Java Space Current Dec

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Coordination Paradigm 1.1 What is Co-ordination 1.2 Co-ordination Language 1.3 What is our goal?

2. Coordination Models 2.1 Necessity of Co-ordination Model 2.2 From Multilingual and Heterogeneous Systems to Coordination Models 2.3 Classification of Co-ordination model 2.3.1 data driven Co-ordination model 2.3.2 Control driven Co-ordination model 3. Special purpose co-ordination languages 3.1 Linda 3.2TSpace 4. Javaspace :Java based coordination language 4.1Introduction to Javaspace 4.2Goals and requirement of Javaspace 4.3Javaspace operations 4.4 Comparisons 5 Extending JavaSpace as J2space 5.1. JINI 5.2 Primitive Implementation 5.2.1CountN 5.2.2 Delete 5.2.3 Scan 5.2.4 ConsumingScan 6 Notifier application 6.1.UML Diagrams 6.2 Modules of notifier application 6.2.1 Login 6.2.2 System tray 6.2.3 Show Notice 6.2.4 Send Notice 6.2.5 Notifying


Abstract This report discusses various coordination models and coordination languages. Difference between various coordination model is specified here. The coordination language Linda, TSpace and Javaspace are studied as coordination languages Linda is having some limitation as coordination language. So javaspace is good option for implementation of distributed application. But javaspace language is having limited primitives compared with another languages and the primitives which are not present in javaspace are implemented here. JINI contains Javaspace service. Newly implemented primitives can work with existing primitives.

Chapter 1. Coordination Paradigm Programming for distributed and parallel system can be seen as combination of computing part and coordination part .The computing part consist of number of process involved in manipulating the data. Coordination part is responsible for communication & cooperation between process.

1.1 What is the coordination? The concept of coordination is closely related to those of multilingualism and heterogeneity. The actual programming languages used to write computational code play no important role in setting up the coordination components. There are many definitions of what is coordination ranging from simple ones such as: 1. “Coordination is managing dependencies between activities.” 2. “Coordination is the additional information processing performed when multiple, connected actors pursue goals that a single author pursuing the same goals would not perform.” 3. “Coordination is the process of building programs by gluing together active pieces”. 4. “A coordination model is the glue that binds separate activities into an ensemble.” A coordination model can be viewed as a triple (E, M, F), Where E represents the entities being coordinated, M the media used to coordinate the entities, And F the semantic framework the model adheres to.

1.2 Coordination Languages: A coordination language is a language defined specifically to allow two or more parties or components to communicate, to accomplish specific goal. Proper functioning of many of today’s application depends on the mutual cooperation & interaction of computers & human users. Special coordination languages have been

designed, in which one can specify, analyze and control the cooperation between various system components. Example is Linda. Many problems can be solved by coordination language such as management of resource sharing, transfer of information between activities-Producer/consumer. Relationship occurs in software systems whenever one activity produces some information that is used by another activity. A coordination process that controls the transfer of information between activities is needed. Group Decision –It is very common that group of entities working together is confronted with the problem of making coordinated decision. These decisions cannot be made in isolation by one of the members, possibly because no individual has enough authority. Coordination process control group discussion

1.3 What is our goal? Javaspace is coordination language. It uses data driven coordination model. Our goal is to identify the limitation of Javaspace in terms of coordination primitives. For this purpose we can study the various coordination models and languages and compare those languages with the Javaspace. We are comparing these languages in terms of primitive set, basic entity being coordinated, mechanism of coordination and coordination medium of various coordination languages. We are trying to implement those primitives which are not present in the javaspace but still they are very important to implement the various distributed applications.

