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A Novel Video Watermarking Scheme Based on MPEG-2 for Copyright Protection 1

Rakesh Ahuja1, S S Bedi2 Department of Computer Science & Engineering Department, MIT Moradabad, (UP), India 2 Department of CS & IT, MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly (U.P), India

Abstract: An innovative MPEG-2 based robust, invisible and blind watermarking scheme for video is presented. The proposed algorithm uses all the DC coefficients from all 8 x 8 block of discrete coefficient transforms matrices generated from each IDR frame in order to embed the binary watermark. The watermark can only be extracted by using the key, which also enhance the security of watermark itself. Therefore the extraction will never possible without knowing the actual key. The robustness is evaluated by testing against image processing attacks and video processing intentional and non-intentional attacks by evaluating two parameters as Normalized Correlation and Bit error Rate in order to find the degree of similarity and degree of dissimilarity respectively between the original and extracted watermark. The superiority of the proposed video watermarking algorithm is that the excellent robustness and good perceptibility achieved without changing the motion vectors during the DPCM process of MPEG-2 encoding scheme. Keyword: Discrete cosine transforms, information retrieval, video compression, MPEG-2 Structure.

1. Introduction With the advent of internet technology, it becomes easier to copy, edit and transfer digital multimedia data from one system to other. Due to this easiness another issues arises like creation of illegal redistribution of visual multimedia data, piracy and tempering with the original contents and much more serious effect is to claim for false ownership and more challenges is to protect the copyright information. Encryption is the earlier use technique to protect the contents. Still, it fails to protect the digital contents once decrypted. Another way to protect the multimedia is to embed the copyright into the host object in a robust and imperceptible manner. It certainly feels more comfortable not only to the multimedia owners for supplying the copyrighted materials but also for end users for sharing much of the information. The current digital video multimedia data is available in different format and types and therefore watermarking terminology can also use these different compression standards like MPEG-2 for embedding purposes. Other way of video watermarking is to use directly original video stream as spatial domain or frequency domain. Hence there are numbers of ways to implement the video watermarking algorithms but the common thing for any video watermarking is that they must meet three basic contradict

requirements of imperceptibility, throughput and robustness. This paper is structured into six sections described as follows. Section 1 described the brief introduction and section 2 summarised the background of MPEG-2 video compression scheme. A brief review of video watermarking using the MPEG structure elaborated in section 3. Proposed digital video watermark scheme is explained in section 4. The experimental setup and their results and analyses are illustrated in section 5. Section 6 comparing the proposed method with the existing techniques either works on the same structure (MPEG) or different structure like spatial domain and frequency domain in order to perfectly evaluate the standing of the anticipated scheme. Section 7 is set for concluding the paper with their limitations and future works.

2. Background of MPEG-2 Video Compression Standard The MPEG-2 coding standard development is started in 1990. Each video sequence in MPEG is divided into one or more group of pictures (GOP). Each group consisting of three types of pictures named as I frames (Intra coded pictures), P frames (forward predicted pictures), and B frames (Bidirectional frames).

Their decoding and encoding order of GOP is shown in fig 1 and fig 2 respectively. I1










Fig. 1 Decoding and Display order of GOP I1










Fig. 2 Encoding and Processing Order of GOP MPEG structure processed the video frames in unit of a macro blocks. Each of the macro block is processed in intra or inter coded mode and the processing is depend upon that it is associated with which type of frame (I, P or B). Each macro block of size 16 x 16 of I frame is divided into number of blocks and the size of each block is set to 8 x 8. Each block of video frame is passes through some key steps necessary to encode the video data. Since I-frames are the very first frame in each picture group therefore these I frames are coded directly i.e. without taking reference to any other past or future frames. While encoding I-frames, spatial redundancy can be reduces and therefore also consider as Intraframe coding. Another kind of frame is P frames, can be predicted from previous I frame or P frame i.e. they are using the inter-frame coding technique are use to reduce spatial and temporal redundancies and provides more compression as compared to I frames. The result is P frames are more complex than I-frames and therefore also having less space for any type of embedding information. The third category of pictures is Bpictures, also called bidirectional prediction and it uses both references, past and future frame may be I or P frames as a reference to provide highest degree of compression. MPEG-2 video data stream is being divided into 3 major parts: Evaluation of DCT coefficients data stream, finding motion vector and head information. Watermark information can be embedded into the first two of them. If the copyright information as watermark is embedded into the DCT coefficients during the encoding of video, it is generally embedded into I-frames because of having large number of DCT coefficients available in it as compared to Pframes and B-frames. Since I frames is the key frame among all three kinds of frames therefore special attention must be required to embed the

