel, and zinc Alvandiom The uranium and phosphorus), and Ash from the burning of oil shale rock After extracting the oil, the industry Cement, aggregates, road mattresses And land reclamation, etc., Raising the yield of oil shale rock, The fact that the associated elements (elements are rare) And remnants of production after burning (ash) Constitute a viable product. Oil shale rock found in all Areas of Jordan, in the northern regions And central and south and east. No Deposition close to the surface and the deposition of At depths of up to 700 m, and both Altodain method of mining, Valtoda Shallow manner, the pit is mined Open, while the deposition is deep Mining the water vapor injection Cycling through the high temperature wells Deep, and the extraction of oil through

The productivity of wells drilled in the same location. Were studied by the oil shale rock Natural Resources Authority in cooperation with the Multinational companies, German and Soviet And Chinese, Canadian, Finnish and U.S. Sossrip and, where indicated the feasibility study By the German economic, that the cost of (Production per barrel of about (15 U.S. $ / barrel while the price of a barrel About one in the market (19) dollars, Imninat the middle of the last century. Jordan's second oldest country in the world after Estonia, recovered oil from rock Manner distillate oil, and common 1915 where a factory was built by -1905 Germans, in the area of Gathers, its effects are still List, and the use of oil extracted In the line of iron Alhijazi. Estimated reserve of oil shale rock, Shallow configuration (Aljawn, bulldozing Dervish, Royal, Perfumeries, Valley Amoar), more than (50 billion tons) Producing more than (50 billion barrels of oil), As well as about the same figures for the deposition Deep, for a total of about (100 Billion barrels of oil, the price of tons of oil About 95 dollars), Jordan was able to Become a source of no small amount of oil, With an estimated Ahtittiyat world of rock Some oil shale (600) billion tons (the authority D of natural resources. Yusuf Hamarna) For comparison, Iraq's declared reserves of about 280 billion barrels of oil) the largest real) Than that. Draw oil from rock Oil shale by distillation or by Direct burning, and initial studies showed That the method of direct combustion Reduce the impact on an environmental harm Minimum, through the design of steam boilers Especially for this purpose. In the year 1980 The authority of the signing of the Convention on the sources With Aitilav "Lurgi and Klöckner," German For the implementation of economic feasibility studies Initial capacity of electric generating unit 300) megawatt-capacity distillation unit)

50) thousand barrels per day, and ended) Studies in 1982 found that both Khayareen successful, the study recommended Concentration of effort on the distillate. In 1985 the Authority contracted with the same coalition For further studies and research Where the results have proven experience in the unit Pilot testing and the possibility of treatment The distillation of oil shale rock and addressed in a Lurgi successfully. (D. Hamarna Yusuf: report The authority of the Director of the Directorate of laboratory sources Natural) D: radioactive minerals (uranium And thorium and radium). Elements became radioactive after the war Second World, that is, after scientists The construction of nuclear reactors to enrichment, Important sources of energy, especially In the area of power generation and desalination Water and sterilized vegetables, fruits, And their use for therapeutic purposes. Started Geological and geophysical surveys Aljiokmaiiip and for the purpose of the search for Radioactive elements from the power sources Natural since the beginning of the seventies The past, which showed a concentration above the normal Of the radioactive elements uranium and Iriom And radium, which covers large areas of Jordanian territory. Uranium: Concentrated uranium in the rock era Upper Cretaceous, and in conformity with the Rock unit Alphusfrait (phosphate) And the lower part of the chalk -Almarl (rock oil). There is also High concentration of uranium deposits in the The areas of deployment of the old hot springs And modern. Estimated the quantity of references Viable reserves of uranium mining Phosphate more than (200,000) tons Metric, in addition to the sinks in Kkham Areas of southern Jordan and northern and central Still need further studies To determine reserve estimates, but To the initial Toshir (80,000) metric tons. Thorium:

Thorium in rocks located Sand of the era of the old life (Alardofeache Alslori and bottom) in The southern region of the country, and it seems that Heavy metals such as zircon and Alrutayl And monazite, which was transferred from the source, Bedrock, and deposited in the form of Granules with Rossbeat era life Old, is the source of thorium higher Need for studies to determine the reserves. Radium: Radium-226 is the product of decomposition Uranium 238, which is deposited in areas The presence of warm water, still Studies A few in order to determine the amount. But There is a connection between the warm water in the Bearing rocks of the radioactive elements, such as The phosphorite, oil shale, or rock, And deposited in other areas. E: the riches of the Dead Sea Dead Sea water contains a wealth Massive minerals and dissolved salts, Economic feasibility of a massive, Concentrated, potassium, manganese Kloredat And Alsdiom, calcium, Brmid Calcium sulfate and calcium, As well as some rare items Such as lithium, cesium and cobalt And cadmium, lead, zinc and Alinkl And iodine, uranium, heavy water, As well as rock salt. Contains L One of the Dead Sea about 340 grams of salt). ) Are the total weights of the salts Around the Dead Sea (43 billion tons) Price About 500 tons of potash dollars (Arab 2008). "Enormous wealth" -2 - Day 11 Established the Arab Potash Company The beginning of the fifties of the last century But it began production of the pilot Of potassium chloride, in 1982, the This calls for the surprise?. 1985) provides - and the plan (81 To spend 93 million in projects For the production of potash, potassium chloride And bromine, and magnesium oxide and salt Fresh food, but the investment