Chapter 2. Co-ordination models 2.1 Necessity of Co-ordination Model Parallel and distributed systems open new horizons for large applications and present new challenges for software technology. Many applications already take advantage of the increased raw computational power provided by such parallel systems to achieve shorter turn-around times. However, the availability of so many processors to work on a single application presents a new challenge to software technology: coordination and cooperation of large numbers of concurrent active entities. Classical views of concurrency in programming languages that are based on extensions of the sequential programming paradigm are ill-suited to meet the challenge. Exploiting the full potential of massively parallel systems requires programming models that explicitly deal with the concurrency of cooperation among very large numbers of active entities that comprise a single application. This has led to the design and implementation of a number of coordination models and their associated programming languages. Almost all of these models share the same intent, namely to provide a framework which enhances modularity, reuse of existing components, portability and language interoperability. However, they also differ in how they precisely define the notion of coordination, what exactly is being coordinated, how coordination is achieved, and what are the relevant metaphors that must be used.

2.2. From Multilingual and Heterogeneous Systems to Coordination Models With the evolution of distributed and parallel systems, new programming paradigms were developed to make use of the available parallelism and the number of processors in a system. These languages were able to exploit parallelism, perform communication but also be fault tolerant. They differed in the granularity or unit of parallelism they offered and the communication mechanism employed. The increased availability of massively parallel and open distributed systems lead to the design and implementation of complex and large applications such as vehicle navigation, air traffic control, intelligent information retrieval and multimedia based environment.

Thus, in order to deal with all these requirements of programming-in-the-large applications, the notions of multilingualism and heterogeneity came into play. Multilingual or multiparadigm programming is able to support a number of diverse paradigms and provide interoperation of these paradigms while at the same time isolate unwanted interactions between them. Furthermore, a multilingual or multiparadigm programming environment aims at accommodating the diverse execution models and mechanisms of the various paradigms, manage the resources required for implementing them, and offer intuitive ways for combining code written in a mixture of paradigms while at the same time providing orthogonal programming interfaces to the involved paradigms. There are basically two ways to produce multilingual or multiparadigm languages: either design a new super language that offers the facilities of all paradigms intended to be used or provide an interface between existing languages. The first approach has the advantage of usually providing a more coherent combination of different paradigms. However, it has also the disadvantages of introducing yet another programming language that a programmer must learn plus the fact that such a single language cannot possibly support all the functionality of the languages it aims to replace. The second approach can in fact be realized with different degrees of integration ranging from using the operating system’s communication primitives for inter-component collaboration to providing concrete integration of the various languages involved, as in the case of, say, Module Interconnection Languages. Multilingualism is closely related to heterogeneity .since heterogeneous systems demand that a programming language used must be able to express many useful models of computation. It is, however, usually impossible to find a single language able to deal satisfactorily with an extensive variety of such models; a mixture of language models may have to be employed.

2.3Classification of Coordination model Coordination models can be classified into two classes, such as data-driven coordination model and conrol driven coordination model. 2.3.1 Data-Driven Coordination Models Almost all coordination models belonging to this category, which used shared data space. A shared data space is a common, content-addressable data structure. All process involved in some computation can communicate among themselves only indirectly via this medium .The activity in a data oriented coordination application tends to center

Fig 2.1 Data-Driven Model around a shared body of data. The application is essentially concerned with what happens to data. In particular, they can post or broadcast information into the medium and also they can retrieve information from the medium either by actually removing this information out of the shared medium or taking a copy of it. Since interprocess communication is done only via the Shared Data space and the medium’s contents are independent of the life history of the processes involved, this metaphor achieves decoupling of processes in both space and time. Some processes can send their data into the medium and then carry or doing other things or even terminate execution while other processes asynchronously retrieve this data; a producer need not know the identity of a consumer or, if the data it has posted into the medium has been retrieved or read by anyone. The main characteristic of the data-driven coordination models and languages is the fact that the state of the computation at any moment in time is defined in terms of both the values of the data being received or sent and the actual configuration of the coordinated components. In other words, a coordinator or coordinated process is responsible for both examining and manipulating data as well as for coordinating either itself and/or other processes by invoking the coordination mechanism each language provides

2.3.2 Control-driven coordination models With control-driven coordination models, the state of the computation at any moment in time is defined in terms of only the coordinated patterns that the processes involved in some computation . The components being coordinated are considered as black boxes that produce and consume data on well-defined interfaces to the external World, usually referred to as ports.

