Jadwal Ujian Tengah Semester.docx

  • Uploaded by: Oswaldo Brahmalino Kasman
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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 108
  • Pages: 1
Jadwal Ujian Tengah Semester Oswaldo Brahmalino Kasman (205150157) - Kamis 26 maret 2019 Kapita selekta hukum bisnis, jam 08.00, ruangan M.407 Hk. Ketenagakerjaan, jam 13.00 ruangan M.401 - Senin 1 april 2019 PLKH 2, jam 08.00 ruangan M.408 Hukum waris adat, jam 17.00 M.406 - Selasa 2 april 2019 PLKH 1, jam 08.00 ruangan M.303 - Kamis 4 april 2019 HK.real estate, jam 13.00 ruangan M.404 - Jumat 5 april 2019 PPI, jam 08.00 ruangan M.401 - Senin 8 april 2019 Hukum Internasional, jam 10.00 - Rabu 10 april 2019 TPU, jam 15.00 ruangan, M.401 - Kamis 11 april 2019 Perb. Hk. Pem. Negara, jam 15.00 ruangan M.403

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