Exceeded the actual (200) million Although there has not been the implementation of projects Bromine and magnesium oxide and salt Fresh food (economic development plan . (1990 - 1986, Social G: silica sand (quartz sand) Silica sand is the sand-rock White contains a high proportion of More than 99% is composed (SiO silica (2 Grains of quartz and some metal Impurities and heavy metals. Used In the manufacture of glass fiber industry Alchristal glass, optics, and templates Spilling, and filter and filling material in industries Rubber, plastic, paper and paint in A special type of cement, water-resistant Salt different chemical industries. Estimated reserve of more than (13) billion Tons, distributed in the areas of southern Jordan: The head of the Negev (with the largest reserves It is estimated that more than ten billion tons), the bottom Disi Alaptra appointed and white, and are Alardofeache in thickness below 300 m, In Alkertasi bottom, 200 m thickness. (Natural Resources Authority). H: pure limestone Pure limestone is one of the most important Non-metallic raw materials used in the For industry and agriculture. Ahadjralgiri consists of: % • Calcium carbonate 93 % • 3 silica dioxide % • magnesium oxide 1.2 % • Iron oxide 1.5 There are three sources of the President of the stone Limestone in Jordan: • layers Alkokina in Alqtaranp Drive, and the Royal Alhassa. • Milkmaids • milk It is estimated that about one billion reserve Tons. Limestone used in the Industry: • extractive industries as a catalyst To speed up the melt and mixed iron and aluminum

And copper Kspaik. • in the chemical industry, production Quicklime and soda that originated Almotfin Oxides Alsdiom • used in cement industry White, iron and Filaz, glass, Sugar and the liquidation of the impurities, and purification Almia • used as filling I: Aldiatomait Aldiatomait Sakher Russoupi fragile Lightweight, consisting of the remnants of inducers Celikip an amorphous and accurate to the moss A single cell is of plant origin organic Diatom claims. Aldiatomait consists of: % 70.7 - • Asalka 27.3 % 16 - • aluminum oxide 10 % 9.9 - • iron oxide 2.35 Located in the bottom of the Blue Estimated Reserve (1254) million tons Metric Uses: the absorption of fluids , As Saqlp Menkip and itchy, and, as Added in the manufacture of cement, bricks Industry and the separation of pesticides. J: Altervoli Sedimentary rocks consisting Asalka basic rate ranging 97% pure whiter than white - 92.5% of the Smooth, with high porosity, light weight, Easy-to-moderate cohesion disintegration, The particles is very sensitive. Uses: In addition to the areas of Uses, as is the case Aldettomat, Using an intermediary in the distillation of petroleum, Altzmit operations in oil wells, Means of drilling wells, especially deep Does not work then use Alpintonayat, Industry, ceramics, textiles and yarn. The presence of raw and Reserve: than the Altervoli deposits in large areas From the territory of the country's extreme north To the far south, so the area of the Cape Captain valleys along the main Penetrate the mountainous region east of the extended Hole unraveling.

Considered only to the reserve area Meteor (6.2) million tons, and for the Adnaniya (13) million tons. K: Alltv and Alzioleight Sedimentary rocks of volcanic origin, Characterized by highly porous and the size of grains Small, is able to replace the ions Without any change in its structure. The presence of crude in Jordan Herat in the north of the Levant East of the country, and in the center Mkaor And the South, all, about 14 sites. Estimated reserves (1.6) billion tons Uses: • Water purification and waste water from Ammonia in residential areas and cities. • used to absorb odors Places in the animal husbandry and slaughter houses Preparation of foods and plants. • In addition to organic fertilizers To increase their effectiveness. • used as fertilizer and improved soil Of all kinds. • used in the field of nutrition Animals. • Kmajafv because his ability to use Adsorption of water and makes it Bukhara Article added to chemical fertilizers And feed to prevent hardening of the blocks are During storage, and to prevent mold in the Fodder. • enter into the manufacture of oxygen Pure. • take advantage of solar energy Heating and cooling water. • used to conserve moisture in soil Agricultural and Adsorption. • used in the construction of brick wall. L: Kaolin Kaolin term trading calls A wide range of minerals Elsafaihip Originally composed of aluminum silicate , Consisting of 39.5% aluminum oxide Oxide and 46.54% and 13.96% Asalka water. Uses raw: The ceramic industry, cement Filling material in the manufacture of paper

, Paints, plastic, rubber, pharmaceutical The fight against insects, bacteria, fertilizers Chemical in the production of glass fiber. Presence and quantity of the reserve: Kaolin deposits in the unfolding Three key locations in South Jordan: Ghoul's womb, recycled, and Haswa. Estimated Reserve of approximately (12) billion tons Metric. M: Bazalt Volcanic rock base surface The result of frozen lava Rising from the earth. Uses: the wool industry Rock, mold, plumbing, building block The decoration and Hasmah ways. Presence and quantities: Herat Sham Northeast of the country's Main and Central Mkaor and south of the country and Alazarp Tel Berma And Mount Unaizah The reserve quantities Enormous.

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