Java A Dev Technology For The 21st Century Seminar Setup Requirements

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Course Setup Requirements for Java: A Development Technology for the 21st Century on Windows

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Course Setup Requirements Course:

Java: A Development Technology for the 21st Century



Course Version: 3.0 Last updated:

July 17, 2001

Hardware Basic platform: ♦ Intel-based PC Workstation ♦ Windows NT 4.0 or 2000 Professional is preferred. Windows 95 & 98 are acceptable for the presentation, but not for certain demonstrations. ♦ Minimum 586 166 MHz Processor ♦ Minimum of 64 MB memory ♦ Minimum of 4 KB environment space ♦ Minimum of 120 MB disk space for Java software; additional 140 MB for documentation ♦ A projector connected to the workstation.

Software Here is a summary of software required for this course. Detailed instructions follow in the sections below. ♦ Java 2 Standard Edition version 1.3 software and documentation ♦ Java 2 Enterprise Edition version 1.3 software and documentation ♦ Seminar files (for demonstrations) ♦ Text editor ♦ Adobe Acrobat Reader ♦ A current browser (Internet Explorer 5 or Netscape 4.x or higher)


Course Setup Requirements for Java: A Development Technology for the 21st Century on Windows

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The Java 2 Standard Edition (JDK) 1.3 This course requires version 1.3 of the Java 2 Standard Edition, also known as J2SE 1.3 or JDK 1.3. It can be installed from the course CD as follows: 1. Execute the install EXE for the JDK from the Required Software\Java JDK1.3 folder the course CD. Follow the prompts to install in a suitable directory. 2. Prepend the bin subdirectory underneath the JDK home directory to the PATH environment variable. For example, if you installed the JDK to c:\jdk1.3, prepend c:\jdk1.3\bin to the DOS PATH.

Testing the JDK Installation To test a command line application, go to a command window and run the following command exactly as written (it is case sensitive): java


♦ If you get the message Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main, everything is fine. ♦ If you get a message indicating that “java” is not recognized (such as Bad command or file name), check the PATH setting to be sure that the bin directory under the JDK installation is in the PATH. ♦ If you get the message Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: String, there is a problem with the setting of the CLASSPATH environment variable. Try the command again as follows: java




If this solves the problem, then delete the current CLASSPATH environment variable. If not, contact the course vendor to further diagnose the problem.

The Java JDK 1.3 Documentation If the student machines have Internet access, the students can browse the documentation online at: If not, do the following: 1. Locate the ZIP file for the JDK documentation in the Required Software\JDK API 1.3 Documentation folder on the course CD. 2. Unzip it (preserving folders) to the home directory where the JDK was installed. /opt/pdfcoke/conversion/tmp/scratch2/24749126.doc

Course Setup Requirements for Java: A Development Technology for the 21st Century on Windows

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3. Move the docs subdirectory so that it is under the JDK home (e.g. c:\jdk1.3\docs).

Java 2 Enterprise Edition Software 1.3 This course requires version 1.3 of the Java 2 Enterprise Edition. It can be installed from the course CD. Execute the install EXE for the J2EE from the course CD. Follow the prompts to install in a suitable directory.

Java 2 Enterprise Edition 1.3 Documentation If the student machines have Internet access, the students can browse the documentation online at: If not, execute the install EXE for the J2EE documentation from the course CD. Follow the prompts to install in a doc directory underneath the J2EE home directory

Seminar Files The seminar files consist of examples and various demo applications. They are provided on the course CD in the form of a self-extracting zip file that will create a seminar directory and subdirectories. To install the files on Windows machines: 1. Locate the setup EXE in the Required Software\Seminar Setup Files folder on the course CD (Java21Century 3.0 Setup.EXE). Execute the EXE. 2. The Winzip dialog box will appear. You may enter the the desired drive and directory, but if possible, use the default directory (c:\ JavaPresentation) that is already entered for you. Then click Unzip. The files will expand to the named directory on the chosen drive. 3. Close the dialog box.

Text Editor This course requires a programmer’s text editor. If no other editor is already installed, install Textpad for Windows from the course CD as follows: Install the Editor Locate the Textpad setup.exe in the Required Software\Textpad Software folder on the course CD and execute it. /opt/pdfcoke/conversion/tmp/scratch2/24749126.doc

Course Setup Requirements for Java: A Development Technology for the 21st Century on Windows

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Apply the License Once the editor is installed, a license must be applied to it. The license is in the file license.txt in the same folder on the CD. To apply it: 1. Open the license text file on the CD. 2. Select the portion from BEGIN LICENSE to END LICENSE (inclusive) and copy to the clipboard. 3. Start Textpad from the Windows Start menu. (Textpad should appear on the Programs menu.) 4. In Textpad, choose the menu command Help | Apply License Code. Paste the license text from the clipboard into the dialog box. Then click OK.

Adobe Acrobat Reader The seminar is presented in the form of Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files. This requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. It is available in the Required Software\ Adobe Acrobat Reader folder on the course CD.


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