Fig 2.2 Control-driven Model Idealized Worker Idealized Manager is a control-driven coordination model. There are two classes of processes: managers and workers. To communicate, a process writes and reads data on its ports. It is not aware to whom information is transmitted. Workers basically perform a computational task. Managers create new processes and regulate the connections between workers by dynamically binding ports of different workers into connections, or disconnecting existing connection In control-driven or process-oriented coordination languages, the coordinated framework evolves by means of observing state changes in processes and, possibly, broadcast of events. Contrary to the case of the data-driven family where coordinators directly handle

and examine data values, here processes (whether coordination or computational ones) are treated as black boxes; data handled within a process is of no concern to the environment of the process. Processes communicate with their environment by means of clearly defined interfaces, usually referred to as input or output ports. Producer-consumer relationships are formed by means of setting up stream or channel connections between output ports of producers and input ports of consumers. By nature, these connections are point-to-point, although limited broadcasting functionality is usually allowed by forming 1-n relationships between a producer and n consumers and vice versa. Certainly though, this scheme contrasts with the Shared Dataspace approach usually advocated by the coordination languages of the previous family. In addition to using ports, processes often send out to their environment control messages or events with the purpose of letting other interested processes know in which state they are or informing them of any state changes. In particular, the figure shows a configuration involving one producer with one input and two output ports and two consumers, one with a single input port and a single output port and the other with two input ports and one output port. Stream connections have been established between the output ports of the producer and the input ports of the consumers, sometimes with more than one stream entering an input port or leaving an output port. Furthermore, the producer and one of the consumers either raises and observes the presence of some events. and data values whereas in other languages events are strictly simple units signifying state changes. Furthermore, in some languages events are broadcast by means of mechanisms different from stream connections whereas in other languages events actually travel through streams. Stream connections themselves can be realized in a number of ways; for instance, they may or may not support synchronous communication. In some cases streams are interfaced to some common medium (such as a “data bus”) rather than being point-to-point connections between ports; even in this latter case however, the medium is not used for unrestricted broadcasting. Also, some languages support dynamic creation of ports and exporting of their id for use by other processes whereas others limit such functionality.

Chapter3: Special purpose coordination languages Linda is model of coordination and communication among several parallel processes. The process operating upon objects stored in shared space .This model is implemented as coordination language in which several primitives operating on ordered sequence of typed data objects. Coordination language is the combination of primitives and particular host language. Linda and Tspace can be used with C, C++, Python, Erlang languages

3.1Linda Linda is a coordination language for parallel and distributed processing, providing a communication mechanism based on a logically shared memory space called tuple space. Tuplespace is the Linda's name for its shared data space . It is the fundamental data structure of tuple space. Examples: ('arraydata', dim1, 13, 2). Tuple are stored in the memory using associative memory model In associative memory model a tuple is accessed by specifying its contents. From the programmer's point of view, there is no address associated with a tuple The original Linda model requires four operations that individual process perform on the tuples and

the tuplespace

3.1.1Linda basic operations

1) out: produces a tuple, writing it into tuplespace •

Generates the data tuple

Each field is evaluated and put into tuplespace

Control is returned to the invoking program

2) rd: non-destructively reads a tuplespace •

Uses template to copy data without removing it from the tuplespace.

Once read it is still available for others

If no matching tuple is found process will block

3) in:

atomically reads and removes -consumes- a tuple from tuplespace

uses a template to retrieve tuple from tuplespace

once retrieved it is taken out of the tuplespace and no longer available for other retrieval

if no matching tuple is found process will block

provides for synchronization between process

4) eval: creates new processes to evaluate tuples, writing the result into


Generates process (Active)tuple

Control is immediately returned to invoking program

Logically ,each field is evaluated concurrently by a separate process, and then placed in to tuplespace

Inp,rdp: Same as rd & in But Non-blocking 3.1.2Linda Basic: Template matching Linda specifies tuple to retrieve actuals or formals fields. Actuals contains variables, constants or expression that resolve to constant. Formals contains holders for data to retrieve preceded by a question mark assigned values of corresponding fields in matched tuple Example: Tuple (“arraydata”4,6,8) is present in tuplespace in("arraydata", ?dim1, ?dim2, ?dim3); in ("arraydata", 4, ?dim2, ?dim3); In order to match a tuple : 

It must have the same number of fields in the tuple and template

It must have same type, length and values as those in corresponding tuple fields.

