Jesus Is Satan

  • May 2020
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http://www.identitypublishe BIBLE STUDY, CHRISTIANITY JUDAISM AND ISLAM SIMILARITIES eBible Search Gadgets powered by Google Insight I am the Way Comments from Browsers Project Ancient Mother Society Guruji's Basic Convictions Root Cause of all Problems

Roots Contact Last Supper Kingdom of God Son of Man Love Your Enemies Uncaused Vengeance Cain and Abel The Deceit Bible Contradictions Cock-crow Comic

Jesus Blunders Troublemaker Judaism, Christianity and Islam Father and Son The Cunning Plot The 'Holy' Ghost 666 Jesus=Lucifer=THE Devil:

Lokah Samastha Sukino Bavanthu Let there come into being the state of grieflessness for all the beings in the world

*Bible Study* Deutsch/German


An Investigation into the Truth of Bible

Bible study using the key provided by

Jagadhguru Sri Sivakumar is, fundamentally, an exercise in logic. The end result of this sort of bible study is nothing less than the recognition of the true Identity of the Entity known as 'Mary-Jesus'. The Jesus bible is decoded by Jagadhguru Sri Sivakumar. Christianity, Judaism and Islam are brought to an end as the true identity of Jesus becomes part of man's positive knowledge. Man's release from guilt is a source of new energy for him. Whatever man has achieved hitherto is in spite of Christianity, Judaism and Islam and in a struggle against guilt. Man has opened '2000 A.D.' with a stock of strength he acquired all by himself in that process along with the new energy he is about to acquire from true Gnänam–– phenomenal knowledge. Christianity, Judaism and Islam will disappear from

the collective memory of the race. But the memory of these will continue to cause shudder to the great as pseudo religions responsible for the most frightful epoch of history." Objections and Answers Objection 1 Why are you so particular to prove that Jesus is Lucifer? Answer That Jesus is Lucifer is the reality. This reality is sought to be undermined by the contrary claims of jesus and his socalled church that Jesus is god or perfection of goodness. It is then necessary, even wholesome, to underline the reality by demonstrating it a fact.

It is uncontested that Lucifer is the fallen rebel archangel and devil supreme. He is further defined, uncontestedly again, as one who affects to be a god after having lost that status. According to yet another christian tradition, Lucifer is the father of lies. All these various definitions converge on jesus and jesus alone, either in his historical manifestation in that title or in his neoclassical form as found prominently in the so-called old testament. The clinching evidence concerning jesus’ identity is apprehended in the episode of the assassination of Abel. (See below.) From incontestable internal evidence in the bible itself, we demonstrate, firstly, that Cain is not the assassin, secondly, that the so-called

jehovah is the one that committed the crime in reality, and lastly that jesus is the same being as this jehovah by virtue of the fact that he is privy to the exact site of the deed of assassination, a secret known only to jehovah. Moreover, jesus utters a lie while pattering on the site in the so-called new testament. This lie while palpable is still rebellious. This demonstrates him, more than everything else, as the identical being as Lucifer. The Assassination Episode Zacharias, son of Johiada, was killed. However, jesus says Zacharias, son of Barachias, was killed. Zacharias, son of Barachias, was not killed; he died a natural death.

Jesus lied therefore when saying that Barachias’ son Zacharias was the one killed. In the same statement jesus also referred self-consciously to the assassination of Abel. He went on to charge man with the crime. However, the exact site of the assassination deed–– “between the altar and the house”—is known to jesus. The site is known alone to jesus. (This in Luke.) In the same statement as found in Matthew, jesus avoids the site of Abel’s assassination, but gives instead the separate site of the killing of Johiada’s son Zacharias—“between the temple and the altar”—shifting it at the same time to Barachias’ son Zacharias. who however had a natural death. Jesus’ utterances involve a willful

twisting and transportation of evidence. He also rebelliously reveals the evidence constituting himself the assassin of Abel, viz, the exclusive data of the site of the assassination deed. In short, jesus’ reactions correspond to what one would naturally anticipate from a murderer of Abel who is also at the same time a rebel unto himself [The topic is treated at greater length at ch.VlI, Ancient Mother I and p. 89, Ancient Mother II.] Objection 2 How are we going to offer proof for the malicious intention of the author of the bible? Answer

The words of jehovah that guilt will lie at man’s door articulate his malice. By definition, guilt is a feeling of culpability for imagined offences. Jehovah seeks to inject such a feeling in man. Since this engineered feeling is concerned with an imaginary offence, it is beyond redemption. The effort towards setting up such an irredeemable guilt in man affirms jehovah’s malice. Contextually, the imaginary offence concerns the assassination of Abel. In reality Abel was only assassinated by jehovah. But the corpse was symbolically flaunted before Cain who had been induced earlier by the same jehovah to assault Abel. Confronted by the corpse, Cain now admits himself to the guilt, otherwise called sin, for the death of Abel by homicide by jehovah. Objection 3