watermark in this type of frames. Since I- frames directly affect the quality of P-frame and Bframe. Degrading the quality of I frames by inserting other information means lowering down the value of P-frames and B-frames. Hence the limitation with this approach is that the quality of watermarked video may degraded significantly if special care has not been consider. The proposed scheme uses this approach to embed the watermark but carefully designed keeping the view of quality of watermarked video must not be degraded sharply. Another method for embedding the watermark is to finding the motion vector by considering the P and B frames. Although this approach claims for high throughput and good perceptibility, yet the robustness and bit error rate may not get up to the mark due to P-frame is having less redundancy. The limitation of this approach is that the robustness will be compromised certainly, the essential feature of any video watermarking. Therefore, the proposed algorithm implemented the video watermarking by adopting the first method in order to get all three features remarkably.

3. Previous Researchers Work Chiou-Ting Hsu et al. [1] embedded the watermark into the modified quantized middle frequency DCT frequency coefficients to survive the MPEG structure. Since MPEG do the quantization operation to achieve the higher level of adaptation. Therefore the limitation of this approach is that is the modification of DCT coefficients for inserting the watermark is depends upon the quantization factor. Larger the quantization factor providing the larger survival of watermark against compression ratio otherwise poor invisibility would be obtained. Bijan G. Mobasseri [2] embedded the watermark into the raw video contents by using the spread spectrum technique. In this approach, they simulated their experiments that the extraction of watermark can be extracted from the MPEG decoded bit stream. It has been clearly indicated the limitation in his approach that up to what extend the inserting binary pattern would survives. You-Ru Lin et al. [3] inserted the watermark image according to the

direction of motion vector by using the block matching algorithm. Satyen Biswas et al. [4] described the video watermarking scheme based on MPEG2 structure. They converted the gray scale image into multiple bit-plane images and DCT is applied to all the bit-plane images. Each partitioned image embedded into each different scene of the movie. In this way the watermark is embedded into the whole video. Robustness is being evaluated by simulating the various attacks like collusion, filtering, frame dropping, rotation, and blurring, scaling and temporal shift. The only limitation with this approach is that only I frames are used to embed the watermark but when security concern in so important, as they indicated, then all kinds of frames I, P and B frames could be used for watermarked for the uncompressed domain, but again the limitation is that it would be performed at the cost of higher computational complexity. Lu Jianfeng et al. [5] described the video watermarking based on DCT coefficient. They adjusted the DCT coefficient to embed the watermark and extracted successfully without the need of original video or watermark. The limitation with this approach is that the quality of watermarked video depends upon the control parameter. Therefore, the little increasing this control parameter may drastically affect the perceptibility of watermarked video. Another limitation is that the robustness has been evaluated against only ‘Salt & Pepper’ attack although numbers of image processing attack as well as video specific attacks are available to judge the robustness of the scheme. Ahuja et al. [6] further extended this work based on MPEG2 structure tried to cover the above limitations. They focused on improving the elapsed time to embed the watermark and achieved higher robustness against some common image processing attacks and video specific attacks. Another way to embed the watermark bits is to first finding the macro block of Y or Cr or Cb component of I frame when P-frame has a motion vector and then these blocks will be little modified in order to embed the binary watermark bits as described by [7]. The purpose of all above mentioned works is to embed the copyright information in a robust manner. Yuk Ying Chung et al. [8] developed the watermarking scheme for MPEG-2 video based on quantized DCT coefficient. They embedded each watermark bits into the LSB of the DC coefficient in each DCT coefficient lock of I frames. Daniel Cross et al.[9]

proposed the watermarking method of MPEG video for evaluation of authentication and temper detection. Their algorithm is entirely based on the compressed bit stream in which is to identifying the watermark carrying VLCs. These VLCs can be use to embedding the watermark bits. LSB of each VLC is use to embed one watermark bits. The common limitation with these above two approaches is that the attacker can randomized all the LSB values in order to completely destroy the watermark. Dr. Anil kumar Sharma [10] uses quantization index modulation (QIM) technique to embed the watermark bits into P frames and claiming that the thousand of bits of watermark can be embedded in just one P frame which certainly improves the capacity of watermark bits. But the limitation with this approach is that the data of P-frame is having less redundancy and therefore PSNR and NC decreases with increases the probability of errors. The limitations with all above approaches are that adopted a very cryptic method to modify the structure of MPEG for embedding the watermark bits and due to which all three essential features cannot obtained in a optimized way. To overcome the limitations of all the above methods is that this paper proposed a novel technique by little modifying the DC coefficients of DCT blocks by using the MPEG-2 structure in view of achieving the higher perceptibility and robustness, essential features of any video watermarking.