Formals in template must match type and length of corresponding fields in tuple.

The order of evaluation of fields within a tuple or template is undefined: Example: out ("string", i++, i); Can't predict whether i will be incremented before or after it is evaluated for the third field. 3.1.3Linda Properties 

It is little like message passing and shared memory

It provides uncoupling in both time and space

Pattern matching is used to retrieve tuple

Linda allows to communicate a wide variety of information

3.1.4Linda Limitations 

Tuplespace is unprotected

No hierarchical organization of tuples is provided so naming scope is not present Blocking calls are present but no notification mechanism is present

3.2 TSpace Tspace is the coordination language with uses the tuplespace. The implementation of TSpaces is simple and elegant all that is required is that a single server process be running on the network. The server makes use of a textual configuration file, and provides a useful web interface for monitoring and configuration purposes. Applications wishing to make use of the TSpaces service need only know the network hostname of the computer running the server. 3.2.1Tspace primitives TSpaces provides a large number of operations over and above the basic Linda operations Write Adds a tuple to the space Take ( template_tuple ) Performs an associative search for a tuple that matches the template. When found, the tuple is removed from the space and returned. If none is found, returns null.

Read ( template_tuple ) Like "take" above, except that the tuple is not removed from the tuple space. WaitToTake ( template_tuple ) Performs an associative search for a tuple that matches the template. Blocks until match is found. Removes and returns the matched tuple from the space. countN(template) This returns the integer count of the number of Tuples that match the specified template Tuple. Delete(Template) This delete the specified tuple from tuplespace scan(template) This returns a Tuple that contains a set of Tuples that match the specified template Tuple. consumingScan(template) This returns a Tuple that contains a set of Tuples that match the specified template Tuple and removes all of the Tuples from the server The read and take methods return a single matching tuple. If more than one matches, then it will return the first matching tuple. However there are TupleSpace methods that will handle multiple matches.

Chaptre4:Javaspace:Java based co-ordination language Distributed systems are hard to build. they require careful thinking about problem that do not occur in local computation. The javaspace technology is designed to help you solve problem of distributed persistence and design of distributed algorithms.

4.1 Introduction of JavaSpace To discuss the advantages and possibilities of the JavaSpaces technology there is a need for a short flashback to the idea that is behind this technology. The general idea behind JavaSpaces is the idea of tuple spaces. Tuple is ordered collection of

Possibly heterogeneous information items. The basic

meaning of a tuple is a list of a fixed length. The elements the list contain do not be of one type and so can be different. This principle is called generic programming. The list is now made accessible on the local PC and network through different processes . Tuple Spaces should be an implementation for associative memory. That means objects can not be only referenced by their unique id or by their process id but simply by giving them names. The next step is, that this associative memory is not only available on a single computer, but through the network as well without any problems. The main aim of tuple spaces is to easily develop applications that are working parallel easily.

4.2Goals and Requirement of Javaspace The goals for the design of JavaSpaces technology are: •

Provide a platform for designing distributed computing systems tha Simplifies the design and implementation of those systems.

The client side should have few classes, both to keep the client-side mode simple, and to make downloading of the client classes quick.

The client side should have a small footprint, because it will run on computers with limited local memory.

A variety of server implementations should be possible, including relational Database storage and object-oriented database storage.

It should be possible to create a replicated JavaSpaces service.

It must be possible to write a 100% Pure Java client.

Clients must be oblivious to the implementation details of the server. The same entries and templates must work in the same ways no matter which server is used.

Virtual machine allow for applications that you write once and run anywhere. Other issues that have significant impact on designing and implementing distributed applications include latency, synchronization, and partial failure. Several technologies can be used to build distributed applications, including low-level sockets, message passing, and remote method invocation. The JavaSpaces technology model is different in that it provides persistent object exchange areas or spaces through which remote Java technology processes coordinate actions and exchange data. Such an approach can simplify the design and implementation of sophisticated distributed applications, and it enables you to deal with the challenges of designing and implementing distributed applications.

