Jcs Prayer Memo For 22 Jan 09 _2

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  • Words: 580
  • Pages: 1

JCS Staff, Faculty, Parents & Students

Date: 22 Jan 2009


Chip Maxwell


Praise and Petition to the Everlasting God

Please feel welcome to bring this prayer list with you to the JCS Parents in Prayer meeting held each Thursday at 9:00 a.m. in the lunchroom. In your private and corporate worship this week, please praise God for: ♦ ♦

His infinite grace and mercy. blessing us with our children and our school.

Please also bring these requests under God’s mercy and perfect will: New Requests ♦ ♦ ♦

that He will bear much fruit during our upcoming Parent Association Meeting. that He will work powerfully through Miss Walsh as she shepherds her 1st graders in the love of Christ. that He will abundantly bless Senorita Ortiz in her calling.

Standing Requests ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

that He will soothe Abby Lynne’s heart with the peace of Christ as He restores her broken leg to full function. that His wisdom and love will guide the preparations for our all-school unit on Egypt. that He will continue to improve the condition of Lori Cook’s mother, Marilyn, who has advanced emphysema. that He will bring wisdom, guidance, and protection to Lisa Regan and her children. that His wisdom will guide Joey Sharp’s doctors as they treat him for Lyme disease. that He will restore John Nailen (Pat Maxwell’s dad) to full health after his quintuple bypass and valve repair. that He will orchestrate Lisa Over’s full recovery from her hysterectomy. that He will strengthen Barry Rack as He brings him to a full recovery from hernia surgery. that His love will uphold Jennie (Cindy Rack’s aunt) and the Rack family as they cope with Jennie’s failing health. that He will raise up additional monitors for lunch, recess, and morning arrival. that He will keep Ari Clinton and her growing baby in robust health during Ari’s “high risk” pregnancy. that He will fully heal Greg, who was taken out of an induced coma after suffering head trauma in a bike accident and is beginning to regain the function of his limbs and memory. that He will guide the doctors in their post-op breast cancer treatment of Andrea, Katie Rogers’ friend. that He will oversee Gretchen Philipp’s treatment for Crohn’s disease in such a way that she might pursue her regular activities without discomfort and pain. that His wisdom will guide and sustain Mrs. Wolling as she seeks His will in her future endeavors. that He will clearly identify the person He has chosen to be our new principal and will lead that person to us. that His Name will be on our children’s lips as they interact with one another at school. that He will prepare the way for new families to come experience the love of Christ that abounds at JCS. that He will glorify His name through our faculty’s faithful ministry to their students. that He will provide our JCS Board members with the knowledge of His will in their decisions. that He will uphold Mary Boyle and our library volunteers as they process the books donated this year. that He will bless the Memory Marathon and use it to enliven the word He has written on our hearts. that He will remain a hedge of protection around the leaders and members of the US military. Blessings in Christ, Chip

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