4. Proposed algorithm



4.1 Generation of Watermark Key A two dimensional binary image of size K= M x N bits for bit depth 1 is use as watermark signal ‘W’ is converted into one dimensional consisting K bits. Each pixel of the binary image is needed to be represented by 1 bit. The size of image ‘K’ is act as a key and it will be use to extract the watermark image from the watermarked video. 4.2 Video Preprocessing If the video is in compressed form, convert into uncompressed form by separating it into number of frames. Then the video is divided into the group of pictures (GOP) consisting I, P and B frames, where each GOP consisting 10 frames for processing as shown in Fig. 2, a

one as luminance component ‘Y’ and other two Chrome channels known as CB and CR respectively. Choose Y component as it is the most luminance part and have a rich space for inserting the watermark. Divide the Y matrix into the number of equal size ( 8 x 8) of blocks for applying DCT and then quantization on each currently selected 8 x 8 block. Pick one watermark bit and also check the value of DC component of currently selected DCT for odd or even. If the picked value of watermark bit is 1 and the DC value is odd then there is no change of DC value otherwise make it odd for the currently selected DCT component then it is considered that selected one watermark bit of ‘1’ is inserted virtually. On the contrary, if the current watermark bit is ‘0’ and the DC value is even than there is no change of DC value otherwise make it even for the currently

general regular structure of MPEG 2 but it doesn’t adamant to follow the same sequence that the I frame must be followed by a chain of P-frame and B-frames. Sometimes a P-frame may have drastically changes from the previous I or P- frame and therefore it may be predicated awful and due to which it is better to encode it as I-frame. 4.3 Watermark Embedding Process Since I frames are having high density of DCT blocks as compare to P and B frames therefore the proposed algorithm uses the I type of frames to insert the watermark bits by little modifying the DC value of each DCT blocks of Y channel of each I frame in view of that the quality of watermarked video must not be degraded significantly. The details of embedding algorithm is defined as follows: Each I frame is divided into three channels, Coverted To Y ,CB and CR Channel

For each I frame

Divided Y into 8 x 8 bits of Blocks

Extract Y component

A size of binary image is S= M x N. Where S= { S(i,j) | 0 ≤ i<M, 0 ≤ j
Apply DCT on each block

Pick first watermark bit (wj) from the first DCT block.

image into one dimensional array, where W= { wj}, j=1,2,……S, where S= M x N, and wj = 0 or 1

Pick First DC_value from the first DCT block

y=XOR (wj, x)

x= (DC )Mod 2

If y==0?


If wi=0?





No change to DC value of & it is considered that the selected bit (wi=0 or 1) is inserted into the currently selected DCT block

Select next watermark bit (wj)

Select first watermark bit (wj)



Change DC value to greatest odd integer lower than the DC value for the currently selected DCT block & it is considered that the selected bit ‘1’ is inserted .

Change DC value to greatest even integer lower than the DC value & it is considered that the selected watermark bit ‘0’ is inserted into the currently selected DCT block .

If any more bit exist?

No Embedding of watermark bits is started from the scratch

If any more DCT block exist?

No Embedding process completed.

Fig. 3: Watermark Embedding System


Select next DCT Block

selected DCT coefficient then it is considered that the selected one watermark bit ‘0’ is inserted virtually. Now choose DC value from the next adjacent DCT block. At the same time also pick the watermark bit (0/1). Repeat the same procedure to insert the other watermark bit. This process is continued to embed the other watermark bits from all the DCT block from the currently selected I frame. Move to another GOP to get another I frame for repeating the same process for inserting the rest watermark bits. This process is continued till all watermark bits have been processed. If still some DCT blocks are untouched then watermark bits will be inserted again from the scratch in order to cover all untouched DCT block. In this way all DCT blocks from all I frame has been covered. It can be best understand by the following example. Suppose 5 watermark bits to be insert are { 0,0, 1,1,1} and the actual DC values are { 183, 94, 72, 187, 190} then the updated value of DC components are { 182, 94, 71, 187, 189} in order to be considered that the watermark bits have been inserted.

watermark. The extracted watermark is shown in Fig 4b.