4.3 Javaspace operations A JavaSpace service holds entries, each of which is a typed group of objects expressed in a class that implements the interface net.jini.core.entry.Entry. Once an entry is written into a JavaSpaces service, it can be used in future look-up operation. Looking up entries is performed using templates, which are entry objects that have some or all of their fields, which are not used in the look up ,are left as wildcards. There are two look-up operations: read () and take ().The read () method returns either an entry that matches the template or an indication that no match was found. The take () method operates like read(),but if a match is found, the entry is removed from the space. Distributed events can be used by requesting a JavaSpace services you when an entry that matches the specified template is written into the space. Each entry in the space can be taken at most once, but two or more entries may have the exact same values. Using JavaSpace technology, distributed applications are modeled as a flow of objects between processes as follows.

Object Space


Take Proces s

Proces s


Read Objects

Proces s

Proces s

Fig4.1 Javaspace Operations

Operations There are four primary kinds of operations that you can invoke on a JavaSpaces service. Each operation has parameters that are entries, including some that are templates, which are a kind of entry. This chapter describes entries, templates, and the details of the operations, which are: •

Write— Write the given entry into this JavaSpaces service.

Read— Read an entry from this JavaSpaces service that matches the given template.

Take—Read an entry from this JavaSpaces service that matches the given template, removing it from this space.

Notify—notify a specified object when entries that match the given template are written into this JavaSpaces service.

4.4 Comparisons In this section Javaspace is compared with Linda and Tspace language. When Javaspace is compared with Linda ,the various attributed like, multiple space ,identification mechanism, matching entry with standard template or wild cards and notification mechanism is discussed.




Multiple tuple space Yes Matching with wildcard Yes Notification mechanism Yes Identification mechanism Yes Transaction properties Yes Table 4.1 Comparison with Linda

No No No No No

Limitation of Linda are removed in Javaspace. If we compare the Javaspace with Tspace ,Comparison table shows the primitives which are not present in the Javaspace but they are important .




Write Read Take Notify Delete CountN Scan ConsumingScan

Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Table 4.1 Comparison with Tspace

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

The primitives which are not present in the Tspace can be implement in the javaspace.

Chapter5 :Extending Javaspace as J2space Jini technology is simple infrastructure for providing service in a network and for crating spontaneous interaction between programs that use those services


Jini technology is a service oriented architecture that defines a programming model which both exploits and extends Java technology to enable the construction of secure, distributed systems consisting of federations of well-behaved network services and clients. Jini technology can be used to build adaptive network systems that are scalable, evolvable and flexible as typically required in dynamic computing environments. Jini offers a number of powerful capabilities such as service discovery and mobile code. Jini adds several advantages comparing to competing technologies, and can generally provide a more stable, fault-tolerant, scalable, dynamic, and flexible solution. Jini also provide the ability to do a better job at upgrading systems, keeping everything running including old clients. The term Jini refers to both a set of specifications and an implementation; the latter is referred to as the Jini Starter Kit. We are taking the help of jini specification for implementing our java space project. To start the jini service we require jini Starter kit. During the installation of jini starter kit we should consider ,license agreement, location of installation,choise of java virtual machine, Policy mechanisms and envirment verification. In environment verification jini service register to the local host. It contains following services •


net.jini.core.transaction.server.TransactionManager Javaspace

net.jini.discovery.LookupDiscovery service



5.2 primitive implementation The javaspace was having very limited primitive set. As we have compared javaspace with the Tspace and came to know that some primitives are not present in the javaspace.

