Job Analysis

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  • Words: 3,650
  • Pages: 76
© 2003 Prentice Hall. Inc.


Job Analysis A Prelude to Recruitment and Placement

© 2003 Prentice Hall. Inc.


Chapter Outline  The Nature of Job Analysis   

Job Analysis Defined Uses of Job Analysis Information Steps in Job Analysis

 Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information        

Introduction The Interview Questionnaire Observation Participant Diary/Logs U.S. Civil Service Procedure Quantitative Job Analysis Techniques Using Multiple Sources of Information

© 2003 Prentice Hall. Inc.


Chapter Outline (continued)

 Writing Job Descriptions      

Job Identification Job Summary Relationships Responsibilities and Duties Standards of Performance Working Conditions and Physical Environment

 Writing Job Specifics   

Specifications for Trained Versus Untrained Personnel Job Specifications Based on Judgment Job Specifications Based on Statistical Analysis

 Job Analysis in a “Jobless” World  

From Specialized to Enlarged Jobs Why Managers are De-jobbing Their Companies


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After Studying This Chapter, You Should Be Able To:  Discuss the nature of job analysis, including what it is and how it’s used  Use at least three methods of collecting job analysis information  Write job descriptions including summaries and job functions using the Internet and traditional methods  Write job specifications using the Internet as well as your judgment.  Explain job analysis in a “jobless” world, including what it means and how it’s done in practice

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Part 1: The Nature of Job Analysis  Job analysis defined  Uses of job analysis information  Steps in job analysis


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Service-Oriented Strategy  Change job descriptions, top to bottom  Change recruiting  Philosophy: Our commitment to satisfying customers and creating shareholder value directs virtually every decision we make.  Working at U.S. Bank (next slide)


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What it Means to Work at U.S. Bancorp “Working at U.S. Bancorp means that each employee must take responsibility for providing outstanding service, understanding their individual jobs, and performing them at the highest level. In the end, it's the personal commitment of employees that helps us deliver results for our customers, company, shareholders and community.”

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Job Analysis – What is it and how is it used? The procedure for determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be hired for it. Check this “A+” site out and list some of the purposes for which job analysis is used.


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Jobs: Analyze, Describe and Provide Specifications  Determining duties and skills  Listing job duties, responsibilities, reporting, conditions, supervision  “Human requirements”

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Are there Legal Issues Related to Job Analysis?  Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act 

Equal Employment Opportunity Act (1972)

 Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (1978)  Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)


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What Information do I Collect?  Work activities  Human behaviors  Machines, tools, equipment and work aids  Performance standards  Job context  Human requirements

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Work activities  Cleaning  Selling  Teaching  Painting  How, why and when the activities are performed

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Human behaviors  Sensing  Communicating  Deciding  Writing  Job demands   

Lifting Walking Jumping jacks?

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Machines, Tools, Equipment, Work Aids  Products made  Materials processed  Knowledge  Services

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Performance Standards Check out these sites for samples of work standards. What are some of the common threads?  

National Health and Safety Job descriptions and performance standards

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Job Context

 Working conditions  Schedule  Organizational context  Social context

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Human Requirements  Job-related knowledge and skills   

Education Training Work experience

 Personal attributes    

Aptitudes Physical characteristics Personality Interests

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Uses of Job Analysis Information Job Analysis

Job Description and Job Specification

Recruiting and Selection Decisions Figure 3-1

Performance Appraisal

Job Evaluation— Wage and Salary Decisions (Compensation)

Training Requirements

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Uses of Job Analysis Information  Recruitment and selection  Compensation  Performance Appraisal  Training  Discovering unassigned duties  EEO compliance


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Recruitment and Selection Executive recruiting Electronic recruiting Monster International How to recruit Assessment and selection

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 Job value  Salary  Bonus  Relative job worth

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Performance Appraisal      

How to do it Standards Self-appraisal The discussion Setting goals How to get a raise

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Training The job description should show the activities and skills—and therefore the training—that the job requires.

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Discovering Unassigned Duties

Job analysis can also help reveal unassigned duties.