5 Experimental setup And Result Analysis

PSNR  1/ NoofFrames

Proposed video watermarking algorithm is simulated under MATLAB tool version R2009. Experimental results have been evaluated by considering the standard videos namely ‘Akiyo.avi’ . The video is static since a newsreader is having only lips movements and rest part of the video including background is immovable throughout the playing of video. The length of this video sequence is 300 frames with a frame rate is 25 fps and the size of each video frame is 176 x 144. Another input requirement is to choose the standard binary watermark. A binary watermarks ‘logo.tif’ as shown in the Fig. 4a is chosen to embed the watermark. The size of this image is 122 x 127 with bit depth 1. Therefore, here the key ‘K= 15494’ is the size of the binary image use to extract the

Fig 4a: Original Watermark

Fig 4b: Extracted Watermark

The simulation results have been evaluated for three major parameters as defined below 5.1 Perceptibility The perceptibility factor measures the degree of similarity between the original video with the watermarked video. It is defined by the following formula. NoofFrames

K 1


(i) K

Where PSNRK = 10 log10 255/ MSEK(mean square error) is the peak signal to noise ration measures between Kth original video frame and Kth Watermarked Video frame and MSE it is defined as mean square error between these two frames, defined by the following formula – N 1 M 1


MSEK  1/ MN  (OrigVid (i, j ) K  WtrVid (i, j ) K ) (ii) i 0 j 0

M x N is the size of each video frame and OrigVid(i,j) refers to particular pixel value of ith row and jth column of original video frame and WtrVid(i,j) refers to particular pixel value of ith row and jth column of watermarked video frame. The proposed algorithm calculated the PSNR between original and watermarked video with and without attacks as shown in the Table 1.


Robustness Evaluation:

The robustness parameters calculate the degree of resemblance between original and extracted watermark. It is defined by the normalized correlation as defined below: M 1 N 1

NC 

 W (i, j )W '(i, j ) i 0 j 0 M 1 N 1

 W (i, j )

(iii) 2

i 0 j 0

where W and W ' are the original and extracted watermarks of size M x N, respectively. Robustness is evaluated by applying the different categories of attacks such as image processing attack and video specific attacks. Robustness of the proposed algorithms has been tested through simulation of the following attacks: a) Geometric AttacksRotation & Cropping b) Noise Attacks: Speckle Noise, Salt & Pepper Noise & Gaussian Noise c) Filter Attack: Median Filter & Wiener Filter Attack d) Video Manipulation Attacks: Frames insertion, frame deletion, frames averaging, frame swapping and frame replacement. e) Compression Attack: Cinepak Attack Although in all the listed attacks, the best robustness results are obtained against frame replacement attack, frame deletion attack, frame swapping, frame averaging attack because of NC value in all these case is above 90%. These attacks must be checked for robustness evaluation of any digital video watermarking scheme. As compare to previous researchers work, no work have been demonstrate for frame replacement attack for robustness evaluation till now & it is as important as other frame specific attacks. It may be needed for those situation where the commercial video clip as advertisement have to be insert but the entire video length must not be increased. The proposed algorithm also tested the robustness against various types of inserting the noise. The results are good for the small value of noise addition into the watermarked video. As far as geometric attack

is concern, two attacks namely ‘rotation attack’ and ‘crop attack’ are very most important attacks. Generally, in both the cases, watermarking extraction algorithms fails to extract the embedded watermark therefore simulation must required to verify the robustness against these attacks. Best results of extracted watermark in the proposed algorithm are shown in Table 1, the watermark is successfully extracted after rotating the entire video by 0.1°. Simulation results show that the PSNR is decreasing as increasing the rotation angle beyond 0.1°. It is concluded that the small value of rotation is acceptable without having any rotation detector. Definitely the rotation detector increases the robustness but also increases the complexity. Another category of geometric attack is cropping attack provides satisfactory results if less than or equal to 10% of the total frames were cropped. Another way to judge the robustness is to calculate the ‘Bit Error Rate (BER’. It reflects the degree of dissimilarities between the extracted and original watermark image. In general it is not known the threshold value for which the value is acceptable. M 1 N 1


W (i, j)  W '(i, j) 0



*100 (iv)

Where W and W ' are the original watermark and the extracted watermark, respectively. M x N is the size of watermark image. NC and BER, both the parameters evaluate the robustness but former find the similarities between the original and extracted watermark and later described the degree of dissimilarities. The numerical relationship between these two is that NC is inversely propotional to BER i.e. higher the NC value and lower the BER indicates the higher robustness is obtained for some constant ‘k’. In a simple way, when NC=1 and BER=0 reflects that there is no viable difference between the original and the extracted watermark. The proposed algorithm calculated the BER between original and extracted watermark with and without attacks as shown in the Table 1.

