
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,422
  • Pages: 15
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

typ pour topogps d'apr�s les typ publi� par cricri, gpsmi, cyphermann, newton cypressoad et consors modifi� par d�jief merci � tous ... et en particulier � Newton_ bergergps et on5jt plus d'info sur : http://www.gpspassion.com/forumsen/topic.asp?topic_id=57314

[_id] productcode=1 fid=789 ; fid pour belgium topo map (version francaise) [end] ;============ [_draworder] ; type=0x02,5 ; ; ... type=0x0c,2 ; ; ... type=0x0e,4 ; ; ... type=0x13,2 ; ; ... type=0x1f,1 ; ; ... type=0x28,1 ; ; ... type=0x3c,3 ; type=0x3d,3 ; type=0x3e,3 ; type=0x3f,3 ; type=0x40,3 ; type=0x41,3 ; type=0x42,3 ; type=0x43,3 ; type=0x44,3 ; ; type=0x46,3 ; type=0x47,3 ; type=0x48,3 ; type=0x49,3 ; ; ... ;type=0x4b ; type=0x4c,4 ; ; type=0x4e,4 ; type=0x4f,4 ; ; type=0x51,4 ; type=0x52,4 ; type=0x53,4 ; [end]

polygons : priorite dans l'affichage ======== small urban


(bat) > plantations (4)

industrial complex carri�re (lot) > forets (1) airport runway a�ropot piste(bat) > rivi�res/lac (3) building/man-made area

(lot) > forets (1)
state park


(lot) = forets (1)


mer du nord

(lot) = oc�an


large lake large lake medium lake medium lake small lake small lake major lake major lake large lake

mer/lacs mer/lacs mer/lacs mer/lacs mer/lacs mer/lacs mer/lacs mer/lacs mer/lacs

(lot) (lot) (lot) (lot) (lot) (lot) (lot) (lot) (lot)

(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)

> > > > > > > > >

forets forets forets forets forets forets forets forets forets

major river (>1km) large river (200m-1km) medium river (20-200km) small river (<40m) background not used delibery removed intermittent water (lot) > rivi�res/lac (3) orchard or plantation (lot) > rivi�res/lac (3) scrub sand/sea side rochers sand/ dune

(lot) > rivi�res/lac (3) (lot) > rivi�res/lac (3) (lot) > rivi�res/lac (3)

; ==================================== polygons

; industrial complex (transfo et autres ouvrages) [_polygon] type=0x02 ; batiments industriels, transformateur xpm="0 0 4 1" "1 c #009999" ; 43% bleu sarcelle "2 c #009999" "3 c #33cccc" ; 63% bleu c�leste "4 c #33cccc" [end] ; man made - shopping center ;[_polygon] ;type=0x08 ; carri�re/sabli�re/exploitation ;xpm="0 0 4 1" ;"1 c #006666" ; 29% vert pin ;"2 c #006666" ;"3 c #669999" ; 55% vert c�ladon ;"4 c #669999" ;[end] ; industrial complex (transfo et autres ouvrages) [_polygon] type=0x0c ; carri�re sabli�re xpm="0 0 4 1" "1 c #e4d7c9" ; 75% bleu givr� "2 c #e4d7c9" "3 c #009999" ; 43% bleu sarcelle "4 c #009999" [end] ; airport runway [_polygon] type=0x0e ; piste a�roport xpm="0 0 4 1" "1 c #cccccc" ; 80% gris pinchard "2 c #cccccc" "3 c #666666" ; 40% gris ardoise "4 c #666666" [end] ; man made - building man-made aera [_polygon] type=0x13 ; quartiers b�tis xpm="0 0 4 1" "1 c #666666" ; 40% gris ardoise "2 c #666666" "3 c #999999" ; 61% gris souris "4 c #999999" [end] ; man made - city park (sport) [_polygon] type=0x17 ; string1=0x01,sport xpm="0 0 4 1"; "1 c #99ff99" ; 84% vert jade "2 c #99ff99" "3 c #336633" ; 32% vert m�l�ze