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EEO Compliance

EEO Compliance Job analysis also plays a big role in EEO compliance


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Steps in Job Analysis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Decide how to use the information Review relevant background information Select representative positions Conduct the analysis Verify with the worker and supervisor Develop a job description and job specification

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Process Chart for Analyzing Work Flow Input from Plant Managers

Input from Suppliers

Job Under Study— Inventory Control Clerk

Information Output to Plant Managers

Inventory Output to Plant Managers

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Part 2: Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information  The interview  Questionnaire  Observation  Participant diary/logs  U.S. Civil Service Procedure  Quantitative techniques  Multiple sources of information

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Collecting Job Analysis Information  Joint effort between HR, the worker and the supervisor  “SME’s” (Subject Matter Experts)


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Employees may be Concerned Because of –  Resistance to change  Possible changes to job duties  Changes to pay  Lack of trust of consequences  The same job title may have different responsibilities and pay rates in different departments

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Widely Used: The Interview  Individual interviews with each employee  Group interviews with groups of employees who have the same job  Supervisor interviews with one or more supervisors who know the job.

© 2003 Prentice Hall. Inc.


Sample Interview Questions ▲ ▲

▲ ▲

▲ ▲

What is the job being performed? What are the major duties of your position? What exactly do you do? What physical locations do you work in? What are the education, experience, skill, and [where applicable] certification and licensing requirements? In what activities do you participate? What are the job’s responsibilities and duties?


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Sample Interview Questions (continued) ▲

▲ ▲

What are the basic accountabilities or performance standards that typify your work? What are your responsibilities? What are the environmental and working conditions involved? What are the job’s physical demands? The emotional and mental demands? What are the health and safety conditions? Are you exposed to any hazards or unusual working conditions?

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Interviewing Questions after the clip:  How well was the interview planned?  Was rapport established?  Were needs uncovered?  Did the interviewer relate?  What did the non-verbal behaviors suggest?


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How to Conduct a Questionnaire Session  Use a specific questionnaire  Establish rapport  Follow a structured approach  List duties in order of importance or frequency of occurrence  Review and verify the data

© 2003 Prentice Hall. Inc.


( ) New ( ) Revised

ECTION 1. POSITION INFORMATION .          Class Title: .          Class No.: .          Effective Date: .          Position No.: .          Working Title: .            Work Unit: .          Agency No.: .          Employee Name: .            Work Location (City‑County): ________________________________________________________________________________ .

Position: ( ) Permanent

( ) Seasonal

( ) Limited Duration

( ) Academic Year

( ) Full Time

( ) Part Time

( ) Intermittent

( ) Job Share

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List major duties. Note percentage of time duties are performed. If this is an existing position, mark "N" for new duties or "R" for revised duties. % of Time N/R DUTIES _________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 4. WORKING CONDITIONS Describe special working conditions, if any, that are a regular part of this job. Include frequency of exposure to these conditions. ________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 5. GUIDELINES a. List any established guidelines used to do this job, such as state or federal laws or regulations, policies, manuals or desk procedures. b. How are these guidelines used to perform the job? SECTION 6. WORK CONTACTS With whom outside of co-workers in this work unit must this position regularly come in contact? Who Contacted



How Often?

SECTION 7. JOB‑RELATED DECISION MAKING Describe the kinds of decisions likely to be made by this position. Indicate affect of these decisions where possible.

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Who reviews the work of this position? (List classification title and position number.) How? How often? Purpose of the review? SECTION 9. SUPERVISORY DUTIES TO BE COMPLETED ONLY FOR POSITIONS IN MANAGEMENT SERVICE a. How many employees are directly supervised by this position? _______ _______

Through Subordinate Supervisors?

b. Which of the following supervisory/management activities does this job perform? ( ) Plans Work ( ) Assigns Work ( ) Approves Work

( ) Responds to Grievances ( ) Disciplines/Rewards

( ) Hires/Fires (or Effectively Recommends) ( ) Prepares and Signs Performance Appraisals

  SECTION 10. ADDITIONAL JOB‑RELATED INFORMATION Any other comments that would add to an understanding of this position: SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: List any special mandatory recruiting requirements for this position: BUDGET AUTHORITY: If this position has authority to commit agency operating money, indicate in what area, how much (biennially) and type of funds: _________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 11. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Attach a current organizational chart. See instructions for detail to be included on the chart. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Employee Signature Date Supervisor Signature Date _________________________________________________ Appointing Authority Signature Date

© 2003 Prentice Hall. Inc.


