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Reservoir in Bone Basin Use Basin Analysis Method Conference Paper · January 2015





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PROCEEDINGS Joint Convention Balikpapan 2015 HAGI-IAGI-IAFMI-IATMI 5–8 October 2015 Reservoir in Bone Basin Use Basin Analysis Method Wulan Salle Karurung1, Fauziah Nuraini1, Muhammad Fawzy Ismullah M.2 1 Geophysics Program study, Hasanuddin University (UNHAS), Makassar 2 Master Program Geophysical Engineering ITB, Bandung ABSTRACT South Sulawesi is one of the areas in Sulawesi, which has several basins that formed as a result of tectonic activity of several macro-continents, that Eurasian Plate and the continental micro continent loose fragments of the Indian-Australian Plate. The existence of these basins can be indicated as sediment accumulation potential as reservoirs of hydrocarbons in petroleum system. One of that basin is a Bone Basin. Basin analysis showed Bone Basin formed since time of Palaeogene to Neogene and the foreland basin. Bone Basin consisted of the Balangbaru Formation, Kalumpang Formation, Toraja/ Malawa Formation, Langi Formation, Lamasi Formation, Tacipi Formation and Walanae Formation. Based on seismic stratigraphy known to internal and external structure geology of Bone Basin to determine the quality and distribution of the reservoir. Indication of the presence of hydrocarbons in Bone Basin include with the discovery of gas seepage in a few places around Bone basin such as in Pongko, Malangke and Sengkang. Sediments in the Bone Basin are derived from the clastic sedimentary rocks and carbonate rocks from Toraja Formation and Lamasi Formation. the clastic sedimentary is from unit of claystone and shale that indicated as hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Bone Basin. Keywords: Bone Basin, Basin Stratigraphy, Formation, Reservoir




50,000 km2 (Camplin et al., 2013). There are several active hydrocarbon potential in it and proven with the plays of petroleum system which includes gas field that trapped in the East Sengkang Basin, and the seepage of oil contained in Buton Island and also in the Pongko. Bone Basin Formation consists of Balangbaru Formation, Kalumpang Formation, Toraja/ Malawa Formation, Langi Formation, Lamasi Formation, Tacipi Formation and Walannae Formation (LEMIGAS,2005). The basin is a forearc basin and covered by the Pre-Tertiary rocks of Formations consisting of volcanic rocks, metamorphic rocks, and metasediment rocks. Sediments in this basin are from clastic sedimentary rocks and carbonate rocks of Toraja Formation and Lamasi Formation. Clastic sediments in the form of mudstone and shale unit which is indicated as a hydrocarbon reservoir in the Bone Basin. There some Sub-basin of the Bone Basin, there are Bulupulu Sub-basin, Padammarang Sub-basin, Kabaena Sub-basin, Bonerate High, Selayar trough, Liang-Liang Sub-basin, Tulang Sub-Basin, and kabaena High. The Basa High separates the Padamarang Sub-basin from the Kabaena Sub-basin. East of the Padamarang Sub-basin is the Maniang High and east of the Kabaena Sub-basin, is the Kabaena High. The Bonerate High separates the Kabaena Sub-basin from the Selayar Trough to the west. There are two other Sub-basins on the east and west sides of Bone Gulf: the Tulang Sub-basin between the island of Kabaena and the SE Arm and the LiangeLiang Sub-basin at the northern end of the Bonerate High (Camplin.D.J et al. 2014) (Fig.2).