"4 c #336633" [end] ; land - forest % ------------------------- forets ----------[_polygon] type=0x1f ; bois et forets feuillus/connif�res et mixtes xpm="0 0 4 1" "1 c #73c073" ; 92% vert tr�s clair "2 c #73c073" "3 c #006600" ; 24% vert bouteille (car #003300 vert anglais trop proche du noir) "4 c #006600" [end] ; water - small lac [_polygon] type=0x41 ; rivi�res lacs xpm="0 0 4 1" "1 c #66ccff" ; 71% bleu azur "2 c #66ccff" "3 c #000099" ; 7% bleu nuit clair "4 c #000099" [end] ; background [_polygon] type=0x4b string1=0x01,sol xpm="0 0 4 1" "1 c #ffffff" ; 100% blanc "2 c #ffffff" "3 c #000000" ; 0% noir "4 c #000000" [end] ; water - intermittent water [_polygon] type=0x4c ; eau niveau variable / zones humides xpm="32 32 4 1" "# c #66ccff" ; 73% bleu azur (#7bcaff) "! c none" "3 c #000099" ; 8% bleu nuit clair (#0f056b) "4 c none" "##################!!!########!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#########!!!#################" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "#######!!!###############!!!####" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "###!!!##############!!!#########" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "##########!!!########!!!########" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "##################!!!########!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#########!!!#################" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "#######!!!###############!!!####" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"##################!!!########!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "##################!!!########!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "#######!!!###############!!!####" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#########!!!#################" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "###!!!##############!!!#########" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "#######!!!###############!!!####" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#########!!!#################" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "#######!!!###########!!!########" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" [end] ; man made - orchard/plantation [_polygon] type=0x4e ; plantations/vergers xpm="32 32 4 1" "# c #99ff99" ; 84% vert d'eau +1.0 "! c none" "3 c #336633" ; 32% vert m�l�ze +3.6 "4 c none" "##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!" "##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!" "!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!" "!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!" "##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!" "##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!" "##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!" "##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!" "##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!" "##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!" "!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!" "!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!" "##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!" "##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!" "##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!" "##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!" "##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!" "##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!" "!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!" "!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!" "##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!" "##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!" "##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!" "##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!" "##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!" "##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!" "!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!" "!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!" "##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!" "##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!" "##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!" "##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!"

[end] ; land - scrub [_polygon] type=0x4f ; broussailles xpm="32 32 4 1" "# c #33cc33" ; 56% vert pomme "! c none" "3 c #339933" ; 44% vert herbe +1.0 "4 c none" "##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!##!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "#!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!#" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" [end] ; foret 0x50 non utilis� dans topo belgique ; water - wetland/swamp [_polygon] type=0x51 ; zone innondable coti�re xpm="32 32 4 1" "# c #66ccff" ; 71% bleu azur "! c none" "3 c #000099" ; 7% bleu nuit clair "4 c none" "##!#!!!!!!#!!#!!##!#!!!!!!#!!#!!" "!!!!!#!!#!!!!!#!!!!!!#!!#!!!!!#!" "!!#!#!!#!!!!!!!!!!#!#!!#!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!#!!!!#!!#!#!!!!!#!!!!#!!#!#"

"!#!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!#!!!!!!!" "!!!!#!#!!#!#!!!#!!!!#!#!!#!#!!!#" "!#!#!!!#!!#!!!#!!#!#!!!#!!#!!!#!" "!!!!!#!!!#!!!!!#!!!!!#!!!#!!!!!#" "!#!#!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!#!!!#!!!!#!!!" "!!!!!#!!#!#!!!#!!!!!!#!!#!#!!!#!" "#!!#!!!#!!!##!!!#!!#!!!#!!!##!!!" "!!!!!#!!!#!!!!#!!!!!!#!!!#!!!!#!" "!!#!!!#!#!#!!#!!!!#!!!#!#!#!!#!!" "#!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!#!!!#!!!!#!!!!!!#!!!#!!!!#!" "!!#!!!#!#!#!!#!!!!#!!!#!#!#!!#!!" "#!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#!!!!#!!!#!#!#!!#!!!!#!!!#!#!#" "!!!!!#!!!#!!#!!!!!!!!#!!!#!!#!!!" "##!#!!!!!!#!!#!!##!#!!!!!!#!!#!!" "!!!!!#!!#!!!!!#!!!!!!#!!#!!!!!#!" "!!#!#!!#!!!!!!!!!!#!#!!#!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!#!!!!#!!#!#!!!!!#!!!!#!!#!#" "!#!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!#!!!!!!!" "!!!!#!#!!#!#!!!#!!!!#!#!!#!#!!!#" "!#!#!!!#!!#!!!#!!#!#!!!#!!#!!!#!" "!!!!!#!!!#!!!!!#!!!!!#!!!#!!!!!#" "!#!#!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!#!!!#!!!!#!!!" "!!!!!#!!#!#!!!#!!!!!!#!!#!#!!!#!" "#!!#!!!#!!!##!!!#!!#!!!#!!!##!!!" "!!!!!#!!!#!!!!#!!!!!!#!!!#!!!!#!" "!!#!!!#!#!#!!#!!!!#!!!#!#!#!!#!!" "#!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!#!!!#!!!!#!!!!!!#!!!#!!!!#!" "!!#!!!#!#!#!!#!!!!#!!!#!#!#!!#!!" "#!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#!!!!#!!!#!#!#!!#!!!!#!!!#!#!#" "!!!!!#!!!#!!#!!!!!!!!#!!!#!!#!!!" [end] ; land - tundra [_polygon] type=0x52 ; rochers falaises � pic xpm="0 0 4 1" "1 c #cc6600" ; 48% orange brul�e "2 c #333300" ; 18% caf� "3 c #cc6600" ; 48% orange brul�e "4 c #666633" ; 38% gris de maure [end] ; water - sand/tidal/mud flat [_polygon] type=0x53 ; sables / dunes xpm="32 32 4 1" "# c #ffff66" ; 94% soufre "! c none" ; "3 c #666633" ; 38% gris de maure "4 c none" ; "##!#!!!!!!#!!#!!##!#!!!!!!#!!#!!" "!!!!!#!!#!!!!!#!!!!!!#!!#!!!!!#!" "!!#!#!!#!!!!!!!!!!#!#!!#!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!#!!!!#!!#!#!!!!!#!!!!#!!#!#"

