Joinirc Network Acceptable Use Policy

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,733
  • Pages: 5
JoinIRC Network Acceptable Use Policy The following document specifies and describes the rules and regulations for acceptable use while on the JoinIRC IRC network. While you connected to any JoinIRC server or site, you must comply with the following rules. Consequences for violation of any of these rules are specified in Section Three (3) of this AUP. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1) Network Rules 2) Disclaimer 3) Consequences for Violation 4) Appealing a Violation 5) Bots 6) Channel Takeovers 7) Spreading malicious code 8) Racism and Nazism 9) Hacking 10) Network User Rights 11) Help and Assistance 1 – NETWORK RULES 1. No faked or altered user@host information at any time; 2. When connecting to JoinIRC through a shell or bnc provider, limit connections to 1 per person. Each person should have an only 1 account/ident/login on that shell/bnc provider. This will be strictly enforced at 3 connections. No exceptions will be added; 3. Limit connections to 3 per User or IP for Primary Access providers. This will be strictly enforced at 3 connections. Exceptions for *primary* internet access (net cafes, college dorms and alike i.e. Public access nodes) can be requested by contacting [email protected]; All requests must be able to be verified by a fax on a company letter head signed and with contact information sent to 1-705-222-0498 to be accepted. 4. No denial of service ("DoS" “DDoS”) actions or abuse of JoinIRC resources, including but not limited to flooding, cloning, mass-messaging, mass-inviting, or hacking, will be permitted; 5. Unsolicited advertising to JoinIRC users is not allowed; 6. Each server's administrative team retains the right to deny access to or use of its server's resources to any user(s), group, site, or domain, without the benefit of prior warning or notification if they so see fit; 7. You must also agree to comply with any additional guidelines on the MOTD of the server to which you are connected. 8. You must respect the rights and wishes as well as the sayings of any JoinIRC staff member. 9. Pubic or privet slander of any admins, ircops, helpers, or users will not be tolerated at any time or for any reason.

10. If you want access to some channel, mail or send a message to its channel manager (or 400+) and ask for channel access. 11. If you would like to use an idle username please email Judge-- ([email protected]) first as we don't have an Usernames Committee yet. By connecting to any JoinIRC server, you hereby agree to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy as well as the policies of the individual servers and server admins, which are stated on each server's Message of the Day ("MOTD") (type /motd in your status window). The JoinIRC IRC Network greatly appreciates your attention and compliance with these regulations. 2 - DISCLAIMER The administration of JoinIRC does not log or monitor any of the traffic that may pass through their servers for content or clarity. By retaining a connection to any part of the JoinIRC, you state that you know and are willing to comply and accept these as well as any future terms of service, network policies, and user guidelines that they impose. There will be no responsibility for computer damage, data loss, or any other related damage and not shall be implied by any JoinIRC server administrator. By using any of the JoinIRC server(s) or site(s), you hereby state and agree that you will release JoinIRC and any of its servers, administrators, operators, and any other volunteer of JoinIRC from all responsibility or legal liability which might result from your use of any of the JoinIRC servers. JoinIRC administrators reserve the right to deny access to and use of the JoinIRC IRC network or any of its other resources, including but not limited to channel services, technical mailing lists, and FTP sites, to any user(s), group(s), site(s), or domain(s) without the benefit of prior warning or notification if necessary. Please remember that you are a guest on the JoinIRC network, and you are expected to and must conduct yourself accordingly at all times. Using our services is not a right, but a privilege that can be revoked if any abuses are found. 3 - CONSEQUENCES FOR VIOLATION If you violate any of the rules or regulations stated in this document or on the MOTD of any of the JoinIRC servers, you will be subject to progressive disciplinary action, including but not limited to denial of access to any JoinIRC server or the entire network, or legal action where applicable. Denial of access to a particular JoinIRC server can be made at the server administrator's discretion. Your Internet provider may be denied access to the server or network if you successfully evade a ban. The JoinIRC Network is under no circumstances to be used for illegal activities. Observed and verifiable instances may be reported to the appropriate authorities and/or law enforcement offices. Although the JoinIRC itself is an unmoderated network, the JoinIRC administration will cooperate fully with any officially recognized law enforcement body to the best of its capability when required to do so by subpoena.