Observation  Observation may be combined with interviewing  Take complete notes Talk with the person being observed – explain what is happening and why Ask questions

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Diaries and Logs  Time-consuming  Self-reporting  Remembering what was done earlier  Can use dictating machines and pagers

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U.S. Civil Service Commission 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Knowledge Skills Abilities Physical activities Special environmental conditions Typical work incidents Worker interest areas


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Quantitative Job Analysis Techniques

 Position Analysis Questionnaire  The U.S. Department of Labor approach  Functional job analysis

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Sample Position Analysis Questionnaire

Figure 3 - 4


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Position Analysis Questionnaire Items  Information Input  Mental Processes  Work Output  Relationships with Other Persons  Job Context  Other Job Characteristics

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U.S. Department of Labor Procedure  Data examples  

Synthesizing Copying

 People examples  

Instructing Persuading

 Things examples  

Setting up Tending

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Basic Department of Labor Worker Functions

Basic Activities




0 Synthesizing 1 Coordinating 2 Analyzing 3 Compiling 4 Computing 5 Copying

0 Mentoring 1 Negotiating 2 Instructing 3 Supervising 4 Diverting 5 Persuading 6 Speaking— signaling 7 Serving 8 Taking instructions — helping

0 Setting up 1 Precision working 2 Operating—controlling 3 Driving—operating 4 Manipulating 5 Tending

6 Comparing

Table 3-1

6 Feeding—offbearing 7 Handling

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Functional Job Analysis  Used beginning in the 1940’s  Seven scales to describe what workers do in jobs: (1) Things (2) Data (3) People (4) Worker Instructions

(5) Reasoning (6) Math (7) Language

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Part 3: Writing Job Descriptions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Job Identification Job Summary Relationships Responsibilities and Duties Standards of Performance Working Conditions and Physical Environment

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Sample Job Description

Figure 3 - 7


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Sample Job Descriptions, Dictionary of Occupational Titles


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Want to Create Your Own Job Description?  Click here to start creating a job description for yourself or a position you are seeking. Or, create one for your Professor!

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Job Identification  Title  Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)  Date  Approvals  Supervisor’s title  Salary  Grade level

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Job Summary  General nature  Major functions or activities  Includes general statements

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Relationships Statement for Human Resource Director

Works with all department managers and executive management

V ic e P r e s id e n t E m p lo y e e R e la tio n s H u m a n R e s o u rc e D ir e c to r D e p a rtm e n t S e c r e ta r y

H u m a n R e so u rce C le r k

Test A d m in is tr a to r

L a b o r R e la tio n s M anager

Works with employment agencies, recruiters, union reps, state and federal agencies, vendors

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Responsibilities and Duties  Examples 

Establishes marketing goals to ensure share of market Maintaining balanced and controlled inventories

 Defines the limits of job holder’s authority   

Purchasing authority Discipline Interviewing and hiring

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Standards of Performance Example Duty: Meeting Daily Production Schedule 

Work group produces no fewer than 426 units per working day Next workstation rejects no more than an average of 2% of units Weekly overtime does not exceed an average of 5%

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Job Descriptions Check this web site for sample job descriptions. What do you like about them? What, if anything, is missing?

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Using the Internet for Writing Job Descriptions The Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) is being replaced by the U.S. Department of Labor by O*NET

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Part 4: Writing Job Specifications  What human traits and experience are required to do the job well? 