South Sulawesi is one of the areas in Sulawesi, which has several basins that formed as a result of tectonic activity of Eurasian plate and several micro-continents from IndoAustralian plate. The existence of these basins can be indicated from sediment accumulation that had potential as reservoirs of hydrocarbons in petroleum system. One of basin is a Bone Basin. Bone Basin formed since time of Palaeogene to Neogene and was one of forearc basin. The western and northern arms mainly represent a volcanic arc terrane, with multiple periods of arc volcanism and granitoid intrusions between Late Cretaceous to Miocene and younger, above West and South dipping subduction zones. Reported ages of volcanics are variable, but main peaks of activity appear to be Late Cretaceous, M Eocene, Late Oligocene- E Miocene and M Miocene and younger (Gorsel.van. J.T., 2013). Bone Basin is located in Bone Gulf (Fig. 1), where the Bone Gulf located between the southern arm and southeast arm of Sulawesi and covers an area of approximately

Figure 1. Locate of Bone Basin (Lemigas, 2005)

PROCEEDINGS Joint Convention Balikpapan 2015 HAGI-IAGI-IAFMI-IATMI 5–8 October 2015 stratigraphy and petroleum system which indicates potential hydrocarbon reservoirs of the Bone Basin. Basin analysis is using the geologist data to determine the possible presence and extent of hydrocarbons and hydrocarbon-bearing rocks in a basin and concerned with any or all facets of a basin's evolution. Techniques used to study surficial sedimentary rocks include: measuring stratigraphic sections, identifying sedimentary depositional environments and based a geologic map. Source of data used in the writing of scientific papers obtained through secondary data from journals and scientific publications, textbooks, articles, and materials related to the discussion of research on basin analysis, reservoir, seismic stratigraphy and regional geology course of the Bone Basin. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Stratigraphy

Figure 2. the simplified geology sub-basin of Bone basin (Camplin.D.J et al. 2014) Basin analysis is method using seismic stratigraphy data and reservoir analysis. Sedimentary basin analysis is a geologic method to revealed the history of a sedimentary basin. Studying about scheme the sediment fill itself and aspects of the sediment such primary structures, composition, and internal architecture and containing a history of the basin fill and can reveal the formed of the basin. Although the Bone Gulf have hydrocarbon potential, needs to be examined more in-depth analysis of the basin related to dealing with potential reservoir rock in each formation. This is necessary because the bedrock in the Bone Gulf has lithological variations in each section. DATA AND METHOD This study began with a look at the state of the oil resources that exist in Indonesia, where exploration is now focused on the eastern area of Indonesia that until now, the numbers of wells that have been discovered and exploited are still very few. There are some areas that are potentially of which have been explored but not getting results, among which are taken Bone Basin as case study. If viewed in terms of geology and tectonic setting and basin analysis that has shown the potential possessed. Then to identify basin analysis problems based on tectonic structure,

Based on stratigraphy, Bone Basin generally has a lifespan from Cretaceous to Pliocen. Here are some important formations on Bone Basin (LEMIGAS, 2005): 1. Balangbaru Formation This formation consists from flysch sediments deposited on the ocean trench system. Flysch from Cretaceous associated with ophiolite, which is linked to the rest from Cretaceous basin. 2. Kalumpang Formation These formation overlays the Balangbaru Formation, this formation consist of sandstones, shales and claystones interbedded with volcanic conglomerates, breccias, tuffs, lavas, limestones and marls. 3. Malawa/ Toraja Formation The Middle-Late Eocene sequence is represented by deposition deltaic-shallow marine sediment of the Toraja/Malawa Formation. The Formation have the Eocene sediments comprises of claystone, sandstones, conglomerates, coals, limestones and volcanics. 4. Langi Formation Consist of lava and pyroclastic andesites type with limestone and shale in the top layer. This formation is associated with subduction process in this region. 5. Tonasa / Makale Formation This formation consists of four layers. Consecutively from the lowest layer is calcarenite, textured limestone massif, a thin layer of limestone with fossilized foraminifera and top form detrital limestones and volcanic material. 6. Camba Formation The lower part of this formation consists from sandstone, tuff, agglomerate, volcanic breccia, marl, limestone and coal. The top of the form agglomerates, volcanic breccia, lavas and tuff that have an insert with marine sediments.