"!#!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!#!!!!!!!" "!!!!#!#!!#!#!!!#!!!!#!#!!#!#!!!#" "!#!#!!!#!!#!!!#!!#!#!!!#!!#!!!#!" "!!!!!#!!!#!!!!!#!!!!!#!!!#!!!!!#" "!#!#!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!#!!!#!!!!#!!!" "!!!!!#!!#!#!!!#!!!!!!#!!#!#!!!#!" "#!!#!!!#!!!##!!!#!!#!!!#!!!##!!!" "!!!!!#!!!#!!!!#!!!!!!#!!!#!!!!#!" "!!#!!!#!#!#!!#!!!!#!!!#!#!#!!#!!" "#!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!#!!!#!!!!#!!!!!!#!!!#!!!!#!" "!!#!!!#!#!#!!#!!!!#!!!#!#!#!!#!!" "#!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#!!!!#!!!#!#!#!!#!!!!#!!!#!#!#" "!!!!!#!!!#!!#!!!!!!!!#!!!#!!#!!!" "##!#!!!!!!#!!#!!##!#!!!!!!#!!#!!" "!!!!!#!!#!!!!!#!!!!!!#!!#!!!!!#!" "!!#!#!!#!!!!!!!!!!#!#!!#!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!#!!!!#!!#!#!!!!!#!!!!#!!#!#" "!#!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!#!!!!!!!" "!!!!#!#!!#!#!!!#!!!!#!#!!#!#!!!#" "!#!#!!!#!!#!!!#!!#!#!!!#!!#!!!#!" "!!!!!#!!!#!!!!!#!!!!!#!!!#!!!!!#" "!#!#!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!#!!!#!!!!#!!!" "!!!!!#!!#!#!!!#!!!!!!#!!#!#!!!#!" "#!!#!!!#!!!##!!!#!!#!!!#!!!##!!!" "!!!!!#!!!#!!!!#!!!!!!#!!!#!!!!#!" "!!#!!!#!#!#!!#!!!!#!!!#!#!#!!#!!" "#!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!#!!!#!!!!#!!!!!!#!!!#!!!!#!" "!!#!!!#!#!#!!#!!!!#!!!#!#!#!!#!!" "#!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#!!!!#!!!#!#!#!!#!!!!#!!!#!#!#" "!!!!!#!!!#!!#!!!!!!!!#!!!#!!#!!!" [end] ; ========================== lines ================== ; roads - major highway [_line] type=0x01 ; autoroute europ�ennes linewidth=3 borderwidth=2 xpm="0 0 4 1" "1 c #f2e935" ; 57% jaune "2 c #de0b20" ; 29% rouge "3 c #f2e935" ; 57% jaune "4 c #de0b20" ; 29% rouge [end] ; roads - principal highway [_line] type=0x02 ; autoroute nationale linewidth=2 borderwidth=1 xpm="0 0 4 1" "1 c #f2e935" ; 57% jaune "2 c #de0b20" ; 29% rouge

"3 c #f2e935" "4 c #de0b20" [end]

; ;

; roads - other [_line] type=0x03 linewidth=2 borderwidth=1 xpm="0 0 4 1" "1 c #de0b20" ; "2 c #302d2d" ; "3 c #de0b20" ; "4 c #302d2d" ; [end]