 

Specifications for trained versus untrained personnel Specifications based on judgment Specifications based on statistics

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Job Related Behaviors        

Industriousness Thoroughness Schedule flexibility Attendance Off-task behavior Unruliness Theft Drug misuse

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Statistics and Job Analysis Analyze job Select personal traits Test Measure subsequent job performance  Statistically analyze relationship between trait and performance    


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Job Analysis – a Practical Approach 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Decide on a plan Develop an organization chart Use a job analysis questionnaire Obtain lists of job duties from O*NET Compile the job’s human elements Complete your job description


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Step 1: Decide on a Plan  Broad outline  What do you expect your sales revenue to be next year?  What products will you emphasize?  Internally, what will expand, reduce, consolidate or grow  What new positions will you need?


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Step 2: Develop an Organization Chart Click here to take you to a tutorial on creating an organization chart.

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Step 3: Use a Job Analysis Questionnaire JOB ANALYSIS Job Title: Description of the Job: Tasks

Tools Used

Standards for Performance

Conditions for Performance

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Step 3: Continued CONTENT ANALYSIS Subject Area Title: Content Description and Relevant Definitions:  


Tools Used

Standards for Performance

Conditions for Performance


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Step 4: Obtain Lists of Job Duties  Check out O*.NET  Find the description of a retail salesperson  Then, complete Step 5: Compiling the job’s human requirements and Step 6: Completing your job description.

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Part 5: Job Analysis in a “Jobless” World  From specialized to enlarged jobs  Why managers are “de-jobbing” their companies


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Specialized to Enlarged Jobs  Job Enlargement = same-level activities  Job Rotation = moving from one job to another  Job Enrichment = redesigning to experience more responsibility, achievement, growth and recognition

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Trends and De-Jobbing

Rapid product and technological changes


Global Changes


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Traditional Organization Chart P re s id e n t C h ie f E x e c u tiv e O ffic e r E x e c u tiv e A s s is ta n t

V ic e P re s id e n t S a le s D ire c to r E a s t R e g io n

S a le s

V ic e P re s id e n t M a rk e tin g D ire c to r W e s t R e g io n

D ire c to r P u b lic R e la tio n s

V ic e P re s id e n t H u m a n R e s o u rc e s D ire c to r C o m p e n s a tio n a n d B e n e fits

M anager

M anager

M anager

C le rk

M anager

M anager

M anager

A d m in is tra to r

M anager

M anager

M anager

M anager

S a le s

S a le s

S a le s

V ic e P re s id e n t O p e r a tio n s

V ic e P re s id e n t F in a n c e

D ire c to r T ra in in g a n d D e v e lo p m e n t

D ire c to r M a n u fa c tu rin g

D rie c to r A u d it a n d A c c o u n tin g

M anager

L o g is tic s


P la n t M a n a g e r

F in a n c e

P la n t M a n a g e r

A c c o u n tin g

T e c h . W r ite r S r. T ra in e r S r. T ra in e r

S a le s

C le rk A c c o u n tin g A c c o u n tin g

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Flatter Organizations

E x e c u t iv e a n d O p e r a t io n s Team T e c h n ic a l D e v e lo p m e n t Team

M a n u f a c t u r in g E n g in e e r in g Team

P e o p le S y s te m s Team

F in a n c e Team

P u r c h a s in g a n d S u p p llie r Q u a lit y Team

S a le s , S e r v ic e a n d M a r k e t in g Team


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How Organizations are Responding  The boundaryless organization  Re-engineering  “Broadbanding” job descriptions  Performance-based job descriptions  Empowered employees  Skills matrices

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Flat and Boundaryless Organizations General Electric

WAL MART I K E A Procter & Gamble

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The Skills Matrix for One Job at British Petroleum H
























































Business Awareness

Communication & Interpersonal

Decision Making & Initiative

Leadership & Guidance

Planning & Organizational Ability

Problem Solving

Technical Expertise

The highlighted boxes indicate the minimum level of skill required for the job.

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Chapter Review  We reviewed the nature of job analysis, how it is used, some legal issues and three methods of collecting job analysis information.  We practiced writing job descriptions and looked at descriptions in detail.  We looked at the USCSC, USDOL, DOT and O*NET.  We reviewed the six steps involved in job analysis and reviewed traditional and contemporary methods of organizing.  WHEW!

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