PROCEEDINGS Joint Convention Balikpapan 2015 HAGI-IAGI-IAFMI-IATMI 5–8 October 2015 occurence of some leads, such as gas seepages in pongko and malangke villages, gas discovery in sengkang block, oil and gas discovery in tomori block, the present of closure indicated that the bone basin may contain a significant potential hydrocarbon resources. Petroleum System A petroleum play is initially by the depositional or erosional limit of its gross reservoir unit. A reservoir rock must be porous enough to constitute a “tank” of petroleum within the trap (Allen. P.A et al. 2006), the hydrocarbon play in Bone Basin (Fig.3) from the characteristic of good reservoir Petroleum geology evaluation of the South Sulawesi region show that Eocene carbonaceous shales or coals of the Toraja/ Malawa Formation are postulated to be the source rocks for hydrocarbon generated in the most the Tertiary basin in this area.

Figure 3. Hydrocarbon Play in Bone Basin (LEMIGAS, 2005)

7. Taccipi Formation Consists of limestones and calcareous shale. The formation widely distribution in north-south orientation over the western margin of Bone Basin. 8. Walannae Formation Composed from calcareous mudstone and arenaceous. The Walanae Formation is formally divided into the Tacipi Limestone, Burecing Marine Mud, Samaoling Sandy Marine, and Beru Fluvial Clastic Members (Suyono et al. 2010) Sengkang Basin and Bone Basin have the relationship (Fig.3) and visible that which upper Miocene Tacipi carbonate play analogous to discoveries and a producing field in the adjacent onshore Sengkang Basin in South Sulawesi, and discoveries in the Senoro-Matindok area in Northeast Sulawesi. Petroleum system modeling suggests potential for oil charge in the offshore area of Bone Bay, incontrast to the gas-prone Sengkang basin. Identified Bone Bay as a potential Eocene rift basin, a proven petroleum system across Indonesia, west of Bone Bay. Although there is uncertainty in petroleum system parameters for this rank frontier basin, stochastic basin modeling using available constraints indicates the potential for oil charge in the offshore Tacipi carbonate play. The Toraja Formation is one of the most important formation in the west area of Bone Basin, because of its extensive distribution especially in the west, with thickness is not less than 1000 meters and depositional environment from fluvio-deltaic to bathyal condition (Siagian. H.P et al., 2008).

Generally the outcrops sample indicate that Toraja/ Malawa Formation have source rock potential with average TOC values for the black shale are 11%. Coal with 33% TOC have type III vitrinitic kerogen and may deposited in the basin composed of mudstone and a thick sequence of marine calcareous claystone (LEMIGAS, 2005). The potential reservoir has the several sources among which Toraja/Malawa Sandstone Reservoirs, Oligocene Limestone Reservoir, Tacipi Limestone Reservoir, Walannae Clastic Reservoir. Various seal intervals are available in this basin, the upper portion of the Middle-Late Eocene sediment which is mainly formed shales/ mudstones of the deep water (bathyal) deposit may acted as good seal potential for Eocene reservoirs in this area. main hydrocarbon trap for basin-slope and basin floor reservoirs target of the Eocene Clastic and Miocene (equivalent to Late Miocene Walannae Formation) reservoirs in the northern part of the basin. In contrast to the northern part of the basin, the main hydrocarbon entrapment in the southern part of the Bone Basin is related to the tilted fault block trap (Yulihanto, 2004). Occurence of some leads, such as gas seepages in Pongko and Malangke villages, gas discovery in Sengkang block, oil and gas discovery in Tomori block, the present of closure indicated that the Bone Basin may contain a significant potential hydrocarbon resources. An integrated seismic stratigraphy has been produced with attempts to link the seismic units to onshore lithostratigraphy. These sediments may have source rock potential, particularly in the central axis of Sub-basins where thick accumulations are present. The Bonerate High and Liang-Liang Sub-basin are thought to be stratigraphically similar to the East Sengkang Basin and therefore may have dry gas potential. The Bone Canyon system is expected to have coarse deposits preserved at the base of canyon fills, which could reservoir hydrocarbons with stratigraphic seal. Interpreted