57% jaune 29% rouge

highway/road ; nationale et grand axe

80% 20% 80% 20%

rouge anthracite rouge anthracite

; roads - collector road [_line] type=0x05 ; routes de campagne et rues principales linewidth=2 borderwidth=1 xpm="0 0 4 1" "1 c #f2e935" ; 80% jaune "2 c #302d2d" ; 20% anthracite "3 c #f2e935" ; 80% jaune "4 c #302d2d" ; 20% anthracite [end] ; roads - residential street [_line] type=0x06 ; rues, routes �troite, chemin forestiers linewidth=1 borderwidth=1 xpm="0 0 4 1" "1 c #ffffcc" ; 98% ivoire "2 c #996633" ; 44% terre d'ombre "3 c #000033" ; 10% noir charbon "4 c #ffcc99" ; 84% chair [end] ; roads - alleyway/private driveway/ cyclo ;[_line] ;type=0x07 ; sentiers ;linewidth=1 ;borderwidth=0 ;xpm="0 0 4 1" ;"# c #996633" ; 44% terre d'ombre ;" c none" ;"3 c #ffcc99" ; 84% chair ;"4 c none" ;[end] ;roads - unpaved road [_line] type=0x07 ; sentiers useorientation=y string2=0x01,sentier xpm="32 3 4 1"

"# c #000000" " c #ffff00" "3 c #ffff00" "4 c #ff0000" "##### ##### ##### ##### " "##### ##### ##### ##### " "##### ##### ##### ##### " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] ; roads - railroad ;modifie les voies ferr�es [_line] type=0x14 ; voie ferr�e / ligne �lectrique useorientation=y xpm="32 6 4 1" "# c #333333" ; 20% gris " c none" "3 c #cccccc" ; 80% gris pinchard "4 c none" "# # # # " "# # # # " "################################" "################################" "# # # # " "# # # # " [end] ; water - shoreline of water body [_line] type=0x15 ; talus , brises lames , quais useorientation=y xpm="32 6 4 1" "# c #ffcc00" ; "cc6600" ; 48% orange brul�e " c none" ; "3 c #666600" ; 36% vert v�ron�se (courbe niveau claire) "4 c none" " ## ## ## ##" " ## ## ## ##" " ## ## ## ##" " ## ## ## ##" " ## ## ## ##" "################################" [end] ; water - stream [_line] type=0x18 ;string1=0x01,ruisseau linewidth=1 borderwidth=0 xpm="0 0 4 1" "1 c #66ccff" ; 71% bleu azur "2 c #66ccff" "3 c #000099" ; 7% bleu nuit clair "4 c #000099" [end]

; boundaries - county boundary type=0x1d (limite de district) [_line] type=0x1d ; limite de communes / province useorientation=y xpm="32 10 4 1" "# c #cccccc" ; 80% gris pinchard " c none" "3 c #333333" ; 20% gris "4 c none" " " " " " " " " " " "######### ######### " "######### ######### " " ### " " ### " " ### " [end] ; water - river [_line] type=0x1f ; rivi�re / canaux linewidth=2 borderwidth=0 xpm="0 0 4 1" "1 c #66ccff" ; 71% bleu azur "2 c #66ccff" "3 c #000099" ; 7% bleu nuit clair "4 c #000099" [end] ; ---------------------------------- elevation - land contour ; contour mineur (1/10) [_line] type=0x20 useorientation=y xpm="32 1 4 1" "# c #cc9900" ; 60% melon " c none" "3 c #999900" ;54% kaki "4 c none" "# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] ;contour interm�diaire (1/2) [_line] type=0x21 ; tous les 100 m�tres linewidth=1 borderwidth=0 xpm="0 0 4 1" "1 c #cc9900" ; 60% melon "2 c #cc9900" "3 c #999900" ;54% kaki

"4 c #999900" [end] ;contour majeur (1/1) [_line] type=0x22 linewidth=2 borderwidth=0 xpm="0 0 4 1" "1 c #cc9900" ; 60% melon "2 c #cc9900" "3 c #999900" ;54% kaki "4 c #999900" [end] ; water - intermittent stream/ditch [_line] type=0x26 ;string1=0x01,ru xpm="32 1 4 1" "# c #66ccff" ; 71% bleu azur " c none" "3 c #000099" ; 7% bleu nuit clair "4 c none" "#### #### #### #### ####" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] ; man made - oil or water pipeline [_line] type=0x28 ;string1=0x01,canalisation linewidth=2 borderwidth=0 xpm="0 0 4 1" "1 c #00cccc" ; 57% bleu des mers du sud "2 c #00cccc" "3 c #009999" ; 43% bleu sarcelle "4 c #009999" [end] ; man made - power line ; fr ligne �lectrique, remont�e m�canique ; bel rang�e d'arbre, mur, haie [_line] type=0x29 ; murs / haies / rang�e d'arbres linewidth=1 borderwidth=0 xpm="0 0 4 1" "1 c #009900" ; 36% menthe "2 c #009900" ; 36% menthe "3 c #009900" ; 36% menthe "4 c #009900" ; 36% menthe [end] ;============================ points ========================== ; les points dans gpstopo