4 - APPEALING A VIOLATION If you are banned or denied access to any of the JoinIRC server(s) or the entire network, you should follow the procedure outlined below. Please note, however, that JoinIRC server administrators are under no obligation to take any further action if you are denied access. 

If you are K:lined (banned from a specific server), please only contact the server administration (/ADMIN Servername.JoinIRC.Org will display a contact e-mail address) and request the elimination of the ban, explaining how future incidents can be avoided. If you are G:lined (banned from the entire network for a particular length of time), contact [email protected] and request that the ban be lifted, please explaining how future incidents can be avoided, without this all requests will be ignored.

Certain servers limit access to users from foreign countries to encourage users to utilize a server closer to their location. These bans will not be lifted. If your entire ISP (Internet Service provider) is banned from a server, please contact your ISP administrator and ask that they contact the JoinIRC server administrators themselves or have them email [email protected]. 5 – Bots We do allow channel bots on our network but keep in mind if you are connecting any type of bots to JoinIRC that break any of the rules or regulations is strictly forbidden. This includes any type of flood bots (flood/spam channels/users), clone bots (armies of bots with the same address, presumably used maliciously in nature, war bots that are used to takeover channels, idler bots used to boost channel averages with no useful functions at all. 6 – CHANNEL TAKEOVERS Taking over a channel is STRICTLY forbidden. However, we will not consider it a takeover if: A) The channel can be recovered with X. B) The channel's owner voluntarily gives ownership to someone who then takes channel ownership. C) The channel owner himself/herself takes the channel back. D) The channel is a op free channel (everyone gets ops) or acts otherwise abusively Please note pertaining to section 6 sub section D that JoinIRC staff and administration reserves the right to purge any channel they see fit. 7 – SPREADING MALICIOUS CODE

Any coding and spreading of Trojans/viruses/worms is STRICTLY forbidden weather you code it or not if you send it you are in violation and will be subject to progressive disciplinary action, including but not limited to denial of access to any JoinIRC server or the entire network, or legal action where applicable.

8 - RACISM AND NAZISM The act of distributing racist or Nazism material is STRICTLY forbidden. This does not mean that channels like #anti-something would be forbidden – as we believe in freedom of speech, just as long as it remains within certain limits. Please join #Support to ask if your channel can be accepted. We work on the onus of if you do not like what is said in a channel does not join it. 9 – HACKING Any hacking of any of the network servers, sites, services or other users is forbidden. This includes things like DoS or DDoS attacks and password brute forcing. 10 – NETWORK USER RIGHTS Using our services IS NOT a right, it's a privilege that can be REVOKED if abuses are identified. By abuses the network understands any activity considered illegal in any of the countries that hosts our services or by our Partners. For all users that the privilege of using our services is granted, then they will be granted other few rights: The users have the right to have one, and just one, Username. Usernames are accounts used mainly by the Channel Service Committee, but also used by other of our services (e.g. Forum) and a personal and nontransferable. If some user doesn't wants to user our services he/she can drop their username using the”Username DROP Request" available in the Form section of the CService Live Interface website. After dropping the username, the user may apply for a new username account. Users can have up to 3 usernames for their bots. BOT Usernames are usernames that receive a tag called BOT, wich will protect the username from being deleted when caught using the same IP/Verification Data then a NON BOT Username. A special commission of the Usernames Team will watch carefully to ensure that BOT Usernames are really being used by BOTS. The JoinIRC users can have the right to have as many channels as they want, since these channels respect our AUP. These channels must follow the normal channel registration procedures and must be registered one at a time. In order to keep their channels registered, the manager MUST login at least once at each 30 days. If some user that ones at least one channel fail to login for more than 30 days, it's start a Network Procedure called Missing Manager.

11 - HELP AND ASSISTANCE The following section was included in this document to point you in the right direction if you have any questions about this policy or IRC in general: [email protected]

General IRC help and assistance

[email protected] Channel Service help and assistance [email protected]

Request for ban removal and also to report IRC Operator abuse

[email protected] JoinIRC server support and technical assistance [email protected]

JoinIRC Administration Team

© Copyright 2009 JoinIRC Network Revision 1.0 October/18th/2009 11:00 EST

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