I think that you go too far in saying that the christian god is an enemy of man. Answer The christian god is man’s enemy for the reason that he deceived man concerning the way to immortality. ‘To acquire immortality it is essential to have “knowledge” in the first place. This is eventually admitted by the god. But it is exactly this knowledge that he foreclosed to man as deadly. Of the two trees in the so-called garden of Eden, the fruit of the tree of immortality is declared open to man. The fruit of the tree of knowledge is banned as deadly. At the timely intervention of the serpent and the

woman’s bold initiative, man does eat the fruit. The god now admits that man “now,” i.e., in the aftermath of “knowledge.” will lift his hand and pluck and eat the fruit of the tree of immortality also and live for ever. “So,” i.e., for that reason, he turns both man and woman out and posts aimed guard so that “man could reach the tree of life no longer.” Historical christianity professedly came into being just so that the garden may be reopened. This allegedly came to pass at the moment jesus got himself killed. John gets a vision of the tree of immortality as it stood at the dissolution of christianity. He found its fruit was still atop on the tree. The christian god by his original statement that all fruits in the garden

except that of the tree of knowledge were available to man for the eating was in fact deceiving him. The fruit of the tree of immortality would have remained atop forever, beyond man’s reach until he knows it is to be gained by effortful plucking, which knowledge is made impossible by the ban on knowledge. Had man obeyed him he would not have had knowledge nor would he have had immortality. The reason is that immortality is the outcome of knowledge which, once again, the christian god already before had banned as deadly. Therefore, the christian god is man’s enemy and the serpent his benefactor. The serpent who is Sivan symbolised, is responsible for the turn of events that culminated in overthrow of the underived fraud against man devised by the christian god.

Report of an Interview [For many years Guru Sri Sivakumar has engaged in Sambhäshanam (Sanskrit for mutual conversation) with many people on the subject of Gnänam--phenomenal knowledge--and on the real identity of Mary-jesus. People from many countries of East and West have met The Guru for this purpose. They belong to and represent many different persuasions and streams--writers, lawyers, journalists, film personalities, bible preachers, university students, travellers, Brahmins, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. Some have remained in the Guru’s Ashram for long or brief periods. Others were visitors of a few hours or longer. The conversations while always impersonal were never didactic or formal but were

always both contributive and receptive at the same time. [The following report is from some of the questions and answers that have figured in these conversations. There are also one or two points that have not directly come up in the conversations but are included by Guru Sri Sivakumar because of its topicality or because they are otherwise important. Of course, the conversations were far more detailed and lengthy than would appear from this report. What is given here is merely an outline of some of the most important and topical points covered in these conversations that took long hours over many weeks and months. The report is conceived and framed in the mode of a newspaper interview. It is being published for the first time.] Decisive new findings have emerged

on the true identity of Jesus who has been regarded by millions to be the son of god. Guru Sri Sivakumar claimed that the findings augur well for man although it would break the cornerstone of the christian faith. The Guru said his conclusions were objective and scientific. They also correctly answered the questions as to who in reality was Jesus. "Jesus is in reality the devil supreme covered by a nearly perfect cloak of goodness," The Guru said. "The true nature of the bible book is that it is the self revelation of Lucifer in the act of rebelliously auto regarding himself to be the god or perfection of goodness. "Jesus' stated wish for the end of the world is in reality the Luciferian cover he

applies on his own total annihilation. He wishfully counts his own Sarvanäsham (Sanskrit for total self-destruction) to be the end of the world and the destruction of mankind." The Guru said this was the high point of the demoniacness of Lucifer. He said Lucifer has proclaimed elsewhere that he was man's supreme enemy. The Guru said his conclusions were based on the bible. The bible inevitably has the same feature as Lucifer. One version will carry the demoniac reality and other versions of the same text the rebellious cover of the reality. Although mutually differing over words or passages that have to do decisively with the identity, all bible books are equally authentic, each one being a true self expression of Lucifer.

The Guru said the above system as such was also subject to rebellion which overrides everything, rebellion being Lucifer's dominant gene as also the gene that differentiates him from Beelzebub. The true identity of Lucifer as Jesus and its rebellious cover lie spread along and overlapping many different bibles. A book containing a certain aspect of the true identity may itself carry the rebellious cover of another aspect at another place. Another book may start with the rebellious cover of yet another aspect of the identity. In this case the reality part of that aspect may be confined to a single book out of all the rest. The Guru also said Jesus has rebelliously affirmed on the very last page of the bible book that he is in fact the Lucifer.

