Jf Lp 2nd

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  • Pages: 7

OBJECTIVES: Within the allotted time, pupils are expected to: a. b. c. d. e.

Identify adjectives in the sentence and the kinds of adjectives; Use adjectives to describe persons or place; Answer comprehension questions correctly; Participate to the discussion attentively; Show kindness to other people;

II- SUBJECT MATTER: Using adjectives Reference: English V for You and Me (page146) Materials: picture, chart, chalk Values Focus: being kindness to others

III- PROCEDURE: A. Preparatory Activities: 1. Drill: Good morning class! How are you today? This morning we are going to have a game. I will divide you into 4 groups’. What are going you do is to arrange the scrambled letters that will best described it’s given pictures. then paste it into the board. Each group should have a leader to present their work. The group that has correct answers will be declared a winner. Given words to each group with the picture.

clown fnnuy(funny)

fish fsreh(fresh)

girl lveoyl(lovely)


soemhnad (handsome)

Were fine teacher

2. Review: What did we discuss Exercises: Direction: Underline the noun in the sentence. 1. Annie built castle in the sand. 2. Tommy swam in the ocean 3. Zamboanga City is of flowers 4. The table is square. 5. The pencil is long.

B. Developmental Activities: 1. Motivation: What do a good boy, do class?

help, respect, etc..

But before we have our story, I have here a picture

About the boy who helped the old woman

What do you see? What did a boy do in the picture?


Sir, there is a boy helping the old woman. Sir, the boy helped the old woman.

Unlocking of Difficulties: Direction: Give the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.

1. I’m begging from you. The underlined words means. a. To ask in charity b. A poor old woman c. Extreme poverty 2. A kind-heart man always receives a reward. a. Cruel b. Good c. Violent

3. Setting of Standards: Class what you will do if your teacher is

Sir, sit properly

talking here in front? Very good! Can I expect that from you class?

behave and listen carefully Yes, Sir

4. Presentation of the Story: THE BOY WITH A KIND HEART Once upon a time, there were two friends John and Roy who went to a farm to plant sugarcane. Each of them carried food for their lunch and bottle of water. Roy went ahead afterwards met an old woman. “Please give me a food for I am hungry”, the old woman begged. Go away, old woman, I have no food for you! Roy shouted the old woman. Meanwhile, his friend John was washing his face in the stream when he saw the old woman, “Please give me food for I am hungry,” the old woman begged. Immediately, John opens his bag where he kept his food and shares it to the old woman. Then he gives her water the woman thanked John for the food. Then she said, “You have a kind heart so I will give you a reward. Go to tree with a large stone under it. Remove the stone and you find a bag filled with money. John surprised but he thanked to the old woman and went to the tree after she described. He found the large stone, removed it and found a bag filled with money. He was so happy and went running back to the old woman and thanks her again. But the old woman was gone. “Thank you the old woman, thank you Lord” John shouted to the wind. Then he went back home and happily bought delicious food and nice clothes for himself and his family. A kind heart man always receives a reward it may not always money, it may be admiration, respect and love from others. 5. Comprehension check-up: 1. What is title of the story? 2. Who are the characters of the Story?

3. How would you describe John in the story? 4. What did the woman ask for? 5. Why do think John helped the old woman? 6.


Is the John a good boy? Why?

The Boy With A Kind Heart Sir, John, Roy and the Old Woman

John has a kind heart Asking for food Because John has a kind heart. Because he help a old woman and give her food

Values Infusion: 1. What have you learned from the story? 2. If you see someone begging food to you. What would you do? 8.


Sir, do not be greedy, be kind to other people and help them as long we can Give some food for them to eat.

I have here sentences.

1. The old woman begged. Class, what kind of a woman who begged for food? The word old describes or it modifies a woman. What do we call the word woman?

Sir, old. a name of a person Sir,

2. You have a kind heart so I will give you a reward. What word that modifies heart? 3. Go to tree with a large stone under it. What kind of stone was described? 4. He went back home and happily bought delicious food and nice clothes for himself and his family. Class, in question number 4 what are the words that describe foods and clothes?

kind large


Class, the word that I’ve underlined here are called adjectives. Adjectives is a word that modifies or describes a noun and its pronoun. Giving more information about the noun or pronoun's definition. Essentially, a 'describing' word.

Here are some examples VGeneralization: What do we call with words that describes the noun and pronoun? What is an adjectives again?

Who can give an example? Use it in a sentence. Very Good!


Sir, Adjectives Adjectives is a word that That describes a noun and pronoun. beautiful teacher! Mila is beautiful


(Board work: The teacher let the pupils underline the adjectives in the sentence.) Class I have here a sentences let us find the adjectives of each sentences. Direction: Underline the adjectives in each sentence. 1. They live in a beautiful house. 2. Lisa is wearing a sleeveless shirt today. 3. She wore a beautiful dress. 4. He writes meaningless letters. 5. This shop is much nicer.

VII. Evaluation: Class, let us see how far have learned. Get one whole sheet of paper and answer this one. Direction; Underline the adjective words in the following sentences. 1. The movie was not too terribly long. 2. A person smarter than me needs to figure this out. 3. The final exams were unbelievably difficult. 4. This pie is very delicious and extremely expensive. 5. Everyone was extremely delighted when the winner was announced. 6. The new outfit was very pricey but really beautiful. 7. Mom said the cost of a car is way too high. 8. Faster than a speeding bullet, Superman was finished in no time. 9. Students upset about the rising cost of tuition staged a rally. 10. That complex has quite small but cheap apartments.

VIII. Assignment: Describe each part of your house make a sentences that describes each part and then encircle the adjectives and underline the noun.

Detailed Lesson plan English 6 (Grade-VI) BENJIE G. CUYOS

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