Those primitives can get implemented. Primitive set of javaspace will increase so we can call this new modified language as “J2Space” which is extending Javaspace. Class diagram of implementation of primitives is as follows

Fig5.1 Extending javaspace as J2Space

5.1 primitive implementation As shown in above figure countN(),Delete(),scan(), and consumingScan() primitives are belongs to J2space.How those primitives are implemented , is explained below. 5.1.1 countN ( ) Function name: countN ( ). Arguments: Entry tmpl, Transaction txn. Return Type: Integer. Code Details:

This function counts the number of entries of specified Entry template in JavaSpace server space. This function iterate over all entries in JavaSpace server. To iterate over all the entries in JavaSpace server we need to have admin control. So create an object of AdminProxy as _adminProxy. AdminProxy _adminProxy = new AdminProxy (theStub, theUuid); AdminProxy Handles all admin related function for Blitz JavaSpace server. The arguments of AdminProxy are theStub and theUuid, the theStub is nothing but server and the theUuid is 128 bit universally unique identifier. Basically to handle JavaSpace server’s administrative functions one interface is provided which is com.sun.jini.outrigger.JavaSpaceAdmin. This interface contains all the administrative methods that Outrigger provides to control its JavaSpace service. So need to cast AdminProxy object to com.sun.jini.outrigger.JavaSpaceAdmin. Then we get object of JavaSpaceAdmin as, myJ2SpaceAdmin = (com.sun.jini.outrigger.JavaSpaceAdmin) _adminProxy; Now we can handle admin related function using this myJ2SpaceAdmin object. We have to iterate over the all entries in JavaSpace server. So for that purpose we need iterator and JavaSpace provide an interface for that and it is AdminIterator. AdminIterator is interface for the iterator returned by the contents( ) method of JavaSpaceAdmin. So we create an object iter of AdminIterator as, AdminIterator iter; JavaSpaceAdmin provide a method contents ( ) that return an AdminItrator that will iterate over all the entries in the space that match the given template and are visible under the given transaction. The parameter for method contents ( ) are Entry template that we have to match with space entries. And second parameter is Transaction of Entry template. So we call method contents( ) as, iter = myJ2SpaceAdmin.contents (tmpl, txn);

Control flow diagram

START Get Entry template Get Admin proxy

Get Javaspace Admin

Get Javaspace AdminItrator


YES Increment counter

match? NO YES IsNext?

NO count

End Fig 5.1 control flow diagram of CountN()

Now we get all matched entries of space to iterate in iter Iterator. Now we loop iter and compare each entry in iter with our Entry template class if it matches then increment

integer variable count as counter (count++). Do this until ( ) tends to null. Then close the iter using close ( ) method. While true() { entry e =; if (e= = null} { Break; } Class entryClass = e.getClass String entryClassName = entryClass.GetName(); If( entryClassName.equals((tmpl.getclass()).getname()) { totalEntries++ } }iter.close }return totalEntries So we get counter count as number of entries of specified Entry template in space. Note that Transaction null works like wild character and it matches specified Entry template under all transactions. And also if any internal content of template is null then also it work s like wild character and that template content parameter considered as any.

5.1.2 Delete ( ) Function name: delete( ). Arguments: Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, Long timeout. Return Type: Boolean. Code Details: This function deletes the specified entry from space. This function uses basic method takeIfExists (). In JavaSpace method takeIfExists () takes specified entry from space means read and remove from space. myEntry = this.takeIfExists (tmpl, txn, timeout); In this function simply call the method takeIfExists () with parameter tmpl, txn and timeout. So according to takeIfExists () logic it takes entry from space (read and delete).

It returns the entry if exists else null hence check for returned entry for null if it is not null then return true else false as, if (myEntry != null) { return true; } else { return false; } Control Flow Diagram: START

Get Entry template Take If exist

No Is entry ?


YES True

End Fig 5.2 control flow diagram for Delete() scan () Function name: scan (). Arguments: Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, Long timeout. Return Type: List. Control Flow Diagram:

START Get Entry template Get Admin proxy

Get Javaspace Admin

Get Javaspace AdminItrator

isEntrytempla te match?