PROCEEDINGS Joint Convention Balikpapan 2015 HAGI-IAGI-IAFMI-IATMI 5–8 October 2015 shallow water carbonates located on the Maniang high, Kabaena High and Bonerate High provide excellent stratigraphic traps, although in many places the sedimentary cover is relatively thin. Extension and strikeslip features have produced possible structural traps, although recent tectonic uplift and faults cutting the seabed suggest active fault movement in many places, which may have caused breach of some traps.

Allen. Philip A. And Allen. John R., 2006, Basin Analysis: Principle and Aplication, Blackwell Publishing Company. Australia.

Reservoir of hydrocarbon rock that have a high permeability which is covered by seal and formed a trap, where play hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Bone basin was found that the Formation of Toraja have properties that indicate their origin and reservoir rocks for gas. the reservoir rock are ecpected to be the clastics and carbonate rocks of the Toraja formations and the volcanic clastics of the Lamasi formation. this period is also characterized by the formation if structural traps. the majority of oils within the basin might be derived from fluvio-deltaic and marine shale source rock.

Gorsel.van. J.T., 2013, Bibliography Of The Geology Of Indonesia and Surrounding Areas: Sulawesi.

Siagian. H.P and Widijono. B.S., 2008, The Possibility Of Hydrocarbon Trap And Its Potential In The North Bone Basin, Based On Geological And Geophysical Data. Center of Geology Survey. Bandung.

Camplin. David J. and Hall. Robert., 2014, Neogene history of Bone Gulf, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Yulihanto B., 2004, Hydrocarbon Play Analysis of the Bone Basin, South Sulawesi, Proceedings, Deepwater and Frontier Exploration In Asia & Australasia Symposium. LEMIGAS, 2005, Petroleum Geology of Indonesia’s Sedimentary Basin: Bone Basin. Patra Nusa Data.

CONCLUSIONS Bone Basin consisted of the Balangbaru Formation, Kalumpang Formation, Toraja/ Malawa Formation, Langi Formation, Lamasi Formation, Tacipi Formation and Walanae Formation. Based on petroleum system, shale and coal from Toraja Formation are postulated to be the source rock. The clastic sedimentary is from claystone and shale that indicated as hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Bone Basin. Hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Bone Basin was found that the formation of Toraja have properties that indicate their origin and reservoir rocks for gas. The reservoirs consist of Toraja/ Malawa Sandstone, Oligocene Limestone, Tacipi Limestone, Walannae Clastic Rocks. Eocene and Miocene Clastic frorm Walannae Formation may act as seal. the majority of oils within the basin might be derived from fluvio-deltaic and marine shale source rock. Various seal intervals are available in this basin, the upper portion of the Middle-Late Eocene sediment which is mainly formed shales/ mudstones of the deep water (bathyal) deposit may acted as good seal potential for Eocene reservoirs in this area.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special acknowledgment to all people that give author strength to can finished this paper. Specially to Mr. Fawzy Ismullah,S.Si., Mr. Muhammad Arif, Mr. Rahmat Hidayat, Ms. Aulia Kahar, and Ms. Fitriani. Special thanks for Geophysics Laboratory Hasanuddin University. REFERENCES

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Suyono and Kusnama, 2010, Stratigraphy and Tectonics of the Sengkang Basin, South Sulawesi. Geological survey Institute. Bandung. Camplin. David J. and Hall. Robert., 2013, Insights Into The Structural And Stratigraphic Development of Bone Gulf, Sulawesi. Proceeding IPA. Sudarmono, 2000. Tectonic and stratigraphic evolution of the Bone Basin, Indonesia: insights to the Sulawesi collision complex. In: Indonesian Petroleum Association, Proceedings 27th Annual Convention

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