Table 1: NC, PSNR and BER along with extracted image after applying Attacks on Watermarked Video No Attack NC: 0.95343 PSNR: 38.3198 BER: 4.5400

Rotation at 0.1 : NC : 0.83419 PSNR: 37.6641 BER: 15.8419

30 frames Crop NC : 0.89403 PSNR: 34.3369 BER: 12.8849

Speckle Noise at 0.0003 NC : 0.9404 PSNR: 37.6865 BER:5.7837

Salt & Pepper Noise at 0.0003: NC : 0.93446 PSNR: 38.3036 BER:6.3429

Gaussian Noise at 0.0003 NC : 0.8185 PSNR: 35.4524 BER:17.2974

Median Filter: NC : 0.7354 PSNR: 37.7444 BER:28.3974

Frame Replacement Attack (12 to 24 Frame Replaced from ‘cat_video.avi’) : NC : 0.94187 PSNR: 38.0504 BER:5.6534

Frame Insertion Attack (12 to 24 frame inserted from cat_video.avi) NC : 0.69888 PSNR: 36.2480 BER:29.8682

Frame Deletion Attack (2 frames Deleted) NC : 0.90228 PSNR: 38.2234 BER: 9.3918

Frame Swapping Attack (4 frames swapped) NC : 0.94197 PSNR: 38.1402 BER: 5.8143

Frame Averaging Attack NC : 0.95343 PSNR: 38.0026 BER:4.5427

Compression Attack NC : 0.7127 PSNR: 37.4866 BER:27.0109

Wiener Filter Attack ( 3x 3) NC : 0.69956 PSNR: 38.4757 BER: 28.3974



6 State of Art Vs Simulation Results The theme of the proposed technique is that the robustness results can be compared with the results of previous research by covering same and different variety of existing techniques as frequency domain based approach, DCT based and motion vector based using MPEG structure as shown in Table 2. Other consideration is that - some of the author evaluated the NC or other calculated the BER for robustness point of view. In view of this, the proposed method evaluated both NC and BER so that the simulation results

can be compared with those researchers who have evaluated either NC or BER as shown in Table 2. Another important obsession is that no existing schemes shown results for evaluating PSNR after various attacks. Since this factor is directly associated with the quality of watermarked video and therefore it cannot be overlooked and it is almost as important as normalized correlation value. That is why; the proposed scheme demonstrates PSNR along with NC and BER before and after various types of attacks.

Table 2: Comparison of the robustness between the proposed algorithm and other previously suggested algorithms S.No

Attack Type





Proposed Scheme







































Speckle Noise












Salt & Pepper













Gaussian Noise













Median Filter













Wiener Filter













Frame Replacement













Frame Insertion













Frame Deletion













Frame Swapping













Frame Averaging

























According to the experimental results, the following observation made. 1. It is observed from the above results that the proposed method shows better results than other existing schemes for most of the image and video specific attacks. 2. The quality of watermarked video is compared with the original video tested through perceptibility (PSNR) as shown in the Table 1. Its value lies between 38.0026 (minimum value with any type of attack applied) and 38.3198 (maximum value without any attack), shows that perceptibility is degraded to maximum of 1.23%, which is very nominal. Hence it is concluded that the proposed algorithm successfully achieved the perceptibility requirements, most essential feature of any video watermarking, under any type of intentional or non-intentional attack.

3. Another observation is that the existing schemes have shown their results for covering few attacks. The proposed approach covered almost all geometric attack, image processing attacks and video specific attacks. Till now, no researcher has evaluated the robustness against frame replacement attack. 4. By analyzing the table, it is concluded that the robustness results are almost better than previous work except with [13], the results are tarnished only for cropping and median filter attack shown by bold case letter. 5. Security of extraction of watermark is depending upon the key & the key is ‘size of watermark’ itself. The watermark can never be extracted by the attacker until he/she knows the key.

7 Conclusion In this paper, DCT based robust and imperceptible digital video watermarking is proposed by using the MPEG structure. The results have been evaluated for covering the three main issues as robustness, imperceptibility and payload capacity. Robustness is being successfully simulated by covering fourteen intentional and non-intentional attacks as shown in the table 1 and the beauty of this proposed algorithm is that the watermark is recovered successfully without degrading the perceptibility. The only limitation with this approach is that the payload capacity is depend upon the number of DCT coefficients available in the I frames. The future work can be extended to test the robustness against applying more attacks like ambiguity attacks, collusion attacks and joint attacks.

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