YES Add Entry in list


Isnext? return


list End Fig 5.2 control flow diagram for scan()

Code Details: This function returns list of all entries that matches with specified Entry tmpl. This function iterate over all entries in space. To iterate over all the entries in JavaSpace server we need to have admin control. So create an object of AdminProxy as _adminProxy. AdminProxy _adminProxy = new AdminProxy (theStub, theUuid);

AdminProxy handles all admin related function for Blitz JavaSpace server. The arguments of AdminProxy are theStub and theUuid, the theStub is nothing but server and the theUuid is 128 bit universally unique identifier. Basically To handle JavaSpace server’s administrative functions one interface is provided which is com.sun.jini.outrigger.JavaSpaceAdmin. This interface contains all the administrative methods that Outrigger provides to control its JavaSpace service. So need to cast AdminProxy object to com.sun.jini.outrigger.JavaSpaceAdmin. Then we get object of JavaSpaceAdmin as, myJ2SpaceAdmin = (com.sun.jini.outrigger.JavaSpaceAdmin) _adminProxy; Now we can handle admin related function using this myJ2SpaceAdmin object. We have to iterate over the all entries in space. So for that purpose we need iterator and JavaSpace provide an interface for that and is AdminIterator. AdminIterator is interface for the iterator returned by the contents() method of JavaSpaceAdmin. So we create an object iter of AdminIterator as, AdminIterator iter; JavaSpaceAdmin provide a method contents () that return an AdminItrator that will iterate over all the entries in the space that match the given template and are visible under the given transaction. The parameter for method contents () are Entry template that we have to match with space entries. And second parameter is Transaction of Entry template. So we call method contents() as, iter = myJ2SpaceAdmin.contents (tmpl, txn); Now we can iterate over all matched entries of space by using iter. So we loop iter and compare each entry in iter with our Entry template class if it matches then add each matched entry in List. Do this until () tends to null as follows While true() { entry e =; if (e= = null} { Break; } Class entryClass = e.getClass String entryClassName = entryClass.GetName();

If( entryClassName.equals((tmpl.getclass()).getname()) { Scanentries.add(e) } count++; }iter.close }return Scanentries scanEntries.add (e); So we get list of all matched entries of specified Entry template from space. Then close the iter using close () method. Note that Transaction null works like wild character and it matches specified Entry template under all transactions. And also if any internal content of template is null then also it work s like wild character and that template content parameter considered as any. And timeout means how long the client is willing to wait for a transitionally proper matching entry. A timeout NO_WAIT means to wait no time at all; this is equivalent to a wait of zero.

5.1.4 consumingScan ()

Function name: consumingScan (). Arguments: Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, Long timeout. Return Type: List. Control Flow Diagram: START

Get Entry template

countN( ) , i=0

Add entry to list

YES Take entry

Is i
NO Return count


Fig 5.2 control flow diagram for consumingScan()

Code Details: This function takes list of all entries that matches with specified Entry tmpl. This function uses basic method take () and countN () method. In JavaSpace method take () takes specified entry from space means read and remove from space. noEntries = countN (tmpl, txn);

In this function first we call countN () method to count number of matched entry tmpl in space. Then simply call the method take () with parameter tmpl, txn and timeout for noEntries times. So according to take logic it takes entry from space (read and delete). Then add entries in list as, Entry tempentry; Int noEntries = CountN( templ,txn) for (int i = 0; i < noEntries; i++) { tempEntry = take (tmpl, null, timeout); scanEntries.add (tempEntry); } return scanEntries; So we take list of all matched entries of specified Entry template from space. Note that Transaction null works like wild character and it matches specified Entry template under all transactions. And also if any internal content of template is null then also it work s like wild character and that template content parameter considered as any. And timeout means how long the client is willing to wait for a transactionally proper matching entry. A timeout NO_WAIT means to wait no time at all; this is equivalent to a wait of zero.

Chapter 6. Notifier application This application provides functionalities send notice, read Notice and gives interactive notifications when notice send by one user to another user. The notice sent is stored in the shared space from which any authorized user can read it. When one user is sending notice to another user it is not necessary that recever should alive or in login state. When receiver does login it will get the notification that some notices are for him. through system tray and notice toaster.