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

------- points trait�s --------danger aera 0x5700 bornes bridge 0x6402 batiment industriel cemetery 0x6403 cimeti�re church 0x6404 eglise / chapelle / croix tower 0x6411 pyl�ne / mat / phare water 0x6414 eau : source, puits, r�servoir summit 0x6616 sommet ------------------------------------

; danger area [_point] type=0x57 subtype=0x00 ;string1=0x01,bornes dayxpm="3 3 2 1" "# c #333333" ; 20% gris "! c #ffffff" ; 100% blanc "###" "#!#" "###" nightxpm="3 3 1 1" "# c #999999" ; 61% gris souris "! c #000000" ; 0% noir "###" "#!#" "###" [end] ; man made - building [_point] type=0x64 ; administration/industrie subtype=0x02 dayxpm="4 4 1 1" "# c #009999" ; 43% bleu sarcelle "####" "####" "####" "####" nightxpm="4 4 1 1" "# c #33cccc" ; 63% bleu c�leste "####" "####" "####" "####" [end] ; man made - cimetery [_point] type=0x64 subtype=0x03 ;string1=0x01,cimetiere dayxpm="10 10 3 1" " c #ffffff" ; 100% blanc "! c #666666" ; 40% gris ardoise (build man feature - maisons) "# c #333333" ; 20% gris (road border - bord routes) "##########"

"# ! #" "#!!! ! #" "# ! !!!#" "# ! ! #" "# ! ! #" "# !!! #" "# ! #" "# ! #" "##########" ;1234567890123456 nightxpm="10 10 3 " c #c0c0c0" "! c #cccccc" "# c #999999" "##########" "# ! #" "#!!! ! #" "# ! !!!#" "# ! ! #" "# ! ! #" "# !!! #" "# ! #" "# ! #" "##########" [end]

1" ; 0% noir ; 80% gris pinchard ; 61% gris souris

; man made - church/mosque [_point] type=0x64 subtype=0x04 ; building/construction ;string1=0x01,culte dayxpm="8 14 3 1" " c none" "! c #ffffcc" ; ivoire "# c #333333" ; bordure route " !! " " !##! " " !!##!! " "!######!" "!######!" " !!##!! " " !##! " " !##! " " #### " "##!!!!##" "#!!!!!!#" "#!!!!!!#" "##!!!!##" " #### " ;12345678 [end] ; man made - tower [_point] type=0x64 subtype=0x11 dayxpm="8 8 4 1" " c none"

; hauteur / mat / phare / pylone

"! c #009999" "# c #ffffff" "^ c #ff0000" " !!!!!! " "!!####!!" "!##^^##!" "!#^^^^#!" "!#^^^^#!" "!##^^##!" "!!####!!" " !!!!!! " [end] ; man made - well (source, puits,r�servoir) 0x64 0x14 [_point] type=0x64 subtype=0x14 ; eau dayxpm="6 6 3 1" " c none", "# c #66ccff" ; 71% bleu azur (eau rivi�re) "! c #3333ff" ; 30% bleu fonc� " !!!! " "!!##!!" "!####!" "!####!" "!!##!!" " !!!! " nightxpm="6 6 3 1" " c none", "# c #3333ff" ; 30% bleu fonc� "! c #000099" ; 7% bleu nuit clair (eau rivi�re nuit) " !!!! " "!!##!!" "!####!" "!####!" "!!##!!" " !!!! " [end] ; land - summit [_point] type=0x66 subtype=0x16 ;string1=0x01,sommet dayxpm="9 8 3 1" " c none" "# c #333333" ; 20% gris "! c #ffcc00" ; 77% orpiment " # " " #!# " " #!# " " #!!!# " " #!!!# " " #!!!!!# " " #!!!!!# " "#########" ;123456789 nightxpm="9 8 3 1"

(maison) (courbes de niveau)

" c none" "# c #cccccc" ; 80% gris pinchard (maison) "! c #999900" ;54% kaki (courbes de niveau) " # " " #!# " " #!# " " #!!!# " " #!!!# " " #!!!!!# " " #!!!!!# " "#########" ;123456789 [end]

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