The Guru said Abel was in reality murdered by Jesus alias Lucifer. That first murder was transfixed on man by employing guilt. The sin found in christianity alone is a genetic transference of guilt. Guilt is in reality all about imagined offence. Guilt and sin are mutually interchangeable. The Guru said the bible has positively interchanged guilt and sin at genesis 4,7 in words of its real author Lucifer. The Guru also said guilt and sin are both irredeemable for the reason of that their existence is subjective. The Guru said christianity has changed the gene of man by implanting an irredeemable guilt in the genetic environment of the race. The Rome pope is continuing this, he added. Genesis 4,7 has another passage in which Lucifer incites Cain vainly to kill

his brother. The Guru said the passage is suppressed in every other book and substituted with another one of Lucifer in which appear sin and its redeemer for the first time. Sin really originates at this point in this manner from Lucifer alias Jesus, the Guru said. The true original sinner is he that originated sin, he added. The Guru said incarnation is in reality the rebellious label used by christianity as cloak for its fulfilment of the abstract Vedic concept of fornication between devil and a human female. Such fornication would produce fundamental changes in the somatic tissues of the female, turning her into a living Yakshi (female devil). Mary is the only one person in this category. Joseph who subsequently cohabited with her and produced offspring turned into a devil by

transfusion of those tissue changes. The Guru said father and son are one and the same person since both have demoniacness in common. The Guru said the being speaking to Eve in the form rebelliously portrayed in the bible book as serpent is in reality Sivan who is conceptualised personification of supreme Gnänam, supreme goodness and supreme redemption of man from Lucifer. The Guru also spoke on music and finally on the release of man upon the termination of christianity. He said the phenomenal gene of music, towards whose condition all art ever aspires, is engineered in the bible book from Cain, who in the christian frame is the first murderer, rather than from Seth, Adam's third son born after Abel's murder, from

whom the so-called redeemer gene is engineered. He said by thus engineering the necrosis of music Lucifer was closing to man its cathartic potency. The Guru said both the necrosis and the catharsis of phenomenal music are together reflected ever so clearly in the music of singer K.L.Saigal, making it, in the result, at once so sad and yet so consoling. The Guru also said in this context that the cathartic potency of phenomenal music was comparable to the redemptive potency of phenomenal Gnänam, which Lucifer had earlier closed to man and which Sivan opened out of his desireless auto compassion. The Guru said that the involuntary termination of christianity, Judaism and Islam Hinduism of the present form will bow out in mangalam (Sanskrit for

benevolence and one of the five auto qualities of Sivan) as it would have fulfilled its purpose of redeeming man from Lucifer. ------------------------------------------

Christianity Judaism and Islam Similarities and differences Over 2 billion christians believe Jesus to be the one and only 'Son of God' and over a billion muslims believe him to be only a prophet of 'God'. If what the Christians believe were true, then the belief of the Muslims and the Jews would be rendered false. As long as people are divided because of

religious beliefs there will be war in the name of 'God'. Who but our enemy The Devil wants to sow this trouble among us. A single verse in the so-called holy bible reveals the identity of this enemy: "Don't think that I (Jesus) came to bring peace to the earth! I came to bring trouble, not peace." (Matt. 10:34) The Devil Lucifer is the sworn enemy of mankind, and he is incredibly cunning. But how many of us consider how he actually operates? Christianity, Judaism and Islam have similarities in that Islam begins with a vision of Gabriel to Mohammed and christianity from a similar visit by the same Gabriel to Mary. According to Jewish scriptures, the future ruler of Israel will emerge from Bethlehem in Judaea. Micah 5:2: “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be

little among the thousands of Judea, yet out of thee shall he come forth for me that is to be ruler in Israel.” But Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee. Mark 1:9: “And it came to pass in those times, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptised of John in Jordan.” Gabriel tells Mary that Jesus will be called son of god. But the same Gabriel when meeting Mohammed subsequently says that it is not in the nature of Allah to have a son. Koran 19:34-35: “This is Essah (Jesus), the son of Maryam. This is the true statement with regard to what people suspect about him. It is not at all in the nature of Allah to accept son. He is holy.” Again Koran 19:27-33: “The child said, I am the servant of Allah. He gave me the holy writ and made me a prophet.”

Again the prayer in Koran 17:111: "Praise be to Allah who has never begotten a son; who has no partner in His Kingdom." Further, Koran 18:4-5 reads: "And admonish those who say that Allah has begotten a son. Surely of this they could have no knowledge, neither they nor their fathers: a monstrous blasphemy is that which they utter. They preach nothing but falsehood". It all shows how Jesus is not the son of god in Koran. And how Koran instigates muslims to “admonish” Christians. Where is the similarity between Christianity, Judaism and Islam when Gabriel says to Mary that Jesus is the son of god, subsequently says to Mohammed that Jesus is not the son of

god? And it is this religious nonconformity or dissension, that is the center point of conflict and the never ending war between the Jews Christians and Muslims. The christians believe jesus is "prince of peace." The muslims believe Jesus is their prophet and according to Jews, he is neither prophet nor savior so they await the man who will be their prophet and savior. What a paradox ! Do you still believe that jesus came to bring peace on earth? He answers in Luke 12:51 "No, believe me, I have come to bring dissension." (Dissension/Religious nonconformity, Merriam Webster's) To be continued. . . .

Sathyameva Jayathe / naanrutham Truth wins ever / not the falsehood

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