6.1 UML diagrams This application can be explained better by using UML diagrams. Class diagram, Usecase diagram, sequence diagram and activity diagram is provided below 1)Class diagram:

Fig6.1 Class diagram of Notifier application

2)Usecase diageam

Fig6.2 usecase diagram of Notifier application

3)Sequence Diagram

Fig6.3 sequence diagram of Notifier application

Fig6.4 Activity diagram of Notifier application

6.2Modules of Notifier application Notifier application consist of number of modules.These modules are 1. Login 2. System Tray 3. Show Notice 4. Send Notice 5. Notifying 6.2.1. Login: ( This module consist user authentication of application. In this user interface consist textboxes for Login id and password. In this I defined a function isUser () in which connection with database created also query fired and user authentication done. Important thing in this is user types two types of user one- User who have authorization to send notice (user_type=1) and second- User who have not authorization to send notice (user_type=2). After login successful it calls (system tray).

6.2.2. System Tray: (,, This module initially counts and scan the notices using countN () and scan () function. Then show the notification using NoticeToaster. Which have interactive popup window shows abstract of notice. Then it loads the system tray and pop menu, menu My Notice, Send Notice and Exit and its event Listeners.

J2Space and JavaSpace functions used: •

countN() In this Application primitive used of J2Space is countN () for counting number of specific entries in space. It is not possible to count entries using only JavaSpace functions because in read () function it reads any random specific entry. If we use counter and read, problem will be there, because it may read same entry again.

read() Used to read specific entry from space if countN () =1

scan() Scan function used to read all entries at same time and display to notify user. If we use other function like read() so according to definition it may return same entry again and if we use take () then it take entry from space and in case user not able to read notice then problem occurs entry deleted from space before read.

6.2.3. Show Notice: ( This module shows notices in details. It shows single notice at time and next and prev button navigations to view another notices. Initially it scans all user specific notices from space and displays. This module deletes notices which are viewed by user for this

purpose a set variable (listNoticesRead) is used. Finally when Close button clicked then all notices which are viewed are deleted (delete ()) from space.

J2Space and JavaSpace functions used: • scan() •

Scan function used to read all entries at same time and display to user. If I use other function like read () so according to definition it may return same entry again and if I use take () then it take entry from space and in case user not able to read notice then problem occurs entry deleted from space before read.



6.2.4. Send Notice: ( This module consist user interface for notice send (i.e. texts for subject, message body and selection of recipient) and Send button on which action event writes (write ()) notice in space. For selection of recipients user ids are load from database.

J2Space and JavaSpace functions used: •


6.2.5. Notifying: (,, This module consist a space registration, Event Listener and notify to user. In this space is register for Events and Event Listener listens all events on space if write event occur it notifies the user about new notification using Toaster popup message. J2Space and JavaSpace functions used: •


Chapter7: Conclusions This report discusses about various coordination models and coordination languages. Linda

is the basic coordination language which uses the shared dataspace for

communication and coordination. It is having some limitations which are recovered in javaspace. Javaspace is the coordination language which used Java language with coordination primitives. It uses shard space in which java objectare stored in serilized form . Jini provides different types of services. Javaspace service is provided by Jini. Javaspace and Tasapace is compared and came to know that javaspace is having very limited primitives. Those primitives are delete(),scan(),consumingscan(), CountN(). Javaspace is extended as J2Space which contains all primitives of jasvaspace and newly implemented. For tesing of primitives working Notifier application is developed in which all primitives are used.

Biblography and references: [1] G. A. Papadopoulos, F. Arbab Coordination Models and Languages, CWI , 1998. [2] S. Ahuja, N. Carriero and D. Gelernter, Linda and Friends, IEEE Computer 19 (8), 1986 [3] J.-M. Andreoli, H. Gallaire and R. Pareschi, Rule-Based Object Co-ordination, in [28], pp. 1-13. [4] J-M.Andreoli, C. Hankin and D. Le Mtayer, Coordination Programming: Mechanisms, Models and Semantics, World Scienti¯c, 1996. [5] J.-M. Andreoli and R. Pareschi, Linear Objects: Logical Processes with Built-In Inheritance, New Generation Computing 9 [6] Javaspace: Principal, pattern and practices By ken Arnold,Erric Freeman [9]Java:Complete reference By Patrick Naughton [10] [11]wwwJava.sun.Com

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